Jade's Christmas Adventure 2: Trouble for the Holidays


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well, mine is Christmas too, Christmas shopping to be exact
Well in this story there's a Scrooge who ten times more and another man who wants independent crime-fighting shuts down because of not asking permission from the US Government.


Goddess of thieves
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Bonnie Parker
Bon park
Well in this story there's a Scrooge who ten times more and another man who wants independent crime-fighting shuts down because of not asking permission from the US Government.


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Chapter Ten: Rescue and reunited, part two

Somewhere in Minot, North Dakota

Henry: *to Carmen who is handcuffed to the chair* Carmen, it's been a long time, you should have been with me as my wife but never care we would have saved an American business together from foreign investors and industrialists like Malcolm Avalon for example.
Carmen: I never like you and I never do.
Henry: *as one of Henry's men gave Henry the file* Until Chief Weller hides a secret that no one should find out ever until now.

Meanwhile outside of the Mall of America, Bloomington, Minnesota

*Jade and Team Sonic are shocked and unamused*

Amy: Great, not a single Christmas shopper inside.
Jade: Maybe someone was warned not put Christmas decorations there by Henry Glock.
Sonic: That's wrong, but why is it close all of the sudden.
Agent Kris: *voice only* Perhaps, I can answer your question, Sonic.
*Jade and Team Sonic turn around and saw a man who looks like Chase Devineaux but in a red suit*
Tails: Who are you?
Agent Kris: Call me, Agent Kris.
Jade: Are you from ACME?
Agent Kris: Not exactly, Jade, perhaps the answer is these. *As he gives Jade something familiar to her*
Jade: My nanotech glasses, thank you, Agent Kris. *As she removes her glasses and puts on her nanotech glasses and saw Team ACME [Chase, Ivy, Zack, Lee, Cole, Jason, Tyson, Jessie, Spencer Ross and Brenda N. Butters] and Team WOOHP [Samantha/Sam, Clover and Alex] each got tied up with restraining rope and end up at the back of the building until some men enters and each one grab one to another* Ho-Ho-Oh no! Sonic, everyone my friends from ACME and WOOHP are in danger.

Agent Kris: Then you all must save them while I'll go bringing back a surprise for the one who ruined ACME and WOOHP.

Jade: Thanks Agent Kris, but...Huh?!?! *As she sees something familiar to her* My bracelet. *As she picks up her bracelet and figures it could come in handy*

Meanwhile Inside the Mall of America in the place called 'Fun Park' (fictional name for their indoor amusement park)

*As each men places each member of Team ACME and Team WOOHP into a swing pendulum called the 'Screaming Zone' [which has a sign that said 'Out of Order'] *

Gary: *as he came* I hope you feel comfortable, but this is going to be your last ride, I'll make sure you won't participate in crime-fighting without the permission of the government.

Jade: *voice only* That's where you're wrong, Colt.
Gary: Who in the-*gasped and saw Jade in her advanced instant battle suit [remember The Plumber and the Hedgehog what it looks like] * I should have known I thought you'll be staying in Ann Arbor, but I've figured no town will accept you say have fun for your friends. *As he starts the swing pendulum by activating the machine, and each member of Team ACME and Team WOOHP screamed*

*Jade goes after Gary, but the men go after her until Team Sonic aided Jade while handling the men and Sonic grabs Jade to stop Gary and they did*
Gary: What do you want to do? Stop me or save your friends. *Team ACME and Team WOOHP still screaming at the swing pendulum* You have room for one.

Amy: *Holding her Piko hammer* I've got this, Jade! *And she smashed the machine that led to the swinging pendulum and the swinging pendulum stops moving*

Zack: *feeling nauseated* Oh man, I'm going to hurdler.
Spencer: *feeling dizzy* Not here, Zack!
Jade: *to Gary after she handcuffed him and move away* Merry Christmas, Gary Colt!
Gary: What do you-huh?!?! *All the sudden lumps of coal came out from above and he screamed as he got cover in lumps of coal*

Outside of Mall of America

Clover: *as ACME Medical Center medical members came and check on Team ACME and Team WOOHP* Thank goodness, I thought we all end up dizzy.
Samantha (Sam): Well, Clover, thanks to Jade and Team Sonic we're back.
Alex: Yeah, thanks Jade, Sonic!
Sonic: No sweat, girls!
Chase: *to Jade* I don't know how but-
Jade: It's a very long story!
Spencer: Same with the rest of the us.
Brenda: Unfortunately, my parents lost their bed and breakfast business to Henry Glock.
Jade: *Angry and her face started to get fiery red* That really burned the curry out of me.

