Open [Introductory RP] Green Tea (緑茶)

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ACME Special Agent
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It had rained all morning, a fine misty rain that was barely felt, but would certainly drench a person in just seconds if they ventured into it. When the rain ended, all that was left were small puddles on the garden pavement that made shallow little mirrors of the blossoming trees and sky. The path would lead to a small gazebo, and several short tables with an assortment of painted ceramics.

Suhara Nakamura used a fine stiff bristled brush to dust his dark green kimono as we waited for his guests to arrive. This was his annual tea ceremony, an open party for all newly enrolled ACME members to meet. He had no idea who was going to attend, but the invitation stated that guests wear one article of clothing that was green to show that they were part of the celebration.

[To join this role play, write your character arriving and what article of clothing they wore that is green.]


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Jade Ezell despite that she is not an ACME agent quite curious for a tea party somewhere around town she's wearing her favorite outfit (blue shirt,yellow plaid pleated knee length skirt,white socks and white canvas sneakers) so she decided to check it out for herself.
Just as she was about to go she overheard that the tea party requires people to wear green clothing and she didn't she doesn't have anything green on her and she has pocket money so she decided to go shopping and find something green for her to wear for the tea party.
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The kid, laundry room ghost.
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Invader was just waking up in her loaned dorm room, after spending the hours from 11pm-4am watching horror movies on a borrowed DVD player. There was a knock at the door , and she groggily got up and opened it , a green colored envelope was handed to her and she looked at it in wonder. Before she opened it invader got dressed in her usual jeans and a tee shirt. Opening the envelope she found out that she was invited to a tea party , and that made her delighted but inwardly nervous. However, there was the requirement that something green must be worn. Rummaging around the various boxes in the room invader finally found a green velvet cloak that her caretaker had given her. It was a dark velvet green, with golden yellow leaves embroidered all over it with blue flowers. She hoped this would meet the requirement that was requested


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Colleen Slate walked slowly across the pavement taking care to avoid the puddles. The leisurely pace allowed her to enjoy the humid air and view of the small and scenic gazebo. The tea ceremony provided her with the perfect excuse to wear the woven-cotton dress she had dyed with chlorophyll, her favorite plant pigment.

The invitation had called for one article of green attire. Colleen started to worry that the request called for a more subtle inclusion of the hue when she spotted an elegant silver-haired man @Suhara in a green kimono.


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Dash Light
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I walked up to the Accolade building wearing a blue buttoned shirt and green pants. I was quite interested in this party and it was a chance for an agent with a good sense of humor to prove himself.

"Hello, there!" I said with a sincere smile. "Is anyone else arriving?"


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Jade try her best to find something green for her to wear at the tea party but she was disappointed when she find out it's for very special people when she went inside the building and the security guard told her that her name was not on the list and escort out of the building...'oh well!' she thought 'I've figured nobody send me an invitation well since I'm in town I might as well enjoy myself for a cup of tea.':( (by the way she wears a rain poncho and she got an umbrella.)
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The kid, laundry room ghost.
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Invader put on the cloak and it invoked a sense of calm for her, just before she stepped outside the room she realized that there would be other people there. That set off an argument with herself for a good ten minutes before she convinced herself it would be good to socialize. That was probably why she was invited in the first place, and she made her way down to the lobby in record time. Eventually she was on her way, but happened to fall asleep during the car ride. Once they arrived she got out and walked towards a gazebo , and noticed a group of people she did not know. Hoping to see Jade, invader looked around and did not find her , panic soon started to creep in. That made her pace like a frightened colt who was in strange surroundings.


ACME Special Agent
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Suhara was happy to see several people gathering in the garden.

"Hello, there! Is anyone else arriving?"
"Hello! Yes, I expect many more to join us this fine day," He waved to them from the gazebo, "Please come over here. We are just starting the tea ceremony. You can have some wagashi while you wait for the tea to be served."

The wagashi were small and colorful Japanese sweets made of rice flour. They were shaped like small fruits, flowers and rabbits with beans and sesame seed fillings.

Seeing a lovely young woman in a green cotton dress (@Colleen), Suhara offered her the first selection of treats. He allowed several more trays to be pass around.

[Role Players, please write yourself selecting one of the treats and what you think they taste like. Or if you do not eat then explain why.]


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Invader put on the cloak and it invoked a sense of calm for her, just before she stepped outside the room she realized that there would be other people there. That set off an argument with herself for a good ten minutes before she convinced herself it would be good to socialize. That was probably why she was invited in the first place, and she made her way down to the lobby in record time. Eventually she was on her way, but happened to fall asleep during the car ride. Once they arrived she got out and walked towards a gazebo , and noticed a group of people she did not know. Hoping to see Jade, invader looked around and did not find her , panic soon started to creep in. That made her pace like a frightened colt who was in strange surroundings.
Jade saw there was people at the gazebo and she saw one who has a green cloak and she remember she wasn't invited and a lot of people wearing green except Jade she wore her blue top and yellow plaid skirt just then Jade realizes she has a jade green beaded bracelet in her purse so she put it on despite not wearing green clothing on her but just then someone came out of the building and spotted Jade.
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Smiling, Colleen thanked @Suhara and looked at the selection. The tray had a beautiful assortment of Monaka, wafers in the shapes of cherry blossoms and chrysanthemums sandwiching a sweetened azuki bean jam. Enjoying the flavor immensely, Colleen discreetly placed a few in a plastic bag from her purse. Uncertain of the appropriate compensation, she placed a tech tool pen with hidden screwdriver on the table .

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a young brunette come and go and return again. It was possible that some may have forgotten a green item. Colleen placed a green sequined headband on a hook at the gazebo's entrance just in case anyone needed it.


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the guard who escort Jade out of the building notice that she was listed under Invader's name so the guard let her in and sure enough she's in and she met @Suhara for the first time and bow just like in Japan and said to him "I hope you don't mind the only green I'm wearing is my jade green beaded bracelet on my wrist I hope that's okay with you,Suhara?" (that right after she remove her rain poncho and put her umbrella up)
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The VILEiest VILE to ever VILE a VILE
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Nebuchadnezzar (Neb) Ullyss (formerly Kid Kidman), Kitty, Seryy Pripyat
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Even though she was a Red Hat, Kidman was almost unknown as far as ACME was concerned, and under green reflective shades and a long green wig, she felt reasonably confident attending this tea soiree. After only a quick glance around, she immediately detected the presence of food.

"Rice candy!" she exclaimed as she went to pick one from the bowl
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