Where in the World is King Boo?!?!?


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I don't own the following characters [This is not only a double crossover but a Halloween story]

1. Main characters: Carmen Sandiego, Chase Devineaux, Ivy, Zack and Lee Jordan

2. Guest leading characters: a. the heroes who will help Jade and ACME solve this case: Luigi, Princess Daisy of Sarasaland, Professor Elvin Gadd, Polterpup [Luigi's white ghost like puppy], Casper the Friendly Ghost, Wendy the Good Witch and Spooky the Little Tuff Ghost.
b. the main villain: King Boo and the ghosts who are under his control.
c. the ones in danger: Mario [Luigi's older brother], Toad, 'Azul' [blue Toad], 'Opal' [yellow Toad], Toadette, Princess Peach Toadstool, Yoshi and Cathie

3. Team ACME: Chief Weller, Archie Pelago, Bolt Upright, Ann Tickwittee, Ivan Idea, Rock Solid, Renee Santz, Polly Tix, Armando Arguella, Tatiana, Jasmine, Li, Josha, Suhara, Cole Gannon, Cruiser and the ghost of Agnes Acme

4. VILE: a. the ones Jade trusted: Vic-the-Slick, Patty Larceny, Contessa, Professor Sara Bellum, Moe Skeeter, Lars Vegas and Sven Galli
b. the ones Jade can't stand: Medeva, Otto 'Gnash' Readmore, Snarla Swing, Doctor Depth, Madame Ima Lezaarde, Count Hypno, Jane Reaction, Baron Wasteland, Jacqueline Hyde and Dr. Belljar.


Jade Ezell's House

*A delivery truck just pulls into the driveway and the delivery man came out, grab a slim cardboard box then he rings the doorbell*

Jade: *after she answers the door...to the delivery man* Yes?!?!
Delivery Man: I've got a package here for...Yuling Huang?!?!
Jade: Uh, I don't know that person, in fact that person doesn't live here.

Delivery Man: *holding a clipboard* Look I've been to ten different houses; ma'am they said the same thing and I was wondering if you don't mind if you just sign here?
Jade: *as the delivery man hands her the clipboard* Why not? I was wondering where that package comes from.
Delivery Man: *As Jade signs the delivery sheet* I don't know, and it doesn't have a return address.

Jade: Perhaps, I know the right people who figured out who this Yuling Huang is? *As she gave the clipboard back to the delivery man*
Delivery Man: *as he slides in the slim cardboard box* Well, have a nice day, ma'am! *As he leaves with the clipboard, hops in the delivery truck and drives away while Jade carefully grabs the slim cardboard box to the den*

Jade's mind: *as Jade grabs a pair of disposable rubber gloves while raising her eyebrows* Yuling Huang?!?! That doesn't sound like a name of Carmen Sandiego's henchman, I've better find out what's inside this package, if it's a stolen item I've C-5 it to ACME and returned to its rightful place as long as I don't tamper with it. *As she opens the package carefully*

Jade: *gasped* No, it can't be! *As she brings out a framed portrait of someone familiar* Oh fudge, Luigi! *Yup, it's Luigi alright being scared* Oh my gosh, I wonder what happened to Mario and the others and the question is why Luigi? And who is this Yuling Huang person? *Notice outside is getting dark* What the?!?! *As she ran outside, and everyone is looking at the sky* Come on, there's no way a solar eclipse shows up today, I've better find out what's going on the news. *As she goes back inside and turns on the TV*

News Announcer (female): *on screen* The world has gone dark scientists are stumped at this phenomenal eclipse they have how that happened.
Jade's mind: *Jade is confused* Not since what happened to that garnet archaeologists found at the ruins of Thenae in Tunisia and all of the sudden the garnet disappeared just before examining it at the Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C. and ACME is stumped on that case.

Meanwhile at the Sandiego Manor

News Announcer: *on screen while Carmen Sandiego watching TV * Since that eclipse is covering all over the world there's chaos in where...huh?!?! *Screamed off screen*
Carmen: *after turning off the TV while standing up with the remote control* Ach! Unbelievable! I don't understand what's going on with the news it seems they're seeing ghosts, well, some people believe there's no such as ghosts, but some do believe...*As some laughter came out of the hallway* What?!?! Who in the world is in my manor?!?! *As she goes around and saw something glow and then she gasped and screamed*

(End of Prologue)
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Chapter One...King Boo's gone?!?!

