ACME Spring Break

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As Skylar made its way to the drop site, Bran carefully checked his equipment one final time to ensure everything was functional. His life had been a whirlwind of good and bad, positive and negative. He had overcome many impassible obstacles and survived numerous deathly encounters. Needless to say, he would not allow a simple wingsuit exercise to be his demise.

Upon arriving at their destination, Bran readied himself for the leap. The instant Zack lept from the drone, Bran leaned out the jump door, waited a few seconds, and then let gravity pluck him from the aircraft.

The fall was quick at first. The wind whipped at the suit as Bran momentarily shot towards the ground in dart like fashion Gauging his altitude, he spread his arms and legs in an attempt to catch the air. This forced him into a glide of moderate speed.

As Bran neared the earth, he spotted the restaurant below and, subsequently, the billowing smoke as it rose towards him. Spotting an unoccupied small strip of grass, he swung around towards it with the intentions of converting it into a temporary wingsuit landing field. Upon coming within fifty feet of the strip, he engaged a special mechanism, which he had developed with Zack, that gave a wingsuit flyer the ability to decrease speed while still maintaining lift, allowing a safe landing without the need of a parachute. A jolting motion resulted, and Bran braced himself for the looming confrontation with the ground. The collision was jarring but failed to damage him in any way. Gaining his bearings, Bran quickly freed himself from the suit and surveyed the area for his comrades.


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Skydiving from an aircraft was Chase Devineaux's favorite 'thrill' and launching from a completely unmanned helicopter even more challenging. It was a technically risky endeavor that was worth the slightly repugnant objective of crashing the garden party. Before jumping, he checked that Skylar understood her last command -- that once everyone dispersed, she was to land via coordinates in a nearby field -- sufficiently out of the way.

It's written in the SIM or Skydivers Information Manual that any jumper flying a wingsuit must have a minimum of 200 free-fall skydives within the past 18 months with an instructor present. Many of the Bunker dwellers had between 100 - 150 jumps in the past 6 months alone, so the numbers weren't exact, but still good. The first wingsuit landing without a parachute was achieved in only 2012 and with the aid of a ramp. But with the modified ACME build, Devineaux was confident most would land safely on their feet.

He was only half right.

The rising smoke and faint piercing scent of combustion alerted the Director that staying on target may be difficult. A sudden draft then lifted from land towards the ocean and forced him to quickly maneuver back up. @Zack hurled through the windy front and spun haphazardly before making contact with the branches of a natural obstruction. @Eugene Grovington and @Bran breezed past their lead, landing appropriately while Chase circled wide before completing his right-foot-first landing on the grass of the Garden restaurant. @Gunnar, he thought, hit the ground somewhere to his left.

They were all accounted for.

The flash of a blond woman's (@Gudrun) extended arm prompted immediate reaction and Devineaux bucked backwards just in time to watch the two tiny blast doors and remote probes of a non-lethal weapon buzz past him.
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Gunnar hated drops. It placed the dropper in an immensely vulnerable situation. But he had come along because it was all for a good cause: To apprehend some good food and check out some girls--something he was shy about otherwise.

The Swedish student vaulted out of the unmanned helicopter just ahead of the boss. He locked his arms horizontally at first to ease into his fall, then quickly realized he had erred as the unpredictable windcurrents drove and wobbled his rather organic airframe. He adjusted his wingspan, sweeping his arms back for a more aerodynamic profile. His descent trajectory and acceleration increased, obviously indicated by the heavy, oscillating rumble of the air being forced to yield to his helmet.

As altitude decreased, Gunnar gradually increased the distance between his hands once again, the taught fabrics of his suit's wings resisting the air beneath. He drifted in and about the target area briefly, a disconcerting pillar of smoke rising from the building nearby. However, what truly captured his attention was @Zack making his mark against a tree. The Swede chuckled before remembering that he had no idea how to land either.

