Babes in Toyland: The Movie!

Tenchi Masaki

ACME Ace Detective, Inventor
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Known Aliases
Tenko(don't ask), Kami Jack, Guy Smart, Tenten
Color #
But the Toymaster explained to everyone that there is good and evil inside every body, and they must let them see the error of their ways. After the customary eye roll everyone agreed to let fate take its course. So everyone went back to their respective homes to enjoy Ballet Day! The girls put on their dresses and the boys their suits and everyone went to dance ballet and the guys to stand their since most of them didn’t want to dance Ballet. Mary was one of the best dancers in town and everyone marveled at her graceful moves. Bo Peep danced with Tom Piper and after a song and dance they made an official announcement of engagement to a round of applause from everyone. Georgie toasted to the newly announced affianced.

Of course this left a certain two people who had not yet made any announcements in that regard. They of course were none the wiser as they danced about enjoying each other’s company with their friends. The days jubilation made everyone forget about the bad things that had happened up to this point and the end of the day brought the main feast party. Charlet and Ruslan got to see foods they had never seen before and ate and drank until they were full. They were brought back to Mary’s house and put in bed. The townsfolk partied all night as adults tend to and went home to bed anticipating the next major holiday Thanksgiving.

A few days later Charlet and Ruslan were acting like normal citizens of Toyland and while Barnaby, Theodore, and Walter were being a general nuisance they weren’t too much to handle. Charlet was having a great start to her day as she had convinced Ruslan to take her to get a hat. They had upgraded their cars since they arrived to a two seater variant and could go in either from place to place; which they often did. And now after Charlet had charmed her grown up chaperones into giving her money Ruslan was tasked with escorting her on a shopping spree. This wasn’t too much of a problem as his notoriety had increased quite a bit and he loved driving or walking through town greeting his fans (and potential clients). Upon arriving to the shopping district they started walking toward Witch Hazels.

But on this sunny day suddenly it grew dark Ruslan and Charlet looked around at the ground when. The light vanished and they heard a distinct lightly booming tremor they then looked up and their jaws dropped; It was a giant with an axe and a big blue ox was accompanying him! He was walking across the countryside. Carrying a large gunny sack over one shoulder and his axe in the other; he walked through the early morning mist in the distance. Charlet and Ruslan almost wanted to stop shopping and drive after him but they knew a giant isn’t going anywhere fast. Charlet knew what she wanted already she had been begging for it for days; a red polar bear hoodie. So they went straight into Hazels shop and bought it.

Charlet commented that now she’ll really stand out from Red Riding Hood. And the MoM bots could stare at this all day long till their eyes blew a fuse. It was no secret what Wileys robots had been doing. Wiley’s MoM bots were starting to patrol more streets in town but all they did was stand around harmlessly, or were seen patrolling back and forth for days. And then very subtly they started showing negative propaganda about the color red. It had been increasing steadily over the days but now the machines were making fun of people in the color red and preventing red clothed people from entertaining people. But now things got very scary for our young heroes.

The MoM bots were now today rounding up people in red clothes and a whole battalion of them were marching on the town. The kids hid in an alley as the Mom bots marched down the street and parachuted in to higher positions on the buildings.Ruslan knew he had to act fast so he took Charlet’s hand. He stealthily led her around the MoM bots trying to get her to safety. But they each had different skill sets that would enable them to deal with the obstacles in their path.

So when they needed to use each other’s abilities they did, they had become quite knowledgeable about their capabilities at this point. But all this was for naught; sneaking above and below ground past the robots was working; until they came to the last obstacle in their path and found themselves caught! A few squads of MoM bots were blocking the street, behind them was a 15ft tall robot with multi directional scanning capability. Charlet told Ruslan that they weren’t getting by that, and couldn’t go back the way they had come. She thanked him for his help but needed to turn herself in and as a tear slowly fell down her cheek she said, “This is for the best Ru-chan, don’t worry about me when I’m gone.” Ruslan lovingly told her, “I’m not leaving you ferret, your my friend and don’t be so dramatic, people are looking. So hand in hand the two defiantly walked toward the final MoM bot checkpoint.

The Jester and Wiley were there giving a speech about why people who like the color red should be ashamed. The Jester loudly proclaimed, “All they do is cause bad things to happen!, look at me for example; my sister Theodora always made fun of me and made me do her chores! And then there’s a girl named Dorothy! And let me tell you that brat was always ruining everything!” Just when it looked like the Jester was going to be blabbing forever, he saw a very red girl walking towards him. Turning everyone’s attention to her he felt the need to inform everyone of her particular rouge fixation.