The Mushroom Kingdom

*Princess Daisy of Sarasaland came and notice it's quiet*

Daisy: *holding her weekender bag* Hello, anyone here? Luigi, Mario, Peach, anybody? That's strange, I've waiting to participate for this year's harvest festival.

*While Daisy looks around Casper the Friendly Ghost and Spooky the Little Tuff Ghost shows up on the other side*

Casper: Gee, Spooky, I've never been to this place before!
Spooky: After coming from a drainpipe in Brooklyn I'm surprised too. Let's go scared anyone around here.
Casper: No, Spooky, don't! *As he follows Spooky*

Professor Elvin Gadd's laboratory

Daisy: *as she enters inside* What a mess? What did the professor do make an invention? I've better look around. *Polterpup barks at Daisy* Polterpup, hey you cute little puppy ghost, what happened here? *Polterpup barks and ran* Lead the way! *As she follows Polterpup and there in Professor Gadd's ghostly 'museum' [as in a prison of ghosts from the Luigi's Mansion series and I don't own the game series whatsoever] ...Daisy gasped* Oh my goodness! What happened here?
Spooky: *voice only* That's what I like to know, sweetheart!

Daisy: Huh! Show yourself or I'll clean you up with...uh, *grabs the latest model of the Poltergust* this!
Spooky: You can't scare me with a vacuum cleaner...*As he appears to Daisy* Hey ya, toots!
Daisy: *screamed and yelled* A GHOST!!! *And using the Poltergust to vacuum Spooky in while he screamed*
Spooky: *inside the ghost canister as Casper shows up* Help, somebody get me outer here!
Casper: Spooky, what happened?
Daisy: Casper, what are you doing here? And who is Spooky?
Casper: My cousin!
Daisy: And I thought he was a Boo.

Casper: A Boo?
Daisy: *as she removes the top of the ghost canister to get Spooky out* A type of ghost in our world they are a menace. *As Spooky shakes off from the ghost canister*
Spooky: My kind of ghosts to meet with.
Daisy: But they're always cause trouble in the Mushroom Kingdom especially its ruler, King Boo.
Spooky: King Boo?!?!
Casper: Who's King Boo?
Daisy: The King of all Boos, he's the rival to Luigi?
Spooky: Luigi?!?!
Casper: Mario's little brother!
Daisy: Luigi can be a scaredy cat but with the help of Professor Gadd's invention, the Poltergust, Luigi fought every ghost and save not only Mario but the Toads and Peach...*Polterpup barks* What is it, Polterpup? *Polterpup ran while Daisy follows him along with Casper and Spooky*

Spooky: I've never seen that ghostly dog before.
Casper: Well neither did I.
Daisy: Well, Polterpup belongs to Professor Gadd and friendly towards Luigi and the others.
Casper: That's a friendly pet!
Spooky: You've got a lot of friends back at home, Casper!
Daisy: *as she stopped and notice a big ghost canister is broken* Uh oh, that's not good.
Casper: *reading the name sign* King Boo!
Daisy: He escaped!
Spooky: *notices a small broken bottle on the floor* I thought so!
Casper: What is it, Spooky?
Spooky: That witch Medeva was here.
Casper: How did she get in?
Spooky: I don't know how and she's probably the one releasing him.
Daisy: *notice the E-Gate is operated* And I bet they're heading out to spooky around the real world.
Casper: That's not good!
Spooky: Uh oh, I bet Carmen Sandiego is in trouble with them.

Daisy: *grabbing her weekender bag and the latest Poltergust model* Then let's go and find some help! *As she, Casper and Spooky enter the E-Gate to the real world*

(End of Chapter One)


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Chapter Two...The Six Crooks of Agnes Acme's past

*In Lee Jordan's Car (Remember the Plumber and the Hedgehog) *

Zack Monaghan: *on screen while Lee is driving to Jade's house* I hope Jade's okay at home.
Lee: I bet she is, I'm on my way this dark phenomenon is really getting everyone stumped.
Ivy Monaghan: *on screen* Not even astronomers didn't figure out why a total darkness comes out all the sudden.
Spencer Ross: *on screen* As soon as we're done from headquarters, we'll meet you at Jade's house.
Lee: Okay you guys and gals I'll buy everyone dinner when I get there.
Brenda N. Butters: *on screen* Yeah, go to a local pizzeria they have everything.
Lee: That's just nine minutes where Jade lives, huh?