His tall form skidded across concrete, causing his suit to accumulate 'road rash'. The ground contact was smooth, but the solid surface was rough enough that it managed to skin his knees through the suit layers. As he picked himself off the ground, he only had a microsecond to detect an unfriendly projectile whizzing directly towards him. "Sjutton--"
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(Another written with @Derrin)

“Are you okay?” The seven year-old asked as she proceeded nearer with caution.

This little girl’s mother was somewhere out there, wondering, crying, and fearing for her two little daughters. Rose knew a little of what that was like and realized she was glad to be there with the girls no matter what happened. It was enough for her to know the girls weren’t alone, and she would do her best to make them unafraid.

Smiling tiredly, she reached out her hand to grasp the girl’s. “I’m good, thanks. Just a little tired. I forgot what my mom said about eating before exercising...Always listen to moms. What’s your name, by the way?”

“I’m Anne.” The girl seated herself comfortably down by Rose. “It’s so hot.”

“I know, dear.”

It took only a few more rounds and the glass broke, sending glittering shards cascading against the tiled floor.

Yes! Now I just need a way for us to get noticed.

Derrin looked over at Rose again, who was being comforted by the older child. Making eye contact with the younger, she asked, “Want to help?”

She eyed Derrin, causing her to groan inwardly with impatience.

“It’s okay, Marie.” the older sister spoke, pushing her in Derrin’s direction. “She needs you.”

Marie still hesitated, but Rose prodded her further, saying, "You'll be helping all of us. Don't be afraid."

This boosted her confidence, and she made her way over to Derrin. She saw her reflection in two frightened pools of hazel.

“Sweetie,” she started, crouching down and gentle body contact by tucking an errant stand behind her ear. “I’m going to need you to do me a favor. If it’s okay with you, I’m going to have you stand on my shoulders, and you’re going to wave out the window, while being as noisy as you possibly can. Sound good?”

“You aren't not going to let me fall, are you?”

“Of course not.” she reassured.

Marie looked back at the seated pair for approval, and got a nod.


Derrin allowed the girl to sit on her shoulders, piggyback style. Steadying themselves against the wall, she guided her into a standing position, holding on to her around the ankles more for reassurance than support.

“I-can’t-reach.” Her words were staccato with effort.

Catching a glimpse of themselves in the bathroom mirror Derrin saw this was true. Her fingers barely cleared the ledge.

"Any ideas?" Derrin asked Rose. The question seemed to refocus her as she bit her lip in thought.

"If you had something to wave out the window, it might get someone's attention.” If anyone is on this side of the building, she mentally added.

Lowering Marie gently, Derrin went to the door, picking the lightest colored jacket out of the bunch. Shoving the rest back into the gap quickly, she handed it over to Marie. Resuming their place at the window, Marie waved the garment frantically.

“Don’t forget to make noise!” Derrin called up to her.


Medical Staff
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People pointed. Some shouted. And, for much too long a moment, Sophie Conrad rested her fingers on her hips and glared as the men of ACME careened, tumbled, and rolled into various forms of foliage. As recognition set in, her astonishment at the appearance of the wing-suited figures had kindled into flaming annoyance.

Only minutes ago, Derringer and Rose Ningolsham had impetuously disappeared into a swirl of heat and smoke. It became rapidly clear to Sophie that, as she turned to sprint towards the gathering fire crew, whatever the objectives of the invading men, she could spare them no further scrutiny--if anything would happen to either of the missing girls, it would be of her fault.

Yet, when she joined Ivy Monaghan on the hard landing lot where a slew of emergency vehicles had converged, there was little the two ladies could do until the fire was drowned by a torrent of pressurised water. In the seemingly unending act of waiting and watching, only a few words were exchanged between the Commander and the Doctor. For them, there was scarcely much to be explicitly articulated as their keen minds had already agreed to many aspects in the unfolding circumstances... and, just as the last embers were doused, Commander Ivy Monaghan took charge: This was now a crime scene.

