Plot Line B?


Visitor From Another AU
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I've noticed with when I post in the chat area it's hit or miss, meaning only sometimes are my words read. ... No one who has spoken in this thread. But one person in this forum only acknowledges when I speak when I review their work. ( Otherwise they jump over my words. )?

When you've finished writing A Sweet Surprise, that is when I'd like to read it. So if you could point me to it then, I'll gladly give it a full review.?

Speaking of health problems, I got the results of my sleep study from just before Christmas, yesterday. The ENT wants to talk to my primary care doctor. No idea what the treatment plan is. Something is messed up with the REM of my sleeping apparently. ?

I posted in my blog thread over in the IGU forum the other day. ... At least you guys care what happens with me. Only one mod said anything over there and it didn't even come in as relevant. ?

I'll be really starting on drawing page 1 of that short tomorrow. Already a little art has started for it but nothing stand out. I hope like that Ivy & Carmen short, to try and make a page per day, for the short.

Side thing to add in here, I'm starting on the audio editing for the audiobook to Devil's Blood soon. The voice actor has now given me 26 read pages of it so far.

PS: I have fixed the problem which existed on page 85. I didn't know it was there until recently.
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Visitor From Another AU
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I'm about 40% of the way through working on page 100. Doing that and of course working on Shattered. The more I think about something in idea has come so easily. The more I think should time be invested into it. ( Maybe? )

You guys have seen how a few from the rogues gallery to CS have been made to work AU in my series work. I don't have a plot surrounding this yet but an easy idea how to write in the character. What would you think of Eartha Brute appearing in a story? She'd be a cinch to incorporate.


Visitor From Another AU
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... So I tried to make cover art with multiple layers of meaning to design. Guess it's awful.

No one has thoughts on Eartha Brute possibly being used down the road in another story.

... This is most of what I said on DA about page 100. All that's missing is talking about not having power for my laptop half of last week and how far I am into writing Shattered. That and of course pointing out the story has finally reached 100 pages.

This is the second time I've ever in story I believe pointed a finger to information noted at another time. To sum up politely why I've done that here, is Team Time Troubles was produced a long time ago. So long ago that thanks to lack of reader feedback, I don't know if it's readily remembered. The robot army detail also surfaced in another short and to test memory I'm not saying which story. I'd like it if please someone spoke up and said hey I remember the other refence outside Loaded Stone. Reading that notation in Team Time Troubles will also reveal to you fast another connection Loaded Stone has to it which won't be formally revealed for a while.


Tenchi Masaki

ACME Ace Detective, Inventor
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I'm about 40% of the way through working on page 100. Doing that and of course working on Shattered. The more I think about something in idea has come so easily. The more I think should time be invested into it. ( Maybe? )

You guys have seen how a few from the rogues gallery to CS have been made to work AU in my series work. I don't have a plot surrounding this yet but an easy idea how to write in the character. What would you think of Eartha Brute appearing in a story? She'd be a cinch to incorporate.
I think Eartha would be a great addition to your story. Just don’t make her too dumb.
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Visitor From Another AU
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I think Eartha would be a great addition to your story. Just don’t make her too dumb.
... I wasn't planning on that. Part of what makes her valuable as a villain to the AU, is she recognizes abandoned technology from MAD a.k.a. Scolex Enterprises that has disregarded, as useful. She puts it to good use. I use both names on MAD for a good reason. The tech. was developed while they were still called Scolex. She takes advantage after the leadership and name change has happened. ... I'd point out the fine details how things are worked out to the series timeline, but no one reads pointed out stories.


ACME Canine Unit
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Hey Systemcat. Sorry I've been a little busy with work and waiting on finding out if I have a niece or nephew. I would love to hear how Shattered is going and I really like this new block.


Visitor From Another AU
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Hey Systemcat. Sorry I've been a little busy with work and waiting on finding out if I have a niece or nephew. I would love to hear how Shattered is going and I really like this new block.
I thought I had done something wrong why I hadn't heard from you. I've recently discovered I'm going to be an aunt to be too and pretty sure to a niece from what I've heard. Doubt I'll ever meet the kid with me being the black sheep of the family.

The last person to really hear anything about Shattered was Tenchi but all of that was some of it's trivia shared in PM. Right now in writing it, the plot is really starting to kick off more on the side that's Cheri, Zack and Ivy looking into a crime spree Carmen and Sarah Nade are responsible for. They ( the good guys ) at first aren't even aware of Carmen's presence. Or even first suspect Sarah Nade is even guilty for fact or working for VILE.

