Unluck of the Irish


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(I don't own the characters: Carmen Sandiego, Chief Weller, Archie Pelago, Bolt Upright, Chase Devineaux, Ivy, Zack, Lee Jordan, Cruiser, Vic the Slick, Moe Skeeter and Lars Vegas whatsoever)

Guest characters from Totally Spies: Samantha ('Sam'), Clover, Alex, Zerlina Lewis, Toby and Gerald 'Jerry' Lewis (I don't these characters whatsoever)


An Asian market just twenty-five minutes from Jade Ezell's House

Cashier (male): *after Jade brought her cats, Sam and Socks to get rid of the mice invading the market* Thank you for bringing in your cats they know how to chase those mice away.
Jade: You're welcome, sir, otherwise you have been in trouble.
Cashier: *as he places a sphere like object on the front* Trouble well this sphere is what causes the store to be in trouble.
Jade: Tell me what happened?
Cashier: Some hot-headed detective told me to protect this a few days ago until some ACME agent will come and pick it up.

Jade: Well, that detective would have brought it over.
Cashier: What do you mean? *Jade shows her digital badge to him, and he gasped*
Jade: Don't tell no one who I work for and... *As she uses her Padphone to transport the sphere to ACME headquarters by C-5* Where in the world exactly is that hot-headed detective?
Cashier: Don't know last time I saw him was in Atlanta, Georgia.

Jade's mind: *As Jade already figures it out* Atlanta, Georgia?!?! Of course, Lee Jordan was there investigating some weird soda pop case. *And then, a white car shows up and the mysterious driver sees her*
Cashier: Well, that's all I can say, ma'am!
Jade: *as Sam and Socks jumped onto her* Thanks again! *As she leaves and enters the white car*

Jade's House

*After Jade enters back to her house and there one of her friends switches on the TV*

News Reporter (female): *on screen* This just in from Boston there are shoot-outs in two places one at a restaurant in the North End somehow no employees noticing while they're busy cooking some fettuccine Alfredo and second well in City Hall a wedding would have been a happy one but unfortunately, we don't have the footage of what happened.

Jade's Mind: *she gasped after seeing what's going on * Oh my gosh, I hope Zack and Ivy are alright.

[End of Prologue]
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Chapter One: The List

Somewhere in Inishmore of the Aran Islands from the main coast of Ireland

Vic the Slick: *as he, Moe Skeeter and Lars Vegas is shocked to see their boss, Carmen Sandiego appearing* Boss lady, you should have waited until the others come and celebrate your special day.
Carmen: Well, Boys, I didn't want to stay for my own special day. *When all the sudden a man shows up from behind*
Henchman: Excuse me, Miss Sandiego!

Carmen: *as she turns around and saw the man* Yes! *And all of the sudden the man captures her by using a high-tech lasso and he throws a smoke bomb at the room while Vic, Moe and Lars were coughing, Carmen screams and disappeared*
Vic: Boss, boss!
Moe/Lars: *gasped* He's got Carmen Sandiego!

Somewhere in Los Angeles, CA, USA

Gerald 'Jerry' Lewis' Pad

Zerlina Lewis: *voice only* Thank you for informing me!

Inside the Pad

Zerlina's mind: *Zerlina saw a mess at her father's pad* I can't believe whoever took dad will be held responsible, however, the question is why dad?

Meanwhile at Chase Devineaux's apartment, San Francisco, CA, USA

Bolt Upright: *on screen on Jade's Padphone while Jade is with the landlord* We're trying to reach Chase, but no answer, I'm glad ACME need your help*
Jade: *to Bolt* And let's not forget his landlord.
Landlord: What the-!?!?!

Jade: Excuse me, Bolt! *To Landlord* What's going on?
Landlord: It seems Mr. Devineaux's door is open.
Jade: *as she puts on her disposable rubber gloves* More likely your tenant has left the building but not alone.
Landlord: You mean?!?!

Jade: Someone must have taken him out of his apartment while he was about to go to work. *Using an unsharpened pencil to open the door and is shocked* Figures it was a struggle.
Landlord: Struggle?!?!

Bolt: *on screen* Oh no, struggle, better warn the Chief at once, Jade, look for any clues and come back to headquarters with it.
Jade: Got it, Bolt! *And she hangs up her Padphone and starts searching*

Landlord: Should we wait for the police?
Jade: Relax, your tenant doesn't mind if I look around.
Landlord: Oh, right, I just remember Mr. Devineaux works for ACME.
Jade: *after finding a piece of paper under the coffee table* Just like me, sir.

ACME Headquarters

The Chief's Office

Chief Weller: *voice only* Unbelievable! Our Director of Operations has disappeared.
Bolt: *voice only* And you found only a list, Jade?!?!
Jade: It's no shopping list this list contains names; I send it over to the lab to find out who those people on that list that been cover in black permanent marker.

Shirley: *voice only via intercom* Sir, some college students are here to see you at the lobby
Chief Weller: *as he presses the intercom button* Not now, Shirley, can't you see we're busy.
Jade: *as she gets up from the chair* I'll take care of these college students, Chief!
Chief Weller: Thank you, Miss Jade! *As Jade leaves the Chief's office and heading to see those 'college students' at the lobby*

Jade: I'm sorry but I... *Recognizes three of the four 'college students' right away* Samantha, Clover, Alex!
Samantha [Sam], Clover and Alex: Jade!
Clover: Omg! We're so glad to see you! [Omg=Oh, my gosh!]

Jade: *as she notices someone with a bionic arm is reading a mystery graphic novel* And who is that?
Toby: *As he puts down his book and stands up* Oh, hi, my name is Toby!
Jade: Oh, I heard of you from Jerry when he told us he's retiring from being a mission leader to being a consultant while remaining at WOOHP. [Remember Love'em and Thieve'em in the prologue opening]

*Samantha [Sam], Clover, Alex and Toby glared at Jade*

Jade: *with a downcast sweat* Was it something I said?!?! *As Brenda N. Butters came out of the lab*
Brenda: Jade, come to the lab at once.
Jade: Thank you, Brenda! I better go find out and inform you all when I get back as soon as I can just wait here at the lobby. *Jade leaves for the lab*

The Lab

Jade: *to Spencer Ross as he, Chief Weller and Bolt are waiting for her* This better be good, Spencer.
Spencer: Not exactly, Jade!
Chief Weller: Proceed, Doctor Ross! *As Spencer shows up the list via digital chromatography all of the sudden Jade, Chief Weller and Bolt gasped* Good heavens some of our ACME agents are on to the list.

Bolt: Oh no, Chase is one of them, along with Commander Monaghan and Detective Jordan.
Jade: Even Carmen Sandiego is on that list especially...Uh oh!