While Ivy joined the fire and investigative crew to enter the charred remains of the main kitchen and seating area of the restaurant, Sophie lingered to do a casual survey of the intact portions of the structure. The conservatory had remained completely untouched by the flames, as did the hall leading down into the basement. Footsteps creaked and echoed overhead. Sophie systematically passed the beam of stark white light from the Maglite torch she had commandeered from a passing policeman around her steps until it came to rest on a network of pipes and valves. A frown crossed her brow and her lips pressed together at the grim sight: The manual valve that led into the wet pipe system had been twisted shut.

Taking up the mobile phone hanging around her neck, the doctor snapped a few quick photographs before she sidestepped entering individuals to call Ivy, "I know why the fire sprinklers didn't come on."
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While the white, unmarked van was parked near the side of the restaurant, Nevon began to notice smoke. Then, as he observed his Bunker Buddies make difficult landings one by one, he saw @Zack clipped a tree and tumbled away, Nev felt a little panicked jolt.

"Man down," he reported on his radio to the others, "I'm going to go check on Bacon."

(Another written with @Derrin)
Resuming their place at the window, Marie waved the garment frantically.

“Don’t forget to make noise!” Derrin called up to her.
When he exited the van, though, he saw some shapes moving through a window of one of the back rooms. He wasn't sure if it was a restroom, but the glass was sealed tight so only light would pass through, and the only ventilation seemed to be tiny wooden grilles high above, blocked by years of dirt.

He ran to the back of the van and grabbed a crowbar.

"Hang on!" Nevon tapped on the glass and shouted to the people inside. It was clear now there was more than one person behind the window, "I'm going to break the glass!"

With a heavy heave, Blair popped the solid wooden window out of its brick and mortar socket--easier than he thought because sea sprays here ate at wood. In the rush, though, he only heard the sound of shattering glass. A sudden gust of air funneled in and flushed the smoke out. That was when he recognized agents @Derrin and @Rose along with some civilians.

Helping them out, he also hailed ACME command for an ambulance. It was better safe than sorry.

"That was quick thinking," he nodded to the two female agents after everyone was safely away from the building, "Are you both okay?"


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Elsa, Lise
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After receiving her weapon from @Colleen, Gudrun felt somewhat safer, but that idea didn't last too long. The descending wingsuits looked mesmerizing, but when one suddenly appeared in front of her, she panicked, shooting the taser in his direction.

She saw the wingged man duck so fast, she thought it was safe, but then...

The taser bolts made contact with someone else and the Swedish girl watched in horror as her first ever shot from a weapon actually connected with somebody. Her father must be right, she had excellent natural aim.

Looking up at the man she almost shot, she recognized him as @Chase Devineaux. This meant they were all friendly agents. She suddenly felt immensly bad.

Rushing to the boy she tased (@Gunnar), Gudrun stood over him with both her hands over her mouth. After a few moments of assessment, she reached down to touch him a little, pulling out the pins.

"I'm so... ja, so sorry," she said in her Swedish accent, "Are you alive?"


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Rose heard muffled cries come from without but wasn’t sure what they meant till sudden motion followed. First the smoke had an exit, and then there was a shot of welcoming daylight. In a split second, she was back on of her feet and helping @Derrin lift the two girls down into the stranger’s (@Nevon) waiting arms. Then she ensured that Derrin was able scramble through the window before she followed.

The window that had been filled in was just the right height above the ground and wide enough to let them get away, but it wasn’t without difficulty and awkwardness, and the loss of her remaining shoe. When she reached the fresh air side, she ungracefully threw herself to the ground, landing rather hard on her blistering ankle. She grimaced as she stood up and limped after the others who were moving away from any danger.

"That was quick thinking," he nodded to the two female agents after everyone was safely away from the building, "Are you both okay?"
“Slightly cooked, thoroughly smoked...But, I suppose, I could be worse.” She gave Anne’s shoulder a quick squeeze before taking her hand and leading her towards the curve where the ambulance had arrived. A check up would be good, just in case.


Press Director
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Yana, Tanya, Tanechka, TanYUchen'ka, TanyUs'ka
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Zack misjudged an oncoming tree that clipped the side of his suit. Tumbling, he rolled forward and onto his knees, barely dodging an incoming car. As he looked up from beyond the folds of his wingsuit, he heard a distinctive female voice swearing in Russian.

