Fan Fiction Music from the police station - songfics compilation

Marie Donna

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Marie Donna, M.D., Charlotte, Lotte. (occasionally Martha)
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Hellooo :3 a long time without enter here as user, but I like to read the main RPs very often, I write but only on my mother language (spanish) and never wrote a fanfiction until now. So, in this thread will have fanfics inspired on some of my favourite oldies songs...

I will post updates here and on my tumblr withlove-maria: Tumblr
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Marie Donna

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Known Aliases
Marie Donna, M.D., Charlotte, Lotte. (occasionally Martha)
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My girl by The Temptations
A/N: I may have some misspelling, if you find one let me know, please enjoy : D

A fruitful morning starts at 5:40 am, at least that's what Suhara Nakamura thinks. Since his golden years as part of the agency, he has nurtured a peculiar tradition after waking up, one that he has also shared throughout his years as senior detective with his students and closest friends: greeting the Sun.
For as long as he can remember, he wakes up with the dawn, nothing gives him more calm than walking to the balcony of his apartment and seeing the bluish mist of the city of San Francisco disperse, the light of the first rays of the sun are always the purest and the most beautiful of all. Everything is fresh, and alive, and new... As if the world were reborn.
The wise hands of the old man rest on the railing, a few more minutes and it is time to continue with the rest of the day. Taking a deep breath he thanks to the sky and entered back, later he will have more time to appreciate Mr. Sun.

When Suhara said goodbye to ACME agency, to the known life, he was discouraged for a while. Leaving behind his old routine: long hours of investigation, sleepless nights, jet lags after 18-hour flights, teaching... It was a hard blow and a very difficult step to take.

Dealing with a "normal life" has its own challenges too and even more when you never got married or had children, with no siblings or close friends... When you're on your own... The routine is repetitive.
Over the years he has learned to cope with many things, migration to another continent, the ravages of a war, failed relationships, broken friendships, the mourning of a loved one, even when there is no body to claim, because not always the loved ones are taken away by death, sometimes... They just leave...

Loneliness has been something very familiar in his life, but at the same time he has found pain in it, he also has been sheltered by an incomparable peace.
Happiness is present in simple things.

Like going shopping at the market down the street and greeting Mrs. Brown and her adorable grandchildren, taking advantage of discounts on weekends and going to international art museums, the cinema or the theater.

"There's something good about being so old," he said with a smile when he recalled the time he didn't spend a single penny on a themed tour of the city last month.

There's even fun things at home, right now he should dust off his souvenir collection a bit, after all it's necessary to be careful with tangible memories.

After cleaning up a bit, going for a walk in the neighborhood, buying the week's groceries and prepared a good meal, the former detective decided that it's time to relax, the day cooled slightly since the sky was enclosed in a shell of clouds, seems like it's going to rain.

Seeing the time on the digital clock, which is one of the few "modern" things in the apartment besides the appliances and TV, he says aloud:

"Wow, five o'clock? Where did my day go?" He thought amused, scratching the back of his neck.
It had been a long time since he had traveled like this between thoughts and reflections outside of his daily hour of meditation. Maybe he needed to meditate a little bit more and what better way to do it than while he practice Tai Chi.

Suhara looked for what he needed to spend the rest of this cold afternoon comfortably, a change of soft clothes, some lavender and pine incense, a glass of water, hot tea and one of his many yoga mats.
The soft and cozy light of the apartment created a truly enviable atmosphere dyeing the space a honey color, even when the day is as gray as today. He turned off the TV and turned on his old radio, tuning in to his favorite station, Sundays of Jazz & Blues.

"I've got sunshine on a cloudy day When it's cold outside I've got the month of May"

'The Temptations' were in tune, Suhara turned up the volume to fill the empty space in his living room, lit the incense of fresh forest herbs, and spread it around the perimeter of the rug.

