Where in the World is King Boo?!?!?


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Chapter Twenty-Two: The Diary

ACME South Africa Headquarters: Richmond Branch

The Hallway

Nandi *a twelve-year-old ACME Academy Student to Team ACME (Jade, Chase, Ivy, Zack, Lee, Cole, Tyson, Jason and Jessie) after arriving from the Sabi Sand Game Reserve* I'm glad Kula Kabala found you guys there along with the authorities. (Kula Kabala is one of the ACME informants [who is a park ranger] from the 1992/1994 computer version of WITWICS? I don't own this character whatsoever)

Jade: I'm glad he did, Nandi.
Nandi: I cannot believe we'll see never the light again.
Zack: Whoa! Don't say that, Nandi.
Jessie: We'll see the light again.

Jason: As soon as we defeated King Boo.
Cole: Who's we, Jason?
Jason: Us, Cole, who else!
Cole: Oh no, no, no not us, Jason, just Chase, Jade, Zack, Ivy, Detective Jordan.
Jason: Seriously?!?!
Tyson: Afraid so, we have to stay here until then.

Lee: In the meantime, let's make sure everyone is safe in the safehouse we put them in.
Ivy: Smart idea, hot shot!
Chase: *to Ivy and Lee* Let's make sure, you two! *As he, Ivy and Lee headed for the communication room*

Nandi: I bet Carmen Sandiego is worried about her gang's safety against this King Boo person.
Jade: King Boo is not a person, but a ghost from another world.
Daisy: *as she and Luigi came* She's not kidding!
Nandi: Oh, who are you?
Daisy: I'm Daisy!
Nandi: Not you, him! He's look like Mario, only tall and wearing green.
Luigi: Oh, I'm Luigi, Mario's little brother.

Nandi: Oh, hi, is Mario with you?
Luigi: No, he's not!
Nandi: What happened?
Luigi: He's disappeared.
Daisy: Along with Princess Peach and Azul (Blue Toad) so far, we found Toadette, Yoshi, Cathie, Toad and... *Opal screamed from the rest room* Opal!
Gadd: *voice only* You should be more careful, Opal!
Opal: *voice only* Sorry!

Jade: That's why, we've got to find our friends as well.
Tyson: *as he, Zack, Cole, Jason and Jessie came* Yo! Jade.
Jade: Excuse us, Nandi we have to go to the evidence room and check out a clue we found from Sabi Sand Game Reserve.
Nandi: Alright, Jade, I'll tell Agent Devineaux where you are.
Jade: *as she, Luigi and Daisy leaves* Thank you!

The Evidence Room

Cole: *as Tyson place down a plastic bag containing a green book* Weird title?!?!
Jade: Not exactly a title, Cole, it's mean 'diary' or 'journal' in German.
Jessie: *as Jade with her disposable gloves open the book* I wonder what's inside?
Jade: *shocked and gasped* this is Colonel Elfenbein's diary, he wrote it when the World War Two begin.
Jason: Does it have a last entry?
Jade: Yeah, the last entry was October 1, 1946.
Zack: That's the same day as the Nuremberg trials has ended.
Jade: I wish that ACME agent would have busted him and showing this diary as evidence of a war crime at that time. (I don't own about the facts of the Nuremberg trials whatsoever)
Cole: Hey, there's something inside the diary. *As he carefully using the tweezers and there was a piece of paper*

Jessie: Looks an ad in French?!?!
Jade: French is right, Jessie, the location is in Paris suburban area of Choisy-le-Roi in the Tenth District.
Tyson: Better find out about that place.
Jade: Go do that, Tyson! *As Tyson, Cole, Jason and Jessie leave the evidence room: Tyson left in the recreational room to research about the location in Paris while Cole, Jason and Jessie head for a safehouse*
Luigi: Now what?
Daisy: Let's go meet Professor Gadd and Opal for lunch at the cafeteria.
Luigi: I wonder they serve Spaghetti and Meatballs.
Jade: Try the Bunny chow, Luigi! *Luigi gives a disgusting face* Relax, Bunny chow is made of curry filled in a hallowed loaf of bread and serve with a salad.
Luigi: Oh, Okey-dokey! *As he and Daisy leaves the evidence room*

King Boo's Castle

Medeva: *after seeing her crystal ball of what happened to King Boo* ACME eliminate the five but one is un-alive.
Mario: I told so.
Peach: *to King Boo* We're warning you; Luigi will save us.
King Boo: *as he releases both Mario and Peach from the cage* Yes, but when? Never! And so are the both of you!
*A beam came and both Mario and Peach screamed, and surprise King Boo is pleasing himself with two more of his 'art collection' and he laughed out loud*
Medeva: And there's plenty more to come hoping he'll soon be done. *Laughed a little as she grinned when the door opens*

(End of Chapter Twenty-Two)
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Chapter Twenty-Three: A Peril in Paris (Just two days until Halloween)

The Beaumont's Apartment, Paris, France

Chase: *after he, Jade, Ivy, Zack, Lee, Luigi and Daisy enter the apartment notice the apartment is a mess* Hello, anyone here?
Luigi: *scared* H-h-hello...Mario, Princess!
Daisy: Anyone?
Jade: Good night, this place is a disaster!
Zack: I wonder who may the mess?