Chester is a bit into his investigation that's initial reason for being is not a mystery to the audience, going into the details around it is dark. His side of the plot creates way for a villain ACME at least a member of it. Is a bit responsible for making, no not Carmen. She's always been bad in this AU.

When I was PMing Tenchi about a little of it's trivia I brought up protentional for stories dealing with lost detail matters. One thing brought up was dealing with the timeline question of what determined Chief positions between New York and San Francisco between Cheri & Chester since they were hired by ACME at about the same time. Since that PM note, I've written into Shattered what happened between these characters on staff positioning. I don't know how well people remember Snake Pit but that would be worth re-reading in note to Cheri reminiscing on her days with PBS and ACME's leadership staff when it came time for things to change.

There is much more I can think to say but I don't want to go into spoiler territory too much on this.

So far three pieces of related art to the story have been posted into media. ... I have the impression except for two likes, it's nothing worth seeing.

I love hearing about the development process that goes into stories and comics.
I outline everything about this AU in massive detail through out numerous files. I lay out the puzzle pieces slowly over time across the stories and essentially pray people connect some dots together before things are fully revealed in the story where the efforts from elsewhere shine through finally.

For an example to thought process on developing. The Gadget Boy side of the AU is a good one to present. By around Aug '15 I was having it cracked to me what if other emotionally named organizations were in the AU other than MAD ( the only canon name at that point ) and HAPPY. I had even toyed with the thought before it had been vocalized to me.

I also thought why does the only good guy cyborg have to be Inspector Gadget? Why can't there be another one. But it's been established HAPPY only has one cyborg employee active, not a medical mistake. So why not have the other good guy cyborg come out of left field and that meant some other organization was the cause but it couldn't be a well known cause. What if the reasoning to unknown characters was if the facts were on the obscure knowledge side. Of social circles just not in general interacting and what if this other cyborg first entered the crime fighting scene before Inspector Gadget.

Is there a cause for the character to come about from canon content? Bingo, reinvent Gadget Boy.
Iron and Steel already had it planned in outline notes the existence of an odd bad side of the tracks organization named RAGE. My first dive after the invention of HAPPY for an emotionally named group. What if Gadget Boy regularly was butting heads with RAGE? How Inspector Gadget working for HAPPY regularly butted heads with MAD. Inventing the acronym and purpose behind JOY wasn't hard to do.

Coming up with the GB side of things prompted Devil's Blood to start it's development and re-writing on Iron and Steel you'd never know was changed except if I told you where in the plot points to it. The Gadget Boy origin trilogy then was produced along side Iron and Steel. So when Devil's Blood came out, the sides came together seamlessly.


Visitor From Another AU
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I'll make comments about this page and other related matters, so on, if people want me to? ?



Visitor From Another AU
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That was the first all action page I've done in a really long time. This seems to be a complaint I've gotten at least twice but with different wording. People want more action in my work that's comic based. The thing is I believe build up is needed for a fight to happen. What took place on page 102 won't be the last fight scene in this story.

Yesterday working on Shattered became a larger event than normal. Besides the standard of formally writing out the story, I did a rough draft in a different file of a much needed scene. I knew from the beginning the two story halves needed a deeper connection than what that already had. Writing out this piece to be formalized later did that. It works for that extra connection but at the same time it:

. Creates more character depth over Carmen and Sarah Nade what their sense of morals and job priorities are.
. Shows how awful a deed <censored character name> wants to see happen. Establishing they're worse than originally thought to be.
. It becomes clear how Carmen can gain an edge in her career with VILE. Plus there is no doubt what is presented to her is something that comes into play later. Iron and Steel also Tidal Shifts brought up the "edge" earlier.

As for offline events. I have a new kitty in my life. A shelter recuse that is extremely friendly that sadly was abused by his former owner. The name the shelter gave him was Caspian and I'm going to keep that name with him. I never thought I'd own this type of cat before. He's a Flare Point Siamese. ... He's the size of a dog.
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    I want pretzels! 🥨
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Me too!
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    You know, I miss Carmen too. I hope she's doing well :(
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    I'm sure she's living the best stolen life possible
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  • Claire Yeon Claire Yeon:
    ||As someone who recently conducted several job interviews, I am happy to advise.||
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    Clare.....I've been doing mock interviews with people and they aren't giving me feedback LOL
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Having children ask why every time you answer a question would be a little awkward
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    In other much for being enthusiastic about the new Carmen game. I'm finding disappointing spoilers from the first ones to play it...
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Aye lass the peaky blinders would be proud of ye
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    Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki: Aye lass the peaky blinders would be proud of ye