Tenchi Masaki
ACME Ace Detective, Inventor
- Best answers
- 1
- findcarmen.com
- Known Aliases
- Tenko(don't ask), Kami Jack, Guy Smart, Tenten
- Color #
- 035096
Just then, however, two men, one in a people suit and the other wearing a green suit, introduced themselves to the group. They told them they were government representatives. Carson taking their card, said, “It says Emerald Federal Insurance. I am quite sure there isn’t a branch called that.” In a quick counter, the man in purple casually emphasized as he said, “We. Are. Government. Adjacent. And let me tell you, this place is a total hazard zone! No place for children obviously but worry not you lot! Though safety standards are lax to say the least; we’re here to put things right as a feast! Here’s my badge don’t miss it now.” Of course, they couldn’t help but miss it as he flashed it far too quickly for anyone to get a good look at it.
The man in green whispered to the man in purple as he said, “Theodore, we gotta find the fifth dastardly before Bagura gets upset.” Theodore said in a hush, “I know that, you idiot, why do you think we’re here? We’re following the bomb crumbs.” Walter, confused, said, “Do you mean bread crumbs or actual bomb crumbs?” Theodore tipped his hat and bid adieu to the investigators as he had the previous owners of destroyed properties in the area. He then pulled Walter back to their car to continue their search. With his warehouse a burnt-out ruin, Casey, reading over the information given, felt he had no choice but to go with the government's plan to compensate him by selling the land. In a professional tone, Carson said, “Mr. Hughes, as you legal counsel I would advise against any hasty decisions concerning your business or deeds. If what they said is true however you can consider their offer at a later time. Preferably after the trial.”
While Casey started saying how easy that was but much harder to do, Apollo and Nancy worked out a plan to stay in touch. For professional reasons, of course, but maybe they could schedule regular meetings at tearooms, cafes, restaurants, and movie theaters, and then an awkward dinner at Nancy’s house. Apollo trying to hide his nervousness through a broad smile and closed eyes, said, “Hahaha! While it would be nice to have Justice in your home, I already met your dad, he’s right over there.” Nancy turned her head slightly and said, “Oh but not the special kind of meeting mister. You’ll love our housekeeper Helen’s pot roast.” Jenny couldn’t believe they were making long-term plans and name puns. That is until she quickly realized they would all work together for the foreseeable future. Jenny crossed her arms and sulked as she knew the two were basically cheating. Since they were working together on a case, they could set up dates knowing they would review case info as an excuse. The Wright Anything Agency would be handling the case defense of Casey Hughes in court. At the same time, Nancy gathered evidence in the field. Jenny felt it was time to play her trump card and inform them of her ACME Academy status.
Apollo’s mission was blushingly clear: He was to successfully assemble evidence to figure out who the culprit was. This required him to meet with Nancy at various “Date-points” to exchange information they had collected at the different crime scenes. Then once they accomplished their mission, the big dinner date would ensue at Nancy’s house, where her father, Carson Drew, would turn from ally to adversary. Jenny tugged on both of them to get them to pay attention to her and said, “Alright you two seem trustworthy enough to tell this to so listen up. Im from the illustrious ACME Academy and I’d be happy to have you accompany me on this case. If you follow my lead you just might learn something too.”
Nancy was happy to hear that, as she had been recently recruited to ACME’s ranks. She said, “That’s great Jenny! I’ve been hoping to have a protégé! Now I just need to review teacher student regulations.” Before Jenny could protest, Phoenix came over to Apollo and Nancy, giving them both ACME Hobonichi Techo Evidence Planners. Jenny’s eyes widened in disbelief; only field agents got those, while students got the educational version. Jenny said, “Hey! Those are Class-C Evidence planners! You cant get those unless your ACME field agents!” Phoenix revealed to Jenny that he was an ACME agent Class-A in criminalistics. He said, “Apollo joining the Wright Anything Agency made him an ACME agent Class-B after his probationary period was satisfied. Carson is like me, Class-A but prefers to work alone unless called upon like now. Nancy was given membership status Class-B as a result of her exemplary work as an amateur detective with multiple references high-profileofile individuals expressing their approval. The new way involved the academy whereas students such as yourself receive Jr. Detective status. Through proper training and good grades I believe you’ll be given Class-C detective status one day I’m sure Ms. Leclue.”
Jenny felt like passing out at this point; it was bad enough to have Nancy outrank her, but all of them did. She was a part of the new recruitment methods employed by ACME, and they got to be enlisted by the old way, skipping school performance standards entirely. Their work, professional or amateur in the field, puts them in consideration for recruitment. Jenny’s case-solving got her a gold star on the bulletin board at the academy. In short, Jenny felt it wasn’t fair, but in reality, it was common sense. Like Jenny, people under 16 years of age were not allowed to pursue dangerous criminals. Still, Apollo and Nancy were old enough to begin interning at legal and detective offices and gaining experience in the field.
