Where in the World is King Boo?!?!?


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Chapter Ten: Madame Wildflower

Jackson, WY, USA

*As people ran from a group of ghostly bandits...Team ACME [Jade, Chase, Ivy, Zack and Lee] along with Carmen, Luigi and Daisy shows up*
Zack: *after the poltergeist detection device detect major negative vibrations* Boy, they're very negative and scaring everybody.
Jade: Then we better get to work, Zack!

Zack: Where's Roxy?
Roxy Brooks: *voice only* Help! Somebody!
Ivy: *points at a blonde-haired, brown eyed girl in a cowgirl outfit* There she is!
Lee: Going Advanced! *Transforms his clothes into his advanced instant battle suit*

*Roxy running fast trying to escape from one of the ghostly bandits until Lee lassoed her to safety*
Lee: Gotcha, Roxy!
Roxy: Oh, thank goodness, you all show up!
Lee: Well, it isn't like a rodeo, Roxy, what's going on here?

Roxy: I spotted Gnash with a little pink girl and disappeared into the weird fog again.
Luigi: Little pink girl?!?!
Daisy: It's Toadette!
Roxy: Toadette?!?!

Wendy: *as she came after land down her broom* She's one of Luigi and Daisy's friends.
Luigi: Is Mario with them?
Roxy: Guess not, uh?!?!
Luigi: Luigi!
Roxy: Luigi, as in Mario's brother.
Luigi: That's right and this is Daisy!
Daisy: Hi, Roxy!
Ivy: Well, we don't have enough time for introduces ourselves let's care of these bandits! *As she, Chase, Lee and Daisy each use the hardon pack to get rid of the negativity out of those ghostly bandits*

Daisy: *to the ghostly bandits* Yoo-hoo, boys! Over here! *The Ghostly Bandits saw Daisy and follows her...to Ivy, Chase and Lee* Round up time! *The Ghostly Bandits are shocked and getting attack thanks to the hadron pack trying to get the negativity out of them*

Gadd: *as he brings in a giant ghost canister* Good work luring them here! *To Luigi* Get Ready!
Luigi: Right, Professor!
Ivy: *as she, Daisy, Chase and Lee luring the Ghostly Bandits into a giant ghost canister...to Luigi* Now!
Luigi: *as he uses the Super Poltergust unto the Ghostly Bandits* Gotcha! *The Ghostly Bandits screams as they enter the giant ghost canister*

Jade: What was that big canister, Professor?
Gadd: I called it, E-Trap! *As the ghost of Agnes Acme appears*
Agnes Acme: Good work, everyone, you all caught the bandits. Now get Madame Wildflower, her ranch lies near Grand Teton and so does that jawbreaker and Carmen, your boys are in there too.

Near Grand Teton National Park

Madame Wildflower's Ranch (Madame Wildflower is grey-haired blue-eyed ghost and wears like Calamity Jane in 1880, has a shotgun like Annie Oakley but like Belle Starr she's an outlaw only better: I don't own anything from any of these girls whatsoever)

Madame Wildflower: *after looking through a vision* My boys are gone and defeated by those ACME fools.
Armando: Told you they're coming to rescue us!
Rock: And they will come to stop you!
Moe: *to Gnash* Yeah, Gnash, the boss is going to teach you a lesson.
Lars: Yeah, never trust a traitor of VILE.
Gnash: Don't bother! Madame Wildflower will deal with them.
Madame Wildflower: *looking at the portrait of Toadette* At least I've got this one for King Boo's art collection waiting for him as soon as Luigi and Daisy are defeated.
Jasmine: Better be careful our friends are coming as well.
Madame Wildflower: *as she grabs her shotgun* Don't bother I've got something for them. *Laughed*

Gnash: *looking at his binoculars and saw Gadd's RV* Here comes the calvary!

Inside Gadd's RV

Zack: *after the poltergeist detection device feels very negative vibrations* We're getting close to the ranch.
Jade: *using the periscope* Carmen, I spotted Vic, Moe and Lars they're inside Madame Wildflower's Ranch along with Armando, Jasmine and Rock.
Daisy: Where's Toadette?!?!
Jade: In a masterpiece of doom.
Luigi/Daisy: Doom?!?!
Gadd: You mean...*all of the sudden one of Gadd's RV tires has gone flat, Carmen, Team ACME [Jade, Chase, Ivy, Zack, Lee and Roxy], Gadd, Luigi and Daisy screaming while Wendy got out with her broom and used floating magic to save Gadd's RV from crashing into a tree and Gadd's RV landed near Madame Wildflower's Ranch* Is everybody alright?

Jade: We're alright, professor, thanks to Wendy!
Ivy: I wonder what cause a flat tire!
Lee: *as he and Roxy got out of the RV* I doubt it's a rock!
Roxy: *using her rubber gloves and a tweezer to pull out something metal* It's a bullet!
Lee: Twelve gauge, came from shotgun *notice something dangerous from the ranch* And Roxy, get down! *Another shot only on the tree*

Chase: *got out of the RV* Jordan, Brooks!
Lee/Roxy: Get down!
Chase: Going advanced!!! *And just in time the bullet reflects back to the ranch thanks to Chase's advanced instant battle suit*
Gnash: *opens the window shouted* CURSE YOU, ACME!!!

Chase: *to Lee and Roxy* You two alright?
Roxy: Sure did, Chase!
Lee: Roxy found the cause of the flat tire!
Chase: Came from the ranch no doubt.
Lee: You got that right, Chase!

Madame Wildflower: *voice only* Try and catch me you ACME varmints! You better surrender, Luigi and Daisy! *Luigi is scared*
Daisy: We're not afraid of you, Madame Wildflower, show yourself!
Inside the ranch

Madame Wildflower: Well, come in and get me! *As Luigi (who is still scared), Daisy, Carmen and Team ACME (Jade, Chase, Ivy and Lee goes to the ranch, while Zack and Roxy fix Gadd's tire for his RV with Wendy's help of course)
Gnash: Are you crazy?
Madame Wildflower: If any happens to me, take the diamond and bring it to King Boo.
Gnash: Yes, Madame! *Madame Wildflower use her powers to trap her captives*

Luigi: *as he, Daisy, Carmen and Team ACME enter the ranch* It's so dark!
Daisy: Calm down, we're get through it. *Luigi uses the Strobulb to find Madame Wildflower but screamed*
Luigi: Oh no, Toadette!
Vic-the-Slick: Boss, is that you?
Carmen: Vic!
Vic: It's a... *a bang came but only hit the wall*
Madame Wildflower: *voice only* Be quiet you fooled! *Then she appears with a shotgun*
Carmen: Well, well, Madame Wildflower at last, would you mind put that away?
Madame Wildflower: *points her shotgun at Carmen when she gasped* Not a chance! There's no way you can't stop me now! *Laughed out loud*

Jade: *as she gets Carmen down along with her* Look out! *Thanks to Jade she saves Carmen from getting shot*
Madame Wildflower: I ought...*Lee use his hadron pack to attack Madame Wildflower* Stupid varmint, I'll get you for this.
Jade: Why are doing this, Madame Wildflower?
Madame Wildflower: All my lifetime I wanted to save my beloved husband's ranch, but it was gone, and I blame the ones who took it away for I decided to help the ones who lost everything.
Jade: Like hiring bandits and claim jumpers.
Madame Wildflower: That's right, I want them to get the same revenge as I so King Boo gave me the power to do so like getting rid of you.
Lee: Jade!
Jade: I know! *As Lee, Chase, Ivy and Daisy use their own hadron pack to attack the negativity out of Madame Wildflower* Luigi, get ready!
Luigi: Okay! *Madame Wildflower is getting weak, and Luigi use his Super Poltergust and captures her* Alright!

Daisy: *notices a white gemstone* There's a diamond!
Ivy: Grab it!
Gnash: *grabs the diamond very fast and left in his mini helicopter* Nice try, but finders keepers losers' weepers! *Laughed as he got away*

*While the power frees Armando, Jasmine, Rock, Vic, Moe and Lars from their own 'guest rooms'...Luigi uses the dark light device and free Toadette from being King Boo's art collection*
Toadette: Hooray! I'm Free! Yay! *Until she got scared because of Medeva's laughter*
Carmen: Medeva!
Medeva: *voice only* You may defeat one, the others won't be defeated unless it's none. *Laughed*
Luigi: I wonder what Medeva meant by that.
Jade: There's five more, Luigi.
Luigi: *when Zack, Roxy, Wendy and Professor Gadd enter the ranch* I was afraid she might say that.
Roxy: What happened?

Jasmine: When we got here, I thought we would be working until those bandits turns out to be ghosts in disguise.
Armando: We even found some clues in this room *Jade saw a package when she enters the room*
Jade: *reads the package* Ray Fanta?!?!
Zack: Sounds like a fan of Fanta sodas, huh, Jade?
Jade: Not exactly, Zack! *Something glow coming from the main room* Sounds like this package has been mispronounce again.
Chase: *voice only* Odd?!?!

