Jason West

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"So, which weapon do we shoot first? Do we get to choose? I know some people in law enforcement, and they recently switched to Glocks, and they didn't like it, because the trigger is so sensitive. Do you find that to be true?" :)
"I find the stock trigger pull on a Glock to be just a touch light for my liking. This one has had a trigger group change to make it slightly heavier. Most Glocks come with a 5 pound trigger pull of about five and a half pounds. This one has been changed to be a seven pound pull. I find that the the "sweet spot" is more crisply defined with the heavier pull and makes you think twice before pulling it all the way. Anyone got anything else?" Jason said to @Julie Justice

Agent Z

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Zack didn't have any other questions so he stayed quiet.

There were a few agents and a limited amount of guns so there would likely be a line to start shooting. Waiting to do anything just made him more anxious, so the younger Monaghan began to observe his surroundings. Looking about, he spotted 'Attack of the Clones' in paperback version sticking out of the pocket of Nace Bilby's cargo pants.

"I didn't take you for a Star Wars fan, Mr. Bilby."


The VILEiest VILE to ever VILE a VILE
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Nebuchadnezzar (Neb) Ullyss (formerly Kid Kidman), Kitty, Seryy Pripyat
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Kidman pursed her brows together a Joe Kerr spoke, uncertain of what to make of his speech. He felt an honorable man and was certainly gifted with the talent of oration, but as she looked over the selection of weapons set out on the table, she wondered if he knew that these were not standard issue for law enforcement.

'Two full-sized pistols, an assault rifle, and...' Her face darkened at the Kriss. 'a sub-machine gun?'

She could see possibly having a concealable weapon for when out looking for evidence, but not an assault rifle, and once again she found herself wondering what they were really training for.

'Not my bag, man...'

Slowly she inched to the back of the crowd. If she was lucky, no one would notice if her turn was missed.

Joe Kerr

VILE Trickster
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Joseph stepped back to observe the JDs try out the assortment of firearms at the range. As he was watching the lesson, he spotted one lone JD attempting to sneak away. Stealthily, he walked over to her.

“Ahem, the gun range is in the other direction.”

Kidman paused, then looked over the man’s shoulder as if the desert beyond him warranted her attention.

“Yeah, I know. Not for me, so I figure I’ll just keep out of the way.” she replied nonchalantly.

As a former professional thief, Joseph Kerr had developed a pretty good ability to read others; one did not survive in the criminal underworld without being able to tell friend from foe at a glance.

That ability, some say instinct, kicked in as he perceived some fear from the young woman. Joseph knew better than to prod into what was probably a sensitive or traumatic issue for her so he opted for another tactic.

“Hey, I don’t like using guns either, so you’re not the only one. But don’t you think it would be useful to at least know how to use them, just in case?”

The girl softened slightly but still kept on guard.

“I thought this place was for learning detective stuff, like fingerprints and evidence and that thing you said about reading criminals.”

She narrowed her eyes at the shooting range, her teeth grit at the sound of echoing gunfire. Then she looked right at the man.

“I wanted one once, but a friend of mine said that you should only touch one if you can handle killing something. Otherwise, leave it alone.”

Kidman looked away.

“I’m not up for that, so unless you can use that assualt rifle to detect stuff, I’ll just wait for the detecting part of this trip.”

“That friend of yours is quite wise; Most people can’t handle the guilt of killing, and I hope you never have to experience it.”

Pausing to smile warmly at the young girl, Joseph took out the chain around his neck to reveal a pair of custom dog tags. He showed her the inscription.

Scientia Est Potentia

“Speaking of wisdom, tell me, have you ever heard of this saying?”

Kidman inspected the tags.

“Science is potential?” She hazarded.

“It sounds like something that would be on the front of a school.”

It was an odd thing to put on a tag, especially next to the show of brute strength going on several meters away. She paused, then took a risk.

“You don’t seem like the kind of person that would be into this.”

The girl waved her hand out in the general vicinity.

“Did they draft you too?”

Joseph couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped.

“Loosely translated, the inscription means ‘Knowledge is Power’. It means that every bit of info that you know can be more useful than you realise. I was taught this lesson by someone I ran into when I was young; she used to work for ACME before I joined.”

“This phrase has become one of my mottos in life and it has saved my life many a time. And if you let it, it can save yours too.”

He paused as a particularly heavy volley of gunfire resounded for a brief moment.

“If you don’t want to use a weapon when you become an agent, no one will force you to; I myself prefer not to use firearms if I don’t have to. However, even if you don’t ever physically use one in the field, having the knowledge of how to use various guns may still save your life and the lives of those around you.”

Kidman bit her lip, now genuinely torn.

“I promised someone I wouldn’t.”

She said softly, now looking at the ground. Never try drugs, never try alcohol, never take a loan, never touch a gun. Jericho’s laws, she called them, after Jericho, one of the friendly neighborhood hobos. He also had dog tags. A forgotten soldier from Vietnam.

She scuffed the ground, paced slightly, longed for a cigarette that she wasn’t allowed to have, then looked back at Mr. Kerr’s tags. It did sound familiar, actually.

“The person who told me to come here said that. She said learn everything you can, but…”

The sound of bullets rattled inside her skull.

“I don’t know if she meant this.”

“Knowledge itself is neither good nor evil; it’s how you use that knowledge that matters. As I mentioned before, we as ACME agents use our knowledge to protect, not to harm. And if you want to be an ACME agent, if you want to walk this path, then this knowledge is unfortunately something required.

The range is designed to give you a safe environment to learn about guns, how to handle them, the limitations of each weapon and its strength. As an ACME agent, you may not use guns but that doesn’t mean the crooks you come across won’t.

In such situations, being able to identify the weapon and knowing it’s ins and outs may save your life. Or what if you come across one as evidence, if you don’t know anything about it, will you be able to solve the crime and provide justice for the victim?

Even if you don’t want to try firing a gun, you should listen to the conversations and observe everything; learn what you can.”

She paced a little more, then exhaled. They were both right. A compromise was in order.

“I’ll watch and learn and stuff….” Kidman conceded. “But I’m not touching.”

[fieldset=Written With:][with]21[/with][/fieldset]
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Nace Bilby

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Looking about, he spotted 'Attack of the Clones' in paperback version sticking out of the pocket of Nace Bilby's cargo pants.

"I didn't take you for a Star Wars fan, Mr. Bilby."
Nace smiled faintly before responding to @Agent Z 's query, "I am a fan of the series, Mr. Monaghan. And I'll hazard a guess that you are as well?"

Nace couldn't help but remember that the book was a going away gift his girlfriend, Angela, had given him before he left South Africa for this particular job.

He knew Zack was near the end of the queue so he would ensure that the lad would be ready when it was time for him to start shooting...

Jason West

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Noticing that @Kid Kidman seemed to be a bit apprehensive about shooting a weapon, Jason quietly picked up the Glock and approached her while the other students were taking their turns. He didn't mind that she didn't seem to want to shoot, but at least wanted her to know how to handle a loaded weapon safely should she encounter one in the field.

Jason slid a magazine into the Glock and chambered a round as he approached the young girl. "I see that you seem to be a bit apprehensive about shooting a weapon and I can understand you aversion to it. However I'd like to ask you to show me that properly clear a weapon should you encounter one in the field. Would mind clearing this Glock for me in lieu of actually shooting a weapon?" Jason politely asked the young girl.

Agent Z

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"I am a fan of the series, Mr. Monaghan. And I'll hazard a guess that you are as well?"
"You bet. Though Attack of the Clones wasn't really my thing... too much mushy love." Zack smiled, glad to hear there was someone he could shoot the wind with... while at shooting class, coincidentally.

"Revenge of the Sith really brought me back to it all. What was your favorite Mr. B?"

It was soon his turn to try shooting, since Jason West seemed to be giving Kid some special instructions with the Glock, Zack choose the Kimber Crimson Carry II. It was different from what he saw most agents using, and felt really heavy in his hands. He made sure to take a good stance, just as he had learned in the classes and fired a few rounds, pausing to take any suggestions from his instructors.