Upon opening their planners, they saw loading screens signaling were syncing together; then, mugshots of a VILE thief named Laverna Heist appeared. Her dossier laid out her crimes as a voice started playing from their planners. It said, “Greetings gumshoes two! Im Lizzi the latest in ACME AI messenger technology and I’m here to tell you this felon is feisty! Roads used to be safe but not anymore as that kleptomaniac pilfered them one by one. She’s focusing on dangerous roads around the globe that are the only means of transport in their respective areas. The last place she was seen however was Talladega Raceway laughing and lapping it up as she drove her car Black Magic round and round. Your mission is simple. Return the rules to the road, and send Laverna to get her kicks in Prison 66! Godspeed gumshoes!”
Jenny fell to her hands and knees, witnessing this level of cool unfold before her. They were getting instant crime updates and logging clues, physical and digital, in their new planners while cross-referencing with the grownups and their planners. Jenny, her hand shaking, reached into her coat pocket and pulled out her Jr. Detective Student Planner in shame. She felt if only she were better, then she would be on their level But as she read her assignments, she saw a syncing prompt from Nancy and “Yes” or “No” buttons. Jenny figured Nancy couldn’t be that bad if she was nice enough to be her mentor. She rose to her feet, shook Nancy’s hand, and said, “It will be an honor to work with you, Ms. Nancy.” The planner messenger said, “Stop beating around the bush and formally introduce yourselves already!” Nancy did a respective bow as she said, “Greetings Jenny, I am Nancy Drew.” Jenny, imitating Nancy, said, “Its nice to meet you Nancy,; I’mJenny Leclue Detectivu.”
Once formal introductions were done, the planners brought them up to speed on a search and rescue alert. After highlighting it, they read the details and, without asking each other, knew this would also be a part of their job. Nancy said, “it says “confidential mission” wouldn’t we want to let as many people know as possible? Are the missing persons special in some way? It says they are digital denizens does that mean they are computer programmers? No it must be something else.” Carson explained that it meant they were from cyberspace. Nancy and Apollo then understood why Zack and Ivy were on hiatus from the Laverna case. They were directly called on to help look for the lost until they were found.
Luckily Home 01 was involved, and they posted a message. It said all you need to do is report the general location you find any missing persons via any compatible contact technology. They would be retrieved as soon as possible and sent to Home 01 for transport to their families in Toyland. They saw numbers representing the number of missing persons and how many had been found. As they readied for the case, they kept an eye out for them as they traveled. Nancy and Jenny perused the shopping district looking for leads and heels. Particularly the electronics district, caught their attention. The clues at the crime scenes pointed to chemical explosives; however, the likelihood of a timer or remote detonator was high. Jenny, however, preferred the video game areas, but she heard many complaints from the gamers.
The man in green whispered to the man in purple as he said, “Theodore, we gotta find the fifth dastardly before Bagura gets upset.” Theodore said in a hush, “I know that, you idiot, why do you think we’re here? We’re following the bomb crumbs.” Walter, confused, said, “Do you mean bread crumbs or actual bomb crumbs?” Theodore tipped his hat and bid adieu to the investigators as he had the previous owners of destroyed properties in the area. He then pulled Walter back to their car to continue their search. With his warehouse a burnt-out ruin, Casey, reading over the information given, felt he had no choice but to go with the government's plan to compensate him by selling the land. In a professional tone, Carson said, “Mr. Hughes, as you legal counsel I would advise against any hasty decisions concerning your business or deeds. If what they said is true however you can consider their offer at a later time. Preferably after the trial.”
While Casey started saying how easy that was but much harder to do, Apollo and Nancy worked out a plan to stay in touch. For professional reasons, of course, but maybe they could schedule regular meetings at tearooms, cafes, restaurants, and movie theaters, and then an awkward dinner at Nancy’s house. Apollo trying to hide his nervousness through a broad smile and closed eyes, said, “Hahaha! While it would be nice to have Justice in your home, I already met your dad, he’s right over there.” Nancy turned her head slightly and said, “Oh but not the special kind of meeting mister. You’ll love our housekeeper Helen’s pot roast.” Jenny couldn’t believe they were making long-term plans and name puns. That is until she quickly realized they would all work together for the foreseeable future. Jenny crossed her arms and sulked as she knew the two were basically cheating. Since they were working together on a case, they could set up dates knowing they would review case info as an excuse. The Wright Anything Agency would be handling the case defense of Casey Hughes in court. At the same time, Nancy gathered evidence in the field. Jenny felt it was time to play her trump card and inform them of her ACME Academy status.