The Main Room

Lee: *as Jade brings out the package box out of the room* What is it, Chase?
Chase: It seems after Madame Wildflower it's turn back what it was.
Rock: So, it wasn't a working ranch after all.
Armando: Guess not, Rock, we didn't realize this before it's too late.
Ivy: Armando, Rock and Jasmine, head for our ranch near Yellowstone and stay there.
Jasmine: *as Jade activates the C-5 corridor after putting in the coordinates of an ACME Ranch on her Padphone* Thanks, Ivy, Jade, be careful all of you! *As she, Armando and Rock enter the C-5 corridor safely*
Carmen: *as a helicopter coming down from outside* Boys, get going to Montana!
Vic/Moe/Lars: Right, boss! *As Vic, Moe and Lars ran outside and there was a VILE Henchman sending the boys after Carmen communicate by morse code*

Zack: Now what?
Gadd: Perhaps, going back to headquarters and find out about that package.

(End of Chapter Ten)
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Chapter Eleven: Clues from the Dead?!?!

ACME Headquarters, San Francisco, CA, USA

The Lab
Spencer: Glad you all are okay!
Jade: Thanks, Spencer, at least I send that letter over to you and Brenda.
Spencer: Oh unfortunately, Jade, we couldn't figure out the letter anyway.
Brenda: But don't worry, we send it over to Tako Yaki in the Tokyo laboratory he'll give you the answer.
Jade: Figure he knows to reveal the message than anybody else.
Spencer: Precisely! *Someone knocks on the door and Jade saw Lee*
Lee: Sorry to disturb, you two, Jade, Chase and Ivy need you at the evidence room.
Jade: *as she walks out of the lab* I'm going there right now, Lee! Thanks! *Lee shrugged and left as well*

The Evidence Room

Chase: *as Jade enters the evidence room as he carefully opens the box making sure there's no bomb* Jade, about time you show anything from the lab?
Jade: *as Lee came* Nothing from Spencer and Brenda they send in the letter to Tako Yaki in Tokyo.
Ivy: Figure that blank paper is written in some strong invisible ink.
Lee: Definitely, Ivy! Tako Yaki is one expert in revealing the message.
Chase: *coughed* Whoa, whatever that red stuff is it smells so sweet?
Jade: *looks at the box after she puts down her pair of disposable rubber gloves * Sweet? Hello, this bag contains tea bags and its red.
Lee: Red?!?!
Ivy: As in red rose.
Chase: *as Jade scanned the tea bags with her Padphone* Or as in Rooibos from South Africa.
Jade: Neither it's Hibiscus tea.
Lee: Like in Hawai'i?
Jade: Not Hawai'i, Lee, but a popular drink in Mexico they called it Agua de Flor de Jamaica.

Lee: Excuse me?!?!*Ivy grabs his right ear* Ouch! Ivy!
Ivy: *to Lee* You should have learned Spanish already. *Lee pouted*
Chase: Well, that's not all in the box *as he grabs something out of the box* Take a look at this! *Ivy and Lee are shocked at a skull*
Lee: Okay what kind of a skull have its face painted?
Jade: Not unless you know about El Dia de Muertos or Day of the Dead in Mexico, Lee.
Lee: Wait a minute, you mean thee holiday on November the second where families gather their respect to their loved ones?

Jade: Exactly! *Jade's Padphone beeped, and Jade answers it* Hello!
Josha: *on screen along with Ivan Idea* Jade, is Chase there?
Chase: *as he came to Jade and her Padphone* I'm at headquarters, boys, where are you?
Ivan: *on screen* Oaxaca, Mexico.
Chase: Explain?
Ivan: *on screen* We're to set up an Ofrenda.
Ivy: Ofrenda?!?! As in an offering to loved ones.
Josha: Si, Ivy, we're about to fix a home altar for a detective who try to capture Don Cerebro before that thief got away.
Ivan: But a lot of ghosts is trashing down Oaxaca!

Jade: Ivan, Josha, stay there we're on our way! *As Lee came with a piece of paper*
Lee: *as he and Ivy came* Jade, Chase, Ivy found this invoice.
Ivy: It's in Spanish!
Jade: *Reading the invoice and figure out what it means in Spanish* One loaf of Pan de Muerto or Bread of the Dead and a giant bouquet of marigold for my lady, Catrina.
Lee: Who's Catrina?
Jade: Not a real person, Lee, but a character created by a printmaker and lithographer named Jose Guadalupe Posada.
Chase: Of course, calavera means skull in Spanish.
Ivy: Right, Chase, let's get everybody to Oaxaca and help Josha and Ivan.

Jade: Off to the South of the Border. *Jade grabs the box*
Chase: Jade!
Jade: What if Josha and Ivan don't have these for the late detective's family, Chase, they'll never have these before the Day of the Dead. *As she leaves with the box*

Alameda, CA, USA

Near the ACME Training Facility and Airfield Base

Carmen: *frustrated at her cellphone* Terrific! *As Spooky came down to the ground*
Spooky: What's wrong, Carmen?
Carmen: It's Patty, she didn't answer me through her cellphone.
Spooky: Where was she going?
Carmen: Acapulco, Mexico!
Spooky: Acapulco?!?! Famous for the cliff diving!
Carmen: I want her to go to my villa and stay there until I called her.
Spooky: Well, maybe should go there and sees if Patty's there. *Until a SUV shows up*
Carmen: *As she opens the SUV door* That's exactly what I'm going to do! *And she enters the SUV and the driver drives away*

Spooky: I'd better follow Carmen, or this King Boo will find her. *As Spooky left Professor Gadd came out of the airfield base*
Gadd: Miss Sandiego! That's odd...Huh?!?! *He notices a note on the tree and grabs it* Oh dear! *As he heads back for the airfield base and use the phone* Hello...Jade, I'm glad you pick up is Chase around? Why? He's got a message from Carmen Sandiego.

(End of Chapter Eleven)
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Chapter Twelve...The Baron and Lady Catrina, Part One

On the way to Oaxaca, Mexico via Gadd's plane

Lee: *voice only* Acapulco?!?!?! Are you kidding me? What is she thinking to do? Cliff Diving?!?!
Chase: *voice only* Jordan!
Gadd: *voice only* Don't think so, Detective!
Ivy: *voice only* Then why did she left for Acapulco?
Gadd: *voice only* Something about Patty and her villa or something like that?!?!
Jade: *voice only* Ah, that makes sense Carmen was worried about Patty in Acapulco.
Chase: *voice only* We'll find her later as soon as we finished around the city of Oaxaca.

Ten minutes later...in the city of Oaxaca

Josha: *as he and Ivan (in which they are wearing each a face mask) came to Team ACME (Jade, Chase, Ivy, Zack and Lee), Luigi and Daisy while each wearing a face mask after they notice the smell already* Hola, amigos, you made it.
Jade: Gee whiz, Josha, when Ivan said ghosts has been trashing around Oaxaca he's not kidding.
Ivan: You got that right, Jade! *a rotten tomato is thrown at the wall* That's one of them!
Daisy: A garbage throwing ghost (Simulator to a Banana Tosser in Luigi's Mansion except they throw more than just banana peels: I don't own the ghost [Banana Tosser] whatsoever)
Baron Wasteland: *voice only laughed* You ghosts are wonderful!

Jade: *as she saw who it was with those garbage throwing ghosts and hears Baron Wasteland's laughter...quietly to Chase* Baron Wasteland is with them.
Lee: *quietly* I wonder why?
Ivy: *quietly* When it comes to pollution that is Baron Wasteland's only thing he likes.
Daisy: *quietly as Luigi is scared because of something glowing coming behind him, Josha and Ivan both Josha and Ivan turn around, gasped, and ran* Well then let's make him clean up the place.
Luigi: *quietly* DD-Daisy!

Daisy: *quietly* Not now, Luigi, let's stop...*Zack screamed as he saw a glowing figure and ran*
Lee/Ivy: *after trying to tell Zack to be quiet they recognize the glowing figure* What the-?!?!
Jade: *quietly* Cut it out...*screamed as she saw the glowing figure* Chase!?!?! *As she ran off along with Lee, Ivy and Luigi while grabbing Daisy*
Chase: Keep it... *as he turns around* Good night, it's just Carmen heh ha! Carmen! *To Lady Catrina dress in Carmen Sandiego's clothing* Carmen, take off that face painting make up of yours and... *Screamed and fell into a beauty salon chair and a bowl of mud pack onto him when a female facial specialist screamed*

Translated from Spanish

Chase: *to the facial specialist (female)* No, wait, ma'am, I can explain!
Facial Specialist: *as she ran into the back while Chase removes that mud off of his face* Help me, girls!
Chase: *as he heads around the back of the salon* Ma'am! Ma'am, hold on, I can...*Shocked and see a luchadora or female masked wrestler along with a lot of beauty salon female employees* Please, Ladies, I...

Outside of Beauty Salon

*Chase screamed as he been throwed by the luchadora into a pile of garbage bags at the back of the alley*
Luchadora: And don't ever come back here or you'll face my wrath if you ever step in here again, understand?
Chase: *in a dizzy face* No problem, ma'am! *He fainted*

*End Translation*

Casper: *voice only* Chase, wake up! *Somehow Chase woke up thanks to Casper with a bucket of water*
Chase: Ow! Casper, what are you doing here?
Casper: What happened?
Chase: Carmen just thrown me in the salon.

Carmen: *voice only* I throw you in the salon?!?!
Chase: *as he got up as he saw Carmen and Spooky* You sure did and scared the team away with that...Carmen, you don't have that skull face painting on.

