Q & A AMA - Chase Devineaux


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What did Chase like to do for fun as a child? Or alternatively, what sort of activities might Chase have been pushed into by his parents?
Reading was big on the list. He was anemic as a kid, and didn't do much outdoors until he was 13. His father was rarely there because of work, but when he was home, they'd go fishing. His mother took him sailing often too. Chase learned all the knots to start, and when he was capable, started taking the boat out on his own.

Jacqueline Hyde

Time Thief
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She might have been expecting a ring.
Might have been? Or was?

(I wasn't sure if you were alluding to a ring or a double bed. Or commitment in general. Mess.)
Just one person? That's easy.
Aww I'm flattered xx
Reading was big on the list. He was anemic as a kid, and didn't do much outdoors until he was 13. His father was rarely there because of work, but when he was home, they'd go fishing. His mother took him sailing often too. Chase learned all the knots to start, and when he was capable, started taking the boat out on his own.
Chase actually had fun as a kid? Huh, TIL.


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Boss (situational)
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How many women have you been in a relationship with (not just dated), and how many of those are no longer speaking to you?
Isn't dating a relationship? Because not-dating, and consequently a non-relationship, is just sex, right?

Unless you mean something that lasts longer than a month, hard to tell from your question.

Whatever, I don't keep score.

If you're asking the probability of former lovers that still keep in touch, I'd say it's about 50-50 -- random enough.


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Boss (situational)
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little red riding hood ? v.i.l.e.
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Little red riding hood
Little carmen
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thoughts on homeless orphans?


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Morgan Cedesina
Have you ever looked into the diamagnetic properties of sodium bismuthide? I'm considering it along with graphene for similar utilisation.


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Sexy question.

As far as I know, sodium bismuthide isn't stable enough. Bismuth hydride on its own decomposes at room temperature. You'll need decent packaging around it for any sort of application. But you already know that so... I can only guess why you're asking. Is it to see if I'd tell you what we keep in our sub-zero?

That said, are you interested in acquiring some raw bismuth while we're in Bolivia? We can split the bill. If you know a source, share.


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Morgan Cedesina
That said, are you interested in acquiring some raw bismuth while we're in Bolivia? We can split the bill. If you know a source, share.
Tazna mine in Bolivia? I suppose that depends on how much you'll need. In China, it's a by-product of tungsten mining. I do have sources in Hunan, prices are about on par if not slightly better. Although I have no plans to head there until July.

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