Moe: *to Lars* There she is! *As he and Lars came to Jade*
Lars: Oh, ACME, Miss Jade, thank goodness you're okay but our boss isn't.
Chase: What?!?! Don't tell me Henry Glock just...
Moe/Lars: Got Carmen and held her hostage in Minot, North Dakota.
Sonic: Now what?
Jade: Sonic, it's time to teach Glock a history lesson about Christmas in America.

Minot, North Dakota

Henry's Hideout

Henry: *to Carmen* Well, Carmen, it seems the government will make sure they'll ban Christmas for good. *Knock on the door to a henchman* See who's there?
Henchman: *gasped after looking through the peephole* Sir, it's ACME!
Henry: What?!?! I thought Colt took care of those independent crime-fighters once and for all.
*The C-5 appears and so did Team ACME [except for Spencer and Brenda], Team Sonic and Team WOOHP*

Jade: Ho-ho-ho, Merry Christmas, Glock!
Henry: Bah, Humbug, it's already over Christmas is banned forever just like my ancestors did.
Samantha: As in the Puritans.
Henry: That's right, it's a pagan holiday.
Jade: You're wrong again, Glock, have your parents ever take you to church on Sundays or would have read the good book to talk about a special person who was born in the City of Bethlehem?
Henry: Good book?! Bah, more like a fairy tale to me.

Clover: Well, you're wrong again.
Sonic: Indeed, Glock, however we're going teach you a lesson about the history of Christmas in America.
Chase: *as he lockpick the handcuffs from Carmen* After the pilgrims arrive in 1620 everything's normal.
Zack: Until 1659 after what happened in the English civil war; Massachusetts was the first state to be banned Christmas.
Ivy: Under a Puritan leader named Oliver Cromwell who passed a law at parliament in England that made Christmas unlawful. (I don't own any information about this whatsoever)

Tails: Even the mince pies.
Amy: Tails!
Tails: *to Amy* It's true.
Henry: Indeed, my ancestors did follow the rules, if others don't follow either pay the fine or be whipped. *Until the henchman got knock down by Arthur Chance and Stewart Sterling handcuffed the henchman*

Arthur: Until the ban was lifted in 1681 when Cromwell lose his power.
Stewart: And started having Christmas again in 1686 having the first Christmas service at town hall in Boston.

Henry: Still Christmas should never have been a holiday in America.
Jessie: Well, that's true and false in 1836 Alabama is the first state to make Christmas a legal holiday.
Jason: It didn't become a federal holiday until 1870.
Tyson: You know something, Glock, you should have read A Christmas Carol or How the Grinch stole Christmas.
Cole: Or even seen the movie 'It's a Wonderful Life' [I don't own the books or the movie whatsoever]
Lee: *as he handcuffed Henry Glock* And that's why, Henry Glock, you're under arrest for embezzlement and ruined Christmas. *As the policemen came and take Henry Glock and his henchmen away*

Agent Kris: *as Team ACME, Carmen, Team Sonic and Team WOOHP came out* Good work, everyone!
Jade: I'm glad you got the law enforcement in time.
Agent Kris: Not exactly, Jade, everyone knew what happened and they were upset losing businesses and homes too. Oh, by the way, everyone is going home for the holidays.

Lee: Well not everybody is going to see their own families.
Agent Kris: Like you, Lee Jordan, you have some family issues of your own.
Lee: *as his face downcast with a sweat* That's true, Agent Kris.