Carmen: What do you mean by that, Chase?
Chase: I just saw you with a skull face painting.
Casper: That's not Carmen, you saw.
Chase: Wait if she's coming here from Acapulco, then who was that in her clothing.
Carmen: Not a who, but a ghost called Lady Catrina, created by Medeva's own magic.

Chase: What?!?! I've got thrown into a beauty salon by a ghost and I've got into trouble by those women including a luchadora.
Carmen: Luchadora?!?! That's Eartha Brute's friend and owner of that salon.
Spooky: Oh yeah, we'll see about that.
Casper: *as Spooky phase through the back of the salon* Spooky, no!

Translated from Spanish

Spooky: *voice only* Hello, girls!
Beauty Shop Employees (female): *voice only and screamed* A GHOST!!!
Luchadora: *voice only* What's going on...A GHOST!!! *Spooky screamed as he phases out of the salon as Luchadora holds a Ghost Begone Spray after opening the back door* Beware, Ghost! *To Carmen* Oh, excuse me, Miss Sandiego. *And slams the back door*

*End of Translation*

Chase: I don't understand, Carmen, what happened?
Carmen: I'll explain when we find the others here.
Casper: *to Spooky* Let's go find them, Spooky! *As he floated away*
Spooky: *following Casper* Right behind you, Casper!

(End of Chapter Twelve)
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Chapter Thirteen: The Baron and Lady Catrina, part two

Zocalo or the Plaza de la Constitución, Oaxaca, Mexico

*As Jade, Ivy, Zack, Lee, Josha, Ivan, Luigi and Daisy came*

Zack: Boy that was close, did see you that glowing ghost from anywhere.
Ivy: Yeah, kind of spooky, huh?
Jade: Or we have been scared over Carmen Sandiego's face.
Lee: Yeah right, she would've celebrated the Day of the Dead too early or...
Luigi: *quietly as he pointed his finger to someone familiar* Uh, guys, look! *Team ACME [Jade, Ivy, Zack, Lee, Josha, Ivan] and Daisy gasped*

Daisy: King Boo!
Ivan: With Baron Wasteland.
Lee: And Carmen, too.
Jade: I thought she was in Acapulco checking and see if Patty's okay.
Lee: Seems Carmen's lying to us.

Medeva: *voice only* Oh really, Lee, but I disagree! *Laughed as Jade recognize the voice from behind by turning around*
Jade: Medeva, what are you doing here and why did Carmen show up here with a face painting of a skull?
King Boo: *as he appears with Baron Wasteland and Lady Catrina in Carmen Sandiego's clothing* You didn't figure it out, yet Miss Detective?
Jade: You mean?

Daisy: *Holding her hadron pack* King Boo, it's nice to meet you, I ought...*screamed as Lady Catrina lifted her*
Luigi: Daisy! *As Lady Catrina is about throw Daisy to the ground until Chase came and catch her*
Jade: *as she saw him and Carmen while Chase put Daisy down safely* Chase, Carmen?!?!
Carmen: Jade, detectives, that's not me! *Jade notices the difference between Carmen and Lady Catrina*

Jade: Now I understand who the real Carmen Sandiego is *points her finger at Lady Catrina* and you're not it.
Baron Wasteland: Ha, very good, Miss Detective, you figure it out the imposter.
Luigi: It's over King Boo now where's my brother and the others?

King Boo: Ha! You can't stop me, Luigi but they can and Lady Catrina, you and Wasteland deal with them.
Lady Catrina: With pleasure, your majesty! *As she reveals her true outfit: an Aztec Lady outfit in black, white and bright colors (a blouse, a long skirt with a sash and an Aztec feather headdress) and her ghostly form*

Medeva: *to Baron Wasteland* We have to vanish for now time for them to take last bow.
Baron Wasteland: Leave them to us, Medeva! *As Medeva and King Boo disappeared by Medeva's magic*

Zack: *looking at the poltergeist detection device* Terrific, this one is very dangerous negativity.
Chase: It's all thanks to Medeva's Magic.
Baron Wasteland: And there's no way you can't stop any of us *to the garbage throwing ghosts* trash this place. *All of the sudden he was hose down by a fire hydrant?!?!* What the-?!?!
*Lady Catrina screamed as water sprays at her as well*

Luigi: *as he saw Lady Catrina's true face when her skull 'face painting' got remove* Yikes! (Remember Hellen Gravely from Luigi's Mansion 3 except Lady Catrina doesn't used 'Gheist Paint'[a special ghostly powder make-up] like Hellen does by the way I don't own the character, the fictional make-up brand or the game whatsoever)
Daisy: *as she activates her hadron pack* Time to give this ghost a makeover! *As she zaps her hadron wand and aim at Lady Catrina while Team ACME [only Jade, Chase, Ivy and Lee] takes care of Baron Wasteland and the garbage throwing ghosts*

Luigi: *activates the Super Poltergust* Way a go! I'll put her away. *And Luigi did by putting Lady Catrina in a ghost cannister*
Baron Wasteland: You'll pay for this!
Spooky: *voice only* Yoo-hoo!
Baron Wasteland: Huh?!?! *As Spooky and Casper appears*
Casper: Hi!
Baron Wasteland: *yelled* A PAIR OF GHOSTS!!!! *When he's about to get away Ivan and Josha just trip him into the tree with a rope made from their own shoelaces while Jade put the group of the garbage throwing ghosts into a big ghost cannister when Gadd's van came*

Gadd: *As he opens the front door with his face mask on* Way a go, everyone!
Zack: *as Chase and Lee came to Baron Wasteland and restrained him while unconscious* Professor, thank goodness you made it.
Gadd: I hope that Baron will clean up this place before the Day of the Dead.
Ivy: And he's going to!

Three hours later...at a house belonging to an old ACME agent of the past

Jade: So, Patty, wasn't in Acapulco?
Carmen: She's gone but I did find something in the villa.
Zack: *as he, Josha and Ivan are finishing up the ofrenda* I bet Patty left some glitter behind, right?
Carmen: Other than her cellphone, Zack!
Luigi: What is it? My brother?!?! *As Carmen gave Chase a wine bottle*
Chase: A bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon?!?!

Ivy: A red wine no doubt.
Zack: Patty could be in the Bordeaux region of France, right?
Jade: Not exactly, Cabernet Sauvignon can grow everywhere beside Bordeaux, Zack!
Lee: Perhaps, I'll try a sip.

Chase: *after opening the bottle* You better not, Jordan!
Lee: Why not?
Chase: It's empty!
Lee: Gee-whiz! Sounds like a dud.
Jade: *looking at the wine bottle* Not quite! Check out the label.

Carmen: I saw it said Ray Fanta, Maipo Valley.
Jade: *as she snaps her fingers* Of course, just like the package it's mispronounce again.
Luigi: *scared* You mean?!?!
Daisy: Oh, I great it's supposed to be Rey Fantasma.
Jade: Like the other languages it's means...
Luigi: I know, I know, King Boo, the ghost king.

Jade: And I remember there's a villain who escape from the old ACME agent of the past here in Mexico and vanish in Central Chile.
Lee: Jade, we have to find where Maipo Valley is.
Jade: That's it, Maipo Valley is in Central Chile famous of their own Cabernet Sauvignon and the one we're looking is a mobster named Don Cerebro.

Carmen: And odds are that's where Patty end up instead of Acapulco.
Josha: At least the old ACME agent's spirit will be happy to see the team capture his rival.
Agnes Acme: *voice only* I couldn't agree! *As she appears* And Miss Jade, figure that box filled with a calavera, and the hibiscus tea has made his family happy to use.
Jade: Yeah, I've figure they need those.
Gadd: We better get going, Agnes, we have a lot of work to do and bring the light to this world.
Agnes Acme: I know you all will...so get going! *As she disappears*

Ivan: You heard Agnes' spirit and by the way Casper and Spooky have left Mexico.
Jade: *after checking her Padphone* Got a message from Wendy she's in Santiago, the capital of Chile, let's meet her and head for Maipo Valley.
Zack: Hold on, Jade, I just remember Polly Tix is in Santiago while she's stopping a VILE Henchman stealing Chile's own constitution.
Jade: Figures when it comes to an expert to politics it's Polly!

(End of Chapter Thirteen)
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Chapter Fourteen: Don Cerebro

On the way to Maipo Valley, Chile after landing in Santiago.

Zack: *voice only while inside Gadd's RV* We don't understand why we didn't see Polly in Santiago after she stops the crook?
Ivy: *voice only* We just found out that she left Santiago after someone told her to meet the President of Chile at a private hacienda in Maipo Valley to celebrate a party in her honor for recovering Chile's own constitution.
Jade: *voice only* There's no way the President of Chile would host a private party for her, I've figure it's a lie.
Lee: *voice only* You're jumping to conclusion again, Jade!
Chase: *voice only* Jade's right again, Jordan! Polly is in danger.
Luigi: *voice only* I wonder if my brother is there.
Jade: *voice only* Only one way to find out, Luigi.