Apollo’s mission was blushingly clear: He was to successfully assemble evidence to figure out who the culprit was. This required him to meet with Nancy at various “Date-points” to exchange information they had collected at the different crime scenes. Then once they accomplished their mission, the big dinner date would ensue at Nancy’s house, where her father, Carson Drew, would turn from ally to adversary. Jenny tugged on both of them to get them to pay attention to her and said, “Alright you two seem trustworthy enough to tell this to so listen up. Im from the illustrious ACME Academy and I’d be happy to have you accompany me on this case. If you follow my lead you just might learn something too.”
Nancy was happy to hear that, as she had been recently recruited to ACME’s ranks. She said, “That’s great Jenny! I’ve been hoping to have a protégé! Now I just need to review teacher student regulations.” Before Jenny could protest, Phoenix came over to Apollo and Nancy, giving them both ACME Hobonichi Techo Evidence Planners. Jenny’s eyes widened in disbelief; only field agents got those, while students got the educational version. Jenny said, “Hey! Those are Class-C Evidence planners! You cant get those unless your ACME field agents!” Phoenix revealed to Jenny that he was an ACME agent Class-A in criminalistics. He said, “Apollo joining the Wright Anything Agency made him an ACME agent Class-B after his probationary period was satisfied. Carson is like me, Class-A but prefers to work alone unless called upon like now. Nancy was given membership status Class-B as a result of her exemplary work as an amateur detective with multiple references high-profileofile individuals expressing their approval. The new way involved the academy whereas students such as yourself receive Jr. Detective status. Through proper training and good grades I believe you’ll be given Class-C detective status one day I’m sure Ms. Leclue.”
Jenny felt like passing out at this point; it was bad enough to have Nancy outrank her, but all of them did. She was a part of the new recruitment methods employed by ACME, and they got to be enlisted by the old way, skipping school performance standards entirely. Their work, professional or amateur in the field, puts them in consideration for recruitment. Jenny’s case-solving got her a gold star on the bulletin board at the academy. In short, Jenny felt it wasn’t fair, but in reality, it was common sense. Like Jenny, people under 16 years of age were not allowed to pursue dangerous criminals. Still, Apollo and Nancy were old enough to begin interning at legal and detective offices and gaining experience in the field.
Upon opening their planners, they saw loading screens signaling were syncing together; then, mugshots of a VILE thief named Laverna Heist appeared. Her dossier laid out her crimes as a voice started playing from their planners. It said, “Greetings gumshoes two! Im Lizzi the latest in ACME AI messenger technology and I’m here to tell you this felon is feisty! Roads used to be safe but not anymore as that kleptomaniac pilfered them one by one. She’s focusing on dangerous roads around the globe that are the only means of transport in their respective areas. The last place she was seen however was Talladega Raceway laughing and lapping it up as she drove her car Black Magic round and round. Your mission is simple. Return the rules to the road, and send Laverna to get her kicks in Prison 66! Godspeed gumshoes!”
Jenny fell to her hands and knees, witnessing this level of cool unfold before her. They were getting instant crime updates and logging clues, physical and digital, in their new planners while cross-referencing with the grownups and their planners. Jenny, her hand shaking, reached into her coat pocket and pulled out her Jr. Detective Student Planner in shame. She felt if only she were better, then she would be on their level But as she read her assignments, she saw a syncing prompt from Nancy and “Yes” or “No” buttons. Jenny figured Nancy couldn’t be that bad if she was nice enough to be her mentor. She rose to her feet, shook Nancy’s hand, and said, “It will be an honor to work with you, Ms. Nancy.” The planner messenger said, “Stop beating around the bush and formally introduce yourselves already!” Nancy did a respective bow as she said, “Greetings Jenny, I am Nancy Drew.” Jenny, imitating Nancy, said, “Its nice to meet you Nancy,; I’mJenny Leclue Detectivu.”
Once formal introductions were done, the planners brought them up to speed on a search and rescue alert. After highlighting it, they read the details and, without asking each other, knew this would also be a part of their job. Nancy said, “it says “confidential mission” wouldn’t we want to let as many people know as possible? Are the missing persons special in some way? It says they are digital denizens does that mean they are computer programmers? No it must be something else.” Carson explained that it meant they were from cyberspace. Nancy and Apollo then understood why Zack and Ivy were on hiatus from the Laverna case. They were directly called on to help look for the lost until they were found.
Luckily Home 01 was involved, and they posted a message. It said all you need to do is report the general location you find any missing persons via any compatible contact technology. They would be retrieved as soon as possible and sent to Home 01 for transport to their families in Toyland. They saw numbers representing the number of missing persons and how many had been found. As they readied for the case, they kept an eye out for them as they traveled. Nancy and Jenny perused the shopping district looking for leads and heels. Particularly the electronics district, caught their attention. The clues at the crime scenes pointed to chemical explosives; however, the likelihood of a timer or remote detonator was high. Jenny, however, preferred the video game areas, but she heard many complaints from the gamers.