Q & A AMA - Flag


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Speaking of only his time on this planet (including the time loops) and all the memories Flag has, which was his favorite, and why?


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Mike, Khalid Rifai
If Flag was suddenly given the chance to live out his life quietly and anonymously, would he take it?


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(Apologies for the delay. Remodeling at home and it's allowed for less free time than expected. @___@)

Speaking of only his time on this planet (including the time loops) and all the memories Flag has, which was his favorite, and why?
Probably every instance of his and Carmen's meeting at the monastery (the one before the tower heist) as it's an uninterrupted, non-dramtic interaction. Abu Dhabi is a very close second.

What advice would Flag give to an early-twenty-something ex-VILE agent who might still be looking for direction in her life?
That this person is less an "ex" now and that she should be grateful for that fact.

If Flag was suddenly given the chance to live out his life quietly and anonymously, would he take it?
He'd attempt it until homesickness drove him insane (again?).
Last edited:


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Morgan Cedesina
Probably every instance of his and Carmen's meeting at the monastery (the one before the tower heist) as it's an uninterrupted, non-dramtic interaction. Abu Dhabi is a very close second.
Have you acquired a taste for those German wines yet? And perhaps, what is your current drink of choice?


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Patt, Patts, Petite, Amber Cecelia Argos, Valkyrie
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The this person is less an "ex" now and that she should be grateful for that fact.
lulz, fair enough

Did Flag change his appearance in any other cycles and if so, why did he? But if not, why did he only change his ears and all now, in this current time strand?


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Have you acquired a taste for those German wines yet? And perhaps, what is your current drink of choice?
Ha! Maybe. There is something unique about drinking it warm.

I guess my go-to would be scotch (after stealing so much of Chase's).

Did Flag change his appearance in any other cycles and if so, why did he? But if not, why did he only change his ears and all now, in this current time strand?
Good question! He only disguised himself in previous cycles because, at first, he didn't even think about permanently altering his appearance. After the idea entered his awareness, he continued to rely on disguises because of a vague hope that he'd be able to go home. He only underwent the body modification this cycle because the convenience of it finally outweighed that hope.


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Boss (situational)
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Being an illegal alien... what steps and measures (other than the obvious physical changes) has Flag done to prevent discovery by authorities?

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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I did not know that pretzels were made by monks and given to children as little treats :D
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  • Polly Tix Polly Tix:
    I want pretzels! 🥨
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Me too!
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  • Lucy : Lucy
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    You know, I miss Carmen too. I hope she's doing well :(
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    I'm sure she's living the best stolen life possible
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    Clare.....I've been doing mock interviews with people and they aren't giving me feedback LOL
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    give a good handshake
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Having children ask why every time you answer a question would be a little awkward
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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    Lucy Lucy: Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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