Renee Santz: *as she came when Lee sits down on the armchair* Just a bunch of ghosts wrenching the furniture. *Lee fell down to the floor after Renee told them what happened*
Lee: Now she tells us, ouch!
*Luigi looks at the cellar and notice a drop of water onto him and went upstairs*
Ivy: *as Jade grabs Lee's hand and lift him up* What kind of ghosts would do this?

Lee: *as he rubbed his behind from his own fall* And where are Chief Beaumont and his daughters (Dominique and Yvette)?
Renee: Well, they're gone!
Zack: Where? The French Riviera?!?!
Renee: Not exactly, Zack, but somewhere around Paris.

Jade: Of course, it's a lucky thing Tyson gave us the information about the area at Choisy-le-Roi in the tenth district and he told us it was once a ceramic workshop.
Renee: Ah, now converted into a walkthrough haunted house called Le Manoir de Paris use only for Halloween.
Jade: Figures France never celebrated Halloween.
Renee: Some do, but the rest don't they rather celebrate All Saints' Day on November 1st.
Chase: In other words, the French celebrates La Toussaint to respect their own family members.

Jade: Like Day of the Dead in Mexico.
Lee: Only they place chrysanthemums on the grave or a tombstone instead of marigolds around the ofrenda, Jade.
(I don't own the facts about La Toussaint whatsoever).
Jade: My guess the Beaumont family are at Le Manoir de Paris and in danger. *Her Padphone beeped and sees a message from Wendy*
Lee: Jade, don't jumped to...
Ivy: *interrupted* Too late, hot shot, Jade's right again and of course Wendy spotted Carmen and Sven Galli going there.

Chase: Commander! *Notice the celling is getting wet and all of the sudden Luigi while the bathtub fell down to the floor*
Lee: *water sprays at him* Hey!
Luigi: Sorry, the floor just wore out.

Le Manoir de Paris

*Carmen and Sven look around*

Carmen: *quietly* Do you see anyone, Sven?
Sven: Not exactly, Miss Sandiego! *Until he walks backwards and gets caught in a giant cobweb*
Carmen: Sven! *Until she sees Chief Beaumont along with Dominique and Yvette each caught in a giant cobweb struggling to escape* Oh no! So many cobwebs! *As something coming to Carmen and she screamed so loud*

*The C-5 appears and so does Team ACME (Jade, Chase, Renee, Ivy, Zack and Lee), Luigi and Daisy*

Wendy: *voice only* Help!
Jade: Wendy! *As she came to her stuck in a cobweb*
Zack: *As he screamed so loud to Jade shouted* BEHIND YOU!!!
Jade: Oh fudge...*shouted* A GIANT BLACK WIDOW!!!! *As she, Chase, Renee, Ivy, Zack, Lee, Luigi and Daisy screamed so loud as they get caught in the giant cobweb all of the sudden Dr. Belljar laughed so loud from the speaker, the giant black widow disappeared*

In the other room

Belljar: *using the intercom* Surprise, surprise! I hope everybody likes to be caught in the web. *Laughed until Polterpup appears growling at him* What the...*He turns around and saw Spooky*
Spooky: Hiya, Pal!
Belljar: *yelled* A GHOST!!! *Screamed and ran out only to see Carmen, Sven, Wendy, Team ACME (Jade, Chase, Renee, Ivy, Zack, Lee, Chief Beaumont, Dominique and Yvette), Luigi and Daisy are freed from the cobweb* Huh?!?!
Jade: Well, well, Doctor Belljar you think to caught us in cobwebs.
Daisy: Well, think again we escaped from harm.
Belljar: I'm outer here! *As he ran but got caught by his own cobweb trap*
Casper: *laughed* Now who's caught in the web. *As he appears to Belljar and Belljar screamed*

Carmen's Parisian Apartment

Chase: I can't understand why Doctor Belljar created a giant black widow.
Wendy: I've discovered it was a film projector he got an idea somehow.
Dominique: He's stolen it from Sorbonne University's Zoology class.
Carmen: *voice only* Sorbonne?!?! Sven, give ACME the bottle! *Chase hears the door slams and then Sven came with a wine bottle*
Chase: *to Sven* What's wrong with your boss?
Sven: Oh, she's upset over Belljar robbing anything from Sorbonne.
Jade: Figures, that's why she hates it when any of you VILE members robbing there.
Sven: Oh no, Carmen warns all of us not to go there.