The Lobby [Five minutes later]

Samantha [Sam], Clover and Alex: *after Jade warns them and Toby* Jerry!
Toby: Oh boy, this is bad! *When all of the sudden something beeped*

Shirley: What was that?
Clover: Uh, we're going to get some fresh air outside, c'mon, Toby! *As the girls dragged Toby outside*
Shirley: *raised her eyebrows* Huh?!?!
Jade: *to Shirley* Don't worry, I'll be right back! *As she follows the girls and Toby outside*

Zerlina: *on screen of Clover's Compowder* Toby, girls, anything so far...and there's something behind you. *As Samantha, Clover, Alex and Toby turn around and saw Jade*
Clover: Jade!

Zerlina: *confused on screen* Jane?!?!
Jade: It's Jade, ma'am!
Zerlina: *on screen* Oh, like a gemstone and by the way, my name is Zerlina.

Jade: Ah, I heard of you from your father, Zerlina and speaking of your father, he's one of the people on someone else's list, my guess is something to deal with one of your father's last missions before taking over as mission leader for WOOHP and before passing on the leadership to you.

Zerlina: *on screen* Perhaps, ACME may have some connections from the past too.
Jade: *starts coordinating the new WOOHP headquarters in Singapore on her Padphone* And that's exactly we all going to find out together.

Zerlina: *on screen * No wonder we are members to the Allies to ACME, girls, Toby, head back to WOOHP and meet me at the archive room and Jade, I hope you and ACME would do the same and if you please C-5 them fast.
Jade: Already taken care of. *As she activates the C-5 and sends Samantha [Sam], Clover, Alex and Toby back to WOOHP and Jade returns to headquarters*

The File Room

Bolt: *voice only while looking with Jade* What are we looking for, Jade?
Jade: Something to do with one of the past cases that deals with either Carmen, Chase, Lee or Ivy.
Bolt: But what about the last two people on the list are they with ACME?
Jade: Don't think so, Bolt! I don't know why two men are part of this list I may have a word with Zack while he's in Boston. *All of the sudden Arthur Chance knocking on the door while holding a file from the Lab* Arthur, here to help us.

Arthur: *as Bolt grabs a file about what happened on an ACME Academy Field Trip to Monterrey* I heard about Commander Monaghan being on someone else's list.
Jade: Yeah, she and Zack are in Boston, right?
Arthur: Detective Monaghan is, but not Commander Monaghan.
Jade: Er...What?!?!
Bolt: What do you mean Commander Monaghan is not in Boston?

Arthur: This is why. *As he shows Jade and Bolt what happened on his I-Pad and both Jade and Bolt are shocked* I've got the copied of the footage from her landlord. *And he brought in a plastic bag* And this...
Bolt: Commander Monaghan's cellphone.
Arthur: Broken into pieces, Upright.

Bolt: * as Jade continues searching for a past case that involves Carmen and Chase* Probably she can't contact anyone even Detective Monaghan.
Jade: *as she found something interesting* A-ha!
Bolt: What now, Jade?
Jade: Perhaps this Foley case Carmen and Chase solve together may give us the answer.
Bolt: And of course, something to do with this field trip case.
Arthur: *as Bolt opens the file first* Are you two out of your own mind?

Bolt: Maybe, according to an instructor, Lee Jordan who was then a young gumshoe who busted a young computer hacker switching SAT exams while the bus driver trying to fix the bus.
Jade: Who was that computer hacker?
Bolt: Fergus Duffel, what about the case you pick, Jade?
Jade: Something to do with Donovan Foley and his 'business'
Arthur: What kind of business does this Foley do?

Jade: *show the file to Arthur* Here it is.
Arthur: *has an expressionless face* I'm not surprised.
Jade: Me neither, but I'm glad the FBI aiding out Carmen and Chase to bust him for racketeering and fencing some illegal medicine, sort of like what happened to Lee in Atlanta about that weird soda pop case.
Arthur: Maybe not enough connections, Jade, but you may need more information.

Jade: Exactly, Arthur and about that sphere I send in by C-5 did the lab find anything from the sphere.
*Arthur shows Jade the file from the lab and is shocked* Uh-oh, whoever create this some weird soda pop may have the connection from the Foley case, however, you're right about needing more information by going to Boston.

[End of Chapter One]
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Chapter Two: Zack's Bubbles Burst

Somewhere in an abandoned fish factory?!?!

Ivy Monaghan: *voice only* I can't believe I'm going to miss out on a wedding.
Inside the fish factory
Lee Jordan: Wedding?!?! Don't tell me you're the bride.
Ivy: You wish, but I'm not, hot shot. *As a long red-haired man came*
Fergus Duffel: Hey, keep it down, babe.
Ivy: Don't call me babe, you flame freak.
Fergus: Ah, that's not nice to say to your old 'boyfriend'
Lee: *raised his eyebrows* Boyfriend?!?!

Fergus: *to Lee* That's right, loser, don't you two recognize Fergus Duffel. *Ivy and Lee gasped*
Lee: Yeah, except for the geeky look.
Fergus: That's right, I lose the specs so what. *As he uses his tongue and make a raspberry at Lee*
Colleen Foley: *voice only* Indeed, dear cousin, what do you think of him, now, Ivy.
Ivy: Ugh, still the same but weirder than before.
Colleen: *voice only* Oh, that hurts my feelings, 'friend' (Ivy's face is so red), no matter I hope you two don't mind for extra company coming. *Laughed out loud as three henchmen brought in Carmen, Chase and Jerry and wire chain each of them*

Chase: Jordan, Monaghan!
Lee/Ivy: Chase!
Colleen: *as she appears a red-haired woman in her 40's appeared* It's been a long time.
Jerry: Oh no, who are you?
Colleen: You don't know me, Lewis, but Rex Bash does.
Jerry: Rex Bash?!?!
Colleen: My father's old partner. *Jerry gulped* It seems ACME and WOOHP will be puzzled all over the Emerald Isle looking for every single one of you.

Jerry: And why is that?
Colleen: Revenge, of course after you all did to me for ruining my life. *Laughed out loud as she, the three henchmen and Fergus leaves*
Jerry: What did she mean by what we all did to her for ruining her life.
Carmen: Beats me, at least I miss my own party.

ACME Headquarters, Boston, MA, USA

Cruiser: *voice only* Hey, don't drink anymore of these soda pops you're going to have a bad stomachache.
Zack: *try a can of grape soda* So what, this is a new soda brand and it's great. *As the C-5 appears and so did Jade along with Sam and Socks* Hey, Jade want some root beer?
Jade: Uh, no thanks, Zack, I just started drinking prebiotic sodas and I'm not a big fan of root beer.
Cruiser: It's about time you show up, Geeky girl about what happened here.
Zack: Oh, by the way, Jade, I want to tell you something about Ivy.

