Well in the deluxe edition in 1990 the ones who created your boss decided to expand not only the locations but add more crooks like you,Robin Banks,Irma Dillow,Sandy Dunes,Li Non Mee,Bessie Mae Mucho,Sarah Nade,Sam O'Nella,Rosa Sarrosas-Arroz and Bjorn Toulouse especially added ACME Informants and your original profile is that you were known as 'The Messenger' because you work at Western Bunion as a singing telegram messenger,then you do stand up comedian,play tennis,eating junk food likes Twinkles,cherry cola and onion rings drowned in ketchup,you got gray eyes and a cross hatched scar on your left cheek (like something to deal with tic-tac-toe) and you ride a motorcycle. I hope that gives you the answer...don't believe me go to wikipedia.org/Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? Deluxe Edition.