Archived La Vie de Luxe - Oh Canada!

Nina West

Plant Biologist
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Still swallowing hard, Nina West kept on driving after Vic. That's her only option now, they made the first aggressive move.

"Agent Hobbes?" said Nina to her other unit, "did you see what that was? They're hostile, what's your suggestion?"


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"I saw it, Agent West. Don't worry, that explosion was definitely life-threatening." Hobbes said unwittingly. "Oh. Oh, wait, no. I didn't mean that. Thrown inaccurately, Ms. West. Not to worry. It was thrown inaccurately. No danger to you." Hobbes quickly added, pulling behind the Buick with a clutch-sputtering lurch.

"I believe we can assume the occupant of the vehicle is suspect Vincent Fumagalli, Agent West. His unidentified female passenger I profiled earlier is likely armed and therefore both suspects should be treated as dangerous. Whatever they're planning, it must be important.

"Now, Nina," Hobbes continued, "Sitting beside me right now is Officer Laurent, who can summon the entire on-duty police force of Montreal with one radio call, so long as we do not call between eleven or five after eleven when they all go on break. Besides then, the capture of an international criminal would look very good on the police and they would help us as much as possible. But I think it is important that suspect Vincent lead us directly to where he plans to go.

"My plan is to switch roles, Nina." Hobbes said. "You continue the exciting job of pursuing the suspects while I perform the boring duty of following from a block away. Then, you 'lose' them at a convenient point for me to roll into the picture again and present myself as a French-Canadian criminal who was promised payment by syndicate leader Carmen Sandiego in exchange for assisting suspect Fumagalli in his heist. By pretending to be working with them, I will hopefully gain enough trust to follow Fumagalli and lead yourself and the Montreal police force right to where the suspect plans to travel. I hope that sounds like a plan, because I see an intersection coming up.

The gas pedal ground into the floor, Hobbes' K-Car brought his bumper behind the Buick with a sputtering wheeze. Arriving at the intersection, the pencil-pushing desk-type rammed the emergency brake into gear and veered left in a curtain of burnt rubber. Releasing the break, Hobbes sped forward and took a quick right, perspiring as he thought about all the ways his plan could go horribly wrong.

Nina West

Plant Biologist
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The expression on Nina's face ranged from surprise to uncertainty to confusion then back to surprise as she listened to Agent Hobbes's suggestion. Infiltrating the enemy? Sounds like something that could take weeks to clear with Chief. If you were higher on the food chain, thought Nina, you can do anything you want and say it was situational.

"Let's do it, Hobbes," Nina replied, she was part adventurous and part still upset that Chase Devineaux stuck his nose in her case and released Sir Vile early. If anyone in ACME can do just about anything, then she could too. "I'll 'lose' them in about 2 miles, you take it from there."

[OOC: Great post, Hobbes! Now we're rolling!]


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"Excellent, Agent West. If this works out, we might just kill two birds with one stone, so to speak." Hobbes replied smugly, sliding his vehicle gracelessly through sporadic traffic.

"Oh. Nina, in case Officer Laurent is incapable of making the call for reinforcements, would you be able to re-affirm the request? That is to say, double-check that a transmission was sent? It would be my inclination to invite the power of the local authorities to crack down on our suspects, but I am assuming ACME agents would also be invaluable to our assault.

"And if anything goes wrong, I will take full responsibility for disobeying your commands, Agent West. But let us hope luck is on our side. We've been fortunate thus far. Maybe prudence takes us a little further."

Nina West

Plant Biologist
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"Affirmed!" Replied Nina as she moved her buzzing electric car closer to the Buick and checked the SatNav for a good spot to play her part of the plan.

Her teeth gritted when she thought about this plan going wrong. Vic Fumigalli was one of the few VILE agents that had regular contacts with Carmen Sandiego, and getting this close was almost too close. Vic doesn't look like much, but he's smart. Letting local authorities deal with him could result in an escape.

"Be careful, Agent Hobbes," Nina said, "you might need to leave Officer Laurent first, suspect has experience with authorities."


