Doc Brown: “Tenchi! We have to back to the past!” Tenchi: “Whoa Doc, I don’t think it’s that serious.“ Doc: “Tenchi that’s because your not thinking fourth dimensionally! That typo will cause a time paradox unless we undo it!” Tenchi “Bu Doc what about Kylie?” Doc: “Bring her along this concerns her too!” *Doc, Tenchi, and Kylie get in Delorean* Tenchi: “Hey Doc you better backup we don’t have enough road to get up to 88.” Doc: “Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads...” *The Delorean lifts off and flies into the sky. Our heroes fight through many challenges, most of all from the Tannen family; but in the end they prevail and correct the typo. Triumphant our heroes return to the present...*