Maipo Valley, Chile

Don Cerebro's Hacienda

Don Cerebro: *to Count Hypno* If anything happens to me, take the emerald back to King Boo, he might need it more than I do.
Count Hypno: I'll make sure to do that for you if you fail of course.
Don Cerebro: My men and I will be waiting for Luigi and the others. *Looking at the portrait of Yoshi* Soon King Boo will have his own private museum. *Laughed a little while Polly and Patty are in the dining room tied up and gagged*
Count Hypno: *after he sees Casper, Spooky and Wendy in the sky* Hm...it seems we have some uninvited guests coming in.
Don Cerebro: Two little ghosts and a little witch, huh? They don't scare me! *Laughed a little*

Outside of Don Cerebro's Hacienda

Wendy: *to Jade on screen* We're almost there, Jade we should be...*screamed as a ghostly mob shows up on her, Casper and Spooky and they are about to capture them until Polterpup howled and a group of ghostly herds of cattle shows up*
Casper/Wendy: Polterpup!
Casper: Thanks, Polterpup! *Polterpup barks translated: No problem*

*Ghostly mob screamed and ran from the ghostly herds of cattle*

Count Hypno: *as he sees what's going on from the outside* What the-?!?!?!
Don Cerebro: How could my men be scared of a herd of hamburgers? *As Gadd's RV shows up and Zack looks at the poltergeist detection device while he, Jade, Chase, Ivy, Lee, Luigi and Daisy steps out*
Zack: Looks like some friendly herds give the ghostly mob on the run.

Ivy: Let's bust the mob.
*The ghostly mob is about to run back to the hacienda until Daisy, Chase, Ivy and Lee use their own hadron pack and zapped them and Jade traps them in the ghost cannister*
Gadd: Nice Job, detectives!
Jade: *as Carmen came out of Gadd's RV* But we're not out of the woods, yet!
Carmen: Jade, Chase! *After pointing her finger at Count Hypno while he's inside the hacienda*
Chase: Count Hypno, might have known he's here!
Jade: We better stop Don Cerebro first and grab the emerald.
Don Cerebro: *as he appears in ghostly form in a mobster's outfit and holding a Tommy gun* Try and stop me, my dear, because I want to become the richest man in Mexico, but that detective may have stop me, but I got away and start over here until my time is up.

Jade: Yeah right, you're just getting away with extortion without being successful.
Don Cerebro: I'll be successful by getting Luigi! *Luigi screamed so loud*
Daisy: If you want Luigi try and stop us first.
Luigi: Careful, Daisy! *Don Cerebro uses his power to protect his hacienda from Team ACME, Luigi and Daisy from entering*
Chase: On the count of three let's take care of this mob leader.
Gadd: *to Carmen* Get back inside, Carmen! *And she did back in Gadd's RV*

Ivy: Uno! (One!)
Lee: Dos! (Two!)
Daisy: Huh?!?!
Jade: They're counting to three in Spanish, Daisy!
Daisy: Oh yeah, three, uh, Jade!
Jade: Tres, Daisy, Tres!
Daisy: Sorry, Jade, Tres!
Chase: Oh brother! *As he, Ivy, Lee and Daisy use their own hadron pack and aim at Don Cerebro*

Luigi: Maybe Daisy should learn Spanish while we're here.
Jade: Later, Luigi, right now, capture the leader.
Daisy: Luigi!

Luigi: *using the Super Poltergust* Got it Daisy! *Don Cerebro is captured into the ghost cannister after Luigi slams him down to weakened him and the power fainted away*

Zack: Jade, the emerald!
Jade: Let's grab it, Zack! *Too late, Count Hypno grabs the emerald very fast*
Count Hypno: You may defeat Don Cerebro but you all will never defeat King Boo. *Laughed as he uses a smoke bomb to escape*

Inside Don Cerebro's Hacienda

*Luigi uses his Strobulb to free Yoshi, while Chase and Lee freed Patty and Polly in the dining room*
Polly: *as she stands up from the chair* Thanks for saving us, otherwise that mobster would do the same thing he did to that creature
Lee: Creature?!?! This is Yoshi he's from the Mushroom Kingdom.
Yoshi: Luigi, thanks for saving me, Yoshi.
Luigi: You're welcome, Yoshi!

Patty: *to Carmen while she's weeping* It was awful, Aunt Carmen, that mobster wants me to stay at this place I rather stay in Acapulco I would have warn you earlier.
Carmen: There, there, Patty, that mobster is no more.
Zack: *voice only* Man, there's no food here for the girls to eat.

Jade: *as she activates her Padphone...to Zack when she sees him in the kitchen* Relax, I'm send the girls back to Santiago.
Carmen: Thank you, Jade, I've figure you two haven't eaten yet.
Polly: Not at all.
Chase: *as the C-5 appears to Polly* Don't worry some at ACME will take you to a safehouse.
Carmen: *to Patty* A VILE copter is coming to pick you up there and head straight back to Acapulco.
Patty: Thank you, Aunt Carmen!
Polly: See you later. *As she and Patty enter the C-5 corridor*

Zack: *voice only* Eww!
Ivy: *as she enters the kitchen* What did you find in the kitchen? A bug?!?!
Zack: *as he brings a jar out of the fridge* Worse, take a look at this jar.
Ivy: What are you...Oh gosh so gross!
Lee: *as he enters the kitchen* What's gross?
Ivy: *as she shows Lee the jar* This!
Lee: *as he opens the jar* Pickled herring, nice! *As he looks what's inside* Oh yuck!
Jade: *as she and Chase enters the kitchen* This is no time to...good night, what's that smell?

Lee: Fermented shark meat.
Chase: That is not a good delicacy.
Jade: *after she puts a face mask and a pair of rubber disposable gloves* Not to the people of Iceland they...huh?!?!
Lee: Jade, don't!
Jade: I'm not trying it, Lee, I've found something on the lid and on the jar.
Chase: Good eye, Jade, gosh, this lid has a label that belongs to Rajah Boot.
Ivy/Zack/Lee: Rajah Boot?!?! *As Luigi, Daisy, and Yoshi came to the kitchen*

Yoshi: Yum, gray fruit!
Jade: No, Yoshi, this is fermented shark meat.
Yoshi: P.U., Stinky food!
Luigi: No way, I wouldn't eat that
Daisy: Me neither! Don't tell us we're going to Iceland.
Jade: No, Daisy, but this jar has a warning.

Lee: What warning, Jade?
Jade: *reading the label* Do not bring this jar or you'll bring a great misfortune. Dakuwaqa
Zack: Dakuwaqa?!?! Fermented shark meat?!?! Rajah Boot?!?! Doesn't make any sense.
Carmen: *as she enters the kitchen* Maybe you should think about Mythology in Fiji.
Chase/Ivy/Zack/Lee: Fiji?!?!
Jade: *as she snaps her fingers* Of course, the people of Fiji never eat sharks.
Lee: Suppose why not?

Jade: Dakuwaqa is the Fijian Deity of Sharks and Rajah Boot is another mispronounce it's supposed to be Bhoot Raja in Hindi...
Luigi: Let me guess, Ghost King!
Jade: Figure you remember Luigi!

Carmen: Professor Sara Bellum is in Fiji.
Zack: And so, does Ann Tickwittee.
Chase: Then better get to Fiji at once.

(End of Chapter Fourteen)
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Chapter Fifteen: Professor Basilio Pazzo

King Boo's Castle

King Boo: *to Gnash and Count Hypno* How could those two [Madame Wildflower and Don Cerebro] be defeated I want to know why.
Gnash: You already know who it is, your majesty!
Count Hypno: Yes, I would have hypnotized him [Luigi] to surrender to you.
*King Boo growled and Medeva screaming in frustration after seeing in her crystal ball*

Medeva: Darn that Luigi, he and ACME are going to Fiji.
Gnash: And there's Carmen Sandiego.
Count Hypno: She would have joined you, your majesty!
King Boo: She's nothing but a soft-hearted fool.
Count Hypno: I just remembered Jane Reaction is there too.

On the way to Monu, Mamanuca Islands, Fiji

*On Gadd's speedboat*

Zack: *to Luigi* I can't believe your professor can change anything from a plane, any four-wheeled vehicle and now a speedboat.
Luigi: That's Professor Gadd always.
Gadd: At least I told Toadette and Yoshi to stay in the main island of Fiji and wait for us until we get our friends out of Monu.
*While Casper, Spooky and Wendy are flying*
Spooky: Are you sure we're going to the right island?
Casper: We are, Spooky, why?
Spooky: Well, look at that! *A mecha version of a shark creature guarded Monu*

Zack: *after he's using his binocular glasses* There's a shark creature on that island.
Carmen: Ach! One of Jane Reaction's mechas no doubt. *Her communication watch beeped*
Sara Bellum: *voice only* Carmen, look out that shark creature it's...
Carmen: Professor Bellum, we see it already, hello, Sara!
Jade: Lost communication, Carmen?
Carmen: Sounds like it, Jade
Lee: *to Chase* I bet Ann tries to reach us like Sara did but couldn't reach one of us.
Ivy: Just like our cellphones.
Daisy: All but yours, Jade.
Jade: Uh, it's my Padphone!

Chase: We're getting closer. *As Gadd's speedboat stops at Monu and there the shark creature starts to attack Team ACME (Jade, Chase, Ivy, Zack and Lee), Carmen, Luigi, Daisy, Casper, Spooky and Wendy*
Spooky: I'm going into that robot.
Casper: Spooky, wait for me. *As he and Spooky enters the mecha they notice Hammers (a group of red ghosts who can attack by charging anyone) *
Spooky: Hiya, fellows! * Hammers notice him and Casper already and decided to charge on them.
*Casper and Spooky got out of the Mecha and a group of Hammers came out*

Inside Professor Pazzo's hideout

Professor Pazzo: *to Jane Reaction* Looks like your idea to scare them failed.
Jane: *as she pointed to Casper and Spooky* It's because of them who exposes it.
Professor Pazzo: I always hidden my top-secret invention for all these years, might come in handy, if I failed take my amethyst and get it back to King Boo.
Jane: What happens if you succeed?
Professor Pazzo: Then I will trap Luigi and *points his finger at the portrait of Cathie the Birdo* Hand over the portraits to King Boo. *Laughed so loud as he heads into his top-secret closet*

Meanwhile...Jade got get rid of the Hammers in one ghost cannister with the help of Luigi of course.

Chase: Good work, Jade, Luigi!
Luigi: With pleasure!
Jade: Then let's go inside and freed our friends. *Gasped as a giant mecha shows up*

Professor Pazzo: Don't bother getting inside! *As he uses his power to block Team ACME, Carmen, Luigi and Daisy from getting into his hideout* Let me eliminate you all myself.
*Luigi screamed as Professor Pazzo's giant mecha use the claws to grab Luigi*
Daisy: *using her hadron wand to attack Professor Pazzo to save Luigi* Think again!
Professor Pazzo: You think you can stop me with that.

Lee: Wanna bet! *As he, Chase and Ivy use their own hadron wand to attack Professor Pazzo, however Professor Pazzo uses his laser blast to attack thankfully Team ACME, Carmen, Luigi and Daisy ducted while Casper, Spooky and Wendy enters the Professor's giant mecha*

Professor Pazzo: What the-?!?!?! How did you get in here?
Wendy: We're just lucky we guess.
Spooky: Hey Professor, why are you doing this?
Professor Pazzo: Lots of inventors say they invented but I was supposed to be the only one to invent things more than the ones outside of Italy.
Casper: More like you're stealing it from all the famous inventors.

Professor Pazzo: That should've been me who invented the telephone, the air conditioner, even the dental floss that more stronger string than ever.
Casper: Well Professor, that's stealing and it's wrong!
Professor Pazzo: Oh, yeah! Time for you three! *As he presses the eject button, he pops out instead of Casper, Wendy and Spooky and fell in the sand*

Zack: *after the poltergeist detection device* Well, well, you thought you can eject out our friends, but you're wrong, geekwad!
Professor Pazzo: *as he is about to get Zack* Why you?!?! *Screamed when Daisy uses her hardon wand to attack him and Luigi uses the Super Poltergust to trap for good, the power fainted*

Carmen: *sees an amethyst coming down* Jade, there!
Jade: The amethyst! *As she about to grab it she was too late when Jane Reaction grabs it first while using her rocket backpack to escape with the amethyst*

Jane: Farewell, free agent, I'd better give this back to King Boo! *Laughed as she got away*
Jade: *As Chase, Ivy, Zack and Lee came* Rats foiled once again!
Lee: Calm down, Jade, we'll grab the gem before it gets to someone else.
Chase: In the meantime, let's get our friends outer here!

(End of Chapter Fifteen)
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Chapter Sixteen: What's Booing in Hong Kong?

Suva, Viti Levu, Fiji

*Almost an hour later after freeing Sara, Ann and Cathie the Birdo thanks to Gadd's speedboat they came back to the main island (Viti Levu)*

Luigi: *to the fruit stand owner* We're sorry about Yoshi, he was hungry.
Fruit Stand Owner: *as Zack pays the owner four Fijian Dollars [Four Fijian Dollars= $1.77 U.S. Dollars] * At least he just ate one piece of mango, one piece of papaya and two pieces of pineapple.
Zack: *to Yoshi* You would have waited for us while rescuing our friends, we would have gone for Fijian curry.
Yoshi: Sorry!

Chase: *to Ann* Was there anything you remember before you were captured?
Ann: I was about to meet Inspector Li in Hong Kong after he and Maylee celebrated Hungry Ghost Festival for her [Maylee's] Parents after she cleans their tombstones when some weird man told me that there's a robbery at the Fiji Museum somehow it was a false alarm, and the sky are gone darken.

Jade: Just like everywhere else, Ann and now we can't see the sun, the moon and the stars no thanks to Medeva's magic and King Boo.
Ann: King Boo?!?! Never heard of him.
Daisy: He's Luigi's enemy.
Luigi: And more dangerous than ever.

Jade: *As Lee opens a briefcase, they found at Monu earlier* First, the trouble begins at my hometown, then Alcatraz, New York City, Wyoming, Mexico, Chile and now Fiji what is that ghost [King Boo] up to?
Lee: *He shocked and surprised* Wow! I'm so lucky!
Ivy: About what?

Lee: Take a look at this...*as he shows Ivy what was inside the briefcase* one hundred of these ten-thousand U.S. dollar bills.
Ivy: Oh, please, Lee, there's no such thing as a ten-thousand U.S. dollar bill.
Jade: *as she, Ann and Chase came* Not since they printed them from 1878 to 1934 it was an originally used as a gold certificate until after President FDR signs the Executive Order number 6102, they were redesigned and reissued as a federal reserve note until 1969.

Chase: Jade's right, Jordan, figure it's just play money.
Jade: Not exactly, Chase, they're just joss paper pretended to be legal tender bills.
Ann: Of course, joss paper is used for burnt offerings common in Chinese ancestral worship to remember their own families.
Jade: Like Maylee's parents in Hong Kong.

Casper: *as he, Wendy and Polterpup came* Jade, ACME, Carmen Sandiego and Professor Bellum left for Thailand.
Wendy: Spooky went with them.
Casper: And Spooky said Carmen will join you guys in Hong Kong.

Gadd: Brilliant, we got enough time to get to Hong Kong fast.
Jade: Casper, Wendy, Polterpup head to Hong Kong, we'll be right there.
Casper/Wendy: Right! *As they floated away while Professor Gadd turns the speedboat into a submarine*

King Boo's Castle

Medeva: *after she and King Boo looks at what happened in her crystal ball* Those ACME fools got rid of the first three, I will not give the others a chance of plea.
King Boo: Settle down, Medeva, they're heading for Hong Kong there will be a surprised for them. *Laughed*
Mario: You won't win, King Boo! I swore my brother will defeat you all over again! *Screamed as Medeva uses her static shocker again at him and Peach*
King Boo: No matter your brother is doom for sure. *Laughed so loud*

Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong, China

*People screaming coming all over from every district in Hong Kong especially around the Central District...Greenies (a group of green ghosts that can throws a punch) coming around Edinburgh Place in which the people are heading for the ferry to escape until Jade use her Poltergust 2.0 got those Greenies send them to the ghost cannister when she, the rest of Team ACME (Chase, Ann, Ivy, Zack and Lee), Luigi and Daisy) while Casper, Wendy and Polterpup head for Kowloon to help the people around Mong Kok*

Maylee Young: *on screen on Jade's Padphone* Jade, I'm glad ACME shows up, but Inspector Li is in trouble.
Jade: Maylee, where are you?
Maylee: *on screen* Lan Kwai Feng District.
Jade: We're coming your way, stay there, Maylee.
Maylee: *on screen* Got it! *As Jade hangs up her Padphone and activates the C-5 corridor to Maylee's location*

Lan Kwai Feng District

*The C-5 appears and so does Team ACME (Jade, Chase, Ann, Ivy, Zack and Lee), Luigi and Daisy and they gasped when they saw King Boo and Doctor Belljar who holding Maylee hostage while Inspector Li has been knock down*

Belljar: Hello, ACME, don't even try to capture the king or this rookie [Maylee] is part of his masterpiece if you just bring in Luigi to him.
Daisy: Why should we give you Luigi.
Belljar: He wants him now.
King Boo: And all of you will surrender to me! *Laughed until he got shocked by some poltergeist ghost catching net*
Daisy: What was that?
Carmen: *voice only* Relax, detectives! *As Carmen appears with some net catching gun*
Chase: Carmen, that was fast!
Carmen: All thanks to Professor Bellum's ghost catcher the net can shock one ghost like him. *Until the ghost catcher got knock out of Carmen's hand thanks to Belljar's static gun and freed King Boo*

King Boo: Time for me to leave! *And disappears*
Belljar: *as Team ACME is about to capture him* Don't even try to stop King Boo especially me! *Laughed as he disappeared by using his transporter to escape after he release Maylee*

ACME Medical Center, Hong Kong

Maylee: *voice only* I'm so glad you're okay, Inspector Li!
Li: *voice only* You too, Maylee!

Inside the medical center

Chase: *to Inspector Li* Tell us what happened here?
Li: *with an ice pack on his forehead* That huge ghost came out of nowhere along with a lot of green ghosts to invade here.
Maylee: And really interrupted the Hungry Ghost Festival and I don't have any joss paper.

Jade: *as Lee brings in the joss papers to Maylee* You're in luck, Maylee!
Lee: Use these wisely.
Maylee: Thank you, Detective Jordan!
Ann: Well, you guys be careful, especially you and Luigi, Daisy.
Daisy: We'll get King Boo! *Jade's Padphone beeped and look at a message from Wendy*
Jade: Let's head for Kowloon!

Zack: Why Kowloon?
Jade: Casper, Wendy and Polterpup have found a clue for us to pick up.