Jade: Zack, if you're trying to make me spread a rumor about your sister getting married to Lee Jordan, forget it.
Zack: No, no, it's not that it's about the time when Ivy is set up with some geeky guy by some girl trying to make friends with her.
Jade: Zack!
Zack: Oh no, it's no joke, it happened when she was a kid while me, mom and dad were in Chicago.
Jade: Zack, what do you mean by that?
Zack: Well, there is this girl named Colleen Foley who brought her cousin named Fergus Duffel who wanted to make Ivy her best friend and make Ivy being Fergus' 'girlfriend' *Laughed out loud as a male ACME agent shows up*

Jade: Zack, it's not funny! *All of the sudden Zack just fainted to the floor* Zack! *As she, Sam and Socks came to Zack* Zack, Zack!
Shay Callahan: *as he came to Zack* Zack, *to Jade and Cruiser* oh my gosh, what happened?
Cruiser: *to Shay* I don't know but all I know is he's been trying this new soda brand after he's upset over his sister not showing up to your sister's wedding to a Marine.

Jade: *raising her eyebrows* Wedding?!?!
Shay: I'm glad you show up, Jade, my name is Shay Callahan, I'm an ACME agent here, Cruiser, take Detective Monaghan to the medical center.
Cruiser: *As he carries Zack and drags him around the hallway* No problem and grab those cans of soda but don't drink it.

Shay: *as Jade uses her Padphone to scan one of the soda cans while raising his eyebrows* Soda?!?!
Jade: *gasped* Oh my gosh, this is the same ingredients as in that sphere Lee found in Atlanta.
Shay: I was afraid it's already begun, Jade, let's go to the Massachusetts General Hospital all shall be explained.

[End of Chapter Two: I don't own the Massachusetts General Hospital whatsoever]


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Chapter Three: Wedding gone weary

Meanwhile at WOOHP World in Singapore

Zerlina's Office

Zerlina: *to Samantha [Sam], Clover and Alex* Girls, have you found anything interesting about one of my father's last missions.
Clover: Nothing unusual, Zerr!
Alex: Except for this Rex Bash guy.
Zerlina: Rex Bash?!?! Hmm...I remember my father captures him long ago somehow his partner escaped, I may want to talk to him at WOOHP Island and find out from him. *All of the sudden a sound of the alert* Girls, there's trouble around Dublin, Ireland's Trinity College.

Samantha: Then we better grab a rabbit's foot for good luck.
Toby: *to the girls shows them a pair of boots, a tiny ring box, a stick of butter like gadget, smooth round stones and a beef jerky like stick* Here some lucky gadgets you might use...a pair of dancing converting boots just in case the enemies have their own dance moves.
Clover: So, lame, Toby!
Toby: It might be useful, Clover, next a bee in a box.
Samantha: *with a confused face* A bee in a box?!?!
Toby: 'Stings' your enemies like a transmitter to find out where to find the hideout, a magnetic and voice controlling stick.
Alex: Looks like a stick of butter to me.
Toby: It can control any mechanical and electrical devices going after you, Alex and the last two gadgets well putty stones to burn your enemies' backs with ease and mock jerky stick whatever you do girls don't eat it or you'll be nauseated after tasting a bite of it.

Samantha, Clover and Alex: Gross!
Zerlina: Be careful in the Emerald Isle, girls, may the luck of the Irish be a successful one. *As she sends the girls flying thanks to the springboard bouncer* Toby, why did you give them those.
Toby: They're just failed gadgets that been tested before. *Zerlina's face is downcast with a sweat and annoyed at the same time*

Meanwhile back in Boston, MA, USA

Massachusetts General Hospital

*After Jade and Shay entering the hospital there was a young strawberry blond-haired woman and a red-haired guy with a sling on his arm in the waiting room*

Kayleigh Callahan: Oh, Shay, thank goodness you came and who is this?
Shay: Jade, this is my sister, Kayleigh and Shawn Walsh.
Shawn: It is nice to meet you, Jade.
Shay: *to Shawn* So, how's your brother doing?
Shawn: He's doing good so far, his commanding officer is here to see him after what happened at City Hall it would have been a great, yet short wedding if haven't been for some men attacking me and Ryan.
Jade: Ryan?!?!
Kayleigh: My fiancé and Shawn's twin brother.

Jade: Did any of you knew what happened?
Shawn: We sure did, Jade.
Shay: Same here and I'm not happy for what those men did to ruin a wedding. *Kayleigh shakes her head yes*

*Shawn's flashback begins*

City Hall (a few days ago)

Zack: *to Ryan and Shawn after he hung up his cellphone quietly* Great, no word from Ivy, she supposes to be here yesterday.
Ryan: Oh, Zack, I wish we have a big Irish wedding, but because I'm an U.S. Marine and I must return for my duty.
Shawn: Don't feel bad, Ryan, I'm happy for you and Kayleigh that's what matters.
Zack: *using a digital camcorder as the Justice of the Peace came* Well, the wedding is about to begin.

*Shawn sighed as the security guards opens the door there was Kayleigh escorted by Shay when all of the sudden a bunch of men came from outside, Kayleigh screamed so loud as she sees a bunch of men came, pushes Shay and Kayleigh aside and going after Ryan and Shawn gasped*

*Shawn's flashback fades*

Shawn: And Ryan was hurt badly most of the men uses a tire iron and clubs at us.
Jade: Was there anything else?
Kayleigh: All we remember was one of the men uses a tranquilizer dart onto the security guards and the Justice of the Peace.
Shawn: And one of the men destroyed Zack's digital camcorder with a baseball bat.

Jade: What is your relationship with Ivy and Zack?
Shawn: They're our friends because of our parents are friends to their parents.
Jade: Where are your parents?
Shawn: Our mother died of cancer when we were four years old then our father tries to find a new mother for us, unfortunately she never like our father, she wants to take money away from him.
Jade: Who is she?

Shawn: Colleen Foley! *Jade gasped* Father knew already because he was a good detective for the San Francisco Police Department.
Jade: And your father, where is he?
Shawn: Gone in the line of duty while me and Ryan were eleven years old.
Jade: Figure, you and Ryan didn't want to end up like your father, right?

Shawn: Exactly, Jade, that's where Ryan ends up in the U.S. Marine to learn about military law as a legal services specialist while I go to law school to learn about disability law as a paralegal.
Jade: Figure you're autistic.
Shawn: I am, Jade!
Kayleigh: I'm glad grandfather was not here to see what happened.
Jade: Grandfather?!?!
Shay: Our grandfather lives in Dublin, Jade, when I told him what happened, he was angry.
Jade: What is your grandfather's name before I forget?
Shay: Angus Fitzpatrick.
Jade: Thanks, Shay!

