Closed [11 Questions] Myths and Legends


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Is this goddess usually depicted with more than one set of arms?
Yes, she often has more than one set of arms.

*gulped* Is this goddess Kali?
No, she is not Kali. This may be slightly confusing as they're both aspects of nature, but the goddess I'm thinking about is distinctive from Kali.

Is this goddess known by more than one name?
All Hindu gods (male and female) are known by more than one name, so I won't count this as a question.

4 questions left.


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Are you thinking about Durga?
Durga is correct.

Unlike Kali, who is completely wild, Durga is both wild and calm. She rides a lion or a tiger. Her name means inaccessible -- durg -- like a fortress, or in some texts, Durga means 'Beyond defeat'. She is both a warrior and a peace keeper, and works to restore balance.


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"In Hindu arts, this tranquil attribute of Durga's face is traditionally derived from the belief that she is protective and violent not because of her hatred, egotism or getting pleasure in violence, but because she acts out of necessity, for the love of the good, for liberation of those who depend on her, and a mark of the beginning of soul's journey to creative freedom."

OMG, I love this! TIL


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No, she is not Kali. This may be slightly confusing as they're both aspects of nature, but the goddess I'm thinking about is distinctive from Kali.
Are you thinking about Durga?
Durga is correct.

Unlike Kali, who is completely wild, Durga is both wild and calm. She rides a lion or a tiger. Her name means inaccessible -- durg -- like a fortress, or in some texts, Durga means 'Beyond defeat'. She is both a warrior and a peace keeper, and works to restore balance.
*Sighed of relief* Thank goodness it wasn't her otherwise I feel like I'm in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom!

Joe Kerr

VILE Trickster
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Durga is correct.

Unlike Kali, who is completely wild, Durga is both wild and calm. She rides a lion or a tiger. Her name means inaccessible -- durg -- like a fortress, or in some texts, Durga means 'Beyond defeat'. She is both a warrior and a peace keeper, and works to restore balance.
So WERE thinking of Carmen. :p

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