Archived Blue Moon Masquerade

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This thread may include adult content including violence, strong language or nudity, readers' discretion is advised.


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((Originally written by Crimson))

Most of the ACME members were looking really content. A select few were looking smug, though. Their stances and faces said it all. Especially for the musketeers. They were all clearly enjoying their partner's company. The boys were dancing with important 'people.' They had a right to be smug -- to some degree. But, those boys seemed over - the - top smug. One could tell just by looking at their facial expressions and their stance. And Nevon seemed a bit... nervous and excited, especially when Chase was around.

Mr. Blair said:
"I'd be honored if you'd have a go... at another dance or two with me?"
Cassandra smiled at Nevon. Not just because she knew something that he didn't but because the way he asked her to dance. It was kind of cute. Whoa, whoa, whoa... I have a boyfriend back home and I'm working. I need to focus on the task at hand.

Cassandra stuck her arm through Nevon's, "I'd love to dance with you."


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Pete saw Missy's eyes moved from the lady with the gold mask to the horse and then to Chase. All this conversation and talking was nice, but Pete was starting to get hungry. Dancing with a woman like Missy made him nervous, and he probably lost plenty of calories, so it explained why when he took a peek outside, his attention was on the food stands. That Robin Hood looked like he was really enjoying the desserts.

"Mates, I'm starving, ai?" He tipped his musketeer hat for his friends to excuse himself, giving a special nod to Missy. He didn't want her to feel bad he was leaving her for food. Good thing that she was already in a conversation with Mr. Devineaux. "Meet up for countdown?"

Emma Bezzle

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Emma, Em, Bez, or Bezzy
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Loralye was being the unseen observer. She was standing quietly among the company of several ACME agents, all of whom looked too arrogant for their own good. Not only was Lora listening into each conversation of the agents, but also the chatter of some of the nearby guests. The last thing they needed right now were suspicious party go-ers.

Lora noticed Chase Devineaux pull out a device similar to a cell phone, and saw his eyes quickly scan the message. From the look on his face it appeared to be nothing of consequence. She also noted that Crim had just agreed to dance with her partner.

Taking a page from her book, she turned to Danny and said, "Care to give me the last dance of the year, Daniel?"


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Iv', Ives
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Chase said: Nearby, Devineaux spotted Mikal Darsha talking to Ivy Monaghan. Already with a girl, Mikal worked fast. "Khalid Rifai," he called out to the Israeli, systematically introducing him to the rest of ACME as 'Khalid Rifai', an old friend from Afghanistan.

Turning to 'Khalid' and Ivy, who were seemingly paired, Chase thought the red-haired detective looked cold. "Once the museum closes, you can stay around the former customs house until countdown. They'll be lighting more fires, it should be warmer."

Ivy raised her brows when Chase started talking to her and Khalid. Did he just guess that she was cold tonight, or did she unintentionally show him? Can everyone tell? Ugh, nevermind. Now was not the time to be overly self-critical.

Knowing someone was looking out for her interest was nice, but after finding out that Khalid was an old friend of Chase's, Ivy had to wonder how much of this meeting was random.

"Might as well get started on a little food and a little dancing, Khalid," she hinted to her partner, "looks like the museum is closing." Sure enough, the Italian announcers she saw earlier this evening were now saying their farewells.


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Mike, Khalid Rifai
When Chase Devineaux introduced him as Khalid Rifai, Mikal was all too glad that he wore a full faced mask. Otherwise someone might have caught his moment of surprise. This name was used on his very first mission with ACME Special Operations, simply to avoid a conflict between his employers and the detective agency.

Whatever reasons Chase had for reinstating the identity was unclear, but hinted that the field director was being cautious.

Chase Said:
Turning to 'Khalid' and Ivy, who were seemingly paired, Chase thought the red-haired detective looked cold. "Once the museum closes, you can stay around the former customs house until countdown. They'll be lighting more fires, it should be warmer."
Ivy Said:
"Might as well get started on a little food and a little dancing, Khalid," she hinted to her partner, "looks like the museum is closing."

'Khalid' nodded, offering an arm to Ivy. "So, you don't mind dancing now? That's good."

Sarah Nade

Musical Genius
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Finishing her cigarette and flicking its remains into the nearest canal Sarah made her way back into the museum and made a B-line for the men's bathroom. Bathrooms, she thought to herself, were usually the easiest place to hide if wanting to stay in a building longer than the security wanted you to. She had made herself an expert at hiding in stalls and finding the ceiling panels that could be opened without effort in the past. Closing the door behind her Sarah didn't even need to look into the lavatory before finding a closet door.