"I guess you'd say... What can make me feel this way? My girl (my girl, my girl) Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl)"

He laid his mat on the floor, took off the slippers and began his stretches.
"I've got so much honey the bees envy me I've got a sweeter song than the birds in the trees"
The rhythm was cheerful, the melody made him flow easily between forms, closing his eyes, he let himself be carried away by the harmonious voices.

"Well, I guess you'd say... What can make me feel this way? My girl (my girl, my girl) Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl)"

"My girl... my girl..." He chanted softly.

The only "children" he ever allowed himself to have were his students at ACME. Most of them were over 20 years old when they were first assigned. Until that day in May. A beautiful little girl of no more than 12 years old was assigned, it is incredible how they allowed her to enter the cold and gray aura of the work against crime.

"I don't need no money, fortune or fame I've got all the riches, baby, one man can claim"

The youngest agent in the ACME agency's 6-decade history, the best among generations and generations of detectives, the golden girl of ACME and also her own killer.
"The brightest star that fell to earth..."

"Well, I guess you'd say What can make me feel this way? My girl (my girl, my girl) Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl)"

A waste of talent. A selfish, low, despicable woman, a cold blooded criminal who deserves no mercy and a traitor, that's what they say about her...

"But they are wrong" the old man's mind was filled with the insults and offenses he heard from his colleagues, in the newspapers and international news that spring of 1985.

Just a month after she left the agency... He had not yet recovered from that new.

"I've got sunshine on a cloudy day With my girl I've even got the month of May With my girl"

Only 19 years old, and she was already earning what would be the beginning of her worldwide infamy. Accompanied by criminals, it is still hard to believe that she could become the same. Not with such a noble heart.

He did not miss a beat while the violins played, his serenity would not be taken away from him. He turned gently, extending his arms, taking out the pain, feeling free. The same way he taught her once. He still hopes she remembers.

"Talkin' 'bout, Talkin' 'bout, Talkin' 'bout... My girl"

"As long as she's safe, as long as she's happy, it doesn't matter what she chooses." Suhara's inner voice repeated with love, even though she would not hear him...

"My girl... As long as I can talk about my girl..."

"You will always be my girl, Carmen"

Marie Donna

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Known Aliases
Marie Donna, M.D., Charlotte, Lotte. (occasionally Martha)
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I have more fics to come, give me time and let me know what do you think, I'm wondering if Carchase is still a thing here because I want to write something for the ship ʌʌ
Greetings : )

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    (IRL) So... been building my new computer, a 24-core beast with 256gigs RAM... and now that I have everything, it won't boot... no video from the Titan X, or the Radeon 4650 I tried (from box of parts), not sure... I know the VRM fans don't spin and neither does the chipset fan by the M.2 ports... but I think it's too late to claim it as non-working, message sent to seller. Built over 200 computers, never had an issue like this (though never tried a machine like this either, so...)
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    Q: Where do dads store their jokes? A: In a Dad-a-base
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    That’s too much of a dad joke
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I like dad jokes :D
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    Well my dad is a joke
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  • Polly Tix Polly Tix:
    My daddy tells bad jokes.
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    So did mine Polly :)
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Hey Polly! I have a dad joke for your dad
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  • Polly Tix Polly Tix:
    Lucy said:
    Hey Polly! I have a dad joke for your dad
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    (It's one I've told here before but here it goes)
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Q: When does a dad joke become a dad joke? A: When it becomes apparent. (wanna tell your dad that one Polly? LOL)
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Time for another random thoughts:
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    If an octopus has 8 legs and an octagon has 8 sides...Why is October not the 8th month?
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Because August called dibs on that spot
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I forgot that I was logged in here so long lmao.... Ten Ten if you see this I'm sorry :D
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    Lucy said:
    I forgot that I was logged in here so long lmao.... Ten Ten if you see this I'm sorry :D
    I never log out
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    Lucy said:
    If an octopus has 8 legs and an octagon has 8 sides...Why is October not the 8th month?
    i know the historical reason October was originally the 8th month of the Roman calendar. Then January and February were added to the calendar making October the 10th month. However October retained its original name.
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    Dectober doesn't have the same ring after all
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