Tenchi Masaki
ACME Ace Detective, Inventor
- Best answers
- 1
- findcarmen.com
- Known Aliases
- Tenko(don't ask), Kami Jack, Guy Smart, Tenten
- Color #
- 035096
Chapter 47
Tenchi slinging his sword and guitar on his back, was ready to stride out of there, but Maggie said, “Hey not so fast there lover boy.” Polly asked, “Hey! What about patience and planning?” Tenchi responded, “When people’s lives are in danger sometimes immediate action is required.” Ann, giggling, said, “Yeah whenever it’s Patty’s life.” Tenchi holding back a blush, said in a slightly raised voice, “So anyway we know enough to begin engaging Zalmoxis’s forces. This will be a standard tactical op with limited support from the ground and air. We’ll be running the countryside and disabling all relevant towers, and neutralizing high-level hostiles. Or in short: Save the damsel in distress, kill the bad guy, save the world Any questions?”
As Tenchi engaged tinting on his smart glasses resulting in an eye-roll from Kylie, Paige squeaked, “Oh my god he’s so cool!” Quickly gathering her composure, she continued, “I mean um, he’s going to help stop Zalmoxis and that’s really nice you know.” All the major players were told their parts and headed out to provide tactical support for Tenchi, who was immediately in his element. That being wandering aimlessly, which he had done since childhood. For instance, if he ever got too far from home, say, another country, his grandpa would always mysteriously show up to bring him back. Now he was speeding through the Siberian countryside outside of Irkutsk.
The tourists thought the events were more bonuses to their already unique trip. Who else got to say, “When we went on the Trans-Siberian VILE turned the region upside down and ACME made it right again”? The Zalbots were spread out across the land at data hubs recharging or awaiting commands to be downloaded. They were a lot like campsites, and from them, small groups would head out to patrol near the hubs area or roam the land in search parties looking for the Globe. The hubs were either basic cylindrical copper-colored metal with a crystal that pulsated energy or larger tree-sized variants. Worst of all were the house-sized domed bases; a large opening in what Tenchi saw was the front showed there were, on average, twenty Zalbots ready to charge out and attack anyone foolish enough to approach.
Of course, it was quite simple for Tenchi and Djinn to evade their detection and take them out with arrows when necessary. Tenchi figured they would be a more silent long-range option. When Tenchi came across the Irkutsk tower and saw it was easily climbable, he scurried straight to the top and saw a platform with a machine in the center. Tenchi placed the Globe tablet on the device, and data was downloaded to it, causing the blank area to be filled in with map data. Djinn cynically commented, “Seriously? This Zalmoxis twit made huge towers anyone can see give you location data making it easier for his enemies to stop him? If he’s a god I’m a bloody grand piano.”
Once the data was looked over by Tenchi, he replied, “I don’t think Zalmoxis built these towers they seem to be an information network that helps those who would oppose him. Quite handy indeed.” Tenchi said that the tower then activated fully and sent out disabling commands that shut down all Zalbots in the effective range. Once Tenchi and Djinn realized this would happen when all towers were accessed, they prioritized visiting each one. Mobile Command was told of the towers’ purposes, and attention immediately shifted to the generals as the primary threat. Having disabled the Zalbots, they were the only ones still active in the areas. And once the towers were accessed, their location would then be traceable on the Globe Tablet.
This led Tenchi to head to the first general’s location, where Tenchi saw he had acquired a Globe piece. He wasn’t in the mood to talk, having suddenly lost control of his forces and wanted those responsible for paying. His specialty was blades used to cut things, and he planned on serving sliced detectives. Tenchi took him head-on with his sword and soon gained the upper hand over the evil foe. The general said, “Your victory means nothing! All shall bow to Zalmoxis!” He promptly exploded after his last defiant words leaving Tenchi and Djinn to go back to Irkutsk to meet up with Team TKT. Tenchi then saw a cheering crowd of people waiting to greet him.