Nace Bilby

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"You bet. Though Attack of the Clones wasn't really my thing... too much mushy love." Zack smiled, glad to hear there was someone he could shoot the wind with... while at shooting class, coincidentally.

"Revenge of the Sith really brought me back to it all. What was your favorite Mr. B?"
"Having grown up with the original trilogy as a lad, I decided to let the newer films stand on their own merits." Nace said, as he notice Zack's smile.

"However of the new trilogy I actually rather liked Attack of the Clones. It had a good mix of action, intrigue, and of course the love story." Nace replied, "In that series you saw both how Anakin would fall to darkness, or the beginnings of it, but the slight tinge of hope manifest in his love and loyalty to Padme."

He watched as Zack hefted the Kimber Crimson Carry II and fired a few rounds.

"Right, the recoil of the .45 caliber round is a bit more substantial than that of the 9mm. So you might want to plant your feet a bit more solidly when firing it." Nace commented, "Or always maintain a solid base when firing any weapon, it ensures you hit the target."

Right after he spoke Nace swiftly drew the Browning Hi-Power from the well used leather holster at his hip, took aim and fired four rounds in rapid succession, punching four holes in the center of one of the human silhouette targets at 25 meters.

"Always remember, slow is smooth and smooth is fast. Just like Han Solo in the original Star Wars trilogy." Nace continued.


The VILEiest VILE to ever VILE a VILE
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Nebuchadnezzar (Neb) Ullyss (formerly Kid Kidman), Kitty, Seryy Pripyat
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Jason slid a magazine into the Glock and chambered a round as he approached the young girl. "I see that you seem to be a bit apprehensive about shooting a weapon and I can understand you aversion to it. However I'd like to ask you to show me that properly clear a weapon should you encounter one in the field. Would mind clearing this Glock for me in lieu of actually shooting a weapon?" Jason politely asked the young girl.
Kidman looked at the weapon in his hand hesitantly, relieved that she wasn't going to be pressured further, and that of all the guns, Mr. West had chosen the one she was most familiar with. It still bothered her to hold it, but clearing a weapon was apparently important enough for her to have been taught how years before.

She clenched her jaw, then exhaled, pointed the gun downwards and popped the magazine out. This she handed over to the instructor without looking up, then pulled back the slide three times to check the chamber. Even though a bullet popped out on the first try, she pulled twice more.

Always three times, Markov said. For luck.

Satisfied that it was empty, she pulled the trigger back to de-cock it, then handed the Glock back.

"I sort of know how to take it apart a little too." She said without making eye contact, clearly uncomfortable.

Jason West

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"I sort of know how to take it apart a little too." She said without making eye contact, clearly uncomfortable.
"I can see that you're uncomfortable around guns and I won't pressure you into taking it apart today but if you'd like to have a little more personal training on weapons, I'd be more than willing to teach you. I'll leave that to you to decide though. Thank you for at least showing me that you can safely handle a weapon." Jason said.

Turning to the rest of the class, Jason said "Do any of you guys have any questions after having shot these weapons? From what I can see, everyone seems to have a good working knowledge on safety and for having never fired most of these weapons, everyone seems to have some decent accuracy."


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Iv', Ives
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There was a time when Ivy's aversion to firearms would have counted as a phobia. But the very definition of phobias were irrational fears. Her woes were not unfounded.

The pistol training went by quickly enough, practice and repetition allowed her to make steady shots. They also had ear protection, which was important. Long ago, she discovered that it was the sound of gunfire which caused her anxiety attacks, ear muffs and suppressors were a godsend.

The man who was not really an instructor handed her the next weapon, a modified Kriss Vector. It was an uncommon piece, and looked small when folded. Because of her height, the stock rested well against her cheek and shoulder, allowing her to successfully fire without difficulty. What wasn't apparent to bystanders was the fact that Ivy felt her tongue immediately go stiff. She tasted copper in her mouth and was sure her stomach was going to flip. Being more concerned with getting through the exercise safely, she was unsurprisingly the worst shot amongst her fellow Junior Detectives.

"Are you alright?" Eugene asked as he took the carbine back, his voice surprised her, because the man hardly spoke a word throughout the day.

"I'm good. Fine. Absolutely," she replied, "Why?"