Agent Kris: And when you all get back home there's surprises for you from the ones you met.
Clover: Oh wow! Thanks, Agent Kris, how about a kiss underneath the mistletoe?
Agent Kris: Sorry, Miss Clover, I already have someone back home, anyway, Merry Christmas!
Jade: *as Agent Kris leaves and Clover's face has downcast with a sweat* Merry Christmas, Agent Kris!
Chase: I wonder who is Agent Kris, Jade?
Jade: I think I know who Agent Kris is already...and just in time to save my favorite holiday.
Carmen: I agreed, Jade!

(End of Chapter Ten)
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Jade's House

Sally: *voice only* Thanks for inviting us over to your house, Jade.
Jade: My pleasure, Sally.
Sonic: And we got great news from the ones you know.
Jade: Other than Chase telling me that Henry Glock pay Mason Dixon and the Greyhats to vandalized Christmas themed places and stealing Lee Jordan's profile while taken the top-secret file about Carmen Sandiego connection to Malcolm Avalon from Chief Weller's safe.

Tails: Well, here they are. *Through his Miles Electric* Okay, you guys one at a time.
Jamal: *on screen* Merry Christmas, Miss Jade!
Jade: Merry Christmas, Jamal, Sister Ethel, where are you two?
Sister Ethel: *on screen* We're just settled in a good neighborhood of Cleveland, Ohio thanks to the organization that brought us here and thanks to you, we've got a better life.
Jade: I'm glad you two are okay.

Reverend Clarence: *on screen after he came* Merry Christmas, Miss Jade!
Jade: Reverend Clarence or should I call you...
Reverend Clarence: *on screen* Reverend Clarence is fine, because I've got my license to preach back.
Jade: What happened?
Reverend Clarence: *on screen* After getting my license getting revoked...they found that was Henry Glock's idea and embezzled all the money we save to help everyone including the homeless and thanks to the authorities I've got my preaching license back and help the ones who are blind.
Jade: Congratulations, Reverend Clarence and bless you, Jamal and Sister Ethel!

Jamal: *on screen* Well, Miss Jade, you've got your house back and Merry Christmas again.
Jade: And a Happy New Year, Jamal, Sister Ethel and Reverend Clarence.
Jamal: *on screen* And Thanks Team Sonic!
Sonic: Our pleasure, Jamal! *As Tails hangs his Miles Electric while Jade turns on the TV and saw two more Christmas miracles*

News Reporter (male): Thanks to ACME Medical Center in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, fourteen-year-old Daniela Cornfeld gave birth to a seven-and-a-half-pound boy safely, while her father and stepmother are arrested for embezzlement connected to Henry Glock who was arrested in Minot, North Dakota...

Jade's mind: Well, well, I knew those two are going to regret themselves along with the school Daniela attended and oh fudge, that teacher (male) is in trouble for he has done to her, I'm glad Elijah came in time to see her and her son safe along with his grandparents getting their bakery business back, I'm glad Elijah told the reporters the truth in time about how Daniela's grades have gone down and somewhat 'extra credit' the teacher did.

News Reporter (female): Meanwhile in Woodbury, Minnesota, we just learned that Alina and Dieter Kopp are now happy living in a new life thanks to Mr. Peck who passed away a few days ago after suffering a heart attack when he found out about his three daughters.

Dieter: *on screen* According to his lawyer each of his daughters passed away once a year due to what happened in their own lives and according to Mr. Peck, he left everything to local charities, and he left me and Alina, a home he has here and after adopting Zoey in Ann Arbor, Michigan, we're now happy parents.

Alina: *on screen* And I'm proud of my husband getting a job fixing things and me helping the elderly while Zoey gets all the help, she needs with education and medical support.

Jade's mind: I'm glad it's a wonderful life for the family.
Cream: *as she and Cheese came with Jade's Padphone* Miss Jade, Miss Jade, you've got a message from Mr. Chase.
Jade: Oh, thanks, Cream! Sonic, Sally, we better meet Chase in Montana.