(End of Chapter Sixteen)
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Chapter Seventeen: Spook upon Tokyo

ACME Headquarters, San Francisco, CA, USA

Inside the Safehouse

Gadd: *to Toadette, Yoshi and Cathie* Keep quiet and don't make any sounds while I'll continued the rescue with Luigi and Daisy.
Toadette: Okay, Professor!
Gadd: If you need anything ask first!
Yoshi: Okay! *As Professor Gadd leaves*

The Evidence Room

Chase: *voice only* Ouch!
Lee: *voice only* Not again! Have you tried any communication beside your cellphone?
Chase: *as Jade opens the package that Casper, Wendy and Polterpup found in Kowloon carefully* None, I can't even reach them on E-mail.
Ivy: When was the last time you talk to the Chief?
Chase: Before this phenomenon got started, he and Suhara are on their way to Japan.
Jade: Speaking of Japan, look at this package. *As Chase, Ivy and Lee saw what's inside the package and they weren't surprised*

Lee: A package of instant ramen noodles?!?!
Jade: *as Zack, Luigi, Daisy, Professor Gadd and Wendy came while Casper, Spooky and Polterpup phase through the wall* Basically, I prefer the ones without the MSG [Monosodium Glutamate].
Zack: So, what, Jade? Instant ramen noodles are a college student's meal with less money instead of going to a cafeteria.
Jade/Ivy: Oh, Zack!
Lee: *as he grabs an envelope* Looks like another invoice. *As he opened the envelope carefully* Huh?!?!
Chase: What is it, Jordan?

Lee: It's looks like a check in amount of five-hundred thousand yen. (500,000 Japanese yen=$3,408 U.S. Dollars) However, it doesn't have a name or a signature I'll just cash it.
Chase: You better not cash that check, Jordan!
Lee: Why not?
Chase: We should take it over to Tokyo Headquarters, that's why not...Huh?!?! Strange there's a note inside. *As he gave the note to Jade*
Lee: What does the note say?
Jade: It said *reads the note* Meet me in Harajuku. -'Lolita'
Zack: Lolita?!?! Who is Lolita?
Ivy: Not a girl, Zack, but a fashion trend for girls in Japan.
Jade: In the Harajuku district in Tokyo, I remember Sakura likes window shopping there. *Her Padphone beeped, and she picks up* Hello!

Tako Yaki: *voice only* Help, ACME we got trouble in Headquarters, Hurry!
Jade: Hang on, we're on our way!
Luigi: Hold on what about Carmen?
Jade: She's already left for Tokyo in fact she's worry something happened to any of her gang members there.

ACME Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan

The Lab

*Tako Yaki and his grandmother Suki Yaki are stuck in purple gooey stuff*
Suki: *to Tako* I can't get out!
Tako: Me too.

The Hallway
*Every ACME Japan agent is scared over a group of Danglers (white or light pink ghosts who dangles down) *
Sakura Watanabe: *to her cousin, Daniel Yamaguchi* What are we going to do?
Daniel: Don't know, just don't panic! *Until Luigi and Jade capture the Danglers after they are using the Poltergust and the Ghost cannister, the rest of Team ACME (Chase, Ivy, Zack and Lee) and Daisy arrives*

Jade: Daniel, Sakura, you two, okay?
Sakura: Hai, Arigato, Jade! (Hai=Yes/Arigato=Thank you!)
Jade: *in Japanese translation* You're welcome!
Chase: Yamaguchi, what happened?
Daniel: We're supposed to get ready to secure the Shibuya area when these ghoulish freaks came out of nowhere.
Sakura: Tako and his grandmother are in the lab and in trouble.
Jade: Let's move!

The Lab (five minutes later)

Tako: *after Jade and Luigi captures a group of Creepers (Purple Ghosts who make themselves as gooey and trapping anyone) * Arigato, you guys! And I'm sorry what happened to your brother [Mario], Luigi.
Luigi: Don't worry, Tako, we'll find him and the others.
Suki: But who would darken the sky?
Daisy: King Boo!
Jade: And Medeva and her 'black magic' no doubt.
Tako: We're still have trouble with the letter Spencer brought it in, but do you have anything else?
Lee: *as he shows the check to Tako while Jade shows the note to Suki* This check has no signature nor who it goes to.
Suki: Perhaps, that would be arrange.

Within Ten minutes later...
Tako: *as he gave the check back to Lee* Here's the check!
Suki: *as she gave the note back to Jade* And the remaining of the note, Miss Jade!
Jade: Arigato, Suki!

Ivy: *to Lee* So, smarty pants, who gets the check?
Lee: It said Guy's Kong, I don't know what that means.
Jade: Oh fudge, check out the note it said: P.S. Bring the check to Guy's Kong in Shibuya and head to Beppu to meet with Akane Gekido.
Chase: We got to find the place called Guy's Kong in the Shibuya area.

Jade: I don't think so, Chase, Guy's Kong is another mispronunciation it supposes to be Geister König which is German for...
Luigi: Ah! Don't say...
Daisy: Ghost King as in King Boo!
Jade: Bingo!

Lee: We might as well head for a bank to detect if this check bounces.
Suki: *as she grabs the check from Lee's hand* Not in Japan, Jordan-San! It still remaining blank we'll still look into it.
Tako: In the meantime, why you all go to Beppu and find this Akane person.
Jade: Of course, Tako, Akane Gekido the Kunoichi from Suhara's past who disappeared there.
Chase: And odds are that's where the Chief and Suhara are in danger.

(End of Chapter Seventeen)
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Chapter Eighteen: Akane Gekido

King Boo's Castle

King Boo: *as Medeva appears by magic* Where have you been?
Medeva: I didn't to go to Nebraska, but I did pick up someone in Alaska. *As she snaps her fingers and there was Cruiser capture in a cage*
Cruiser: Hey, what's going on here? *Screamed as he saw King Boo*
King Boo: *laughed* Brilliant, Medeva, I shall try again now that I have three gems [diamond, emerald and amethyst] and try again by using you [Cruiser].
Mario: *as Cruiser gulped...to King Boo* What are going to do to him?

Medeva: *to Mario* He's going to give him an example believe me it's no free sample! *Medeva's right, King Boo use his power to trapped Cruiser into the portrait when Cruiser gasped and about to screamed and Medeva laughed so loud*
Peach: You won't get away with this, Luigi and Daisy have already been successful with ACME by their side.
King Boo: *as he and Medeva looks at the crystal ball* We'll see about that.

A Ryokan and Onsen retreat in Beppu, Japan

Dr. Depth: *coughed...to Dr. Belljar* I know this Kunoichi will beat this Luigi fellow, or the ruby is going back to King Boo.
Belljar: At least she captured not one but two. *Looking at Chief Weller and Suhara Nakamura captured in chains unconscious while Akane Gekido dressed in a kimono disguise as a geisha waiting for her 'guests' to come*

*The C-5 appears*

Akane: They are here, gentlemen!
Depth: *coughed...to Dr. Belljar* Don't worry about me, Belljar, if anything happens to her, I'll grab the ruby and return it to King Boo.
Belljar: I'll be get going, Depth, see you later. *And he transports somewhere else while Team ACME [Jade, Chase, Ivy, Zack and Lee], Luigi and Daisy entered the Ryokan with their own shoes off*

Jade: *quietly after she who's there as well* Carmen!
Carmen: *as she pointed her finger to Chief Weller and Suhara...to Chase quietly* There they are.
Zack: *quietly* Oh man, Chief, Suhara!
Ivy: *gasped and quietly* They're not the only ones, look at the wall!
Daisy: *quietly as she and Luigi gasped and saw the portrait* Oh no, Toad! *All of the sudden a shuriken is thrown to the wall Luigi screamed so loud* Not so loud, Luigi!
Lee: *as Akane rises up* Too late!

Akane: * as she bowed to Lee* Kon-ni-chi-wa!
Lee: *as he bowed to Akane* Kon-ni-chi-wa to you!
Akane: I'm Akane Gekido!
Lee: *as he came to Akane* Lee Jordan!
Ivy: *quietly to Lee* Careful, lover boy! *Lee pouted at Ivy*

Lee: *to Akane* How long have you lived here?
Akane: All of my life!
Lee: Care to explain why?
Akane: *as Lee sits down* My life was very horrible, Detective!
Lee: How horrible is it?

Akane: All the way, no one likes me because everyone knew I'm being so hateful, troubled and very delinquent even my own parents and my annoying older sister, I want to prove to be smarter, beautiful and love towards everyone than her [Akane's older sister], but no one sees me better as my sister, do you have that problem, Detective?

Lee: Long ago, I wanted to prove everyone that I'm the best at being a detective or a better thief than Carmen Sandiego, but I was wrong.
Akane: *as she pours a cup of green tea* Wrong doesn't cut it, you have to keep on proving to yourself towards others by getting rid of everyone but yourself.

Lee: What do you mean by that?
Akane: *as she gives Lee a cup of green tea* I got rid of my problems by destroying their own life even my family on my older sister's wedding day the whole town was gone and everyone but myself didn't survive to see who done it.
Lee: And you've got away with it, right?
Akane: Yes, I wish you would have done the same thing I did yourself, am I right?

Lee: *realizing the green tea is poison and stands up* No, Akane, you're wrong! *And throws the tea at Akane's face and she screamed* You can't prove yourself over anyone like your sister, the truth is you can't be hateful and troubled by your own family, and everyone wanted to look up to you being love towards others not hate its way over your head.