Jade's mind: *Jade figures each information fits to the case as she leaves the hospital* That reminds me, Archie Pelago is in Dublin, I hope he gets Chief Weller's message about this case and thanks to Arthur's advice I say, I better be lucky in Ireland, first things first get my kitties [as in Sam and Socks who are left behind to take care of the mice around the cafeteria] from Boston Headquarters.

[End of Chapter Three]
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Chapter Four: Duped in Dublin

Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland

*Samantha [in green catsuit], Clover [in red catsuit] and Alex [in yellow catsuit] enters the college*

Clover: There's no trouble around here, right?
Samantha: *as a Trinity College librarian (male) came to the girls*There is trouble we're going to find out.
Librarian: Ah, you girls made it, would you mind...*Suddenly someone blows a whistle there was Moe and Lars*
Moe: Hey, out of our way!
Lars: *as he and Moe pushes the girls and the librarian* Excuse us! *A security guard came*
Security Guard (male): *catches his own breath* Those men work for Carmen Sandiego stop them.
Samantha: *to Clover and Alex* You two take care of them, I'll go with the librarian. *And they did*

*Moe and Lars still running*
Lars: We got keep looking for the boss!
Moe: *as he sees Clover and Alex following them* Uh-oh, Lars, it's the WOOHP girls.
Lars: Let's lose them! *Until the C-5 appears, and they screamed when Jade screamed, and she fell onto to Moe and Lars along with Sam and Socks who are with her*

Clover/Alex: Jade!
Jade: *as she gets off of them and her cats jumps unto their own back*Thanks Moe and Lars from breaking my fall.
Moe: Whatever.
Lars: Hey, my shirt is now muddy.
Jade: *to Lars* Sorry, about that!

Alex: Thank goodness you show up in time.
Jade: I know ACME Dublin told me so.
Moe: * to Sam and Socks making biscuits unto him and Lars' own back* Ow, you dumb pussycats! *As Clover and Alex lifted the boys up*
Jade: Say where's Samantha?
Clover: Heading for the library!

Jade: You two go on ahead meet me at the Dublin office after I interrogated Tweedle-Dee [Moe] and Tweedle-Dum [Lars] here.
Lars: *As Sam and Socks each went to his and Moe's shoulders* Ow, Jade, your furballs.
Jade: *as she uses her Padphone* Relax, boys! We're going now! *And activates the C-5 corridor taking not only herself and her cats, but Moe and Lars as well while Clover and Alex head for the library*

ACME Headquarters

Interrogation Room

Jade: *to Moe and Lars while Sam and Socks were sent to the cafeteria to look out for cockroaches* Alright, boys, why are you two here? And are both of you after the Book of Kellis or the Harp?

Lars: Neither Jade!
Moe: Actually, we're looking for our boss around Dublin I went to O'Connell Street while Lars headed for Grafton Street.
Lars: Moe found squat while I found this. *As he places a small device onto table and there was Carmen* I thought it was our boss but it's just a decoy.

Jade: Decoy?!?! More like a holographic version of Carmen, when is the last time you two saw your boss.
Moe/Lars: March First!
Jade: Where?
Moe: Inishmore, one of the Aran Islands on Galway Bay.
Lars: Vic sent us to find her after a man captures her on her birthday.

*Archie Pelago looks at the window with a man about Chief Weller's age*

Angus Fitzpatrick: Well, it seems someone took Miss Sandiego away and have no idea why.
Archie: Miss Ezell is trying to find out who captures her, Director Devineaux, Commander Monaghan, Detective Jordan and Jerry Lewis from WOOHP.
Angus: What about the other two?
Archie: I'll find out from her as soon as she finishes with Skeeter and Vegas.

Thirty Minutes Later...

The Hallway *as Jade got out of the interrogation room*

Archie: Miss Ezell, I'm glad you came, and I like you to meet the Chief of ACME Dublin, Angus Fitzpatrick.
Jade: *as she shakes hands with Angus* Ah, it's good to meet you, Chief Fitzpatrick.
Angus: I knew my grandson [Shay Callahan] told me you're coming here after leaving Boston, would you tell us who were the last two people on the list?
Jade: Ryan and Shawn Walsh.
Angus: Ryan?!?! Oh no, that's Kayleigh's fiancé, very good man and has Irish heritage, but he's a Marine, why? What happened?
Jade: Well Kayleigh and Ryan were about to tie the knot at City Hall in Boston, but some men came and attacked Ryan and Shawn.
Angus: Why? *As he, Jade and Archie enter his office*
Jade: Something to do with a woman named Colleen Foley and...
Archie: *Angus gasped* Colleen Foley?!?!

Angus: Oh no, that's Donovan Foley's daughter!
Jade: The one whom Carmen and Chase capture a long time ago for racketeering and fencing some illegal medicine.
Archie: Of course, how did you know that, Miss Ezell?
Jade: Trying to figure it out this revenge case.
Angus: It's not just his daughter; his nephew is involved too.
Jade: Nephew?!?! As in Fergus Duffel!
Archie: *sighed* I was afraid a new generation of the Foley Gang is coming back and finish what Donovan has already started years ago.

Jade: And I believe Colleen Foley is the one who wrote the list of the people who ruined her life from losing her father by getting busted to setting up Ivy with Fergus before being busted by Lee in Monterrey, California as a young gumshoe and trying to take money instead of a widowed police detective's heart when Ryan and Shawn are just kids back then.

Angus: But what about this Jerry fellow.
Archie: I believe WOOHP has one case involved with a member of the Foley Gang.
Angus: *to Archie* Why don't you contact anyone from WOOHP and find out.
Archie: I'm going right now, Angus! Miss Ezell please be careful.

Jade: Right, Archie! *As Archie leaves Chief Fitzpatrick's office*

Angus: Miss Ezell, I hope you can stop her.
Jade: But I can't do it alone. *An intercom beeped*
Angus: *after pressing the button* Yes?!?!
Receptionist (female): *voice only* Three girls are looking for Jade.
Jade: That must be the WOOHP girls, Chief Fitzpatrick, I'd better meet them. *As Jade leaves Chief Fitzpatrick's office*

Outside of ACME Dublin

Jade: *to Samantha, Clover and Alex* Find anything from Trinity College.
Samantha: Just this! *As place a small device and there was Jerry Lewis*
Alex: We thought it was Jerry hang on the celling in the cage and the cage slam to the floor.
Clover: Yeah, after Alex trip over a wire.
Samantha: And thus, Jerry wasn't in the cage it was a holographic version of him.
Jade: Just like Lars Vegas shows me the same small device only a holographic version of Carmen.