Jade: *to Sven* But why are you in her apartment?
Sven: Well, something to deal with a ghost, a mean ghost.
Daisy: King Boo, no doubt he's...*Luigi covers Daisy's mouth with his hand while being scary at the same time*
Sven: *as he gave the bottle to Chase* Here's the bottle!
Chase: *reading the label* Rory Fathom?!?! Loire Valley?!?!
Sven: I remember something about The Contessa visiting a chateau somewhere in the Loire Valley.
Jade: And of course, the label has been mispronounced again.
Luigi: Uh, oh!
Daisy: Uh, oh is right, Luigi it supposes to be something French meaning 'ghost king'
Jade: Exactly, Daisy!

Renee: *As she snapped her fingers* Wait a minute, I just remember Archie Pelago and Bolt Upright to join up with Tatiana about some distribution around the Loire Valley, but none of them return for a report.
Zack: You think they were captured.
Ivy: Without a doubt, Zack! *As Jade's Padphone beeped and answered the call*
Jade: Hello!

Tako: *on screen* Jade, the letter has been revealed Contessa was invited to Chateau Roche.
Jade: Roche?!?! That last name sounds familiar, Tako!
Tako: *on screen* As in?!?!
Jade: One of the criminals of the past.
Tako: That's not good!

Lee: *after he came out of the kitchen* She's not kidding, Tako! You better send that letter...*Tako screamed on screen and got disconnected*
Jade: Tako, Tako!!
Chase: Jade, what happened?
Jade: I lost communication with Tako! Lee wants him to transfer the letter here.

Sven: I'd better tell Miss Sandiego about this. *As he leaves*
Jade: We'd better head for the Loire Valley save our friends and stop the last criminal of the past.
Luigi: You mean...
Lee: That's right, Luigi, Josephine de la Roche!

Yvette: That name reminds us of dad who try to catch her and her gang of con-artists and industrial espionage experts years ago.
Dominique: She even tries to take something from Malcolm Avalon once but failed. *All of the sudden Carmen came out in a rage*
Sven: Now Miss Sandiego, keep your cool.
Carmen: *still in a rage* I'll keep my cool as soon as I get back from the Loire Valley...Let's go, detectives! *As she leaves while Ivy and Zack shrugged*

(End of Chapter Twenty-Three)
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Chapter Twenty-Four: Josephine de la Roche, part one

(I'm sorry about today, I'm frustrated over my own personal problems I may or may not finish my story by tomorrow and I'll just take my time to finish)

Chateau Roche, somewhere in the Loire Valley

Madame Le Zaarde: *to Josephine de la Roche* You must beware of ze detectives they are armed to capture you.
Josephine: The only thing me and my gang want is Luigi for King Boo's sake.
Madame Le Zaarde: *looking at the portrait of Azul (Blue Toad) * At least you got one masterpiece in mind.
Josephine: That is not enough for King Boo, he wants Luigi in his art collection.
Madame Le Zaarde: Ze understand.
Ghostly gang member: *as it came to Josephine* No sign of Luigi anywhere.
Josephine: Maybe not?

*Yeah, Gadd's RV is in stealth mode alright going around the back*

Jade: *as a rumble of thunder boom in the darken sky* It's about to storm!
Lee: And we thought we never see the sun, the moon or the stars again.
Casper: And there's no way we [himself, Spooky and Polterpup] can't go in the rain
Gadd: There is one way, and I have an idea, Wendy!
Wendy: *as she brings out her magic wand* Leave it to me!

Three hours later...

*Someone knocking on the door*
Ghostly gang member: Yes?
Gadd: *clears up his throat* We like to see Madame Josephine de la Roche, please.
Ghostly gang member: Who are you?
Gadd: *dressing like a butler* I am Claude, I'm a butler.
Ghostly gang member: *raising its brow* Huh?!?! Hold on! *Turns around* Madame!
Josephine: *as she appears* What now?
Ghostly gang member: Claude the butler is here.
Josephine: Claude?!?! Bring him in!
Ghostly gang member: *to Gadd in disguise* Come in!

Gadd: Thank you! Mind if I bring in some friends in, they were heading for Monte Carlo.
Ghostly gang member: Of course! *Gadd enters along with Carmen and Team ACME (Jade, Chase, Ivy, Zack and Lee) while in disguise and bringing a big box*

Josephine: Why hello, Claude and who are these fine people.
Carmen: *who looks like 'Miss Scarlet' in the game 'Clue' except almost like her Netflix counterpart in the episode 'the Lucky Cat Caper' the dress is strapless but a cocktail one, black high-heeled shoes, black opera length gloves, gold necklace and gold earrings and her hair is updo* I'm Vivian Escarlata from Barcelona, and this is my fiancé, Major Jack Dash [Which is Chase who looks like Colonel Mustard in the game 'Clue' except his outfit is like a U.S. Army Service Uniform].

Chase: We brought in others this is Miss Brie [Which is Ivy who looks like the movie version of Mrs. White in game 'Clue' except the dress is white and strapless, however she has black arm sleeves and belt around her waist, black heels, and diamond stud earrings, believe me she never likes it]
Ivy's mind: Man, I hate to be undercover in a dress, I'll get Wendy for this.

Chase: *points to Lee who looks the movie version of Mr. Green in the game 'Clue' except the hairstyle is his own based on WOEICS? episode: Boyhood's End part one* This is my cousin, Reginald.

Jade: *who looks Mrs. Peacock in the game 'Clue' except for the age and the status, dress is blue and sheath with gold and champagne embroidery, golden champagne-colored low-heeled shoes, pearl necklace and matching stud earrings* I'm Cecilia, I'm Reggie's girlfriend!
Lee's mind: *Lee slaps his forehead* Oh, Jade!
Jade: *looking at Zack looking like Professor Plum in the game 'Clue' except the age and hair color* Oh, and that's Viktor Pavlov, he's a psychiatrist who helps out children with mental illness.

Josephine: Oh, I see, but I don't think so.
Medeva: *voice only* That's right, Josephine, I'm glad you notice their disguise, surprise, time to demise. *Yes, Medeva puts a spell to reveal who they were, and she laughed*
Jade: Oh terrific, wouldn't we know Medeva just removes Wendy's disguise spell. *As a group of ghostly gang members are surrounding her and the others [Carmen, Chase, Ivy, Zack, Lee and Gadd] *

(End of Chapter Twenty-Four: I don't own the information about their disguise look like whatsoever)
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Chapter Twenty-Five: Josephine de la Roche, part two

Chateau Roche

Madame Le Zaarde: *as she came* I'm ze glad you...Boss, what are you doing here?
Carmen: Here to stop this spooky chaos once and for all.
Josephine: *to her ghostly gang members* Get them!
Zack: *looking at the poltergeist detection device* She's got very negative vibrations.
Jade: So are her gang! *The ghostly gang are about to attack but Daisy uses her hadron pack [by getting out of the box] and aim at them* Nice job, Daisy! *As she uses her Poltergust 2.0 to capture the ghostly gang into the ghost cannister and Josephine got angry and going into ghostly form and uses her power to block anyone from escaping and throws a blast bomb and surprise there was Luigi with the Super Poltergust*

Josephine: *to Luigi* I knew you were always a chicken!
Jade: *to Josephine* Why are you doing this?
Josephine: My company is supposed to be merging with others around the world so I can make deals to make their industries triple until one man ruined everything.
Jade: Let me guess, Malcolm Avalon?
Josephine: Indeed, his business boom and warn the others who wanted to save my business tell them I'm so toxic and too powerful to support and he cause me everything and for that everyone leaves my company dry and Carmen Sandiego, Avalon's right about you, being just a cowardly.... *Screamed after Carmen uses the ghost catcher unto her*

Carmen: I maybe a thief but I'm not a coward! *Josephine is angry with Carmen until Chase, Ivy and Lee use their own hadron pack at her when she about to attack Carmen*
Daisy: Alright! *Aim her hadron wand at Josephine*
Luigi: I maybe a chicken but I'm brave-at-heart! *Using the Super Poltergust and sealed Josephine into the ghost cannister*
Gadd: Way a go, Luigi!
Jade: *grabs the sapphire* Finally, we got a gem! *However, it was short-lived when Madame Le Zaarde uses her tongue to grab the sapphire away from Jade* No!

Madame Le Zaarde: *turn in alien form* Farewell, detectives! *As she uses her teleportation device and got away with the sapphire*

Jade: I thought we got the sapphire, but I guess I was wrong.
Chase: Come on, Jade let's get our friends outer here! *As Team ACME [Jade, Chase, Ivy, Zack and Lee], Carmen, Luigi, Daisy and Gadd heads upstairs to find Archie, Bolt, Tatiana, Contessa and release Azul (Blue Toad), however they were too late*

Medeva: *laughed as she holds Contessa hostage* Sorry, your friends have already left their own end.
Jade: *gasped and shocked* Casper, Spooky, Wendy!
Luigi: Polterpup! *Polterpup whining*
*Medeva disappeared with the Contessa*

ACME Medical Center, Paris, France

Eight Hours Later...

Casper: *he in the bed while Spooky is being treated and Wendy is unconscious to Jade* Oh, Jade, we free them, but Medeva attack us.
Jade: *to the ghost of Agnes Acme* Great, it looks like King Boo got all the gems to make stronger after his chosen ones failed to stop us and we all failed to capture the gems.
Agnes Acme: Don't blame yourself, Miss Jade, I know it will make things...*Screamed as she, Casper and Spooky were taken away by magic*
Jade: Medeva! *Luigi screamed as he ran to Jade*
Luigi: Jade, Polterpup, he's gone!
Jade: *as she looks at her Padphone and saw the message* Polterpup isn't the only one vanished, Luigi! *Until a paper drops down to the floor, Jade picks it up* But this clue may give us the answer.

(End of Chapter Twenty-Five: Happy Halloween)


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Chapter Twenty-Six: The Clue Fits Like a glove

Carmen's Parisian Apartment, Paris, France

Carmen: *voice only notice her place is dark* Sven, Sven, where are you? Sven, it's your boss...*Carmen flips the light switch and then she screamed so loud Chase came to her*
Chase: Carmen, what happened?
Carmen: Sven, he's gone!
Chase: So are the others. *Carmen gasped as something glowing coming from the coffee table* It happened again.
Carmen: What happened?
Chase: I remember what happened around Wyoming the brochure to Madame Wildflower's Ranch just into a piece of paper.
Carmen: You don't mean?
Chase: *as he uses his cellphone* After solving a case something turns out to be blank piece of paper.
Carmen: *as she picks the paper* This use to be a brochure to Chateau Roche I've figure Contessa gave that to Sven for me to look into.

ACME Headquarters, Paris, France *Ten minutes later*

Lee: I can't believe Cruiser wasn't in Alaska somehow the safehouse is empty.
Ivy: So are Armando, Jasmine, Rock and Roxy in Wyoming.
Zack: Even Josha and Ivan in Oaxaca, Mexico.
Jade: Same with Polly, Ann, even Inspector Li, Maylee, Cole and the rest.
Luigi: Even Toad, Toadette...
Daisy: And Professor Gadd vanish without a trace.

Jade: There's also something else, this piece of paper I've found may give us the answer.
Zack: But it looks blank to us,
Chase: *voice only* Not exactly, Detective Monaghan! *After everyone turn around and saw Chase* I believe Jade is right those blank paper used to be something else.
Ivy: Such as what a letter?
Chase: Not a letter, Commander, but a traveling brochure.
Jade: Of course, perhaps we can find out where King Boo is. *As the paper just lifted by itself and the other from Chase, somehow every single paper turns out to be like a piece of a jigsaw puzzle that fits together*

Luigi: It looks like a map!
Daisy: A map to a place alright, but where?
Zack: Dracula's Castle in Transylvania?!?!
Ivy: Or Frankenstein Castle in Germany?!?!
Lee: So, which castle we should find King Boo.
Jade: Neither one look at the map reveals itself. *Luigi looks at the map and is shocked and scared at the same time*

Daisy: King Boo's Castle?!?! Hello, there's something written on the map!
Jade: It said: Go to the place where the lady in red use to live.
Lee: Lady in... Uh, oh, I think we know where we're going.
Chase: Me too, Jordan! Let's go!

(End of Chapter Twenty-Six)


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Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Final Battle?!?! Part one (Sorry, I've too long for find the right ending)

King Boo's Castle

*As the C-5 appears so did Carmen who is shocked and appalled, Team ACME (Jade, Chase, Ivy, Zack and Lee), Luigi who is scared and Daisy*

Carmen: My manor is now a haunted castle.
Chase: *whistled* You've got to be kidding.
Luigi: Not exactly like the last time I visited it still gives me the creeps.
Daisy: Well, look at it this way, Luigi, Carmen Sandiego is going to get her house back.
Carmen: *sarcastically* If we defeat that fiendish ghost.
Jade: Now don't be so sarcastic, Carmen, we're going in there, right now.
Zack: *to Jade who has a bottle of Ghost Begone as he and the others enters the castle* Why did you grab a bottle of Ghost Begone?

Jade: So, I can weaken King Boo before we attack
Luigi: I don't know if it works against him, Jade.
Jade: I remembered Casper and Spooky got infected with this I hope it will work against King Boo before Carmen throws in the ghost catcher net onto him, while Daisy, Chase, Ivy and Lee use their own hadron pack to against and You with the Super Poltergust to capture once and for all.

Daisy: Only one problem, Jade, his crown.
Zack: Yeah, Jade, I bet he's getting stronger right about now after the last gem was given back already.
Medeva: *laughed and voice only* Zack is right, now feel the fright.

*Uses a spell to summoned ghostly fiends Jade notice the way they laughed trying to her and the rest out of the castle via crystal ball*
Jade: *laughed* Nice try, Medeva, those ghostly fiends remind me of a Halloween themed escape game online. *The ghostly fiends vanished when she holds a bottle of Ghost Begone and she, Carmen, The rest of Team ACME (Chase, Ivy, Zack and Lee), Luigi and Daisy head on*

Medeva: *After what happened through her crystal ball* Darn you, Jade, such a pest, I hope this one will get rid of the rest. *As she summoned a black cat by magic*
Zack: Oh, man a black cat has blocked our path. *Black cat growled*
Jade: *as she winds up an old mechanical toy mouse* Oh no, it won't, Zack! *To the black cat* Play nice! *And thanks to Jade the black cat follows the old mechanical toy mouse*
Ivy: Well, done, Jade!
Chase: Let's move! *And Carmen, Team ACME, Luigi and Daisy did*
Lee: I hope there's no more superstitions from Medeva's bag of magic tricks.
Chase: Don't count on it, Jordan!

Medeva: *again what happened through her crystal ball* I should've baked a cake, but I'll make them fell in a pit of snakes. *And she used the spell and then it worked when Carmen, Team ACME, Luigi and Daisy screamed and scream again over a pit of snakes...laughed*

King Boo: *to Medeva as he appears* What's going on this time?
Medeva: *to King Boo* Oh nothing to hassle, I've got them trap in on the floor of the castle*
King Boo: Brilliant, Medeva, bring Luigi and Daisy to me at once.
Medeva: You're in command, I'll give you the demand!

In the pit of snakes

*All of the sudden Luigi and Daisy disappeared*
Jade: Luigi, Daisy! *Screeched over a rattlesnake rattling its tail*
Zack: Oh man, we're doomed! *Until the snakes were turned into vines, one vine at a time, Carmen and Team ACME were rescued and the pit is close*
Lee: Okay, what just happened?

Wendy: *voice only* Well, guys, I maybe unconscious in Paris, but I'm here in spirit form.
Carmen/Team ACME (Chase, Ivy, Zack and Lee): Spirit form?!?! *And yes, Wendy did appear in spirit form*
Jade: Wow, Wendy, you have learned how to use the out-of-body experience.
Wendy: The mind awakens, the body sleeps.

Ivy: We need to get to King Boo and stop that ghost.
Zack: Can you help us?
Wendy: I can't help you guys; the map will help you! *The map glows and shows Team ACME the right path*
Jade: The Map?!?!
Wendy: That map is magical and useful, it was once owned by an ancient good witch like me. Good luck! *And she vanished*

Carmen: Wendy's right the map will tell us the way.
Chase: Let's keep moving!

(End of Chapter Twenty-Seven)
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Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Final Battle?!?! Part two (Sorry I struggle to find the right part of this story)

King Boo's Castle

*After Medeva's magic brings in Luigi and Daisy to King Boo's throne room*

King Boo: Hello, Luigi, Daisy, I'm glad you came than sooner or later.
Luigi: Alright, King Boo, where are our friends?
Medeva: *laughed* Ah, yes, here and there and everywhere. *Luigi and Daisy gasped and saw the portraits of Mario, Peach, Toad, Toadette, Azul (blue Toad), Opal (yellow Toad), Yoshi and Cathie the Birdo*
King Boo: That's just the main collection, however I'm missing two more added to completed. *Laughed out loud*

Meanwhile...Carmen and Team ACME (Jade, Chase, Ivy, Zack and Lee) are following the magical map...however it stopped.

Zack: This is going to be a piece of cake we're going to get there. *Jade stopped at the hallway closet* Jade, we don't have time to look in any closets.
Jade: *opened the closet door and saw something familiar* Hello, hello, *grabs a mega-size bottle of Ghost Begone to Carmen* I didn't know you got this.
Carmen: That wasn't mine, it was Professor Bellum's...*thinking quickly and snaps her fingers* I've got it!
Ivy: What?!?! *Carmen whispers Jade's ear and Jade uses her Padphone and transfers some weird device on the floor*
Chase: What kind of a device is that?
Carmen: A couple of spray blowers.
Lee: Reminds me of Ghostbusters Two except they use slime instead of Ghost Begone. (I don't own the movie Ghostbusters Two whatsoever especially the inspiration behind the spray blower)
Carmen: According to Professor Bellum this device has a spinner that sprays out this driven by compressed air.

Jade: Could it work on King Boo faster?
Carmen: Only one way to find out, Jade, you and Zack better use them.
Zack: *to Jade as she and him grabs the spray blowers* Is Carmen nuts?
Jade: Not exactly, Zack!
Chase: *to Jade and Zack* Well, we better get going you two!
Jade: Got it, Chase! *As she with the remaining members of Team ACME and Carmen continues with the map aiding them to stop King Boo while Jade and Zack fill up the Ghost Begone into the spray blower, they kept walking until the map stops again when Lee screamed at what is on the wall

Chase: Now what, Jordan?
Lee: It's Cruiser! *As he points at the picture of Cruiser*
Ivy: So, what, hot shot it's just a painting!
Jade: *as she notices the Poltergust 2.0 has a strange detection stick onto the painting* Not exactly, Ivy! Uh-oh! Lee, Cruiser is trap in the painting.
Lee: How did that happen?
Jade: My guess, the same way King Boo always trap Mario and the others already.