ACME Headquarters, San Francisco, CA, USA


Spencer: You bet, Lee!
Lee: *on screen with an expressionless face* Great, I hope that one-hundred-dollar gift card I got on my birthday should covered it.
Brenda: Be sure to grab some calzones, Lee, Spencer and I would love a chicken Alfredo.
Zack: And me, a bacon cheeseburger.
Ivy: Zack! Lee, just get us some appetizers like chicken wings, onion rings and potato wedges or maybe a house salad would do.
Lee: *on screen* Whatever you guys, I'll see you all at Jade's house. *Screen off*

Zack: This is totally nuts, Spencer, what are we, detectives or ghostbusters?
Agnes Acme: *voice only* Probably it's time to learn you detectives to track down ghostly crooks. *As she appears* Is everything all set?
Spencer: All set, Agnes!
Agnes Acme: If you're watching the movie 'Ghostbusters' you should learn to capture like capturing real crooks.
Brenda: But how did you know about ghosts?
Agnes Acme: They were once alive, but I've found out something real important the answer lies in the archive files at the file room.

The File Room

Zack: Why here?
Agnes Acme: Take out the following six profiles of the crooks of the past...Akane Gekido, Colonel Elfenbein, Madame Wildflower, Don Cerebro, Josephine de la Roche and Professor Basilio Pazzo.

*After Ivy and Zack each grab the profiles as Agnes Acme request, they [along with Spencer and Brenda] looks at the files*

Agnes Acme: What do they all have in common?
Zack: They're not part of Carmen's gang we know that.
Ivy: These criminals were arrested for various crimes.
Agnes Acme: But they all have something in common...they have these powerful gems given by some mysterious force to keep their spirits alive after their own lives have ended.
Zack: Whoa, major brainwave, Agnes, these spirits might come alive thanks to the gems.
Agnes Acme: They are hidden in six areas they have to be found in the dark.
Brenda: No wonder it's dark whoever create this phenomenal eclipse we made never see the sun again.
Agnes Acme: More likely it's cause by black magic!
Spencer: Black Magic?!?!
Zack/Ivy: Medeva!
Ivy: Why would she do that?
Agnes Acme: I have no idea, but I fear she brought that mysterious force into the real world to gather the powerful gems to activate the most powerful one its posse but lost its power already from the world it came from.
Zack: Where can we find this mysterious force?
Agnes Acme: That's for all of you to find out and beside you leave immediately because it already begun. *And she vanishes*

Spencer: Already begun?!?! I wonder why.
Brenda: C'mon, Spencer we better warned Jade and Lee about this.
Zack: Let's get these copied so they can learn about the crooks of the past.
Ivy: Figure Carmen never met them when she was one of us.

Meanwhile the Sandiego Manor has been converted into a haunted castle
Medeva: *looking at her crystal ball* There's nothing to spare and nothing to compare.
King Boo: And I feel right at home and with my subjects with me we haunted everyone and find Luigi so I can get rid of him for he did to me three times already, each of my subjects in those areas can exchange each gem I give them two centuries ago to make me powerful once more so I can create my own collection ten times more. *Laughed out loud*

Jade's House

Jade: Still dark, no sign of the sun and not a moon in sight...still force to go out in the dark that's a pain and I better make dinner. *Then she hears some screams coming outside so she came out...gasped* Daisy!
Daisy: Hey, Jade, good to see you again!
Jade: Good to...Casper, Spooky, what the...*Polterpup came to Jade sniff and enter her house* Hey!
Daisy: Polterpup! *As she follows Jade and Polterpup to the den* Polterpup, what's...*gasped* Luigi!
Jade: Uh, Daisy, I can explain.

(End of Chapter Two: you'll meet the six crooks in the next three chapters and King Boo said Luigi beat him three times already that is based on the Luigi's Mansion game series, I don't own the game series whatsoever)
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Chapter Three...Free with Dilemma

Jade's house
In the Den
Daisy: *after Jade explained why Luigi end up at her house* Yuling Huang?!?!
Jade: Does that name sound familiar to you?
Daisy: Not exactly unless someone knows.
Jade: That's because...*Casper shows up after he and Spooky phase through*
Casper: Jade, a car just shows up in your driveway.
Jade: *after coming to the living room* I'll flip the lights! *And Jade flips with the light switch*
Spooky: Now what?
Jade: *quietly* Keep calm and be quiet, Daisy, find the way to free Luigi, I've figure Polterpup knows where he is.
Daisy: *holding the latest Poltergust model quietly* Leave it to me.
Spooky: *quietly* Mind if I grab something while you deal with the driver?
Jade: *quietly* No, Spooky! I've got this.
*Someone rings the doorbell, and Jade looks at the peephole...While Daisy tries to activate the latest Poltergust model*

Jade: *after opening the door* Hello, Lee!
Lee: Jade, I'm glad you're okay, how's everything?
Jade: *as Lee enters her house* Since this darkness blankets the sun, the moon and the stars well... *hears clanking noises from the kitchen* I'm about to make dinner.