The idea that an adventuring detective was along for the ride to Vladivostok was too exciting for some people. But Team TKT took it in stride as they made sure Polly and Ann, much to their annoyance, learned something while they were there. Ann told her instructors, “Irkutsk is the capital of eastern Siberia and experienced rapid growth after gold was discovered.” Polly added, “This is dumb! Zalmoxis is doing bad things! The city is also considered the Paris of the north and is filled with brick mansions and Orthodox churches.” While Polly and Ann complained, the team was only as fast as the trains they rode on. And since they were on tour, it would only leave when it was time. So everyone relaxed in the music room on the Golden Eagle as it and the Clockwork Train chugged along.
Fortunately, the two Junior detectives realized what Team TKT wanted them to figure out: that they were protecting the passengers on the Golden Eagle and the townsfolk. Polly was slightly upset with herself for not realizing that sooner and went to Tenchi’s room on the Clockwork Train to say she was sorry. Polly trying to think of a conversation starter, said, “Um, I liked that Anetti cooking class we had in Irkutsk… borscht is yummy.” Of course, what they cooked wasn’t borsht, but Shchi and all Polly and Ann did the whole time: fidget in their seats until the food was ready. Tenchi told her it was their job to be defenders of the people during the Zalmoxis incident and that the two of them understood and not being told that was important.
Polly hugging Tenchi, replied, “You’re the best teacher I have.” Kate heading to her room, asked Tenchi if taking on two generals, one by day and the other by night, was safe. Tenchi told her they were not the main threat, just a distraction. Once Zalmoxis returns, there will be no use for them anymore, so once we eliminate them, we can find Zalmoxis Prime. The Globe Tablet says there should be six total, so five left to go. And Tommy contacted Mobile Command, saying they found another Globe piece, so there are six left of them left to track down.
Everyone saw this would be very straightforward as the Zalbots were wasting no time hiding what they were doing. Tenchi decided to track down the Globe pieces and then scale the towers to activate them. Team TKT would all face the next general marked on the Globe tablet. The Peaky Blinders were sent to find the Globe piece in the area but were now hiding from the fiend as she searched the area for them. Tenchi and Kylie came in to face the General Elecbot and saw she was charging up electricity while slowly pacing around. Ben said, “I thought Zalmoxis was a man.” Tenchi replied, “It’s whatever it wants to be. Now go get her Kylie!” Kylie looked at Tenchi and then walked toward the general.
Kylie said, “Vessel of Zalmoxis Zamfir, as a duly designated resident of the city, county, and state of New York; I order you cease and desist any and all military activity and return forthwith to your place of origin!” The general stopped and looked at Kylie, asking, “Are you a god?” Kylie answered, “No.” Leading the general to respond, “Then… die!” The general unleashed a blast of electricity at them, sending them flying back, but otherwise, they were unharmed. Tenchi said, “Alright this chick is toast.” At this point, Tenchi, Kylie, and the Peaky Blinders all started to fight the general.
Kylie delivered the finishing blow and sent the electric lackey flying back onto the ground. The general said, “This means nothing, we shall prevail.” Before exploding. Kylie informed Tenchi he was on his own when fighting the rest of the “Robot Generals” and should try not to take too long without her. Tenchi happily preferred it that way in this instance. The Zalbots weren’t too numerous, and their numbers were further thinned by them spreading out across the area. The generals were the only ones still functioning after a tower was activated, so all Team TKT needed to do was defeat them, and hopefully, Zalmoxis would stay in The Grey and not return.
When the time came, the trains departed the station and headed for the next city, Ulan Ude. But first was the largest freshwater lake in the world, Lake Baykal. This was great news for Team TKT. And terrible for the Zalmoxis Army, the trip’s current phase would normally take days to reach Ulan Ude. The passengers would travel through scenic landscapes and hang out at Lake Baykal. Team TKT would be mopping up the Zalbots during this timeframe. Tenchi constructed a launcher to catapult and retrieve his motorcycle so he could come and go from the Clockwork Train whenever he wanted.