Confidence Man
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While the two ACME agents exchanged parts to a plan, an oblivious Vic the Slick was still trying to figure out a way to lose the one remaining car on his tail.

"We're city-bound," Vic said to Dragon, "when we hit traffic, it's gonna get harder to lose this one, ah? You try give it a scare again when we hit the next bend."


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Dragon listened to the man driving and merely gave a grunt in reply. Her eyes scanning the road. She noticed that now they only had one follower.

"They're trying to corner us." She snarled.

Wolves did something similar, at least similar in the general concepts. Hunting in packs you co-ordinated your efforts; that's how you got the prey. In this situation, two hunters running at the prey in the same direction would be useless as long as the prey remained ahead.

"Vic, I have a bit of an idea, but no matter what happens you keep driving got it?" Her idea was dangerous... if her timing was off things could go very, very badly for her. But it was worth the shot.

Nina West

Plant Biologist
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Nina pulled up closer to Vic's car, she wanted to look like she was persistent. It was dark, and they had been almost bumper to bumper for miles. She hoped Agent Hobbes was doing well, she could see his little dot on the SatNav about a block away.


Confidence Man
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"Corner us?" Asked Vic, "Ya better be sure, ah?" This girl's been spending her life rolling around in the forest, what does she know about how drivers, especially cop drivers, behave? He'll have to talk to Carmen, if this goes wrong, it weren't his fault.

Vic did as he was asked, and kept driving. "Don't do anything dumb, Tike, I can't come back and collect ya if something goes wrong."


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"Look, there's only one car tailing us now. There were two, and wolves do this when hunting. It's how a pack works. One plays decoy while the others nab the prey from elsewhere." She looked behind them again, trying to judge the cars distance.

Thinking quick Dragon faced a problem, she'd have to leave the grenades behind if she wanted to go through with her plan. Not that she didn't like it, but they'd come in handy. "Vic just tell me the meeting point, if I do go through with my idea I'll make my own way there."

She would stay until she had no alternative. But it did relax her some to have a backup plan.


Confidence Man
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"Yeahum..." Vic thought about where a good quiet spot was going to be. "Ya remember the Ritz, ah? Where Carmen was nights ago, you got meet me in the alley there, but I can't stick around long. If I ain't find ya tonight, I report back to Carmen, say it's a bust, then we start over."


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Dragon nodded. "Don't worry Vic, if I go through with my plan, I'll be there. For now let's be careful, We don't know where our second follower went."

Dragon still wanted to go through with her plan, but until she had a clearer idea of what the fallout would be, she'd stick to the car. No matter how much she hated it.