Lee: *to Jade* Well, Jade save time because I'm going to...
Spooky: *from the behind with a frying pan and Jade gasped* Surprise!
Casper: *from the kitchen* Spooky!
Lee: *after he turns around and saw Spooky while Jade grabbed the frying pan from Spooky* You again?!?!
Spooky: *giving Lee a big grin smile* Oh I thought you were a burglar.
Jade: *as she came to the kitchen with the frying pan* Casper, what happened here?
Casper: *while Jade puts away the frying pan along with some pots and pans* Spooky wants to knock the thief out of your house and call the cops.
Lee: *frown at Spooky* Really, Spooky, nice try!

Daisy: *voice only* What's the matter with this device?
Lee: Jade, what's going on in your house? *Polterpup barks* Whoa, what a weird dog.
Jade: In the den, Lee, I'll explain! *As she and Lee enters and saw Daisy having trouble with the latest Poltergust model*
Lee: Daisy with a vacuum cleaner?!?! Jade, what's going on here? *Jade points Lee to the portrait of Luigi* What happened?
Jade: I remember the delivery guy told me he's looking for Yuling Huang?!?! I don't even know this person nor Daisy, do you?
Lee: Yuling Huang?!?! *Looks at the slim cardboard box saw something familiar* Not on the Rogue Gallery, maybe the delivery guy mispronounces the name figure he doesn't know Chinese characters see?

Jade: *notice the Chinese characters on the slim cardboard box* Of course!
Daisy: Would you two please get out of the way?
Jade: Lee, head for the living room, I'll go to my room.
Lee: Why?
Jade: My Padphone, that's why? *As she leaves for her bedroom while Lee heads for the living room*
Daisy: *smile as she activates the Poltergust* Alright! Here goes nothing! *The Poltergust summons a dark light device for Daisy and then aims at Luigi by his screams he's free as Jade came back from her bedroom with her Padphone while Luigi shakes off from getting trap in the painting*

Casper: *As he and Spooky phase through the wall* Daisy, are you alright?
Daisy: I sure am!
Luigi: Huh?!?! Where am... Daisy!
Daisy: Luigi?!?! *As she came to Luigi* I'm so glad you're alright!
Spooky: *As he phasing through* Hiya, Pal!
Luigi: Hello! *He saw Spooky he screamed*
Casper: Luigi, calm down! Don't get scared, it's just Spooky!
Luigi: Spooky?!?!
Casper: My cousin! *Luigi screamed as Jade and Lee came to the den*

Lee: What's going...
Jade: Luigi, oh thank goodness, you're alright!
Luigi: Jade, Lee, why am I in the real world?
Lee: *as Jade uses her Padphone to translate the Chinese characters on the slim cardboard box* Care to explain what happened to you?

Luigi: I'll explain...it all starts back at the Mushroom Kingdom!

*Luigi's Flashback begins at the Mushroom Kingdom*

Professor Gadd's Laboratory

Gadd: *with Mario, Luigi, Peach, Toad, Azul, Opal and Toadette each holding a glass of punch while Yoshi and Cathie [a Birdo] eats some fruit* I'm thrilled to say it is the anniversary of the time Luigi defeated King Boo's plans once and for all.
Peach: Here, here!
Mario: To Luigi!
Toad/Azul/Opal/Toadette: Yay! To Luigi!
Luigi: Oh, come on it was nothing, I'm still a scaredy cat! *Polterpup barks at Luigi translated: No, You're not, Luigi! *
Gadd: So, what's going on?
Peach: We're going to be celebrated the Mushroom Kingdom's Harvest Festival without any Koopas wrecked this year.
Luigi: Yeah, and Daisy is coming over to participate the Harvest Festival!
Toadette: I wonder what's going on this year's harvest festival.
Mario: Beats me, I bet it's a lot of fun! *Until all the sudden the Mushroom Kingdom has gone completely dark and someone laughing coming and scared the Toads away*
*Azul and Opal screamed when they saw who's coming to the Mushroom Kingdom*
Medeva: *as she appears by magic* Surprise! I can see with my own eyes when I came to give back the grand prize!
Gadd: What do you mean the grand prize? *Medeva shows everyone something familiar to Luigi*
Luigi: Oh no, it can't be! *Medeva laughing as she leaves *
Gadd: After her!
Mario: Let's-a go! *As he, Luigi, Peach, the Toads [Toad, Azul, Opal and Toadette], Yoshi and Cathie follow Professor Gadd while he's chasing Medeva grabbing the latest Poltergust model and lead her to Gadd's 'Museum'