Carmen/Chase/Ivy/Zack/Lee: Huh?!?!
Zack: As in?!?!
Jade: His crown of power! *Carmen, Ivy and Zack gasped*
Lee: What?!?! You mean oh no, he didn't!
Medeva: *voice only* Indeed he did for his work of art it's much better than a go-kart. *As a race of Boos shows up and everyone screams when Medeva shows up by magic...Laughed as she snatches the magical map* I'll take this map it won't be on my lap. *Laughed and disappeared by magic*

Jade: Medeva took the map!
Zack: Great we're surrounded by a lot of Boos! *As Luigi and Daisy look at Medeva's crystal ball after what happened*

King Boo's throne room

Daisy: No, this is terrible!
Luigi: Now our friends are doom!
Mario: *voice only* Luigi, Luigi!
Luigi: Mario, where are you?
Mario: *voice only* Still stuck in the painting! *As Luigi came to Mario's portrait*
Luigi: *using the Super Poltergust* Hang on, Mario, let me free you! *As Luigi is about to use the strobulb to free Mario all of the sudden King Boo stops in front of him he screamed*

King Boo: You'll never free your brother!
Medeva: *as she returns with the magical map to Luigi and Daisy by magic* Don't bother your friends are about to meet their end. *Laughed as she is about to throw the magical map into the fireplace all of the sudden the magical map escaped from Medeva's hand, and she ran going after the magical map* No, I won't let that map go back, I should have grabbed a sack.

(End of Chapter Twenty-Eight)
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Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Final Battle, part three

*Carmen and Team ACME (Jade, Chase, Ivy, Zack and Lee) are surrounded by Boos everywhere*

Zack: Now what are we going to do?
Jade: I don't know, and I tried using the Poltergust 2.0 to get rid of them somehow it doesn't work.
Lee: Great, that's just great, Jade! It looks King Boo has...*something glowing coming their way* What the-?!?! *Yup, the magical map came and shines upon the Boos and scares them off*
Jade: The magical map!
Lee: But how?!?! *All of the sudden Casper and Spooky appears*

Jade: Casper, Spooky, how did you...?!?!
Casper: Wendy found us!
Ivy: Wendy?!?!
Zack: But she's not here!
Spooky: Well, you're wrong, you guys! *Medeva screamed so loud as she came*
Medeva: Darn you, Casper! Darn you, Spooky! I've been end up so...
Carmen: Kooky, Medeva!
Medeva: Yes, boss...Uh oh! What a loss!
Ivy: You that got right! *Uses an escape-proof net catcher onto Medeva*

King Boo's throne room
King Boo: *looking at the crystal ball* No, no, *yelled* NO!!!! *As he knocks down the table and the crystal ball got scattered*
Luigi: *grabbing the Super Poltergust* It's over, King Boo! Let everyone go!
King Boo: *yelled* NEVER! *As he brings in the portrait by magic* You're done, Luigi! *Until Polterpup growled and then bite King Boo and yelled* OW!!!
Luigi: Good work, Polterpup! *To Daisy as she grabs the hadron pack* Now! *Luigi and Daisy try to stop King Boo but not enough after Polterpup escape*

King Boo: Nice try, Luigi! It's over! *Laughed until he screamed when Jade and Zack use each of the spray blower filled with Ghost Begone* Oh, what the-?!?!

Zack: That's for our friends! *King Boo gets angry until Carmen uses the ghost-catching net, and it shocks him*
Carmen: That's for taking my manor!
Lee: *as he, Chase and Ivy use the hadron pack* And this case close for us! *He, Chase and Ivy use the hadron pack at King Boo*
Luigi: Daisy, help our friends! *Daisy uses her hadron pack at King Boo*

King Boo: *as he breaks the net and yelled* ENOUGH!!! *Carmen, Team ACME, Luigi and Daisy screamed as he uses his strength and throws them to the floor* I'm finished with all of you, and this is why *As he brings in seven frames* You all end up as a masterpiece. *Laughed out loud as Zack tries using the spray blower however...it's gone*
Zack: Uh oh, I'm out!
Jade: *as she gave Zack another spray blower* Here, use what's left of mine. *King Boo laughed until Spooky uses a dust of coal unto King Boo and Casper uses a bag of flour unto King Boo*

Luigi: Yay! *To Casper and Spooky* Thanks, boys!
Casper/Spooky: *and each give it a thumbs up* You're welcome!
Daisy: Let's do this! *Starting with Zack using the spray blower, Carmen using the ghost catcher, Daisy, Chase, Ivy and Lee each using the hadron pack, Jade using the Poltergust 2.0 and Luigi using the Super Poltergust onto King Boo while he's screaming and then his crown fell off to the floor* Luigi!