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  • Jon Eckart Jon Eckart:
    ((IRL: @Lucy2... You may have to just start a new account (if the system lets you)... we don't know who all has admin access, so 'password recover emails' might not get seen or dealt with. If you do, I'd suggest a new account, and a series of posts linking to the old account. Keep in mind, we're in Minnesota, so cold is a thing... if you wanna trade, we're open to place tickets! We can't really do anything until we hear from the appeal guy... anytime between the 19th and December 5th, so in theory move-out could be end of December (unless it gets here before the end of this month) or maybe they can stay... no idea. So, the other place door... that's what we'd have to fit everything through.))
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  • L :
    Guest Lucy2 has joined the room.
  • L (Guest) Lucy2:
    This was interesting to watch this new Zeland congress did a Haka protesting a bill... learn something new every day hehe. Māori MPs perform haka and disrupt NZ parliament debate on treaty rights changes
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  • L :
    Guest Lucy2 has joined the room.
  • L (Guest) Lucy2:
    I just watched a show, I think it was from The History Channel? It was talking about how they think the 2 escapees from Alcatraz didn't need to build a raft. They hitch
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  • L (Guest) Lucy2:
    They think the guys hitched a ride so to speak on one of the boats leaving Alcatraz.
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  • Jon Eckart Jon Eckart:
    ((So... the latest is that the woman who reported the folks to the police, called the guy who handled the appeal (after we left the room) and told him that if he doesn't make sure to get the folks out of the building, she'd make things difficult for him. The property manager told ma a few days ago, and ma told me today. So, anyone know what that would be called? Coercing, bribery, influence peddling? Would that invalidate the eviction? This is Section 8 housing, so low-income housing. The appeal decision should in theory get here next week or maybe Friday, and they can appeal again, maybe this one would be in real court... don't know. I will advise the folks contact legal aid and see what they say.))
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  • Jon Eckart Jon Eckart:
    ((Correction: the parents are caving, they are planning for the move ON January 1st, without waiting to hear what the appeal decision is, and not willing to fight it. I stormed out of their place tonight (punched the call button for the elevator... they may have heard it), because I know they could win the second appeal hands down (they don't want "more of the stress from all this", they would discuss shit when I went to the bathroom tonight). I reminded them they may not get the entertainment center through the door to the apartment, we probably will have to take the claw legs off the table for the first time ever, but they have their heart set on it. ))
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  • Jon Eckart Jon Eckart:
    ((Sorry for language... it's a copy-and-paste from conversation with my sister. I'll sit in the corner))
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  • Jon Eckart Jon Eckart:
    ((My right middle finger, behind first knuckle, left a bit of skin on the button... I was that angry. They decided this without talking to me, saying they were "tired of the stress". They're set on a two bedroom apartment ($154 more than the current, at least), it's up to me if I want to move, they said. Once we leave this place (section 8/low-income housing, the waiting list is over 2 years), that's it... the building manager retires later 2025... she pulled a string to get me in here))
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Notre Dame Cathedral In paris is going to open its doors in less than ten days woot woot
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Will the Hunchback be ringing the bells?
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Lol 😆 maybe one of the curators could dress up like him
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  • Jon Eckart Jon Eckart:
    ((So... my Facebook got password hacked, and the recovery options aren't working. And, over the last two days, haven't slept more than half an hour total, despite my trazodone. Had like 6 beers tonight, have a couple left, will take a full pill tonight, and hope to sleep. And, finished the application for the new place, probably will have to help the folks tomorrow.))
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  • Jon Eckart Jon Eckart:
    ((Log into Facebook <-- the person who found a way to hack my password... don't report it and nuke it... I want to get the pics from it if I can))
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I'm glad you were able to get back in Jon.
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Did you know.....The original candy canes were straight sugar sticks that were often used to decorate Christmas trees. The first historical reference to the cane shape was in 1670, when the choirmaster at Cologne Cathedral in Germany bent the sugar sticks into the shape of a shepherd's staff. Candy canes remained white until the early 20th century when red stripes and peppermint flavor became popular.
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    @Tenchi Masaki when i open the website on my phone I immediately get a "translate page" pop up. Is this from my own settings ?
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    (Everything is in English but it says Translate from Italian)
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  • Jon Eckart Jon Eckart:
    ((So... the folks called me upstairs to help figure out how to get their SSI paperwork to the new landlord... we were discussing it, when the landlord emailed that all three of us are denied... mostly the main thing was "poor rental history; insufficient income (they're on SSI); no credit file; if no judgment was rendered on them after they appealed the initial eviction notice, then they gave their 30 days notice, can they rescind that (this is Minnesota, ya shure, ya betcha) and stay?
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  • Jon Eckart Jon Eckart:
    @Lucy you got back in!
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  • Jon Eckart Jon Eckart:
    (my question depends on someone knowing legal loopholes... will look into that tomorrow)
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Awww dang it. I lost #whamageden 😞 😕 😢
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Michelangelo wrote a poem about how much he hated painting the Sistine Chapel...One translation of the poem he sent to his friend begins: I’ve already grown a goiter from this torture, hunched up here like a cat in Lombardy(or anywhere else where the stagnant water’s poison).
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    *Leaves Christmas cookies in the shape of Carmen out on counter*
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    Lucy Lucy: *Leaves Christmas cookies in the shape of Carmen out on counter*