Word Scramble


ACME Canine Unit
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Alice, Luce
Okay, let's try this again. I did the scrambling by hand this time, so there shouldn't be any repeats. This is a Carmen word scramble I made. There is only one non-cannon name I used and I have permission. I also added part of a word bank to this one. (I will keep adding to the word bank later on)

Point rewarded to whoever can get the most. Only one guess per person. (If you can help it please no website unscrambling.) You can help each other.

(1) NULQLRRAAT MZESCITY ____________________________________
(2) HOMCMSRRINOKE _____________________________________
(3) MNSRSOMAOO CLUE ___________________________________
(4) OERP EKMSRTHUCO __________________________________
(5) REICDSOMNAN AGE ___________________________________
(6) AEECNEXSIH DVUA _____________________________________
(7) ODDLI ENRONBG ____________________________________
(8) DAALVEAELOC ________________________________
(9) PCDSENEAEEL ________________________________
10) LOLMV NAACLMAO ____________________________
(11) NORLOMLCMLN AIE __________________________
(12) IEENVRRLI ____________________________
(13) NATGSAMNLUR MORE _______________
(14) IFWEO RFTELE ______________________
(15) AANPA LNCMAA _______________________
(16) UIIJTJELSE UC _____________________________

Word bank:
Space Needle
Carmen Sandiego
London Bridge
Julie Justice
Quantum Crystallizer
Roman Colossem
Prometheus rock
Lincoln Mamorial
Malcolm Avalon
Nile River
Gunner Maelstrom
Eiffel Tower
Panama Canal
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Okay, let's try this again. I did the scrambling by hand this time, so there shouldn't be any repeats. This is a Carmen word scramble I made. There is only one non-cannon name I used and I have permission. I also added part of a word bank to this one. (I will keep adding to the word bank later on)

Point rewarded to whoever can get the most. Only one guess per person. (If you can help it please no website unscrambling.) You can help each other.

(1) NULQLRRAAT MZESCITY ____________________________________
(2) HOMCMSRRINOKE _____________________________________
(3) MNSRSOMAOO CLUE ___________________________________
(4) OERP EKMSRTHUCO __________________________________
(5) REICDSOMNAN AGE ___________________________________
(6) AEECNEXSIH DVUA _____________________________________
(7) ODDLI ENRONBG ____________________________________
(8) DAALVEAELOC ________________________________
(9) PCDSENEAEEL ________________________________
10) LOLMV NAACLMAO ____________________________
(11) NORLOMLCMLN AIE __________________________
(12) IEENVRRLI ____________________________
(13) NATGSAMNLUR MORE _______________
(14) IFWEO RFTELE ______________________
(15) AANPA LNCMAA _______________________
(16) UIIJTJELSE UC _____________________________

Word bank:
Space Needle
Carmen Sandiego
London Bridge
Julie Justice
Quantum Crystallizer
Roman Colossem
Prometheus rock
Lincoln Mamorial
Malcolm Avalon
Nile River
Gunner Maelstrom
Eiffel Tower
Panama Canal
1. Quantum Crystallizer
3.Roman Colosseum
4.Prometheus Rock
5.Carmen Sandiego
7.London Bridge
9.Space Needle
10.Malcolm Avalon
11.Lincoln Memorial
12. Nile River
13. Gunnar Maelstrom
14. Eiffel Tower
15. Panama Canal
16. Julie Justice

Lucy, I've got thirteen words figure out thanks to the word bank but three words on numbers two, six and eight I'm stumped. Oh well, let someone else get the whole thing correct.

Deric Storm

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Farmboy, Calamity, Stormblood
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(1) Quantum Crystallizer
(2) ?
(3) Roman Colosseum
(4) Prometheus rock
(5) Carmen Sandiego
(6) Chase Devineaux
(7) London Bridge
(8) ?
(9) Space Needle
10) Malcolm Avalon
(11) Lincoln Memorial
(12) Nile River
(13) Gunner Maelstrom
(14) Eiffel Tower
(15) Panama Canal
(16) Julie Justice


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very good you two. :)
Thanks Lucy, but Deric got the most because I miss three words, and he miss two words he figured out number six but neither he nor I don't know numbers two and eight, I believe Deric is better at this than me, Lucy.


ACME Canine Unit
Best answers
Known Aliases
Alice, Luce
you're doing great Jade!

Here's a hit for #2 it is something that ACME uses in WOEICS :)

#8 Hint: famous lady (Maybe Ten Ten will know who she is :D )
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    That’s too much of a dad joke
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I like dad jokes :D
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    Well my dad is a joke
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  • Polly Tix Polly Tix:
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    So did mine Polly :)
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Hey Polly! I have a dad joke for your dad
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  • Polly Tix Polly Tix:
    Lucy said:
    Hey Polly! I have a dad joke for your dad
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    (It's one I've told here before but here it goes)
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  • Lucy Lucy:
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  • Lucy Lucy:
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I forgot that I was logged in here so long lmao.... Ten Ten if you see this I'm sorry :D
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    Lucy said:
    I forgot that I was logged in here so long lmao.... Ten Ten if you see this I'm sorry :D
    I never log out
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    Lucy said:
    If an octopus has 8 legs and an octagon has 8 sides...Why is October not the 8th month?
    i know the historical reason October was originally the 8th month of the Roman calendar. Then January and February were added to the calendar making October the 10th month. However October retained its original name.
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