Ladies and gentlemen look at this primary example our resident redtard Charlet! She’s wanted for multiple violations of the color code!” Wiley then interjected, “She trashed my part shop and traumatized my robots! Having Being indoctrinated by Jack her treachery is to be expected but her critique of my superior machines is just uncalled for! The Jester chimed in, “And have you seen those red shoes? They are so spreading pro Dorothy propaganda! They do things when she clicks her heels for crying out loud anyone associated with the terrorist of Oz needs to be locked up!”

Charlet and Ruslan commented that these two had serious psychological issues, and they needed help and unsurprisingly the people in attendance agreed. Never before had they witnessed such pitiful levels of color abhorrence. The Jester defensively shouted back, “Your opinions don’t matter! We have the power so we’ll do what we want! Get her Grab bot!” The giant MoM bot then reached for Charlet with one of its hands only to be blocked by the much bigger hand of a really big guy. The Jester was furious at this interference and screamed, “Why are people always helping Charlet!?” The MoM bots was tipped over by the giant and being built by Wiley; fell to pieces.

Tenchi Masaki

ACME Ace Detective, Inventor
Best answers
Known Aliases
Tenko(don't ask), Kami Jack, Guy Smart, Tenten
Color #
Wiley and the Jester fled back to Barnaby in defeat yet again, and the day was saved! Ruslan and Charlet looked up at the giant to wave and say thank you. The giant then introduced himself as Paul Bunyan, and said it was an honor to meet both of them. He and his ox Blue had come to see the Toymaster and live in town for the holidays like they did every year. Charlet asked if he could step on them the next time which caused all listening to start laughing which in turn caused Charlet to give her diplomatic wave and smile she learned from Mary. All the popular girls should be prepared to greet the public in endearing ways so she had said.

Ruslan however was a little more pragmatic about the situation and stated, “Um excuse me, those two idiots tried to install an anti-red totalitarian regime!... Which is ironic when you think about it. So could they face federal charges now or something!? ” But Charlet told him to not worry, they were stopped again, and to focus more on her, “My sweet sugar cop hero Ru-chan! Your too work orientated, learn to enjoy a girls gratitude.” When Charlet started flashing her eyes, Ruslan saw he was in a losing situation. They returned to the Toymaster to tell him what had happened and he told them Wileys robots had tried to occupy his property and place him under house arrest.

There was a meeting with the leaders of Toyland called and they decided that lines needed to be drawn. But it was too little too late… Across town Barnaby and his allies were finalizing his greatest plan ever conceived. Forging a dark alliance with the Goblin King, The Bogeymen, and the Trolls, They would march on Toyland in force. If Barnaby couldn’t get the people to side with him against Jack he would simply force them to. They had led the evil mob to the gates of Toyland where Wileys MoM bots forced open the gates. Now Barnaby would have Toyland completely in his control.

He devilishly said, “Now all wrongs done to us shall be righted! I was denied my rightful place as most important person in Toyland! They say the Toymaster is better than me! They say Jack is better than ME! After today when they speak of them they will only say how they begged for their end, and the benevolent Silas Barnaby; graciously granted their wish! Then Mary finally consented to marrying the richest man in town and took her place at my side! Unlike her foolish sister Bo Peep and spend the rest of her days happily scrubbing my floors!”

The Jester then stated his evil intentions, “For too long have I suffered under the cloak of red oppression! My attempts to show my true excellence were always dashed by the jealous red people! They knew one day I would rise to be the ruler of Oz! So they conspired against me, held back my greatness , and now, they shall pay! When they ask who is the greatest magician in the West family? They will say Theodore West!”

And then sigh Wiley, “Everyone in town is like Jackie this!, And Jackie that!, Well a pox on him I say! Jack is stupid, I’m smarter and cooler too! Mary told me so! HereI have a letter to prove it!” Barnaby and The Jester sat down and rested their heads on their hand bracing for the mental pain…

“Dear Walter you’re the coolest and I need you to like um, save me and stuff from Jack cause he’s really scary and lame! Tee hee hee! Not like you you manly man you’re the bestest inventor ever. So please use your MoM bots to occupy Toyland and save me! Then you’ll be my hero and I’ll be so happy! Then as my super science boyfriend, you’ll then make me your magic sci-fi cyborg goth princess!”

Well I’d keep reading but you guys get the idea! I Walter Wiley have a lot of responsibility to bear, but bear it I shall! Unlike the ungrateful plebeians of Toyland! Now when the citizens hear my call they will know I brought automation to Toyland! Not Jack, ME!”

Barnaby and Jester were beginning to nod off and as for their forces of evil most of them didn’t understand what was being said and just wanted to smash things, so morale was still high. The citizens fled in terror as Barnaby led his forces into Toyland to achieve his evil ends. Jack, Mary, Georgie, Tom, Bo Peep, Charlet, Ruslan, and the Toymaster gathered at the Toy Factory. Pecos Bill and Gabby were holding the line as the monsters advanced on the factory. The townsfolk were in a complete panic; they were outnumbered and outgunned all hope seemed lost. But our heroes were planning a counter strike to take back the territory they had lost one street at a time.