However, the remaining four generals would be doing their best to stop Team TKT, and the first was Polidori though he really preferred not to. Being a consummate coward, he was only concerned with his own life; ironically, being a vessel for Zalmoxis meant he had the greatest chance of preserving and achieving Zalmoxis’s plans. That was if, however, people weren’t willing to oppose him, which Tenchi made quite certain as he scaled yet another tower and activated it. Polidori was angered more that he would have to confront these detectives than seeing his side losing ground. He decided it was best to be a manipulative schemer, something he valued highly.
He wanted to stay at Glass Bay Beach with Patty, but Zalmoxis Prime expected results. Thus he had to actually fight back, something he found disgusting. He could always run back to Glass Bay anyway and make excuses as to why if things got tough. So it was with extreme annoyance that he faced this “He” named Tenchi. Tenchi was racing towards the Globe pieces along with a passenger onboard, Paige Turner. She had told him Patty was responsible for the Globe in pieces and that the generals wanted the Globe more than anything. Paige had repeatedly gone over the details and plans of action on ACME and VILE’s side.
If Tenchi wasn’t focused on the mission, especially the stealth assaults against the Data Hubs, it might’ve gotten a little annoying. All the “Hey, listen!” And repetitive information would’ve driven a normal person insane. But it was like someone telling a car lover about car facts; they had a high tolerance level for things they enjoyed, and Tenchi enjoyed what he was doing. Paige’s analysis of enemy bots and their weaknesses helped keep Paige from thinking about her failures and whether Patty was okay. Paige did, however, find it annoying that the Zalbots that found a Globe piece would put it in the protected room of a relic dungeon. They had to solve puzzles and push things around to get through them just to fight an underpowered guardian. Paige assessed that they could use combat and hardware upgrades big time.
Of course, she said this while getting to hold onto Tenchi, which she didn’t mind after seeing his performance in the field and love of all things geeky. So she realized, to her shock on telling Tenchi, “We have acquired three more pieces for a total of five.” This trip would be over within the next few days. And since she was writing down everything, her combat and enemy analysis turned to chronicle everything Tenchi was doing. She found herself immersed in her recordings as she went over the adventures thus far. Paige started geeking out as she said, “Your approach strategy at Data Hub #16 was flawless! They didn’t see you coming at all then you took them down one by one!”
And that long-range arrow snipe on the tower guard at the campsite was so dead on! You had the arrow naturally fall directly on the top of its head!” Though to Kylie all of Tenchi’s combative exploits like her own were par for the course. To the uninitiated like Paige, they were quite impressive as she recounted their dungeon crawling experiences. “The air dungeon was seriously overblown. I won’t insult you by pretending highly trained people could get through. I think I’ll mark it as level 1 Easy; yes, that’ll do. So then, we used the three areas of the sun, moon, and star we had to clear to get those relics to open the door, which was this cool iris lens design! So I guess the journey made the destination in that case.
The wood dungeon is where I'd say things got tough when those Zalbots were chasing us toward that chasm we had to swing across, it was terrifying! And when I um[blushes] gave you a peck on the cheek for luck, I think that made us make it to the other side. Then it was hopping on wooden pillars into the large room of pillars clustered together, slowly increasing in height like an asymmetrical staircase. Very surreal, if I must say!” Tenchi felt he should interrupt Paige’s retelling, informing her, “Ms. Turner, you do realize you’re traveling along being held by one hand dangling above a treacherous drop into an acid pool?” Paige taking a second to better assess her situation, replied, “Why, um, yes, of course, I’ve been paying attention! And I must say, once you acquired those “Electromagnet Boots” from the treasure chest, we’ve been able to get to areas in this dungeon we couldn’t before. I have total faith in your ability at this point!”
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