Medeva: Aha! *Holds a small bottle* Here's the ghost with the most! *Seeing King Boo* King Boo, I'm Medeva, I'm came to set you free from this goodly misdeed. *Throws the small bottle at King Boo's Canister and surprise he was release*
King Boo: I thank thee, Medeva, what did you got for me?
Medeva: Turn your frown upside-down I brought you back your crown.
Team Mario: *as they came and yelled* NO!!!! *But it was too late as Medeva place the garnet crown upon his head and thus he's stronger and decided to get even with Luigi and then Luigi screams when King Boo aims at him*

*Luigi's Flashback fades*

Luigi: And that's what happened he trapped me in the painting I don't know what happened to Mario and the others.
Daisy: Oh, Luigi, that's horrible!
Lee: Medeva, we should've known.
Jade: Garnet Crown?!?! *Shocked and realized what Medeva stolen* Oh Fudge!
Spooky: What's the matter?

Jade: The Garnet?!?! I remember archaeologists spotted that gem at the ruins of Thenae in Tunisia.
Lee: So what?
Jade: So, I've got a hunch, Lee! I've figured Medeva stole that garnet before it was supposed to be examine at the Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C. and I've also realized she behind the total darkness.

Lee: With King Boo's help, no more, no less, but the question is why?
Jade: To be honest, Lee, we've got to find out the answer on our own.
Daisy: Did you think Carmen Sandiego send in Medeva to freed King Boo?
Lee: I doubt it, Daisy as I was saying, Jade, I'll buy dinner for you and the others if you like.
Jade: Really? Where to?
Lee: Do you know a pizzeria that calzones, wings and salads?
Jade: I know the place it's just nine minutes from my house, sometimes I've call them to delivery chicken wings and house salad with their house salad dressing.
Lee: Mind if I use your phone, my cellphone is charging up.
Jade: Why not, the phone number is on their takeout menu.
Lee: Thanks, Jade? We'll get it pick up and take it back here.
Jade: I'll get the insulated bags.
Lee: Excuse me?
Jade: Keep things hot and keep things cold!
Lee: *as he grabs the phone receiver* Smart thinking, Jade! *As Jade heads for the pantry closet to grab the insulated bags*

*In the Pantry Closet*

Casper: *quietly as Jade grabs the insulated bags* Hey, Jade! Did you find out what those Chinese characters means?
Jade: *quietly* Sure did, Casper! *Jade's Padphone beeped, and Jade saw the message from Chase Devineaux and came to Lee in the den...quietly* Lee!
Lee: *quietly* They kept on hold, Jade, what is it?
Jade: *shows Lee the message from Chase* Hope you can order it soon because we got more guests coming to my house.
Lee: *on the phone* Oh hello, yeah, I like to place an order, please! Yeah, got any calzones?

(End of Chapter Three)
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Chapter Four...Trouble at the Pizzeria

Outside of Jade's House

Lee: *waiting at his car with Luigi* I hope the girls get ready we'll leave without them if they're taking too long.
Luigi: Would the food end up cold?
Lee: Jade brought in the insulated bags some will be hot, and some will be cold, Luigi! *As Jade came out of the house with her purse and after changing her house shoes to her sneakers and locking her bedroom door* You didn't take too long, Jade!
Jade: I'm just taking precaution, Lee! *To Casper and Spooky* We'll be back with dinner, if anyone from ACME shows up tell them to wait for us.
Spooky: Should've we let them in?
Lee: Spooky, I don't want Jade to get in trouble from her landlady, they're not here to stay for a night it's just dinner.
Spooky: We're ghosts will let them in.
Daisy: *as she appears in a new outfit: yellow sleeveless shirt with denim overalls, white gloves, socks, orange tennis shoes and yellow headband* I'm ready!
Luigi: That was fast!
Daisy: I have to change my royal outfit into something casual!
Lee: C'mon, you all we got to pick up our dinner before the guests arrives. *As Lee enters on the driver's side while Jade enters on the front passenger's side and Luigi and Daisy goes on the back passenger's seats and Lee starts driving*