Barnaby, the Jester, and Wiley approached the Toy Factory. Barnaby told Mary if she joined him the others would be spared. Mary told him to go suck an egg; quite the insult in Toyland vernacular. But honestly what choice did Mary have? She knew Barnaby was lying but if marrying him meant saving her friends she had to do it. She told Jack while crying, “Jack, don’t try to stop me. I’m going out there so they wont come in here.” More than anything of course she wanted Jack to stop her, but normally he respected a persons desire to do something and normally she liked that about him, a lot.

But now was a time she realized she needed him to care about her in a more than a friend kind of way. Which she did find sort of humorous; It only took the invasion of the country and their enemies being at the gates. Though he probably expected her to pull out a machine gun and start mowing them down. Or a sword and start cutting through them like Lady Arwen. But to her surprise and probably his too he said no, and that he would prefer if she stay inside telling her, “Mary I want you in here with us not out there, besides I was hoping you would marry me one day.” To this Mary returned to her normal demeanor with Jack and replied, “You wait till the forces of darkness are upon us to ask me to marry you? That’s so sweet of you.”

She kissed him on the cheek and accepted his offer. Of course this didn’t solve their current problem. And with Gabby being forced to watch this lovey dovey crap chimed in saying, “I hate to break up this tender moment, but the demons are attacking all around us! Now get over here and think of something!” Just then Pecos Bill came in and said the monsters were overwhelming the defenses. Jack said he prepared for this like his grandpa always tells him to do. He pulled a lever and a space on the warehouse floor opened up and a war room table rose up with tactical computer screens all around above it. The heroes ran to the table in the warehouse and started strategically planning a counter offensive.

Jack said, “We need to build fortifications around Main street and increase defenses a long Gingerbread Ave! Mary said, “The children needed to be evacuated to a safe location.”, Bo Peep said, “I’ll handle the wounded and get them to safety but I need volunteers to help!”, Pecos said, “We need more firepower! And my ride ain’t here yet!”, Gabby said, “We Can cut them off by using the underground passageways and the backstreets to get around them and begin flanking maneuvers!” Tom said, “We need to break their morale by targeting their leadership! Without them they’ll retreat!”

D.Va said, “I can use my mech to fight them on land and the air but there are to many of them, so I need air support!” Georgie said, “We need to make sure supply lines can get Bullets, Beans, and Bandages to the defenders!” Simon said, I can handle support ops and maintain radio communications, so Jack can go out and fight them too!” Jack, Mary, and Georgie finalized the defense strategy, While Bo Peep rushed to the hospital, Tom, Pecos, Gabby, and D.Va prepared to run out ran out to join the defenders. Simon started sending transmissions to the townsfolk to better coordinate the defense of the city. And while that was happening Ruslan and Charlet asked if they could play with the Toy Soldiers.

Jack said, “You kids are amazing! The automagic system is still active since we didn’t shrink them down so the soldiers will act on their own!” Pecos shouted, “Yeehaw! Lets get this army stared guys!”Jack, Mary, Georgie, Tom, Gabby, and Pecos proceeded to start up the soldiers. The toy soldiers started marching in place playing “March of the Toy Soldiers” which made for quite the epic scene as they assembled in formation and began to march forward in unison. There was an Army, a Navy, and the Air Force! They filed out of the Toy Factory while the biplanes took to the air. The Toymaster said he would command the troops on the front lines and proceeded to march out with them.

Needless to say Barnaby, The Jester, and Wiley weren’t to thrilled to see this unfold. The Toy Soldiers relentlessly marched forth firing on the monsters with cannons and guns, helping the defenders, and rescuing children and the injured. Our heroes were bravely fighting back against the monsters and personally engaging the main leaders of the monster forces. Pecos Bill’s tornado arrived and he started attacking while riding atop it. Even Paul Bunyan and Blue showed up to fight the larger enemies. At land, sea, and air the forces of evil were being driven back on all fronts! The defenders and the Toy Soldiers had finally gained the upper hand and were pressing the offense at the gates of Toyland.

Jack and Barnaby had been engaged in a sword duel most of the battle after Jack disarmed Barnaby, he honorably fought unarmed as well and started overpowering Barnaby. Then Jack triumphantly yelled, “See you at Thanksgiving!,”while sending a powerful right hook hitting Barnaby square on the jaw staggering him back and to the ground! The Toymaster said the monsters were not welcome in Toyland and banished Barnaby, the Jester, and Wiley from the city. The people erupted in joyous cheering as the monsters ran back to where they came from while Barnaby once again declared, “This isn’t over Toymaster! I’ll have my revenge! And Mary will be mine one day!”