*A male ACME agent came and whisper at Jade and Jade whispers back to the agent's ear by explaining and thanking him* Girls, let's get back inside. *The male ACME Agent glared at the WOOHP girls* They're with me. *The male ACME agent nodded, and she and the WOOHP girls enters back inside*

The Conference Room

Angus: *to Jade* I'm glad you have to wait for your Padphone to charge up, *to Spencer on screen* Dr. Ross!
Spencer: Thank you, Chief Fitzpatrick! *To Jade* Jade, I'm glad you're here and of course, the WOOHP girls as well.
Alex: Hey, Spencer!
Clover: Like, what's going on, Spencer?
Spencer: *on screen* Someone threw a baseball at Chief Weller's window.
Angus: *shocked* Everard?!?!
Jade: Spencer, is he alright?
Spencer: *on screen* He's fine, *Chief Fitzpatrick is relieved* when he came back from his break, found it and shocked when he read an ultimatum that said: If you want your agents back bring the sphere to Newgrange in County Meath.
Jade: That's one place to meet the demands.
Spencer: *on screen* And you needed these beside your gadgets. *Showing Jade some weird tablets*

Jade: *raised her eyebrows* Antacid tablets, Spencer?!?!
Spencer: *on screen* Sort of, Jade, these 'antacid tablets' can make a chemical vat neutralize by using one, but if you use all of them well it'll destroy a hideout and explodes like a science fair version of a volcano, a sheet shockproof sheath stickers for any electrical equipment like a drone, and your cats' collar has been updated now they have instant recovery battle suit to prevent them from being attacked from any enemy going to harm one or both of them.

Jade: Nice one, Spencer!
Spencer: And girls, you be careful as well.
Samantha/Clover/Alex: Thanks, Spencer! *As the screen is off*
Jade: As soon as my Padphone is finish charging, I'll transfer the sphere and my gadgets here and we're leaving for Newgrange in County Meath. *As Angus puts the screen up by remote control*

Clover: Newgrange?!?!
Angus: Ah, Newgrange is a prehistoric monument which is a megalithic passage tomb located on a rise overlooking at River Boyne, five miles west of Drogheda and this is the picture behind you...And Miss Ezell, Everard and I are close friends just like our families are.

Jade: *to Angus* Same with Zack and Ivy's parents who were friends with Ryan and Shawn's parents, I'm glad you weren't there at Kayleigh's wedding otherwise you would have been hurt.

Angus: I wish, but I just want my granddaughter to be happy but hoping around here instead.

[End of Chapter Four]
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Chapter Five: Nabbed in Deception, Part One

Newgrange, County Meath, Ireland

*After Jade gather her gadgets and taken the sphere with her, her cats [Sam and Socks] and the WOOHP girls she uses her Padphone to go head for the megalithic passage tomb called Newgrange and Chief Fitzpatrick is not kidding*

Clover: *to Jade who is using her Nanotech glasses to look around* Jade, in Ireland do brides wear white?
Jade: Clover, you should have learned about wedding customs around the world already, brides in Ireland only wear blue and we don't have time to look at a bride's dress.
Alex: Yeah, Clover, we got friends to save, remember?
Samantha: Anything from inside?

Jade: *as she removes her Nanotech glasses* Nothing, my Nanotech glasses cannot see anyone or anything.
Clover: *as Jade put back her eyeglasses* Great, what now?
Jade: We've better go inside right now. *As she, her cats, and the WOOHP girls is about to enter inside Newgrange, two men shows up...to the two henchmen* Hey, gentlemen, we have the sphere can you let us in so we can free our friends.

Henchman#1: *to Jade whose got the sphere* Follow me and take the sphere with you.
Clover: *as Henchman #2 uses his hand to stop her, Samantha and Alex and Jade's cats* Rude much?
Henchman #2: Only her and her alone, got that? *Sam and Socks growled at Henchman #2* And you two felines as well stay out.

Interior of Newgrange

Colleen: *after Henchman #1 activates a hidden communicator voice only* Welcome, my dear, sorry, I can't be here in person and beside you probably heard of me?
Jade: Are you Colleen Foley?
Colleen: *voice only* That's right my dear, are you looking for your ACME friends, I was hoping for Chief Weller.
Jade: Sorry to disappoint you, ma'am, but he can't make it and say, where are my ACME friends?

Colleen: *voice only* I'm afraid they can't come.
Jade: According to the ultimatum you said if ACME wants their agents bring back this sphere here.
Colleen: *voice only* I lied, my dear, grab her!
Jade: *after Henchman #1 grabs her* Hey, let me go! *As Henchman #1 dragged her [alone with the sphere] *

Outside of Newgrange

Samantha/Clover/Alex: *after they heard Jade screaming* Jade!
*Henchman #2 throws a smoke bomb at the WOOHP girls but not Sam and Socks they jumped unto Henchman #2, and he ran with the cats on his back*

At the back of Newgrange
Henchman #1: *as he tied and gagged Jade up after he grab the sphere from her and put her in the van* Now relax and be quiet! *As he jumped up into the van, he's going to pick up Henchman #2 whose being chased by the WOOHP girls...to Henchman #2* Get in! *Henchman #2 jumped in along with Sam and Socks and he places the cats in a pet carrier*

Henchman #2: *to Jade* Hope you don't mind if your cats are tagging along with us...*As he gasped and saw the WOOHP girls following the van* It's those girls!
Henchman #1: Time to lose them! *And kept driving but the WOOHP girls still followed the van by their own jet pack backpack*

Alex: We got to save Jade and her cats, but the van is getting further away.
Samantha: *as she brings out the small box* Not if this bee can help us. *As she opened the box and thus a mechanic bee buzzed into the van*

Henchman #2: Ouch!
Henchman #1: What's wrong?
Henchman #2: A bee stinging me.
Henchman #1: Those girls let's hurry and lose them again! *And he presses the button to use smoke screen to escape from the WOOHP girls*

Samantha: Oh no, Jade!
Alex: Poor kitties!
Clover: I hate it when the baddies get away fast.

Meanwhile back at the abandoned fish factory

Colleen: *to Henchman #1* Where are you, gentlemen?
Henchman #1: *on screen* Kilkenny! We just put Miss ACME Smart Mouth at its castle's gate lodge.
Colleen: Brilliant work, I'll deal with her as soon as I finished the master plan and eliminated the ones who ruined my life.
Henchman #1: *on screen* And we're bringing in some test subjects for you. *Sam and Socks growled and hissed while they're in the pet carrier*
Colleen: *as Fergus came* Any problems?
Henchman #2: *on screen and shows Colleen a jar with a bee* Yeah, three girls are after us and one of them brought in a robotic bee to track us.

Colleen: I was afraid of those WOOHP fools following you.
Fergus: So, where are you guys heading?
Henchman #1: *on screen* We're heading for Limerick as plan.

