The people threatening to boycott Gillette did not have enough purchasing power to affect the brand. Those who agreed with its message was enough to offset the balance.
I'm sure D&G will recover. The Italians have a way with fashion. Coincidentally enough, I shared a meal with a Missoni barely 24 hours ago, and this very topic came up.
Even though Leia floating through space was egregious, the straw that broke my back was in the last jedi when shots from star destroyers arced like there was gravity in deep space.
I've never seen GOT. "Who won?" was a joke about the title. Though I do love Dany, in part because for a long time she and Maisie Williams' character (Arya?) were the only ones I was even aware of, thanks to Tumblr.
Hey @Tenchi Masaki You remember the threads where we put 5 words in French, Spanish amd other languages? Could you teach us some Japanese words please? I think it'd be fun!
Breaking news: historians believe that they've uncovered a cache of pencils that once belonged to William Shakespeare. A spokesperson said, "They're so badly chewed on the ends, we can't tell if they're 2B or not 2B."