Casper: Don't worry, Spooky, they'll be back! *As he and Spooky phases back to the house (hey they're ghosts after all)

Mama Gina's (just nine minutes from Jade's House: a fictional pizzeria place)

*As Lee car parked his car at the parking lot all of the sudden the customers ran out*
Jade: *as press the window button to automatically roll down to one of the customers* What's going on?
Customer (male): Run there's a ghost inside this place!
Luigi: A ghost! Let's go home!
Jade: No way, Luigi, let's investigate! *As she got out of Lee's car and enters the pizzeria*
Lee: Whoa, Jade, we're not ghostbusters!
Daisy: *brought the latest Poltergust model* But we are!
Luigi: We?!?! *Daisy grabs Luigi* Daisy! *As she and Luigi enters the pizzeria*
Lee: Hey! *Then Lee saw a henchman coming out of the back door...quietly* So?
Daisy: *to the store manager* Where's that ghost? *The store manager (male) points at a Gobber (a yellow ghost who spits out goo that forms into a slippery puddle) who battles Jade while she is wearing her advanced instant battle suit avoid getting to slip down to the floor *
Luigi: A Gobber...yoo-hoo! *Gobber turns around and sees Luigi and Daisy* Looking for me!
Jade: Luigi, Daisy!
Daisy: Stand back, Jade! *Holding the latest Poltergust model* We've got this! *And Jade did and well Gobber decided to battle both Daisy and Luigi instead*

Outside the pizzeria

*A henchman removes his pizzeria chef disguise and dress into a trench coat and a fedora hat when Lee taps his finger on his back the henchman turns around and saw Lee in his advanced instant battle suit*
Lee: Going somewhere? *The henchman frown at Lee* Didn't think so! *The henchman ran off and Lee followed him*

Meanwhile in a sportscar

Carmen: *wearing a headscarf and sunglasses* I can believe we end up here!
Chase Devineaux: Carmen, we don't know what's going on but there's a good explanation for all of this 'total darkness'
Carmen: *As she notices Wendy the Good Witch is above her and Chase* And we know who brought us here. *
Wendy: *Wendy levitates down with her broom* I hope you two don't mind I'm going to see Casper and Spooky at Jade's house.
Carmen: Go ahead, Wendy! *And Wendy flies ahead* Is Jade alright?
Chase: As far I concern and... What?!?! *Yup there's trouble at the pizzeria and the henchman is about to escape from Lee as Chase hit the brakes*

Henchman: *to Chase in the sportscar* Mister, I... *Gasped and gulped because he saw his boss before Lee knock him down from behind and screams coming from inside the pizzeria*
Carmen: Chase, is that?
Chase: Jordan! *As he got out of the sportscar when Lee handcuffed the henchman after picking him up* Jordan, what's going on here?
Lee: Don't worry, *gasped after he turns around and saw Chase...with downcast face with a sweat* How's Europe?

Inside the pizzeria

*Gobber just got sucked into the canister thanks to Luigi and Daisy with the latest Poltergust model*

Daisy: Hooray!
Luigi: We did it!
Jade: Good work you two!
Chase: *to Jade* Jade! *Jade turns around and saw Chase...to the store manager* Would tell me what's going on here?
Store Manager (male): This ghost shows up after one of the employees finishes his shift already that woman in blue [Jade] shows up to fight the ghost until these two shows up one of whom is Luigi!
Chase: Luigi!?!?! *As Luigi and Daisy saw Chase again*
Luigi: Oh, hi, meet you again?!?!
Chase: *frown at Jade* Would tell me what's going on here, Jade?
Jade's mind: *As Jade gulped* Here we go again!