Colleen: Ah, exactly, that's where to meet Rex Bash and Fergus, I want you to go Limerick and set up the trap.
Fergus: As always, my dear cousin. *He laughs out loud and leave while Colleen with her evil grin smile thinking of the success she did for her father's legacy, while looking at her prisoners [Carmen, Chase, Ivy, Lee and Jerry] on screen*

Colleen's mind: I've figure I need more prisoners so that way the ones who ruined my life all but that smart mouth agent [she means Jade].

[End of Chapter Five]
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Chapter Six: Nabbed in Deception, Part Two

Kilkenny, Ireland

Outside of KC/Garda Siochana (Guardians of the Peace) station

*Jade came out along with Arthur*

Arthur: I'm glad Grady inform me about what happened at Kilkenny Castle, can't believe this woman named Colleen Foley is involved of this weird soda pop case.
Jade: Well, at least I thank your informant for untying and ungagged me at the gate lodge, thank goodness he brought in the footage of the break-in. *Her Padphone beeped Jade looks at the message*
Arthur: What now, Jade?
Jade: ACME Dublin just inform us that Vic-the-Slick is spotted in Limerick and Moe and Lars are with him.

Limerick, Ireland
O'Connell Street

Alex: *to Samantha* Are your sure Jade is here?
Samantha: According to the bee she is...*Until four male dancers and a man with the boombox show up in front of the WOOHP girls*
Dancer#1: Hey, girls!
Clover: Why, hello boys, we're just on our way to find a friend of ours.

Dancer#2: First things first how about a dance?
Samantha: Whatever for?
Dancer#3: Trust us it'll be your last. *Laughed out loud to the Man with the boombox* Play it!

*The Man with the boombox starts playing Reel around the Sun from the Riverdance soundtrack composed by Bill Whelan [I don't own the music whatsoever] *

*Somehow the male dancers start the dance while the WOOHP girls follow the coordinates of the dancers thanks to those dancing converting boots screamed*

Alex: I never thought I could do Riverdance like this. [I don't own that theatrical performance of an Irish dance and music whatsoever]

Dancer#4: *to Dancer#1* How did they know how to dance?
Dancer#1: They don't! Now! *As they bring their own clubs and the WOOHP girls screamed when Vic, Moe and Lars came to the WOOHP girls*

Vic: Alright, boys, fun's over!
Dancer#1: The fun's just begun! *As he whistles for the rest of the men...Vic, Moe and Lars gulped all of the sudden they throw the smoke bombs to cover the street when the C-5 appeared and so did Jade and Arthur*

Jade: *as the smoke bomb vanishes getting the residents a shock* What happened?
Old Lady: These male dancers compete against those girls in colorful catsuits.
Young Woman: And then those three hustlers try stopping the men only they brought in more men and boom everyone vanishes.

Young Man: *showing Jade and Arthur the video from his smartphone* Here's the proof! *Jade and Arthur are shocked to see what happened and recognize the WOOHP girls, Vic, Moe and Lars*
Arthur: *to the young man as he shows his ACME badge* You better send it over at ACME Dublin via E-Mail.
Young Man: I'll do that, thank you! *As he leaves*

Jade: *as Arthur picks up a bookmark* I can't believe we're too late to stop those guys.
Arthur: Not exactly, Jade, take a look at this bookmark.
Jade: *read the bookmark* Limerick Castle that was built in 1200 on the orders of King John of England that's right before the Magna Carta agreement in 1215. (I don't own the Magna Carta whatsoever)

Arthur: Could that be where they're taking them?
Jade: We'll find out together.
Arthur: I couldn't agree more, Jade...Going Advance! *As his outfit turns into an indigo and royal purple advanced instant battle suit*
Jade: Awesome, Arthur, your instant battle suit has been upgraded to advance.

Arthur: * as he uses a pixilating glove* And that's not all check this out! *Surprise thanks to his pixilating glove it can summon a hoover cycle*
Jade: Talk about getting a ride...going advance! *As her outfit turns into a medium blue and pure blue Carmen Sandiego outfit like advanced instant battle suit* (Remember the Plumber and the Hedgehog)
Arthur: Hop on, Jade! *And Jade did as her fedora turns into a motorcycle helmet while Arthur got his helmet automatically and start riding*

[End of Chapter Six]
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Chapter Seven: Nabbed in Deception, Part Three

Limerick Castle, Limerick, Ireland

*As Arthur parked his hoover cycle carefully after Jade got off, her helmet turns back into a fedora and Arthur summons his hoover cycle back*
Jade/Arthur: Sheath mode!

Jade: *as she and Arthur sneaks in carefully without anyone seeing them...quietly* It's a lucky thing we beat the bad guys before coming in.
Arthur: *quietly as he pointed his finger to the courtyard* Don't be too sure, Jade!
*Jade is shocked to see Fergus and a tall, bald-headed man and there were the henchmen with the WOOHP girls, Vic, Moe and Lars*


Fergus: Well, well, if it isn't the WOOHP girls, so glad you made it.
Clover: Uh, hello, who are you?
Fergus: Fergus Duffel and this is my uncle's right-handed man, Rex Bash in whom Jerry capture a long time ago.
Samantha: Speaking of Jerry, where is he?
Rex: Don't worry you'll meet him later.

Fergus: And I brought in your ACME friends in there.
Alex: Oh no, he's got your boyfriend, Sam!
Samantha: Uh, Lee Jordan isn't my boyfriend, Alex!
Alex: Whatever! *As she kicks one of the henchmen* Hang on!
Clover: Alex don't that's not him, Ivy nor Chase! *Alex screamed as she trips over a wire and the wooden cage fell to the ground*
Vic/Moe/Lars: Ah! *However, they were shocked* Huh?!?!
Moe: They're still up there.
Lars: You idiot, remember when I thought I found the boss [Carmen] at Grafton Street in Dublin they're the same when Jade told us it was a hologram version*

Samantha: Just like Jerry in the Trinity College library.
Fergus: *As he turns off the holograms* You got that right.
Rex: Oh, *as he snaps his fingers* I even got Jerry's daughter to go with us.
Zerlina: *to the two henchmen who got her captive* Get your hands off of me!
Samantha/Clover/Alex: Zerlina! *Jade and Arthur are shocked as each henchmen uses a smoke bomb*

Jade: Oh, no! *Again, she and Arthur were too late to save them again as they run to the courtyard and the smoke bomb clears out*

Arthur: * as he and Jade return back to visible* We would have been quick enough, Jade!
Jade: Oh yeah, Fergus would have hacked into the instant battle suits, and we would have been revealed.
Arthur: Strange a stick of butter and some smooth rocks.
Jade: *gasped as she spotted something familiar* One of the girls' Compowder.
Arthur: *As Jade picks up the Compowder* Compowder?!?!
Jade: Like a compact mirror with a technology twist from WOOHP. *Until the Compowder beeps and Jade answered* Hello!