Maybe if he stayed covered, Tanya wouldn't notice him.
But she did notice. How could she not?

The wavering gander, that lack of judgement, the recovering tumble and near-miss of an oncoming vehicle all were generic signatures that made up a @Zack landing. Tanya exhaled. Her icy calm demeanor already done with relaying information to ACME Command, the Russian was free to saunter a little.

"Privet," she casually greeted in a mocked melancholy tone as if he was a fallen comrade. "That landing was a paltry 3.5," she graded him.

The sound of a taser going of in the distance made her look to a young agent (@Gunnar) who obviously surprised a well armed Librarian (@Gudrun).

"But at least, you are not toasted like that guy," she hinted to the other two and offered a hand to help him up, "I hope for your sake you are here responding to the fire and not the one to start it."


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Iv', Ives
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Taking up the mobile phone hanging around her neck, the doctor snapped a few quick photographs before she sidestepped entering individuals to call Ivy, "I know why the fire sprinklers didn't come on."
A charred piece of wood stuck out from the ground, and Ivy pushed it aside as she headed towards Sophie. She was careful to avoid obstacles, though preventing dark ash from staining the hem of her pants was no longer a possibility.

"Hold on, I'm coming to you."

The Doctor was right, someone had purposely shut of the sprinkler system. A clear hand-print was burned on the switch, possibly due to the culprit's use of fire accelerant. The floor was also darker in certain spots that resembled splashing. This pour pattern led out towards the service hall door, one that was now conveniently blocked by a crumbling buffet table.

"Hey, Big Guy," Ivy yelled to the person closets to her whose hands weren't busy snapping photos. Eugene Grovington from the ACME airfield had landed moments ago in a wingsuit and seemed to be looking for something to do,"Afraid to rip your new dress, or can you help me get this debris out of the way?"


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Derrin, Der
That was quick thinking," he nodded to the two female agents after everyone was safely away from the building, "Are you both okay?"
Derrin did a quick self assessment. Her body was beginning to ache as the adrenaline wore off, and she was covered in a mix of soot and ash, a gray powder that would pool at the base of her shower drain for days to come. But she was alive, and grateful.

She gave the agent (@Nevon) a small smile. "I'm fine. Thanks for that."

The flashing lights of an ambulance caught her attention, and she turned her focus on the small girl, Marie. After being exposed to the scorching temperatures the light breezes raised goosebumps on her skin.

"You cold?" Derrin asked.

"A little bit." she admitted, rubbing her slender arms with her hands.

"Let's go in the ambulance and warm up."

The pair followed @Rose and Anne's lead, taking in the organized chaos of law enforcement, fire, and EMT'S as they made their way into the back of the ambulance and into the hands of medics. The agents both insisted that the girls be examined first, and Derrin took the time to finally catch her breath. Rose seemed to be doing the same, making light conversation with the sisters to take their mind off of recent events.

"Who were you here with?" Derrin later asked Marie, tucking a towel around her shoulders to keep her warm as they sat on the back bumper of the vehicle.

"Our mom. It's her birthday, and we wanted to do something special, just the three of us..."

She turned to Rose, who was standing in the doorway and had heard Marie's words.

"We should probably start looking for her."

Rose nodded. "She has to be worried sick about these two."

Leaving the girls in her care, Derrin went off, looking for an officer to inquire about any one reporting missing children. She didn't have to go far before she noticed a woman with a blotchy, tear streaked face, being comforted by a police officer. She cleared her throat before approaching the two.

"Derrin, ACME." she started, extending her hand. The man shook it, introducing himself as well.

"We have two minors back there, that were separated from their mother during the incident. Has anyone reported --?"

"You know where my girls are?" the woman interrupted, searching Derrin's face with familiar hazel eyes.

She nodded.

"Oh, thank heaven!" the woman exclaimed, startling Derrin with an embrace. "Are they okay? Where are they?"