"Because your hand is still on the gun."

Ivy was sure she had handed the weapon back, but upon looking down she realized she did indeed keep her grip. With a nervous smile she let go, "still a bit shaken from the traps before."

Turning to the rest of the class, Jason said "Do any of you guys have any questions after having shot these weapons? From what I can see, everyone seems to have a good working knowledge on safety and for having never fired most of these weapons, everyone seems to have some decent accuracy."
With Jason West wrapping up the class, Ivy had time to gather her thoughts. She didn't have any questions pertaining to the range, though now she was starting to wonder if they were going to head somewhere else.

"Is there a reason our transport is still fired up?"

[fieldset=Approved Character Mentions:][with]9[/with][/fieldset]


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Tick tock.

Ennai idly thought about the how the moment of the heist was getting further and further away. The longer they took to get involved, the harder a case it would be to solve and the less neat it would be to wrap up. The dolls were a minor theft, low priority, but it seemed like it should be important to start the kids off with a win. Team-building and...the like.

Ennai sighed, once again grasping full-well how out of her depth she was. ACME was supposed to be a healthy learning environment, and as much as Ennai wanted them to be field ready, they weren't. Hand-holding or no. Learning these things at a young age would give them an advantage, sure. But taking them out in the field before they had all the necessary survival skills...it was irresponsible. Things can get out of hand so quickly for even in the smallest cases...But no, Ennai had no teaching experience. As much as she wanted the JDs safe, she knew that she was probably on the wrong end of things.

Still... her mind trailed back to the awaiting case. It's so easy to lose a thief. Things go missing all the time... Ennai thought, watching Kidman trying to sneak out again from the corner of her eye.

She was turning away from the curious selection of guns that the junior detectives were in line to shoot, moving toward the girl-- to intercept or follow she hadn't made up her mind-- when Joe Kerr beat her to it.

Listening to their conversation she began to feel more at ease than she had in ages. It was perversely comforting to be reassured that things were rarely ever what they seemed. It was the thing she loved so much about flora. Plants grow everywhere. Even in places as seemingly uninhabitable as ACME.

Still, as with much of what was going on in at the academy, something about it was simply off to Ennai. Where she had been, no one would ever conduct their word choice so freely. Everyone just knew better. And the ones who didn't, didn't last long. Maybe it was all the freedom of speech people were afforded in these parts. The US. The UK. Denmark. Maybe it made them soft.

It's what got Mom killed.

She shook her head, pulling out her hair tie, letting her long, dark brown hair tumble out, and then re-tying it automatically. She had only been back in the US for a couple of years, and the transition had been...trying. Two years of staying in the same place working as an analyst, unable to finish the work she had started back in Bursa. Unable to rectify the things that had gone so wrong in Baghdad. Simply existing in the US sometimes felt worse than what happened with Ax in Baghdad. No. That was a lie. Nothing was worse than that. Ennai was in over her head back then too. She was always in over her head. Since the start.

But the intelligence community was different in an office.

She woke up in a cold sweat one night out of two for the first year she was back. She thought that maybe it was just DC, and that returning to San Francisco for this job would get her back to normal. That focusing on getting the kids prepared to handle whatever comes their way would get her gears running again back to normal again. But normal for her was pretending to be something she wasn't. So Ennai found herself slipping back into a lie to do her job efficiently.

Some of the other teachers had gone to inquire after Kidman, so Ennai went to Nace kneeling to scratch Goliath, who was coping astonishingly well with the gunshots. "May I?" she asked smiling hopefully, hand already partially extended. Zack finished taking his shots. "Star Wars fans are we?" She stood up, and looked over at Zack, cocking an eyebrow. "That's all good and well, but if you've any intentions of passing my class I suggest you start toeing the Trekkie line. Brown-nosing will take you miles with me."

She stood back watching Nace shoot with the contented pleasure that one gets when watching a master at their trade.

"Is there a reason our transport is still fired up?"
Ennai looked over her shoulder hearing Ivy's question. She spoke loudly enough to address all the students.

"I believe," Ennai said seriously, "that it means that it's time for your real field trip to finally begin."
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