Please do not be discouraged; this is a busy time of year for many people, and silence does not always mean something has gone unnoticed. By our very nature, we tend to operate from the shadows. What sort of feedback are you looking for, exactly?
This project is clearly a labor of love on your part, and for mine, I am interested in learning more. I enjoy your art style - it's highly reminiscent of one of my favorite TV shows, Jonny Quest. What if you made a single thread for your work, and began posting it from the very beginning? That way, it might make it easier for others to follow along and become engaged in the world you have built.
At nearly five years in, I am very proud of it.
The kind of feedback I'm looking for is people's thoughts on events in the pages and the plot. ... I didn't post the whole story since it's a very spread out. Two pages were shared awhile back when I gave a slight overview of the CS fandom appearing through out the project on it's whole.
Three plots are running through this and I felt only inclined to share the secondary one since that's the only one using a CS character, and meant to act reminiscent to a point of the first animated series.
Ok, this in a nutshell before I post in full.
The "Forge of Hate" was the 3rd major story of the series. In it one of the grunts or thugs, goons however you'd like to state it was picked to act as a stand in to Dr.Claw, while he avoided things going very south for MAD's HQ. While that event was taking place, Louis the stand in, got it forced on him that to save all his co-workers and self, it was actually best MAD's HQ get blown to kingdom come.
"Iron and Steel" the 4th major story. Louis is now wanted for dead by Dr.Claw for the act he allowed to happen in Forge of Hate. Claw tries to send Terry after Louis to kill him. Terry being Louis's best friend and the man who'd know him best. Well Terry couldn't go trough with it and so became a target himself. Two specialized agents for MAD were sent after him and one of those got killed ... by the other. Terry's girlfriend Amazon Annie.
During Iron and Steel is also when the CS crossover starts to show in mentioning and one panel, showing Carmen Sandiego, mentioning Crime Net, Ivy, and using Zack. It's also formally when Dirk and Finn get into introduced. Those two first appeared in " The Rogue and The Jackal," the 2nd major story.
"Devil's Blood" is the 5th major story and most built up one. In that story MAD is finally ready to have a new dignified HQ. It gains one in the end but not without getting some of the purchase money stolen by Terry, Louis and Annie with a new gang to help back them up. In the end of their heist, Annie knowing they don't have all the money they needed, suggests they visit Japan for help.
It's when the two sides of the good guys coin finally meet up. John ( Inspector Gadget ) & Jake ( Gadget Boy, who in this universe is actually older than John. ) An OC named Isaac Chalopin is mentioned given he is at that time considered a medical failure and hasn't been forgotten by HAPPY in that respect.
This story is also when the twin boys get their roles in HAPPY better defined. Most of the clip of that was shared in a different thread.
Finch and not for the first time, tries to figure out how to create a new flight suit after totaling the original in Iron and Steel. Ultimately in a near car crash, he uses a flashdrive to steal Alan's flight technology spec.s off the man's laptop.
In the end everyone is reminded an old threat is still present in HAPPY. The still incarcerated iRogue, introduced back The Rogue and The Jackal.
Steampunk inspired and period set (1895) "Smoke, Steam and Mirrors" focused on Jocelyn who is an oddball in being both an AU and OC at the same time. She in idea comes from the lost series "Gadget-Girl". Her and partner are shown at the dawn of them battling against VILE.
Pages 1&2 see thread: