Love'em and Thieve'em


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(I don't own the characters Carmen Sandiego, Chase Devineaux, Chief Weller, Archie Pelago, Bolt Upright, Ivy, Zack, Lee Jordan, Cruiser, Renee Santz, Ann Tickwittee, Tatiana, Josha, Vic the Slick, Patty Larceny, Contessa, Sara Bellum, Moe Skeeter, Lars Vegas, Jane Reaction, Fast Eddie B., Chester Catt, Touriste Classe, Al Loy, Dara Riska, Leif Malone, Frank M. Poster and Clay Tandoori whatsoever)

This is a Valentine's Day Story with a special guest character [Gerald 'Jerry' Lewis from Totally Spies] in the Prologue only.


ACME Headquarters, San Francisco, CA, USA

Conference Room

Chief Weller: *as he along with Team ACME members: Jade Ezell, Archie Pelago, Bolt Upright, Chase Devineaux and Lee Jordan* I'm very glad you all are here and Miss Jade, I'm glad Archie contacted you to come here.
Jade: Of course, Chief is there any good news or bad news?

Chief Weller: There is good news, we're having the annual ACME Valentine's Day Party.
Lee: Wait, that's the good news, let us hear the bad news.
Archie: Patience, Detective Jordan, the Valentine's Day is either you bring a date or go stagged.
Jade: Ouch, this could be a problem to find dates *Bolt is blushing at his cellphone* Except for Bolt of course.
Bolt: *stops starting at his cellphone* What?!?!
Chief Weller: *to Bolt* Are you listening to me, Upright?
Bolt: Of course, Chief, I can't wait to ask Parker Wintergreen if she'll be going out with me to this party.

Archie: Bolt, she's already married.
Bolt: Almost married, Archie, she lost her husband to be at the altar.
Archie: What happened to him?
Bolt: Uh, she won't talk about it.
Chief Weller: But she has a son already.
Bolt: I know, she told me about her life and her son, Carter, when we see each other in Mississippi. (Remember Jade's Christmas Adventure 2: Trouble for the Holidays) We haven't seen each other since middle school, oh by the way, Archie *as he shows Archie the picture of Parker Wintergreen on his cellphone* this what she looks like.

Archie: Oh, Bolt!
Chief Weller: That's enough, you two! And well, I've got Jerry Lewis online waiting for us to talk.
Archie: Put him through, Chief. *As Chief Weller activates the screen and there's Jerry Lewis at his pad in Los Angeles, CA, USA*

Jerry: *on screen* Oh hi, Archie, ACME!
Archie: Ah, Jerry, good to hear from you, how's WOOHP?
Jerry: *on screen* Well, everyone, I'm here to tell you that I'm retirement. *Team ACME shocked* Now, now, everyone, I'm not leaving WOOHP, I handover my mission leadership to my daughter, Zerlina. *As he shows Team ACME a picture of Zerlina Lewis: female in her 30s or 40s, tall, dark-skinned, dark brown hair and same-colored eyes*

Chase: *whistled* She's beautiful, Jerry!
Jerry: *on screen* And she's in Singapore along with the girls [Sam/Samantha, Clover and Alex/Alexandra].
Lee: What?!?! I thought they got back to Malibu University.
Jerry: *on screen* Actually, they've been transfer to Asian-International Youth Academy or AIYA for short, however they continue onto the mission along with a gadget expert named Toby. *As he shows ACME a picture of Toby: male in his 20s, black hair, dark brown eyes and dark-skinned*
Lee: What's with that glove, Jerry?
Jade: That's not a glove; Lee it's a bionic arm.
Jerry: *on screen* That's right, Miss Jade.
Jade: So, what are you doing now?
Jerry: I'm just becoming a WOOHP Consultant, well it's time for me to say farewell and good luck on your cases.

Lee: And tell Samantha and her friends, good luck on their missions.
Jerry: I sure will, Detective Jordan, goodbye, ACME!

*As The Chief turns off the screen*

(This is based on the first episode of the seventh season of Totally Spies, English dub and I don't own the information whatsoever)

Chief Weller: Well, I'm glad that's over and now the bad news we learn that some of Carmen's gang members have been entering speed dating events, but there's a twist they're just searching for some dark secrets from their 'date' they chose to go with and give them 'gifts'

Jade: *raising her eyebrows* Gifts?!?! As in stolen items?!?!
Chief Weller: Precisely, Miss Jade and so far, they've been to Brooklyn, Houston and now they're coming here.
Lee: Yeah, thanks to a bartender at Tally's (fictional place) told me that his boss is hosting it tonight.
Jade: So, are we going undercover for this operation?

Chief Weller: I'm afraid not, Miss Jade, a lot of security in that place those VILE Operatives are after mostly the women with dark secrets they hide and found zero so far.
Lee: I bet those VILE Operatives are men disguising as some professional person from different cities.
Archie: We don't know how they got in or finding out of each woman participate in speed dating at least Detective Jordan place hidden cameras there.

Jade: So, let's hope nothing to any woman's secrets to be found out.
Bolt's mind: Uh-oh, I hope Parker didn't go out to look for a date before I do.

Parker's Apartment

Parker's mind: *as Parker opens the closet* After losing the one I loved and raising Carter alone, I hope I'll find the right man here in San Francisco and show me around here. *And Parker saw something familiar to her in the hatbox* It's time to go back to dating scene again, first things first need a new hairstyle for my other self.

[End of Prologue]
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Chapter One: An Inside Evidence?!?!

San Francisco, CA, USA

Parker's Apartment (four hours later)

*As her fifteen-year-old son, Carter is read a book about the Hippie Movement on Haight-Ashbury when all of the sudden Parker in a red dress speed into her bedroom without Carter finding out*

Carter: Mom, are you back?
Parker: *voice only* Yes, son, I am.
Carter: What's wrong?
Parker: *voice only* Nothing, is there any word from the Department of Education?
Carter: Mom, all I know is we might end up in a public school here.
Parker: *voice only* Are you joking?
Carter: Talk to Uncle Logan, Mom, some superintendent from the San Francisco Board of Education talk to him when he came out of the kitchen while fixing clam chowder. (I don't own the San Francisco Board of Education whatsoever)
Parker: *voice only* Clam chowder?!?!
Carter: The way Jacques Pepin made it when he worked at the Howard Johnson's. (I don't own anything from Jacques Pepin or Howard Johnson whatsoever) Mom, mom. *Then he hears the water spraying from Parker's bedroom*

Carter's mind: Oh terrific, whatever's wrong with Mom, I hope Mr. Upright figure it out.

ACME Headquarters (the next day)

Director of Operations' Office

Chase: *to Lee* I don't understand, Jordan, why there's no footage from Tally's?
Lee: Look, Chase, I don't know either it happened last night everything went fine so far and then it's gone scratchy all of the sudden. *Someone knocking on Chase's door*
Chase: Come in! *There was Zack Monaghan enters the office* Detective Monaghan, what now?
Zack: Well, Chase, I overheard what Lee says about the footage being scratchy and he's right after Lee installed the hidden cameras around Tally's somehow whoever puts a magnetic field causes us to see what's going on last night.

Shirley: *via Intercom* Director Devineaux, a guy called Mark from Tally's is here.
Chase: *presses the button* Put him in the interrogation room, Shirley.
Shirley: *via Intercom* Yes, sir.

The Interrogation Room

*As the C-5 appears and so did Jade*

Jade: *to Bolt who tries calling Parker on his cellphone* Bolt, what are you doing here? You know you can't call during work.
Bolt: Sorry, I'm just worry about Parker, Miss Jade.
Jade: Well, I've got to listen in. *As she presses the button to listen in the conservation Lee, Chase and a bartender named Mark*

Lee: Alright, Mark, what do you know about what happened last night?
Mark: Well, Detective Jordan, everything is so great last night except one of the ladies who are participating at this year's speed dating.
Chase: Do you know the name of that woman?
Mark: Number 15.
Lee: Fifteen, Director Devineaux said a name, not a number.
Mark: Well, according to my boss her name is Matilda Waltz. *Bolt is shocked and left the Interrogation Room while Jade stays in with the conservation*

Chase: Tell us about that woman.
Mark: There's nothing about her, she never told my boss about her life, anyway all the single guys they never met her until there was six men who came to her.
Lee: Describe those six men.
Mark: *while Jade writes down on the notepad after Bolt left it behind* Well the first one is named Hector, he's from Barcelona, Spain, he said he's a socialite expert?!?! He has a black hair, black eyes and a beret.

Chase: Continue.
Mark: Then the second one is named Seth, he's a talent agent from Hollywood, California, got a big grin, I think and then the third one is named Bert, he's an art curator from Montreal, Canada, all is he has glasses, and a weird nose, do you men want to hear the other three.

Lee: Please, Mark this is important.
Mark: Okay, the fourth one is named Cooper, a jeweler from the Big Apple, has some muscles, then the fifth one is named Kirk, he used to be a sergeant from the Windy City's police department, I notice a headband on his forehead and last, but not least the last one is named Gerald he said he's a school headmaster from Cornwall, England and sort of a gentleman like anyway that's all I found out.

Chase: Look you got us the inside evidence.
Lee: Anything else you know?
Mark: After the speed dating the lady left without saying a word.

Jade's mind: *after Jade finished wrote down the description of the six men mentioned by the bartender* *Gasped* Where did Bolt go? Oh, no he's probably ran off to contact Parker, better find him. *As Jade leaves the Interrogation Room and finds Bolt back in his office*

Jade: Bolt, what's got into you left the interrogation room without listening what's going on last night.
Bolt: *placing his cellphone on his holster belt clip* Nothing, Miss Jade?
Jade: Is there something about a woman named Matilda Waltz?
Bolt: *as he grabs his coat and leaves after closing his door* It's none of your business!
Jade: *as Bolt leaves* Bolt, Bolt! *As Chase and Lee came to Jade*

Chase: Jade, where did Upright go?
Jade: He never told me where he's going? All I know is Bolt is upset about a woman named Matilda Waltz.
Lee: And I thought it was Parker Wintergreen. *Chase head slaps Lee* Ow! Chase! *As Chief Weller and Archie came out of the Chief's office*

Chief Weller: What's going on here?
Archie: And where's Upright?
Jade: I don't know what's going on here and all I know is Bolt just bolted outer here over some woman while I got the description of the six suspects who came last night at Tally's for their annual speed dating from the interview.

Archie: Upright supposes to write it down, not you, Miss Jade.
Jade: Well Bolt left his notepad behind after leaving the interrogation room in shock over a woman named Matilda Waltz.

Chief Weller: That's odd, I wonder what the connection between Upright, Parker Wintergreen and Matilda Waltz?
Lee: I remember Bolt knows Parker since middle school, but he doesn't know about Matilda Waltz unless Matilda is Parker. *Chase head slaps him again* Ow, not again!
Chief Weller: Devineaux
Chase: Sorry, Chief, but Detective Jordan is being suspicion about the woman and Jade, you better find out about the six men describe by the bartender at the file room.

Jade: *as she leaves* On my way and I've figure I know these men are thanks to the bartender.

(End of Chapter One)
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Chapter Two: 'Hector'

San Francisco, CA, USA

Parker's Apartment *As Bolt knock on her door and Parker opened a jar of the door because of the door chain lock*

Bolt: Parker, I... *As he saw something familiar, and Parker closes the door with a gasped* Parker, we need to talk.
Parker: *voice only* Bolt, I don't have time to see you.
Bolt: What?!?! I thought I wanted to show you San Francisco but then I realized you're going somewhere with a man who is not a dud nor a pest who is not too nerdy, can be a little shy, but very handsome.
Parker: *voice only* Well, Bolt, that's why I met the man who have been my husband if he would have died at the altar before Carter was born.
Bolt: Parker, I figure you're going back as...
Parker: *voice only* Bolt, please leave I'm going to meet Hector.
Bolt: Here.
Parker: *voice only* No, Bolt!
Bolt: Where?!?!
Parker: *voice only* I can't tell you where I'm going.
Bolt: Well maybe we'll talk over coffee at Kafe Gato in the Mission District.
Parker: *voice only* I'm sorry, Bolt, but another time, just go. *Bolt left being frustrated*

Central Park, New York City, NY, USA [almost an hour later]

Chase: *voice only to Jade wearing something warm while sitting on the bench* I'm glad you found out who these six men are.
Jade: *through her disposable eavesdropper* Yeah, thanks to the bartender's information...*As she saw Hector or should ACME say Fast Eddie B. with a woman with a red hair, green dress and green shoes*

Eddie: *as Hector* Well, Matilda, you look gorgeous.
Parker: *alias Matilda Waltz* Thank you, Hector! I wish it would have been San Francisco instead.
Eddie: Oh, dear, San Francisco, not enough, beatniks, I mean socialites. *As a carriage came* Let me show my favorite places around here. *As Jade's cat, Socks, hopped onto the back of the carriage without the coach notice her in while Eddie/Hector and Parker/Matilda enter the carriage and the coach starts riding*

Jade: *through her disposable eavesdropper to Miguel Fernandez* Cat in the back, Miguel!
Miguel: Muy bien [Very good] Senorita [Miss] Jade now activated the mini camera. *Miguel did...then Eddie/Hector shows Parker/Matilda the members of the New York Croquet Club*

Eddie: Playing croquet is my favorite, ever played croquet.
Parker: Well, no, I wish we would have fun riding around the Carousel, see the animals at Central Park Zoo, seeing Belvedere Castle, stroll around Shakespeare Garden or even go see the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Eddie: Oh no, no, that's sort like a family outing come I'll show you how to play croquet.
*While the coach who turned out to be a henchman who is trying to find out about Matilda when all of the sudden, Socks hissed at the henchman*
Henchman: *to Socks* How did you get in here? *Socks pounce at the henchman* Help! Help!
Eddie: *quietly* Excuse me, Matilda! *And he shocked to see his henchman being pounce all the time by Socks' cute little wits, but Eddie grabs her* How did you sneak you little pest, I ought...

Parker: Hector!
Eddie: Matilda, I can...*Socks smacked Eddie and ran off*
Parker: Hector, those members don't know you as a croquet player and one of them is calling the police.
Eddie: Uh, forget about croquet why don't we stop for dinner.
Parker: I hope you made a reservation for Tavern on the Green.
Eddie: No, even better...

Sancho's (a fictional Mexican restaurant), near Central Park *After Socks escape from Eddie, she followed him and Parker carefully*

Parker: *as she was disgusted* Hector, Mexican food?
Eddie: *as he and Parker sits down on the table* Of course, you'll like it. *As a waiter came to Eddie/Hector and Parker/Matilda's table* I'll have the Carne Asada plate.
Parker: *to the waiter* Just get me churros and coffee. *The waiter leaves*
Eddie: Not hungry?
Parker: I'm afraid so.

*After the food arrive*

Eddie: What's wrong, Matilda, don't you like Central Park?
Parker: Yes, but not with you, Hector.
Eddie: Why?
Parker: I rather have someone show me San Francisco instead of The Big Apple.
Eddie: Like I said San Francisco doesn't have a lot of socialites, but I want you to have this *as he gave Parker/Matilda a large box and shows her a pearl necklace with a Baltic amber stone pendant* I hope you pick me because I'll show you to be sophisticate like this beautiful just think of me, Matilda goodnight! *As he leaves as the waiter place a check on the table*

Waiter: Hey, did the guy left?
Parker: He did without paying his meal. *When all the sudden Vic the Slick came and gave the waiter the exact amount*
Waiter: *to Vic* You can't do that.
Vic: Don't I know that? He just decided to make her pay for the whole check. *As the waiter leaves, Vic talks to Parker/Matilda quietly* That Hector is not for you and leave those pearls there someone will pick them up. *And a car the Driver after Vic opens the door to let Parker/Matilda in* Take her home.

*And the driver did*

Vic's mind: *as Vic notice Jade and Miguel are coming with a NYPD police officer* Better scram! *And Vic did*

San Francisco, CA, USA

Parker's Apartment

*Parker enters inside her apartment*

Carter: Mom, where were you, it's late!
Parker: Nothing, son, I... *Carter gasped after he saw something* Goodnight! *As she heading for her bedroom and close the door, and Carter is shocked and decided to use his smartphone to text his uncle about something*

Meanwhile at Bolt's apartment

Bolt's mind: *After he finished brushing his teeth before heading for bed* Oh, Parker, I hope you'll said yes, when I ask to come to the Valentine's Day dance, but I'm worry at the same time why, Parker, why?

(End of Chapter Two)
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Chapter Three: 'Seth'

Memphis, TN, USA, Beale Street

Tyson Jackson: *uses his binoculars to see anything crime activity to Jade via disposable eavesdropper while wearing his navy-blue instant battle suit* I'm glad you and Miguel found that necklace in the Big Apple.
Jade: *voice only* Could have done it without Socks? Now focus Tyson, we don't know what the next stolen item is.
Tyson: *saw Parker/Matilda shows up in a casual outfit to a guy who looks like Elvis Presley* Hello!
Jade: *voice only* What now, Tyson?
Tyson: Just spotted Elvis.
Jade: *voice only* Not too close, Tyson.
Tyson: Right! *Without a doubt it's Seth or in other words it's Chester Catt*

Chester: *to Parker/Matilda* Tilly *with a bad Elvis accent* Uh-huh, I was hoping Priscilla show up.
Parker: Very funny, Seth, why can't we be in San Francisco instead of here.
Chester: Oh San Francisco doesn't have enough music stars like Elvis Presley, c'mon, Tilly, let's go!

Tyson: *after Chester/Seth escorted Parker/Matilda to show her the places where Elvis grew up in Memphis* Jade, it looks like Elvis' tour of life has just begun.
Jade: *voice only* Be careful, Tyson and don't let them see you. *And Tyson goes sheath mode*

Sun Record Company, Union Avenue

Chester: This is where Elvis starts recording his songs but he's not the only one.
Parker: Like whom, Seth?
Chester: Like Roy Orbison, the Caruso of Rock when Elvis left this studio and the Man in Black himself, Johnny Cash urged him to sign up here in 1956 (I don't own this information whatsoever) and Jerry Lee Lewis, the singer not the actor who was a friend of Dean Martin's. *Parker/Matilda shows Chester/Seth an unamused face* Okay, okay, let's go!
Parker: Back to San Francisco?!?!
Chester: Graceland. *Parker/Matilda is frustrated with Chester/Seth while heading by bus*

Jade: *voice only* What happened, Tyson?
Tyson: It seems Chester Catt's date is not happy with him.
Jade: *voice only* Explain?
Tyson: Something to do with San Francisco or something.

Charlie Vergos' Rendezvous, 52nd South 2nd Street (I don't own that restaurant whatsoever)

*After going on the tour of Graceland, Chester/Seth and Parker/Matilda enters the restaurant while Tyson stays outside*

Chester: This is a great place its famous Memphis style barbecue, you're going to love it.
Parker: I have never tried this regional barbecue before, but I heard the one who own this restaurant created its dry rub. *As the waitress came*

Waitress: Hello, welcome to the Rendezvous...
Chester: This is our first time here and we'll have some iced tea, a sausage plate for the lady [Parker/Matilda] and I'll have a small order of those famous ribs.
Waitress: *while Professor Sara Bellum is watching Chester while reading a book about Marie Curie/voice only* Comes with beans and mustard vinegar-based Cole slaw.
Chester: *voice only* Thank you!

Parker: Seth, why do I get the sausage plate?
Chester: A lady like you, you never have the ribs. *As the waitress came while Parker/Matilda is angry*
Waitress: Hey you, do you make the reservations?
Chester: I did.
Waitress: You look familiar to me at least my boss called the police on you. *Chester/Seth is shocked*
Chester: *to Parker/Matilda* Uh, Tilly, I have a great time, have you?
Parker: No, I rather have a man who would show me a good time in San Francisco.
Chester: *As he places a box on the table* Oh, here, Tilly, just remember me and I wish Elvis would have got Priscilla this like I did to you, goodnight! *As Chester/Seth ran off*

Waitress: Hey, you! *To Parker/Matilda* That guy is not for you.
Sara: *as she came to Parker/Matilda* I agree!
Parker: *looks at the box* Not my favorite perfume.
Sara: Why don't you leave it there and leave. *And Parker did, and Sara left as well*

Parker: *frustrated to Sara* That guy isn't for me I wish those boys show me San Francisco but those never did I wonder why.
Sara: *brings her hover scooter* Hop in! I'll send you back to San Francisco...wait, don't I know you?
Parker: Uh, maybe! *As she hopped into the hover scooter while Sara starts riding her home*

Parker's Apartment, San Francisco, CA, USA

Carter: *on the cellphone* I don't know what's wrong with mom? But I feel so suspicious that she's in the dating game again, I'm serious, Uncle Logan. *Someone knocks on the door* I believe somebody's on the front door. *As he looks at the peephole and there was Bolt* Uncle Logan, it's Mr. Upright! Okay, goodnight! *As he hangs up his cellphone and opened the door and Bolt has a weird expression on his face* Mr. Upright, what are you doing here?
Bolt: Is your mother home?
Carter: Uh, no, Mr. Upright, she's not, why?
Bolt: Well, Carter, I need to talk to her about well...can't say it in front of you.
Carter: That's okay, Mr. Upright, I hope you'll see her tomorrow, I'll tell her you drop by. *As Carter closes the door and Bolt left.

(End of Chapter Three)
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    Tenchi where are you…
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    Hey, guys! Don't let the TikTok stuff distract you from the possibility of North Florida getting snow this week :D
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  • Jon Eckart Jon Eckart:
    How about a MMO (like World Of Warcraft) styled Carmen game? That would be interesting
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  • Jon Eckart Jon Eckart:
    Jade, I wasn't around when the rest of who you mentioned were here (aside from Chase... hope all is well for him), but miss them
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  • Deric Storm Deric Storm:
    (Life tends to get in the way)
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  • Jade Jade:
    Jon Eckart said:
    Jade, I wasn't around when the rest of who you mentioned were here (aside from Chase... hope all is well for him), but miss them
    Don't worry, Jonny, you'll meet them someday.
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Jon Eckart said:
    How about a MMO (like World Of Warcraft) styled Carmen game? That would be interesting
    you have good ideas and I like them but if the "no magical creatures That wouldn't be cannonical to the Carmen Sandiego universe." rule still stands then the answer would be no. Although when we do role plays for like everyone that's a big group thing.
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    but hey @Jon Eckart maybe if you want to play the magical creatures Carmen had a few like Nemoy, (an alien) or Mediva a medieval sourceress. Jacqueline Hyde has already been taken though. Those are the only ones that first come to mind. Why not talk to Tenchi about it?
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    One more thing Jon. You could write a Fanfiction with these characters. ( There was also a character named Sir VILE who I think could throw fire balls. At least in the gameshow of where in time)
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    PS: but if you play the Where in time people....there are limits. We can't use the time machine without permission
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  • Claire Yeon Claire Yeon:
    ((Perhaps it is because I am old, but I miss Carmen being a villain. She steals because she thinks it's fun and she likes proving she's smarter than everyone else. What an icon.))
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  • Claire Yeon Claire Yeon:
    ((Also, hello. It is good to be here again. Don't mind while I hang around for another 2-3 business days and then disappear for six months.))
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    Claire Yeon said:
    ((Also, hello. It is good to be here again. Don't mind while I hang around for another 2-3 business days and then disappear for six months.))
    hey hey
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  • Polly Tix Polly Tix:
    Claire Yeon said:
    ((Also, hello. It is good to be here again. Don't mind while I hang around for another 2-3 business days and then disappear for six months.))
    Hi whoever you are!
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    She is Claire Polly. Now mind your manners if you don’t want to face her cutting wit
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    Hello there Ruelle welcome! Please be patient while this is worked out. :)
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    Lucy said:
    Hello there Ruelle welcome! Please be patient while this is worked out. :)[/QUOTE ]
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  • R (Guest) ruelle1:
    Lucy said:
    Hello there Ruelle welcome! Please be patient while this is worked out. :)
    it’s a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, I am a student at the acme academy in the forensic science class.
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  • Emma Bezzle Emma Bezzle:
    Claire Yeon said:
    ((Also, hello. It is good to be here again. Don't mind while I hang around for another 2-3 business days and then disappear for six months.))
    Nice to see an old familiar face
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    Emma Bezzle Emma Bezzle: ((Also, hello. It is good to be here again. Don't mind while I hang around for another 2-3...
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