LOL (IRL: I realized that when I started going grey and balding started, and I started hearing songs I was listening to in Junior High on our local classic rock station)
@Laverna... I don't think any of us are going to try and track you down. And, @Lucy, no idea what Sophie's server on Discord even is... have never used Discord in my 28 years online... mIRC, AIM, various built-in chats on sites, never Discord
((IRL: Finally watched My Neighbor Totoro with ma... I want one! Both of us! Tomorrow... we're going to try and get stepdad to watch it... he likes cute movies and animal videos, and me and ma were giggling like kids (wish I would've had Miyazaki downloaded when dad was around... he wanted to, but passed before he saw Wall-E))
If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world. -C. S. Lewis
Today in History: July 28th, 1996 "Discovery of remains of a prehistoric man near Kennewick, Washington, casts doubts on accepted beliefs of when, how and where the Americas were populated. "
The science communities beliefs will never be facts. As we all know the Americas were populated after Kneemoi's race was driven out by ACME and Carmen was sent back to the present after failing to steal all the corn in the Americas. Which, as we all know was only executed after Carmen wanted to originally steal all the leaves in America but didn't realize that included Leif Ericsson. He wasn't too thrilled with being tossed in a bag so rallied his Vikings to attack VILE. But since Carmen hates violence she explained the misunderstanding and changed plans. Then ACME and the Vikings sang songs of victory which we still sing today.
Something just dawned on me. You know how we went from two digit years to four digit years because of the Y2K bug? In like 9K years we'll have to go to 5 digit years to combat the problem again