King Boo: Don't! *But it was too late for King Boo when Luigi smashes King Boo's Crown of Power into pieces with a giant hammer and King Boo is captured in the huge ghost cannister, then the sky shines with the sun and King Boo is transfer back to the Mushroom Kingdom*

*Everyone [Carmen, Team ACME, Luigi, Daisy, Casper and Spooky] felt a big sigh of relief*

*All of the sudden the portraits are no more because after King Boo is defeated once more because everyone including Mario and Peach are free again*

Carmen: *to Vic, Patty, Moe, Lars, Sven and Contessa* My gang!
Chase: *to the rest of Team ACME* Our friends!
Mario: *as he came to Luigi* Luigi, I know you can do it.
Luigi: Yeah, I did! Heh! *All of the sudden King Boo's castle has turn back into the Sandiego Manor while Medeva is still struggling to escape*

Moe: *to Medeva* Well, well, Medeva, you and the others [Belljar, Baron Wasteland, Jacqueline Hyde, Gnash, Count Hypno, Snarla Swing, Madame Le Zaarde, Dr. Depth and Jane Reaction] will have a long talk with the boss.
Lars: Yeah, but we won't tell you all what you're going to get. *As he, Moe, Vic, Sven, Patty and Contessa leave the manor while Medeva still struggles again*

(End of Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Epilogue is coming up soon)


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Jade's Mom's house (animals don't talk just their own mind you know)

Socks: *to Sam* I'm glad it's over, brother!
Sam: Yeah, Jade, ACME, Casper and Team Mario save the world from being a private art museum from a mean ghost.
Socks: *as she and Sam seeing the moon* Everything is bright and shining once again.
Sam: Well, is going to be normal for now.

Jade's House

The Living Room *where Jade is watching the news*

Newscaster on TV (female): After what happened with this phenomenon with ghosts and all we thought it was Carmen Sandiego's fault...but it's not, however, no one believes it not even ghost hunters.
Newscaster on TV (Male): I agree.

Jade's mind: *as Jade is sad and depressed* So does ACME. *Until the ghost of Agnes Acme appears*
Agnes Acme: I hope you don't mind if I come in.
Jade: Not at all, Agnes!
Agnes Acme: What's the matter with you? Why aren't you happy for ACME's victory?

Jade: Agnes, nobody believes in ghosts until it's too late and The Chief tries talking to the Public Relation Staff to explain the press what happened, but the media just make fun of ACME's reputation. *Agnes Acme gasped* Well, ACME's victory is humiliating defeated by the press.
Agnes Acme: *yelled* WHAT?!?! *Calms herself down* What's that mean?
Jade: I don't know, Agnes, better talk to The Chief about it after he's done talking with the board members.

Agnes Acme: I was afraid of this but cheer yourself up things only get better the sooner or later, don't let depression or anything gets in your way of your goal at ACME.
Jade: I hope you're right, Agnes! Thank you! *As the ghost of Agnes Acme vanished*

Meanwhile at the Sandiego Manor...

*Spooky phases through the manor*

Spooky: *to Carmen sitting at the fireplace* Hiya, Carmen! What's the matter? You're so lonely.
*Carmen laughed a little* What's wrong?
Carmen: *voice only* Nothing's wrong, Spooky! I'm just glad I've got my manor back.
Spooky: I wonder why you are laughing? *All of the sudden there was a group of gang members wearing their own mask*
Carmen's Gang [Vic, Patty, Sven, Moe, Lars, Sara and Contessa with Jeeves]: Surprise!!! *Spooky screamed and Carmen laughed*
Spooky: What's so funny, Carmen?
Carmen: Congratulations, Spooky, like Casper joining Allies to ACME you're now a friend of VILE.
Spooky: *as each Carmen's gang member removed their own mask* Wow! I mean, thank you.
Carmen: My pleasure!
Spooky: Thanks, you guys, well so long until we meet again. *And Spooky left as Carmen and her gang members waves goodbye to Spooky as a member of the Friends of VILE floating away and vanished as well*

*As for the Mushroom Kingdom Team Mario celebrates once again for the capture of King Boo and the criminal ghosts of the past now permanently lock up and escape proof*

King Boo: *yelled* CURSE YOU, LUIGI!!!
The Criminal Ghosts of the Past: Oh, shut up, King Boo!

The End!
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    I did not know that pretzels were made by monks and given to children as little treats :D
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    Me too!
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    leaves a bunch of freshly made pretzels on the counter in the break room*
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    Hey @Tenchi Masaki You remember the threads where we put 5 words in French, Spanish amd other languages? Could you teach us some Japanese words please? I think it'd be fun!
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    Breaking news: historians believe that they've uncovered a cache of pencils that once belonged to William Shakespeare. A spokesperson said, "They're so badly chewed on the ends, we can't tell if they're 2B or not 2B."
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    You know, I miss Carmen too. I hope she's doing well :(
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    I'm sure she's living the best stolen life possible
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    someone said job interviews are humiliation rituals and I coudln't agree more......
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  • Claire Yeon Claire Yeon:
    ||As someone who recently conducted several job interviews, I am happy to advise.||
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    Clare.....I've been doing mock interviews with people and they aren't giving me feedback LOL
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I remember some rules but I forget others....such as don't bring your children, don't chew gum. don't arrive late. Bring your resume.
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    give a good handshake
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Having children ask why every time you answer a question would be a little awkward
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    In other news....so much for being enthusiastic about the new Carmen game. I'm finding disappointing spoilers from the first ones to play it...
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    Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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    Lucy Lucy: Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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