Toby: *on screen* Ah, Jade, I was trying to reach the girls about Zerlina was taken hostage by...
Jade: Rex Bash!
Toby: *on screen* Yeah, why?
Jade: I believe the girls were surprised and shocked to see her.
Arthur: And we found a stick of butter and some smooth rocks.
Toby: *on screen* Oh those are the girls' gadgets, the magnetic and voice controlling stick and putty stones.

Arthur: Jade, take a look at this note. *As he shows Jade a note after she picks up the girls' gadgets*
Toby: *on screen* What does the note say.
Jade: May the Foley's Luck of the Irish: BE quick, get Lost and go FAST!
Toby: *on screen* Why are some letters being capitalized and underlined?
Arthur: Perhaps, it's a destination to the hideout.

Jade: Like Belfast.
Toby: *on screen with his eyebrows raised* Belfast!
Arthur: That's in Northern Ireland part of the United Kingdom.
Jade: Exactly, Arthur and we better go there and sees we can find the hideout.
Arthur: Yeah, it's because the paper smells like a fish, and I don't mean fish and chips.

Toby: *on screen* In that case, come to the parking lot. *And Jade and Arthur did and saw Toby with a hoover sportscar* Get in you two! *And Jade and Arthur enter the hoover sportscar and Toby starts to drive*

[End of Chapter Seven: the next chapter will be excited]
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Chapter Eight: Luck turns around, Part One

Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK (the hideout is fictional)

Jade: *voice only* So this magnetic and voice controlling stick controls only mechanical and electrical, right?
Toby: *voice only* Yes, but the trouble was it failed two years ago so I have to upgraded with the help of a drone.
Jade: *voice only as the hover sportscar parked carefully* You mean like a remote control one?
Toby: *voice only as the sportscar door opens* Actually, it's girls' own drone without a remote control.
Arthur: *as he, Jade and Toby got out of the hover sportscar* At least the warrant is...oh my gosh, what's that smell?
Jade: Gee-whiz! *As she activates her face mask when a young man came with a laptop computer and three little drones following him*
Darren: Oh, my bagpipes!
Jade: *As she shows Darren her digital ID* Don't panic, Darren, it's just me!
Darren: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize it's you, Miss Jade, I thought it was Carmen Sandiego.
Toby: *to the three little drones* Hey drones, are you alright? *The three drones nodded 'yes'*

Arthur: *to Darren* Don't worry it's Jade's advanced instant battle suit that looks like Carmen.
Darren: Aye, Chance, now I understand what're saying and who is this?
Arthur: Darren, this is Toby, he works for World Organization of Human Protection or WOOHP for short, Toby this is Darren, ACME London's top computer hacker from Edinburgh, Scotland.
Darren: *as he and Toby shake hands* Good to meet you, Toby.
Toby: Likewise, Darren, expect for the stint around here.
Darren: Aye, the stint came from that abandoned fish factory.

Jade: What do you know about that fish factory?
Darren: The Lord Mayor of this town want that fish factory torn down unfortunately, someone got to it.
Arthur: Does he know who took over the fish factory?
Darren: Aye, some lass just took it over for about six months; she claims that is her daddy's soda company called Foley Fizz?!?!

Jade: *gasped* Oh, fudge!
Arthur: What's wrong, Jade?
Jade: When I was in Boston trying to talk to Zack about what happened, he drinks some samples of soda, and I found out it was the same formula as the sphere when Lee founded it in Atlanta before Zack passed out.
Darren: Oh, that doesn't surprise me granny's haggis.

Toby: Then we better get going to the fish factory.
Arthur: After we pick up the warrant first.
Darren: And these drones?
Jade: They'll be part of our plan to save our friends, stop the Foley gang and save the world by blowing up their pop stand.

Abandoned Fish Factory


*After Arthur picks up the warrant, Jade put some shockproof sheath stickers onto the drones, Darren and Toby both disguise themselves into employees for Foley Fizz [each wearing orange jumpsuit, face mask, rubber boots and helmet] *

Jade: *quietly to the three drones* Alright, one of you drones go with Darren and Toby so they can hack into Fergus' computer system that is just in case our friends [Team ACME members: Chase, Ivy and Lee, Team WOOHP members: Samantha, Clover, Alex, Jerry and Zerlina, Carmen and her men (Vic, Moe and Lars)] are in danger one of you drones come with me and Arthur so we can freed them and of course one drone will find my cats [Sam and Socks].

Arthur: *quietly* We'll make sure to get everyone gets outer here before blowing this 'pop stand', Jade.
Jade: *quietly* Exactly, Arthur! *With Arthur* Sheath mode!

*And thanks to the shockproof sheath stickers the drones did too, the green drone goes with Darren and Toby, the red drone goes with Jade and Arthur and the yellow drone decided to find Sam and Socks as they all enter the hideout*

[End of Chapter Eight: This is going to be more excited, trust me]
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Chapter Nine: Luck turns around, Part Two

Inside the abandoned fish factory

The Back Entrance

*There was Colleen along with her cousin, Fergus and right-handed assistant, Rex with evil grins on their own faces when the WOOHP girls, Zerlina, Vic, Moe and Lars came by force not knowing Jade and Arthur are following them in sheath mode without anyone seeing them*

Colleen: Welcome to Belfast, future home of Foley Fizz! *Laughed a little as everyone walks along with her*
Zerlina: We like to know is what are you trying to pull here?

Colleen: *show her 'guests' the portrait of Donovan Foley* What my father has already started...you see years ago my father wants to create his 'medicine' can work wonders to make people perfect without having any diseases or slacking off by being a couch potato for the rest of your life.

Clover: As if.
Alex: Yeah, right, that is so lame.
Rex: Not to the boss it isn't.
Colleen: Precisely, Rex! However, all of own lives has changed because of them. *Henchman opens the door there was Carmen, Jerry and Team ACME [Chase, Ivy and Lee], the WOOHP girls, Zerlina, Vic, Moe and Lars are shocked to see them*

Vic/Moe/Lars: *to Carmen* Boss!
Carmen: Boys!
Zerlina: Dad!
Samantha/Clover/Alex: Jerry!
Jerry: Girls, Zerlina!
Lee: Samantha, we're not surprised to see you and your friends get captive along with Carmen's boys.
Samantha: *As each henchman places her, Clover, Alex, Zerlina, Vic, Moe and Lars in each wire restraints* Us neither, Lee! *To Colleen*So you're making ' soda pop' instead of 'medicine' like your father did.

