Y'know how earlier in the week there was a really bad storm? Hasnt stopped raining since the night before that. And since it hasnt stopped raining in days (comboed with some idiot accidentally dumped several thousand gallons of half processed water on one of the retention ponds), school is canceled for today. Not just k-12. Colleges too. Wack.
The only problem is the KoC hall, albeit built in simple military style like most of our local guild halls, has a sliding glass door and the front doors are also glass.
Hey @Tenchi Masaki You remember the threads where we put 5 words in French, Spanish amd other languages? Could you teach us some Japanese words please? I think it'd be fun!
Breaking news: historians believe that they've uncovered a cache of pencils that once belonged to William Shakespeare. A spokesperson said, "They're so badly chewed on the ends, we can't tell if they're 2B or not 2B."