I think the real literal and socially challenged part is that nd (neurodivergent) people make sure sarcasm is understood as sarcasm so our intentions are understood bc intent being misconstrued feels so so very uncomfortable and being nd people think we're weird and avoid us or we don't know how to interact with a largely non nd people because they conform more to society ideas that we have difficulty with or are unable to process. Like gender or some forms of humor!
funny radio commercial from our local Sherrif's office for Valentine's day: "Is your loved one wanted? Do they have warrants? Tell us where they are and we'll make sure they have a very special Valentine's day. A free ride, free jewelry, free meal and a free bed." xD
Something just dawned on me. You know how we went from two digit years to four digit years because of the Y2K bug? In like 9K years we'll have to go to 5 digit years to combat the problem again