Colleen: Oh, that part well I just use daddy's idea to make it as soda and everyone will enjoy.
Chase: You're just like your old man, Colleen you don't know what your father was capability of.
Colleen: And you'll never find out at all, Devineaux.
Rex: Neither would you, WOOHP!

Jerry: But why them, you have us, so please let them go.
Rex: Not a chance!
Fergus: They're just being noisy, that's all.
Alex: Oh, yeah, but why after Jerry, Carmen Sandiego and three ACME agents [Chase, Ivy and Lee].

Fergus: Oh, revenge for what happened from the past. *To Ivy* Right, sweetheart?
Ivy: Oh, please, I'm not your sweetheart, Fergus.
Alex: I don't see Jade here.
Colleen: Oh, I'll deal with her as soon as the master plan is completed, and I won't tell you all where she is, so long and goodbye! *As she, Fergus and Rex leaves, the henchmen shut the door*

Vic: Terrific, that's just terrific, we came all the way to find you, boss and now we're prisoners of fools.
Lee: So, what we can't get outer here and there's no way to get out of these wiry restraints we're done for anyway.
Moe: Oh, shut up, Lee Jordan!

Control Room

*Fergus enters the control room there was Darren and Toby in disguise*

Fergus: *as he starts up with a computer and a microphone* Okay my mechanical creatures change into emperor scorpions and head for the 'guest room', sting them out. *Laughed as he gets up from the chair to Darren and Toby* You two, never mess with my computer is that clear?
Darren: Yes, sir! *As Fergus leaves the control room as the green drone [in sheath mode] as Darren send in the message to Jade via Padphone and located them fast...to Toby* Ready?
Toby: Ready when you are!

'Guest Room'

*As those some weird mechanical creatures came and turn into giant versions of emperor scorpions everyone screamed*
Lee: Great, we can't move our arms, just our legs.
Chase: Stay calm and don't get sting.
Clover: Easy for you to say. *Everyone is scared and getting panic each one move their own legs from not being sting*
Vic: *gulped* Boss, it's nice knowing, doll face.
Carmen: Vic, please, don't call me that again, it's annoying.

Meanwhile in a lab

Henchman: *grabbing Socks first* We better these furballs vaccine in mind control. *Sam hissed at the henchman...to Sam* Quiet, feral, you're next! *Sam growled*
Scientist (male): *as he grabs a mind control vaccine* I hope this works on animals under the boss' control.
*As the yellow drone (in stealth mode) spotted them...to Socks* Now hold still kitty! *Socks screeched and struggling to escape when the scientist is about inject the mind control vaccine unto Socks all of the sudden, his hand got electro-shock, and the vaccine drop and broke into pieces, making Socks escape*

*Sam growled, hissed and escape from the carrier by smacking his paws unto the henchman*
Henchman: Why you...*Sam and Socks' collars got their own nine lives save with their own instant recovery battle suit [Sam in medium blue and Socks in pure blue] to the scientist* Get those furballs! *Too late thanks to the instant recovery battle suit has a force field barrier preventing the cats from getting capture with the yellow drone the cats ran off the lab*

[End of Chapter Nine]
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Chapter Ten: Luck turns around, Part three

In the main room

Fergus: *to Rex* Is everything ready for ship overseas?
Rex: Everything is ready and less than five minutes the world will be ours. *Laughed as Colleen enters the main room*
Colleen: Not ours, Rex, Daddy's
Rex: Oh, *looking at the portrait of Donovan Foley* sorry, boss, rest in peace.

Colleen: Already hit the cities of America, get ready of the cities in Ontario, and Montreal, Quebec, Canada; Australia and Great Britain.
Henchman: Yes, ma'am!
Colleen: Don't forget, Auckland, New Zealand.
Henchman: You got it!
Rex: Don't forget Vienna, Austria; Paris, France; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Santiago, Chile; Mexico City, Mexico; Kolkata, India.
Colleen: Of course, Rex, I don't want to forget those...*laughed*
Fergus: Don't forget the cities of South Africa and Montevideo, Uruguay.
Colleen: Exactly, Fergus! Remember those cities.
Henchmen: Yes, ma'am!

'Guest Room'

*Everyone still scared of those mechanical giant emperor scorpions as Jade, Arthur and the red drone (in stealth mode) came*

Arthur: I'll cover you, Jade!
Jade: *to the red drone* Come with me. *As they enter together and saw her friends*
Alex: Eww...get away from us! *Jerry tries blowing the scorpions away*
Zerlina: Dad, it's not working!
Jerry: Let's not panic, everyone! *As he, Zerlina, the WOOHP girls, Team ACME, Carmen, Vic, Moe and Lars are screaming as one of those mechanical scorpions are about to sting until they stop moving.
Clover: Hey, they stopped moving!
Jade: Alright, you mechanical fiends change into lobsters. *And those mechanical creatures did* Now cut those restraints now...*mechanical creatures are confused* I'm not joking, cut the wire if you were real lobsters I would like to steam you mechanical fiends as dinner now do as I say *And those mechanical creatures did*

Clover: Wow, it worked!
Alex: We're freed!
Lee: Alright! *As everyone got up*
Samantha: I wonder who controlled them to get us freed?

Jade: You should thank Toby, Darren, your drones and especially the magnetic and voice controlling stick and of course, Arthur and me! *As she reveals herself*
Team ACME [Chase, Ivy and Lee], Team WOOHP [Samantha/Clover/Alex/Jerry/Zerlina], Carmen, Vic, Moe and Lars: Jade! *As Arthur opens with a picklock*
Arthur: I'm glad you all are alright.
Clover: *to Jade* How did you get here?
Jade: I'll explain to the Chiefs about this as soon as we get the evidence, busted the crooks, and blowing this pop stand once and for all.

Arthur: Jade, I've also found out their soda pop shipments are about to shipped out to the rest of the world like in Boston.
Jade: We can't let that happen, Arthur! Let's move it!

Ivy: Finally, let's get even! *With Chase and Lee* Going advanced! *Turns their own outfits into their own advanced instant battle suit [Remember the Plumber and the Hedgehog/ about Lee's advanced instant battle suit and Trading Chases/ about Ivy and Chase's own advanced instant battle suit]

[End of Chapter Ten: the next chapter...oh yeah, it's going to be a surprise...Happy St. Patrick's Day!]
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    I'm glad Deric. I was wondering if you guys would be able to finish Ultramarine
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  • Invader Invader:
    I am doing ok
    Quote Link
  • Invader Invader:
    sorry I have been away for so long
    Quote Link
  • Lucy Lucy:
    I'm glad you're back Invader <3 :)
    Quote Link
  • Lucy Lucy:
    Welcome all new members!!! <3
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    Lucy Lucy: Welcome all new members!!! <3