This was quite an empty threat at this point, but Barnaby wasn’t known for being realistic. When the fighting had ended the city took note of the injured and the damage that had been done. Relief efforts were immediately organized and repairs were started as soon as they could be. And as the days went by life returned to normal. And for two very special children in question it was time for them to go back home. Ruslan and Charlet loved Toyland and would be visiting often but for now they decided to ask the Toymaster to take them home. Jack and Mary had a few more things to finish up before they went back as well so the Toymaster got his sleigh ready.

The townsfolk gathered to bid farewell for now to Ruslan and Charlet and as Santas Sleigh came in for a landing on Main Street the kids couldn’t believe it. The Toymaster knew Santa Claus! They rushed over to the sleigh and to see Santa, but when they looked at his face it was the Toymaster’s! Ruslan said “This is so cool!” While Charlet said, “I am totally writing an extra long Christmas list this year!” The kids climbed on the sleigh and hugged the Toymaster.

And when he said, “Are you kids ready? They both shouted “Yes!” With that, Santa took the reins and the reindeer started trotting then running forward. Off they flew into the sky to return home With Santa saying, Merry Thanksgiving to all, and to all a good night! The next morning Ruslan and Charlet awoke in their beds and began to think what had happened was all a dream, so they ran to see Tenchi. When they got to his office he introduced them to a girl named Kylie who looked awfully familiar. Tenchi said, “What’s got you two so excited today I wonder?” Ruslan remembering all that had happened gave a look of awe and said, “You wouldn’t believe us if we told you.” To which Tenchi gave a expression that implied he would; smiled and said, “…Try me.”



Produced by Tenchi Masaki

Directed by. Kylie Griffin

Written by. Tenchi Masaki

Advised by. Charlet



Music by Victor Herbert

Lyrics by Glen Macdonough

Sung by Virginia Karns

Never mind Bo Peep

Music by Victor Herbert

Lyrics by Glen Macdonough

March of the Toys

Music by Victor Herbert

Played by Orchestra

I cant Do The sum

Music by Victor Herbert

Played by Orchestra

Love Potion NO.9

Lyrics by Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller

Music by The Searchers

Special thanks the Northern Intelligence Board(NIA) for their cooperation. No animals science or magic based were harmed in the making of this adventure. All characters and songs featured are the property of their respective owners.

Distributed by A Good Idea! Studios LLC, All rights reserved​

End Credits Scene

A man with a white beard walks into a restaurant accompanied by a beautiful special forces she-elf bodyguard. A man standing inside not expecting company asks, who are you? The man with a white beard looks directly at him and responds, “I am Nick Claus director of Santas Workshop,… and I’m here to talk to you about the Home 01 Initiative.”

End of credit scene.

Tenchi Masaki

ACME Ace Detective, Inventor
Best answers
Known Aliases
Tenko(don't ask), Kami Jack, Guy Smart, Tenten
Color #
Director’s note: This story was originally going to be around 5 paragraphs long, but it kind of kept growing. And while I did manage to cut down on extra story features such as the heroes going to Bogeyland specifically for a adventure. There were going to be more character interactions; and more character building.... The story still turned out quite long. However I did include music and wanted to do a Christmas border around the pages and managed to find a program that embedded the music. (PineApple pages) But it was all for naught.

It wouldn’t transfer to the site so The silent version is all I can offer. I humbly apologize for my failure and make no excuses. I’m just happy I could post on my preset deadline of Thanksgiving Day. And Now I shall leave you to go drown in my shame and humiliation. *Tenchi sulks away disappointed he couldn’t deliver the story the way he wanted*

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  • Lucy : Lucy
    leaves a bunch of freshly made pretzels on the counter in the break room*
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Hey @Tenchi Masaki You remember the threads where we put 5 words in French, Spanish amd other languages? Could you teach us some Japanese words please? I think it'd be fun!
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    Breaking news: historians believe that they've uncovered a cache of pencils that once belonged to William Shakespeare. A spokesperson said, "They're so badly chewed on the ends, we can't tell if they're 2B or not 2B."
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    You know, I miss Carmen too. I hope she's doing well :(
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    I'm sure she's living the best stolen life possible
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    someone said job interviews are humiliation rituals and I coudln't agree more......
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  • Claire Yeon Claire Yeon:
    ||As someone who recently conducted several job interviews, I am happy to advise.||
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Clare.....I've been doing mock interviews with people and they aren't giving me feedback LOL
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I remember some rules but I forget others....such as don't bring your children, don't chew gum. don't arrive late. Bring your resume.
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    give a good handshake
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Having children ask why every time you answer a question would be a little awkward
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    In other much for being enthusiastic about the new Carmen game. I'm finding disappointing spoilers from the first ones to play it...
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Q: What do you call a bunny in a Kilt? A: A hopscotch :D :D
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Aye lass the peaky blinders would be proud of ye
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    Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki: Aye lass the peaky blinders would be proud of ye