Amused at the ease in which she would be able to stay in the building Sarah pulled out her wallet and jimmied the door open with a credit card, sliding herself in and closing the door as another museum patron started to enter. There she would wait until the museum was properly closed.


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((Originally written by DetectiveAwesome))

'Abrielle' said:
"Care to give me the last dance of the year, Daniel?"

"It'll be my pleasure, Ms. Fiore." Danny replied, it was something he thought well mannered people would say. He offered his arm to Abrielle and lead her outside, just behind Nevon and Cassandra. The air was a bit cold again, but Chase was right, the party organizers had lit more fires.

As the music started, Danny took the lead as he was taught to in the ACME classes. "So that was an interesting mask back there, what did you think about it?"


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Boss (situational)
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Ennai said:
"I was actually hoping to take a closer look at the masks. I haven't had a chance to see them yet." She glanced at Euge with a hint of mischief, "But I fully expect a dance tonight."

Euge returned Ennai's mischievous glance with a sly look of his own. Maybe tonight wouldn't be a total loss. "But business comes first," thought Euge as Chase pulled them aside. Obviously Chase had received the alert; the only question was how concerned was he?

Chase said:
"Euge, and... Ennai," he smiled a warm greeting when he recognized the girl in the silver dress, "enjoying your time off?" With a quick nod, Chase continued: "The Italians set up a nest egg for this area years ago," he commented, "They're renovating the buildings one by one, what you see now just reopened a few months ago. The piers were recently fixed too, if you haven't seen the new stonework."
Ennai said:
"I'd love to see that. Maybe when the museum closes?

"Sounds like an excellent spot to watch the fireworks," Euge agreed. The voice at the back of his mind was telling him fireworks would be the last thing he will be paying attention to. Squelching that thought, he turned his attention towards the masks. "Impressive pieces," Euge said to Ennai; "maybe they could use them to cover up that horse, make it a little less distracting." He could hear the band resuming on the pavilion and was suddenly ready to leave. As far as masks were concerned, Euge had his own collection he could gaze at, and the horse was becoming unnerving.


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Nevon smiled wide for Cassandra and took her out to the dance floor. He gave her a bow, like he should and tried to remember his best footwork.

When he got into the rhythm and they twirled around a few times, Nevon started pulling off American-Styled moves with a side sway and underarm turn. Then he realized he could do basic moves for the waltz almost as well has he could do the moonwalk. The geeky dancer side of him was laughing with joy.

"Do you go to parties like this a lot?" A little breathless from the moves, he asked his partner.


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Pete made another turn around the food stands and got himself a hefty meal. On his plate had some macaroni with cheesy cream sauce, baked and fried potato wedges with seasoning, marinated beef slices, baked beans, and two kinds of salad. Was he really this hungry?

Seeing Robin Hood around, he greeted. "Ai mate, good desserts?" He wasn't sure if he's seen this guy around ACME, but he looked friendly, and was one of the characters that Pete understood.


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((Originally written by Xander))

wesdon said:
Seeing Robin Hood around, he greeted. "Ai mate, good desserts?" He wasn't sure if he's seen this guy around ACME, but he looked friendly, and was one of the characters that Pete understood.
Xander looked over at the new arrival at the food table and nodded.

"Great desserts, they get it from the good local pastry shops here."

He took another cannoli.

"How'sa your night going?"


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Iv', Ives
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'Khalid'/Mikal Wrote:
"So, you don't mind dancing now? That's good."
The last time Ivy ventured into the realm of ballroom dancing was at a party commemorating Josha's 'sand-hog' invention*. That whole ordeal seemed like forever and a year ago.

"Maybe it's just the Venetian mindset getting to me..." She took Khalid's arm with a mildly playful grin. They didn't walk very far into the pavilion before the music started.

As a detective Ivy was naturally cautious, and Khalid Rifai was hard to figure out. His demeanor seemed strangely honest, like the kind of man who would blurt out exactly what was on his mind at any given time. Yet, he kept looking around and sometimes onto the rooftops as if someone was watching him.

There was an element about the party that had her on edge too. Ivy shook it off for a moment as she rested her hand on Khalid's shoulder. Maybe it was the masquerade's atmosphere. With fire light and everyone in stoic masks, the mood was a little dark for comfort. You could be dancing right next to your worst enemy and not know it.

"So, an old friend of Chase Devineaux, huh? You're not one of those spec-ops boys are you? "

*Refer to WOEICS episode 38

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    I did not know that pretzels were made by monks and given to children as little treats :D
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    I want pretzels! 🥨
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    Me too!
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