*Akane revealed herself in ghostly form, turn her geisha disguise into a kunoichi outfit in anger and start throwing a kunai unto Lee however he ducted from getting hurt*

Akane: *in anger as she grabs Lee by the neck* You're such a fool!
Lee: *choked* Let me go! *Akane throws him into hot springs water*
Jade: Lee!
Zack: *as Akane throws a kunai at Jade* Look out!
Jade: Going Advanced! *Thanks to her advanced battle suit the kunai was block by the force field protector and notice Lee is captured by a group of Creepers (remember Chapter Seventeen) in the hot springs* Hang on! *Using the Poltergust 2.0 to captures them [Creepers] while Carmen uses the ghost catcher onto Akane and shocks her [Akane]*

Depth: *coughed as he came* Boss, how could you?
Carmen: You should never turn your back from your boss.
Akane: Oh yeah! *As she removes the net* You can't escape at all! *As she uses her power to block anyone from escaping* Especially you, Luigi! *Luigi is scared*
Depth: *coughed* Give it up, plumber fool! *Akane is about to use a katana sword, but Ivy and Chase use their own hadron wand to stop Akane*
*Jade gets Lee out of the hot springs water who coughed off the water out of his mouth*

Lee: Thanks, Jade!
Jade: I'm glad you didn't drown, Lee!
Daisy: Now, Luigi! *As Luigi uses the Super Poltergust and capture Akane into the big ghost cannister*
Chase: *notice a ruby show up* Commander!
Ivy: I'll get it!
Depth: No, I'll get it! *As he kicks Ivy into the hot springs water and grabs the ruby fast* Sayonara, detectives! *As he uses a smoke bomb and escape before Carmen tries to stop him herself*

*Ivy got out of the hot springs water herself*
Ivy: *coughed* That water is so disguising.
Lee: *coughed* I agree!
Chase: *as he freed Chief Weller, Zack freed Suhara and Luigi uses the Strobulb to free Toad* At least I contact Detective Yamaguchi to come here to search this place.
Jade: Probably for clues?
Chase: Probably so, Jade!

ACME Medical Center, Tokyo, Japan

*Almost eight hours later*

Chief Weller: *in his pajamas at the hospital bed while Suhara is still unconscious to Chase* I'm glad you found that woman is dangerous.
Chase: That 'woman' is a ghost and now incarcerated in the ghost cannister.
Chief Weller: Ghost cannister?!?! You mean these criminals you've captured are ghosts.

Agnes Acme: *voice only* Absolutely, Weller! *As she appears* The criminals of the past ACME agents try to capture but fail to do so.
Chase: We did capture only four so far.
Chief Weller: So that means...
Agnes Acme: Two are left, Devineaux.

Chase: We all try to grab the gems so far; we didn't grab it fast enough.
Agnes Acme: I feared this ghostly fiend wants the gems back for a purpose.
Jade: *as she came* To make an art collection for himself.
Agnes Acme: Himself?!?!
Jade: Yes, with the help of Medeva who took the garnet away from Washington, D.C., USA and bringing it to the Mushroom Kingdom to freed King Boo and get his revenge against Luigi.
Agnes Acme: Luigi?!?! As in Mario's brother?!?!

Luigi: *as he came and scared* Yes, ma'am!
Agnes Acme: Oh, my this isn't good!
Jade: Not since Medeva darken the sky along with King Boo's help that's why he came to the real world and get the ones who earn the gems before their own lives are up. *Her Padphone beeped* Chase, we've better head for the evidence room, Detective Yamaguchi has return from Beppu.
Chase: Excuse us, Chief, Agnes, we've better go.
Luigi: *to Agnes Acme* Yeah, there's so much work to do! *As he left with Jade and Chase*

(End of Chapter Eighteen)
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Chapter Nineteen: Colonel Elfenbein, part one

ACME Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan

The Hallway

Casper: *after he, Spooky and Polterpup phases through the wall* Golly, I hope we better inform Jade and the others about Wendy disappeared while scouting around South Africa.
Spooky: Better gather the others for your message, Casper.
Casper: *as Spooky starts phasing* Spooky, wait! *Polterpup barked* Lead the way, Polterpup, I know you want to find your owner.

In the file room

*Sakura opens up one of the file drawers*
Spooky: Hiya, doll!
Sakura: *yelled* A GHOST! *Screamed and ran out of the file room, Spooky shrugged then phase through to the lab...to Suki* Hello!
Suki: Oh my! Tako!
Tako: *as he came* Grandmother? *Screamed and yelled* A GHOST!!! *Grabs as a bottle of Ghost Begone and Spooky gasped and phase out* Ha, that was close! I'd better show them the check where it comes from while going to the evidence room.
Suki: Go do that, dear and take that bottle [Ghost Begone] with you.
Tako: Yes, grandmother! *And he did and leave*

The Evidence Room

Daniel: *when Chase and Jade are shocked to see the clues* I know, I know, it sounds weird but that wasn't the only one.
Chase: An elephant, a black rhino, a buffalo, a lion and a leopard, what do they have in common?
Jade: *As she grabs a book out of the box with her disposable gloves* Perhaps, this book might tell us. *As she opens the book* Chase, take a look at this book. *Chase came to Jade and look* Any of these names look familiar?

Chase: Theodore Roosevelt, Gary Cooper, Ernest Hemingway?!?! Jade, this is a guest book and take a look at the one who wrote it.
Jade: P.H. Percival?!?!
Chase: Hmm...*Staring at the five heads of the animals* I'm glad they didn't hunt down bears in Siberia.
Jade: You mean three famous people were in big game hunting?!?!

Chase: Exactly, Jade and P.H. stands for Philip Hope, *he snapped his fingers* of course, Philip Percival is a renowned hunter and an early safari guide for these famous people to hunt down animals.
Jade: And these five animals are the big five trophies of Africa...The African Bush Elephant, The Black Rhinoceros, An African Buffalo, An African Lion and An African Leopard.

Chase: If I know Contessa she likes to hunt animals like these.
Jade: Hey, Chase, there's something in between pages in the guest book...*As she takes out from the guest book and shocked* Looks like a pamphlet.
Daniel: A pamphlet to where? Somewhere in Africa?!?!
Jade: Looks like it, Daniel, it said: 'Kamp Elfenbein'...*She snaps her fingers* Of course, that last name sounds familiar.
Daniel: Last name?

Chase: Of course, Colonel Elfenbein, according to his file, an ACME agent tries to stop him after World War Two has ended.
Jade: But he vanished to Sabi Sand Game Reserve in South Africa.
Casper: South Africa?!?! That's where Wendy is, and she's gone after scouting around there.
Jade: Wendy's gone? We better gather the others and head for South Africa.
Chase: Now hold on a minute, Jade, I just remember Cole Gannon along with Tyson Jackson, Jason Argonaut and Jessie Lyon were investigating a diamond mine heist there, but I have no answer from him. *Until Tako enters the evidence room*

Tako: I'm here and....*gasped and yelled while holding a bottle of Ghost Begone* A GHOST!!!
Jade: Tako, no! *As she grabs the bottle of Ghost Begone from Tako*
Tako: *to Jade* What's wrong with you?
Jade: Tako, Casper is one of the allies to ACME.
Tako: What?!?! I thought it was the one with a derby.
Casper: Oh, that's my cousin, Spooky!
Tako: Spooky?!?!

Chase: Enough, what have you got, Yaki?
Tako: *as he gave the check to Chase* Here's the check it reveals where it comes from and who signs it, that's all, Sayonara! *And he left the evidence room*
Chase: Jade, Casper, get the others and tell them we're on a ghost safari in South Africa.

Sabi Sand Game Reserve, South Africa

'Kamp Elfenbein'

*Wendy is gagged and tied up*

Colonel Elfenbein: *voice only to Snarla Swing* Where are you? *As Snarla came and swinging down from the vines*
Snarla: Here I am, Colonel!
Colonel Elfenbein: *as he appears as an old man in a military suit with a monocle* That's a good prey you captured.
Snarla: All thanks to Medeva's magic trap of course like these noisy detectives did.
Cole: *as he, Tyson, Jason and Jessie are in the next room* You'll be sorry, Snarla, our friends are coming over to save us.

Snarla: Oh really, they probably don't have the time to save you, in fact they bound to be stumped and give up. *Laughed*
Jessie: Don't so sure, Snarla! As for the colonel freed our mushroom friend [Opal/Yellow Toad].
Colonel Elfenbein: Never, young lady, I'll make sure he's taken to King Boo along with Luigi and finding the others who freed because of him and his girlfriend, maybe I should add her in his collection.
Snarla: That's an exception!
Colonel Elfenbein: *to Snarla* But if I failed, take the topaz with you and return it to King Boo.
Snarla: As you wish, Colonel.