She gave the officer a nod, letting him know that she could handle it from here. "They're perfectly fine. I'd be glad to take you to them."

She led the mother back to where the ambulance was parked, where they were greeted with a high pitched squeal and two pairs of running feet. Derrin and Rose shared a smile, happy to see the three reunited.


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The affects of the taser were not exactly painful, but the Swedish boy uncontrollably twitched and writhed as he fell to the ground. A soft, channeling, etheral wave of emptiness shivered throughout his body, contracting his muscles in rhythm and exciting his heart to rates he was familiar with on the track. His veins and arteries felt devoid of matter.

Even after the electrical current had abated and the prongs had been removed, Gunnar still trembled from the hollow surge.
"Are you alive?"
His pupils flit up and down, registering the feminine figure standing over him. His heart rate failed to decline. "If you are real," he stammered back.
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    Tenchi where are you…
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    At the office dealing with office life
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    Hey, guys! Don't let the TikTok stuff distract you from the possibility of North Florida getting snow this week :D
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  • Jon Eckart Jon Eckart:
    How about a MMO (like World Of Warcraft) styled Carmen game? That would be interesting
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  • Jon Eckart Jon Eckart:
    Jade, I wasn't around when the rest of who you mentioned were here (aside from Chase... hope all is well for him), but miss them
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  • Deric Storm Deric Storm:
    (Life tends to get in the way)
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  • Jade Jade:
    Jon Eckart said:
    Jade, I wasn't around when the rest of who you mentioned were here (aside from Chase... hope all is well for him), but miss them
    Don't worry, Jonny, you'll meet them someday.
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Jon Eckart said:
    How about a MMO (like World Of Warcraft) styled Carmen game? That would be interesting
    you have good ideas and I like them but if the "no magical creatures That wouldn't be cannonical to the Carmen Sandiego universe." rule still stands then the answer would be no. Although when we do role plays for like everyone that's a big group thing.
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    but hey @Jon Eckart maybe if you want to play the magical creatures Carmen had a few like Nemoy, (an alien) or Mediva a medieval sourceress. Jacqueline Hyde has already been taken though. Those are the only ones that first come to mind. Why not talk to Tenchi about it?
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    One more thing Jon. You could write a Fanfiction with these characters. ( There was also a character named Sir VILE who I think could throw fire balls. At least in the gameshow of where in time)
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    PS: but if you play the Where in time people....there are limits. We can't use the time machine without permission
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  • Claire Yeon Claire Yeon:
    ((Perhaps it is because I am old, but I miss Carmen being a villain. She steals because she thinks it's fun and she likes proving she's smarter than everyone else. What an icon.))
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  • Claire Yeon Claire Yeon:
    ((Also, hello. It is good to be here again. Don't mind while I hang around for another 2-3 business days and then disappear for six months.))
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    Claire Yeon said:
    ((Also, hello. It is good to be here again. Don't mind while I hang around for another 2-3 business days and then disappear for six months.))
    hey hey
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  • Polly Tix Polly Tix:
    Claire Yeon said:
    ((Also, hello. It is good to be here again. Don't mind while I hang around for another 2-3 business days and then disappear for six months.))
    Hi whoever you are!
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    She is Claire Polly. Now mind your manners if you don’t want to face her cutting wit
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    Hello there Ruelle welcome! Please be patient while this is worked out. :)
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    Lucy said:
    Hello there Ruelle welcome! Please be patient while this is worked out. :)[/QUOTE ]
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  • R (Guest) ruelle1:
    Lucy said:
    Hello there Ruelle welcome! Please be patient while this is worked out. :)
    it’s a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, I am a student at the acme academy in the forensic science class.
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  • Emma Bezzle Emma Bezzle:
    Claire Yeon said:
    ((Also, hello. It is good to be here again. Don't mind while I hang around for another 2-3 business days and then disappear for six months.))
    Nice to see an old familiar face
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    Emma Bezzle Emma Bezzle: ((Also, hello. It is good to be here again. Don't mind while I hang around for another 2-3...
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