Q & A AMA - Chase Devineaux


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Isn't dating a relationship? Because not-dating, and consequently a non-relationship, is just sex, right?

Unless you mean something that lasts longer than a month, hard to tell from your question.

Whatever, I don't keep score.

If you're asking the probability of former lovers that still keep in touch, I'd say it's about 50-50 -- random enough.
You're, like, the worst.

How many sexual partners have Chase had, then? Because you're going to avoid this question, let me make it easier for you by putting it into multiple choice:

a. 1-5
b. 6-10
c. 11-15
d. 16-20
e. 21+


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Boss (situational)
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Not that I'm trying to avoid these questions, they're just not as clear. 'Sexual partners' is a vague term. There's always something else involved for me, maybe I can illustrate this for you:
  • a. 1-5 -- The number of women with whom I've shared emotional, intellectual, and physical attachment. With whom I've once made plans and with whom I've felt decently comfortable.
  • b. 6-10 -- This number includes women that I did honestly care for, and many, I still do.
  • c. 11-15 -- I have nothing for this range, skips to the next bracket.
  • d. 16-20 -- This includes the women whose names I will always remember.
  • e. 21+ -- This number includes the women for whom I will always be grateful, but whose names or faces I may not instantly recall.
So really, there isn't a direct answer to your question, and I don't think it would be realistic if I just picked a number.


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Patt, Patts, Petite, Amber Cecelia Argos, Valkyrie
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So really, there isn't a direct answer to your question, and I don't think it would be realistic if I just picked a number.
Omg, I knew your answer was 21+
(lulz, you could tots have picked a random number, but yays that you went with the thoughtful answer route)

1-5 -- The number of women with whom I've shared emotional, intellectual, and physical attachment. With whom I've once made plans and with whom I've felt decently comfortable.
So like, was any of them named Morgan Cedesina? Remember it's an AMA!

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