(End of Chapter Nineteen)
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Chapter Twenty: Colonel Elfenbein, part two (Halloween is just four days away, however my story may or may not be done before Halloween)

On the way to Sabi Sand Game Reserve, South Africa by Gadd's SUV

Gadd: *voice only* Are you sure we're heading to Sabi Sand Game Reserve, Miss Jade?
Jade: *voice only* Of course, Professor, we have to find Wendy, otherwise it would have been the diamond mine Cole, and his team were investigating there.
Lee: *voice only* But there's no diamond mine near the game reserve, Jade.
Chase: *voice only* In Free State, Jordan!
Daisy: *voice only* I didn't know South Africa has diamonds here.
Luigi: *voice only* It's true, Daisy!
Carmen: *voice only* South Africa is one of the top ten diamond countries rank in sixth last year, but we're not going for diamonds we're going to find our friends and my own gang there.
Lee: *voice only* Figure they didn't go to our safari lodge in Tanzania afterwords. (Remember Sorry Safari)

Carmen: *voice only* They might end up around here, Lee.
Zack: *voice only* Guys, the poltergeist detection device detects a very close negativity reading, we're on the right track. *Until he and the others screaming and Gadd's SUV is spinning out of control and crash into a tree something steaming and got everyone coughing*

Gadd: *voice only* Dog gone it, what just cause my SUV to be swerving around.
Jade: *voice only* My guess is a flat tire again.
Lee: *voice only* I was afraid you might say that, Jade.
Ivy: *voice only* Well, check it out, hot shot.
Lee: *voice only* Me?
Luigi: *voice only* I'll do it.

Daisy: *voice only* It might be the radiator. *As she and Luigi [in their own explorer outfit] came out of Gadd's SUV found out it's not only the radiator but one of the tires is flattened*

Medeva: *voice only and laughed* I was hoping you all are still on fire but now you better retire. *As she appears by magic*

Jade: *as she, Carmen, Chase, Ivy, Zack [in their own explorer outfits] and Gadd came out of the SUV* Medeva, might have guess it's you.
Medeva: Oh, did the tire gets flat, you would have been splat?
Carmen: Enough of your rhythming, Medeva! We're to meet up with our friends immediately.
Medeva: That's not a problem, boss, but for the rest get lost. *As she snapped her fingers and vines came out of nowhere start taking Professor Gadd first, he screamed as he goes down into the hole*

Luigi: Professor! *Daisy screamed* Daisy, hang on! *But then again, he screamed as he tries to save Daisy but too late, she goes down into the hole and so did Luigi*

Jade: Luigi! *As a vine is about to grab her, but she escaped by using her grappling bracelet into the tree* Up in the tree you guys.
Zack: *getting caught in the vine* Help, Ivy!
Ivy: Zack! *Screamed as a vine grabs her*
Lee: *as a vine choked on him and Chase* Hey! Stop your stupid tricks, Medeva! *Coughed and screamed as he goes down into the hole*
Chase: No, Jordan! *Screamed as he goes down into the hole along with Ivy and Zack*
Carmen: Chase!
Jade: Carmen, no! *All of the sudden a giant vine came to her [Jade]* Yikes! *Screamed as the giant vine grabs her until Casper shows and goes underground and take care of the giant vine by tying a knot (Remember the 1954 Casper classic cartoon: 'Boo Moon' where he ties the tree men's root feet together down so they can't attack the moon people. I don't own the cartoon whatsoever)

Medeva: *in frustration* It's the one who hated the most, it's that Casper the friendly ghost! *And she disappeared by magic*

Jade: Thanks for saving me, Casper! Where's Carmen Sandiego?
Carmen: I'm alright, but Chase and the other isn't.
Casper: This is where Wendy went missing.
Jade: Do you know anything else?
Casper: These vines were use for traps.
Jade: By Medeva's magic of course.
Carmen: Might have guess it's her magic that capture and dragged your friends into the underground.
Jade: *as she uses her Padphone to coordinate to Sabi Sand Game Reserve * And into the game reserve.
Casper: *As the C-5 corridor appears to Jade and Carmen* I'll fly ahead you two get going! *And they did*

(End of Chapter Twenty)


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Chapter Twenty-One: Colonel Elfenbein, part three

Sabi Sand Game Reserve, South Africa

'Kamp Elfenbein'

*Chase opens his eyes and seeing there were no vines somehow, he, Ivy, Zack, Lee, Luigi, Daisy and Professor Gadd are inside a wooden cage*

Snarla: Welcome to Kamp Elfenbein! *While Casper sneaks in and invisible*
Lee: Snarla Swing, we should have known you run this place.
Snarla: Nuh-uh, Detective! It is this gentleman; he lives a long life.
Colonel Elfenbein: A long life is right; by the way my name is Colonel Elfenbein, I always love to collect the trophies of the world.
Zack: You mean like a cup or a metal?!?!

Ivy: Uh, Zack, not that kind of a trophy, *as she pointed her finger at the wall* the colonel meant those!
*On the wall were old wanted or missing posters of people around the world each has been cross out and Luigi is scared*
Colonel Elfenbein: Indeed, my dear I find them and sell them to the highest bidder, otherwise they are history as the most dangerous one to eliminate.

Lee: *to Colonel Elfenbein* What is this the most dangerous game?

Colonel Elfenbein: Yes, but not like what you think, detective...I on the other hand will give a chance to defeat me winner gets these young detectives [Cole, Tyson, Jason and Jessie], the good little witch [Wendy] and the portrait of this little mushroom creature [Opal], however if I win which I crave the most I get you Luigi, Professor Gadd and of course, you, Princess Daisy as trophies for King Boo. (Casper is untying, ungagged and whisper not to say a word to anyone) *Laughed out loud*

Daisy: *to Colonel Elfenbein* You're insane!
Colonel Elfenbein: Oh really, my dear is just part and about your tools.
Snarla: *as she shows them the four hadron packs and the Super Poltergust* You don't need them for his game. *Laughed so loud*

Colonel Elfenbein: *quietly* Smart thinking, Swing! The odds are going to be in my favor.
Snarla: *quietly* But you know what happens if you failed.
Colonel Elfenbein: *quietly* I know, I understand, Swing!

Outside of 'Kamp Elfenbein'

*The C-5 appears and so did Jade and Carmen there was Polterpup barking*
Jade: *quietly* Polterpup, spotted our friends?!?! *Polterpup bark and pointed* Good boy!
Carmen: *quietly* Let's get in there! *And they did as the Colonel use his power to keep anyone from escaping while releasing his captives from the wooden cage*

Colonel Elfenbein: Get ready, set...*All of the sudden use Carmen uses the ghost catcher and the net shocks him reveals he's a ghost all along* What's going...
Snarla: Carmen, what are you doing here? You're going to ruin the game.

Carmen: The Colonel is about to cheat to win.
Snarla: That's what he wants, boss.
Colonel Elfenbein: *As he ripped the net* And I thank you (Carmen) for bringing the prey (Jade) to me, however she's too late to participate, Swing, release the black mambas.

Snarla: With pleasure, Colonel! *As she opens the cage there are yes, in facts black mambas (they're highly poisonous snakes) Team ACME (Chase, Ivy, Zack and Lee), Luigi, Daisy and Professor Gadd screamed and ran out of the house the black mambas just follow them*
Colonel Elfenbein: It's over, girls, they're going to lose, I hate losing not since what happened in World War Two. *Laughed out loud as he grabs an elephant gun and leaves*

Snarla: Don't worry it'll be soon over quicker than I imaged. *Laughed as she gasped when the three black mambas slither back into the cage....to the black mambas* What's wrong with you, my pets? *As she sees a black derby on the floor* Chase by a hat, don't be ridiculous.
Spooky: *as he appeared* Surprise!
Snarla: *yelled* A GHOST!!! *Jade notices the bottle of Ghost Begone* Why you little! *Jade grabs the bottle away from Snarla* Hey, give it back, detective!
Jade: Not a chance! *Jade throws the bottle to the fireplace Snarla attacks Jade, but Carmen stops her from attacking Jade*
Carmen: Don't bother, Snarla!
Snarla: Let go of me, Carmen!

*Running away from the lodge for thirty minutes later*

Lee: *as he, Chase, Ivy, Zack, Luigi, Daisy and Professor Gadd catching their own breath* Those snakes are so dangerous.
Ivy: At least we escape!
Chase: *as he sees Colonel Elfenbein with an elephant gun* Not quite, look!
*Luigi screamed*
Daisy: Now what?
Luigi: Let's run for it! *However, a force field block Luigi from escaping while Colonel Elfenbein is getting closer until he got shocked again* Look! *As Jade [with the ghost catcher] and Carmen show up in time with a jeep*

Zack: Alright, Jade!
Lee: And Carmen!
Carmen: No time to explain! Get the colonel! *As Team ACME [Chase, Ivy and Lee] grab the three of the four-hadron pack while Zack goes in the jeep while Daisy grabs the last hadron pack and Luigi grabs the Super Poltergust*

Colonel Elfenbein: *to Jade and Carmen after he pick up his elephant gun* You two will pay for this.
*Chase, Ivy, Lee and Daisy shocks him with the hadron packs, the colonel screamed, and Luigi captures the colonel with the Super Poltergust and trap in the ghost cannister*
Chase: *as he saw a topaz* I'll get that gem!
Snarla: *as she swings with the vine and caught the topaz first* I'll take that! A little souvenir for King Boo, ta-ta! *As Casper, Spooky and Polterpup shows up while Snarla swings away with the topaz*

Casper: What happened?
Luigi: We got the colonel.
Daisy: But not the gem.
Casper: At least I freed our friends.
Jade: Smart move, Casper, let's get back and make sure they find some clues in there.
Ivy: Well, we better!
Chase: Let's go!

(End of Chapter Twenty-One)
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