[End of Aftermath: I'm almost done with this Christmas story]
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Carmen's Mountain Retreat, Montana

*As Patty places a variety of cookies [Danish butter, Moravian spice, raspberry shortbread, chocolate chip and peach galettes] on the dessert table with pears, apples, ruby red grapefruit and Navel oranges and the decor has battery operated 'Peace and Joy' candles and a 'Douglas Fir' fiberglass Christmas Tree decorated with faux popcorn and dried 'cranberries' garland and a star on top [Remember Trading Chases] *

Carmen: *to Vic, Moe and Lars* Would you boys tell me why there's a pair of RVs parked next to us.
Vic: Now, boss lady, we didn't bring it. *Someone knocking on the door and Jeeves answers the door*

Chase: *as he [dressed like Santa Claus] and the rest of Team ACME (Jade, Ivy, Zack, Lee, Cole, Jason, Jessie and Tyson), Team Sonic (Sonic, Tails, Sally, Knuckles, Amy, Mighty the Armadillo. Ray, Cream, Cheese and Team Chaotix (Vector, Charmy Bee and Espio) and Team WOOHP (Samantha, Clover and Alex) came* Ho-ho-ho, Merry Christmas, Carmen Sandiego! *As Contessa and Kitty came downstairs and shocked to see everyone*

Carmen: Chase, I'm not in a holiday mood, I just...
Chase: Oh, about those RVs, Carmen, you and your gang should meet the Redd family.
Lee: And the Wintergreen Family, they're on the way to California.
Carmen: What!
Jade: They're not kidding, Carmen, I just met them already. *As Cameron Wintergreen and Rusty Redd came in*

Cameron: Whoa, there really is Carmen Sandiego.
Rusty: Uh, Miss Sandiego, is it alright to have the family come in.
Lars: Are you kidding?!?!
Carmen: It's Christmas, everyone, I've figure they need to spend Christmas here why not.
Cameron: Thanks, Carmen.
Rusty: *shouted* It's okay, Dad! *And surprise the rest of the Redd family [Brick, Ruby Jo, Poppy, Rose Range and Jasper Range] and the Wintergreen family [Avery, Logan, Riley, Parker, Carter and Sawyer] came with food*

Each family member brought in for a Christmas party beside the cookies.

1. Avery made peppermint bark, and she place on the dessert table.
2. Brick brought in the appetizers while Contessa's servants bring in the Charcuterie board: a one-pound beef summer sausage and two-pound cheddar cheese.
3. Ruby Jo brought in a loaf of Cinnamon swirl bread.
4. Jasper Range brought in a six-pound spiral sliced ham glazed in brown sugar.
5. Logan brought in a ten-pound hickory-smoked whole turkey.

Contessa: This is very exquisite.
Jeeves: It is, madame!
Ruby Jo: We're very glad to meet all of you, Christmas as long as you all don't steal.
Vic: Well, our boss is a thief with a conscience.
Carmen: So why California?

Logan: Well, I just got a job at Julia's and Parker well she is going to continued homeschooling thanks to California's Department of Education in San Francisco helping other kids who couldn't afford going to public or private schools.
Avery: It's true, my husband is a short order cook, Jade knows the ones who runs the restaurant in memory of Julia Child.
Logan: I'm a big fan of hers and I also a big fan of-
Avery: Logan don't talk too long.

Logan: Sorry! *Jade's Padphone buzzed* What was that?
Jade: Sorry, it's mine! *Looking at the message* Hey, I've got a word from Archie Pelago that Hayley is getting better from leukemia and Brenda's parents got their bed and breakfast business back and Bolt Upright is okay after bumping into his old classmate from middle school while in Mississippi.

Samantha: Mississippi!
Alex: The river or the state.
Samantha: Uh, Alex, Lee and I were in Mississippi trying to escape from Gary Colt and his men along with the Wintergreen family.
Lee: And yeah, Bolt was there, and he's surprised to see Parker Wintergreen.

Parker: Let's not keep the food cold.
Carmen: I agree, Merry Christmas to all and hoping for a good new year. *As the Christmas Party begins without anyone messing up the holidays*

[The End]

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    You know, I miss Carmen too. I hope she's doing well :(
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