Leonardo Da Vinci or Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni?

Leonardo Da Vinci or Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni?

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Jacqueline Hyde

Time Thief
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So... while we're looking over which of the two is 'more', let's not forget that history has already chosen the victor.

In 1504, the Florentine government formally set up a competition. Both masters were to paint great battles at the Palazzo Vecchio. On one side, Michaelangelo's Battle of Cascina, on the other, Leonardo's Battle of Anghiari. Both paintings were removed or painted over since (a shame, really, imagine what a sight it must have been to have both frescoes in one room).

Two years later, by 1506, the competition ended and the 'ultimate genius' was confidently chosen by the city of Florence.

The victor's prize was to decorate Rome itself. To stand before God and craft the very essence of the Vatican, shaping the future of art.

The loser resentfully left Italy, crossing the Alps. He took his most famous painting with him, where it now rests in La Louvre.
Oh snap!
IDK art well enough


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Morgan Cedesina
let's not forget that history has already chosen the victor
Sit down, Soldier.

In 1504, the Florentine government formally set up a competition.
They were hired separately. Leonardo Da Vinci at the age of 51, in 1503, having just painted the Mona Lisa, was commissioned by Florence to paint the Battle of Anghiari. One year later, in 1504, a far younger artist by the name of Michelangelo Buonarroti, at the age of 29, was commissioned to paint the other side of the main hall.

Two years later, by 1506, the competition ended
Granted, Michelangelo did finish the fresco that year, and Leonardo never quite finished his.

The victor's prize was to decorate Rome itself.
Again, commissioned, by Pope Julius II. And if you're speaking of Saint Peter's Basilica, that would be done many years later, with Michelangelo reluctantly taking the job.

The loser resentfully left Italy, crossing the Alps.
After Florence, Leonardo Da Vinci went to Milan. He remained prolific for roughly a decade until after the third Italian war, when The French were eventually driven from Milan in 1513 by the Swiss. He followed Louis XII back to France, taking the Mona Lisa with him.

Jacqueline Hyde

Time Thief
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Jackie, Sparkles, Priestess
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At any rate, you Leonardo voters can let me know when he's mentioned in one of Queen Kylie Minogue's best songs, and maybe we can talk.



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Patt, Patts, Petite, Amber Cecelia Argos, Valkyrie
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OMG, we're at 7-Michelangelo and 8-Leonardo. @Chase's argument might have worked, after he posted, we got like +5 Michelangelo votes.

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