Meanwhile at Boo's Haunted Castle (remember Chapter Two when the Sandiego Manor was converted into his new home)

King Boo: *after he is hearing Medeva screaming and came to Medeva* What now, Medeva?
Medeva: Take a look at my crystal ball and everything tells it all. *King Boo screamed* Now you see that ugly ape it's that darn Luigi who has escape.
King Boo: How?
Medeva: I'm not lazy, the one who freed Luigi is named Daisy.
King Boo: With the latest Poltergust model, no doubt?
Medeva: No thanks to that Jade who is no old maid.
King Boo: No matter, Medeva, I have my spirits from this world to protect their own prisoners from escaping, I added all but two who are my prisoners, sooner or later, I will recapture Luigi, Daisy and the others and make my personally art collection forever. *Laughed out loud*

(End of Chapter Four)
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Chapter Five...Dinner Party Crasher

Jade's House

Living Room

Chase: *as Jade and Lee get dinner ready in the kitchen* This is unbelievable! Medeva and this King Boo, I don't understand.
Jade: I've figure it out one part of this case, but the other part we got to find out on our own.
Lee: Unless there's something else anyone remembers.
Chase: Jordan, all I remember was that some promoter giving out vacations to the Chief and other ACME agents.

Jade/Lee: Vacations?!?!
Jade: Why haven't I informed about this?
Lee: Good question, I wonder why?
Chase: Do any of you know about winning or giving you two weeks off without entering or telling anyone about this?
Luigi: I did, that reminds me of what happened to me the last time I won something I didn't enter.
Lee: *as Carmen came out of the den* What do you mean by that?
Luigi: I remember winning a vacation at a high-rise resort on the mountainside turns out to be a tourist trap by King Boo. (Remember Luigi's Mansion 3)

Carmen: Tourist trap?!?!
Jade: I believe some fell for it, Chase, do you remember anything from the Chief or anyone at ACME?
Chase: No one did.
Lee: *to Carmen as he and Jade place the food on the table* I bet your gang members didn't say anything to you, right?
Carmen: You're right as rain, Lee! A very heavy one.
Casper: *as he and Spooky phase through the door while Wendy opens the door with her magic wand* Jade, Ivy's SVU shows up by magic.
Jade: Magic?!?! That's Zack's transporter watch! *As Zack, Ivy, Spencer and Brenda came out of Ivy's SUV*
Zack: *holding a box* Sure is...Sis!
Ivy: Carmen, what are you doing here?
Carmen: Get away from a haunted house.
Lee: Hope everybody's hungry, dinner's ready!

(Dinnertime all but Casper, Spooky and Polterpup [they're ghosts] having a large house salad with house salad dressing, garlic knot breadsticks, chicken wings, potato wedges with ketchup on the side, onion rings with honey mustard on the side, Gyro Wrap for Chase and Carmen to share [not romantically] and calzones: two Chicken Alfredos for Spencer and Brenda, a bacon cheeseburger for Zack and a Philly cheese steak for Lee)

Luigi: This is delicious!
Daisy: Sure does, Luigi, try the onion rings. *When all the sudden power is off*
Lee: Alright, who turn off the lights?
Spooky: Hey, don't look at me, I have...*As Medeva appears in the living room with her magic turning each light bulb into black ones*

Medeva: *as Carmen and Jade frowns at her* Hah, having dinner in the dark? I bet it's a tree bark.
Carmen: Medeva, what are you doing here?
Medeva: Boss, I thought you're lost.
Carmen: Medeva!
Medeva: I'm just here to bring in King Boo, so too-da-loo (British-English: See you later!)! *As King Boo after Medeva disappears Luigi is scared*

King Boo: Well, well, I'm glad I told her to send in the message myself.
Jade: *as she stands up from the chair* Alright, King Boo, what have you done to Mario and the others?
King Boo: Oh, them? Here are the examples! *As he shows Carmen, Team ACME [Jade, Chase, Lee, Ivy, Zack, Spencer and Brenda], Luigi, Daisy, Casper, Spooky and Wendy someone familiar to Luigi and Daisy*
Luigi: *frightened* M-mm-Mario!
Daisy: Peach!
Lee: Why you? *Chase stops him by holding his fist down*
Chase: *quietly* Steady, Jordan!

Casper: *to King Boo* That's not so friendly, let them go!
King Boo: Never! *Uses his crown Casper and Spooky to control them however it didn't work* Curses! No matter, you never find them or any of your friends. *Everyone gasped* Therefore, you'll never stop me and not even you, Luigi, that's why the ones are once lived can let your friends check in but never check them out. *Laughed out loud as he disappears, and the lights are back on*

Brenda: What does that ghost mean the ones are once lived can let your friends check in but never check them out?
Jade: Uh-oh, Chase, remember what you say about a promoter giving out vacations to the Chief and other ACME agents?
Chase: Yes, why?
Jade: And I remember Luigi told us about a tourist trap from King Boo.
Luigi: Yeah, why?
Jade: I was right some fell for it...some promoter must be a VILE operative in disguise and definitely without Carmen's consent. *Carmen's face has gone red and she's very furious*
Lee: You're being suspicious, Jade, there's no way...
Ivy: Hold on, hot shot, Jade could be onto something.

Zack: Yeah! *As he opens the box* And these profiles are the answers.

Chase: *looking at the names of the criminals of the past* Detective Monaghan, who told you to bring the files to this house.
Zack: Agnes Acme?!?! *Gulped as Jade looks at the box*
Jade: Zack is not kidding, Chase, I believe Agnes is warning us about these criminals of the past.

Agnes Acme: *voice only* Indeed, Miss Jade! *As she appears* You must study about their own past and which ACME agents of the past tries to capture them some are alive, and some have passed away and before Carmen Sandiego came to us and leave us, good luck to you all! *As she disappears*
Spooky: Wonder what Agnes meant about ACME agents of the past?
Casper: Don't know, Spooky let's find out about them together.

Zack: Well, let's get crackling!
Luigi's mind: *as Luigi is scared* Don't worry, Mario, we're coming to save you and the others.

Here are the six criminals mentioned by Agnes Acme in Chapter Two...

1. Akane Gekido (Japanese: Red Fury): a Kunoichi from Suhara Nakamura's past just before he left for San Francisco, she has a powerful ruby from King Boo...vanishes somewhere in Beppu, Japan.

2. Colonel Elfenbein (German: Ivory): a big game hunter from an unknown ACME agent after World War Two has ended, he has a powerful golden yellow topaz from King Boo...vanishes to Sabi Sand Game Reserve in South Africa.

3. Madame Wildflower: an outlaw along with her own gang of bandits and claim jumpers from Agnes Acme's friend, a former Texas Ranger who is the great-grandfather of Roxy Brooks, an ACME agent from Texas, she has a powerful white diamond from King Boo...vanishes somewhere around the Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming, USA.

4. Don Cerebro (Spanish: Mastermind): a Mobster who escape from Mexico along with his gang of extorters from an unknown ACME agent from Mexico, he has a powerful emerald from King Boo...vanishes somewhere in central Chile.

5. Josephine de la Roche: a socialite who is a white-collar criminal with her gang of con artists and industrial espionage experts from an ACME agent who turned out to be Dominique and Yvette Beaumont's father before becoming the Chief of ACME Paris, she has a powerful sapphire from King Boo...vanishes somewhere in the Loire Valley in France.

6. Last but not least, Professor Basilio Pazzo (Italian: Crazy, mad or lunatic), a mad scientist who escapes from an unknown ACME agent while creating and claiming the inventions his idea, unfortunately no one believes him in fact he was stealing the wealth from his country [Italy], he has a powerful amethyst from King Boo...vanishes at Monu in the Mamanuca Islands of Fiji. [All the gems are shaped as a diamond, other than that there's no more information on any of the crooks of the past not just yet but soon in more chapters to come after everyone each read the profiles]

(End of Chapter Five)
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  • Laverna Laverna:
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  • Lucy Lucy:
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    ??? that just makes me mor confused
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    That means never mind....
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I'm feeling pretty bad right now and I can't think
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    it's a really awful night
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    I know what nm means. I don't understand emojis
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  • Lucy Lucy:
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I was just surprised
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    Surprised about what? That I didn't like Netflix version
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    just the game and all
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    its just too much
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    Yeah. Also that series ended a while back. Its just a. Cashgrab
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Carmen didn't need to be redeemed I don't think...
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    It's not redeemed its more than like identify fraud
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    It's a younger Carmen than before
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    Carmen Isabella sandiego and Carmen Sandiego are two different people imo.
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    My Carmen in my stories is actually mid 50s in age. Has her own backstory, timeline, and appearance separate from any of the canon
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  • Lucy Lucy:
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  • Laverna Laverna:
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    If you read the accomplice you will understand
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Q: What does a Mermaid use to wash her hair? A: Tide
    • Haha
    Reactions: Tenchi Masaki
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    (IRL) So... been building my new computer, a 24-core beast with 256gigs RAM... and now that I have everything, it won't boot... no video from the Titan X, or the Radeon 4650 I tried (from box of parts), not sure... I know the VRM fans don't spin and neither does the chipset fan by the M.2 ports... but I think it's too late to claim it as non-working, message sent to seller. Built over 200 computers, never had an issue like this (though never tried a machine like this either, so...)
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