Jade's Christmas Adventure 2: Trouble for the Holidays


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(I don't own the characters: Carmen Sandiego, Chase Devineaux, Ivy, Zack, Lee Jordan, Cole Gannon, Vic-the-Slick, Patty Larceny, Contessa, Moe Skeeter, Lars Vegas, Kitty Litter, Mason Dixon, Otto 'Gnash' Readmore, Della Kitessen, Laverne Onions and Leif Malone whatsoever)

(This story is a double crossover, Christmas and some of the places will be mentioned are real but the story is fictional just so everyone knows, and it all takes place in America)

Guest Characters

From Sonic the Hedgehog series [this story doesn't have Robotnik or any of his badniks messing up again]: Sonic, Miles 'Tails' Prowler, Knuckles the Echidna, Amy Rose, Sally Acorn, Cream the Rabbit, Cheese the Chao, Team Chaotix [Vector the Crocodile, Espio the Chameleon and Charmy Bee], Mighty the Armadillo, Ray the Flying Squirrel, Shadow the Hedgehog and Rouge the Bat

And from Totally Spies: Samantha ['Sam'], Clover, Alexandra ['Alex'] and her pet pig, Oinky

(These guest characters I don't own whatsoever)


Grubville, Missouri

Around Thanksgiving Day

Sally Acorn: *after Sonic speeds down...voice only* I hope you'll find Mighty and Ray in this unknown area.
Sonic: * communicate through earphone* Don't I know it, Sally? *Looking at a coupon that said Free Thanksgiving Dinner at Della's Calf-A and his stomach is rumbling*
Sally: *voice only* Sonic!
Sonic: *communicate through earphone* Can't help it, Sally? I'll be right back! *As he speeds up to Della's Calf-A (I don't own that fictional place whatsoever) and saw a blonde-haired blue-eyed male bouncer guarded the front door snoring* Then again, I've got an idea! *As he speeds away and comes back in disguise point his finger onto the bouncer*

Leif Malone: *stops snoring after Sonic woke him up* Huh?!?! What's with you, dude?
Sonic: I'm here to have a Free Thanksgiving Dinner.
Leif: What do you mean, Free Thanksgiving Dinner? *As Sonic [while in disguise] shows him the coupon* Oh that, go on in! *As Sonic enters inside the diner*

Sonic: *whistled looking at the interior and quietly* That's really weird *sniff of his nose* and whoa, very smelly! *As he sits down, and Della Kitessen [a gray-haired/blue-eyed woman] came*

Della: Welcome to my diner, what can I get you? *Sonic gives her the coupon and she snatched the coupon* Oh, a Free Thanksgiving Dinner coupon?!?! Well, it is after all Thanksgiving Day, you can have whatever you want on the menu for free.

Sonic: Okay then, I'll have a chili dog.
Della: Chili Dog?!?!
Sonic: You've got a problem with that?

Della: Oh no, no problem...*to her cook, Laverne Onions (a blonde-haired/blue-eyed woman wearing an apron that said 'Eating at Your Own Risk'* Hey, Laverne, one chili dog on the double!

Laverne: Yeah, yeah, whatever, Della! *As she prepares the order*
Della: *to Sonic in disguise* What are you some food critic?
Sonic: Just a big fan of chili dogs, I just want to try one from you.
Della: Oh my, aren't you hungry?
Laverne: *bringing in the order* Here you go one chili dog! *Sonic smells and he gets a nauseated face*

Sonic: You call this a chili dog?!?!
Laverne: Yeah, so?
Sonic: So, this chili dog stinks by the smell!
Della: What's wrong with that?
Sonic: What's wrong? The onions are rotten, the bun have been molded all over, the chili can cause bacteria if left in the fridge too long and the hot dog gets so slimy, milky, very sour and so brownish gray.

Laverne: So, what? Just eat it already and leave!
Sonic: No way, ladies! *As he goes in the kitchen*
Della/Laverne: Hey!
Della: Get out of the kitchen, what are you some health inspector?

Sonic: Nope, just a fan who hates rotten chili dogs like yours!
Della/Laverne: *yelled* LEIF!!!! *Yup, Leif woke up alright and came inside*
Leif: *to Della and Laverne* What's going on, girls?
Della/Laverne: In the kitchen! *Leif enters the kitchen and saw Sonic opened the freezer door when he saw Mighty the Armadillo and Ray the Flying Squirrel frozen*

Sonic: Mighty, Ray! *Leif shut the freezer door*
Leif: *to Della and Laverne entering the kitchen* That ought to cool that customer out. *Laughed until Sonic just super speed to break the freezer door flipping Leif over to the floor, both Della and Laverne gasped and shocked as Sonic got Mighty and Ray out of the freezer and leave them outside*

Sonic: *to Mighty and Ray who are still frozen* Stay outside and thawed, boys! I'll be right back! *Goes back to Della's Calf-A*

Leif: *voice only* Who are you, blue freak?
Sonic: *voice only* Your worst nightmare, dude! *Well Sonic, just teaching Della, Laverne and Leif 'a lesson'*

Three Hours Later...

Jade Ezell's House

The Living Room

TV News Reporter (Female): *on screen* It doesn't get thankful to shut a diner down on Thanksgiving Day in the unincorporated area of Grubville, Missouri, Della Kitessen along with her two associates, Laverne Onions and Leif Malone are arrested by the Jefferson County Police Department.

Jade's mind: *as Jade is watching the news while not happy with the ham, she prefers turkey* Thanks to Sally sending the message on my Padphone, after all ACME wanted that diner to shut it down for a long time.

TV News Reporter: *on screen* After all these years in the whole state of Missouri we're glad someone shuts this eatery down.

Jade: That's for sure! *Until a phone rings in the Den and Jade answered worried the telemarketer calls again* Hello! I thought we're going to see you next week...what?!?! Oh no! What happened? I understand, okay, I'll tell the others about this, thank you! *As she hangs up the phone and headed for her room*

(End of Prologue: glad Sonic didn't take a bite of that chili dog)
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Chapter One: Crime-Fighting No More

Outside of Jade's House

*Some of her friends who lived with her are going to be with their own family, however Jade don't to live with neither her mother, her father nor her brother because her family are in trouble for some sinister reasons, after packing her stuff she checks her Padphone for any messages from ACME*

Jade: Rats, no word from ACME! *Until a transportation bus came*

Bus Driver (male): *as he rolls down the window* Jade Ezell?!?!
Jade: I'm her.
Bus Driver: Your social worker told me you're not going to stay with any family members but decide to volunteer to help a nun in distress.
Jade: That's right!
Bus Driver: Grab your things and get in the bus. *As Jade enters the bus, and the bus driver grabs her things she packed* Are you sure about this?

Jade: Of course, because my family is in trouble too but didn't tell me why.
Bus Driver: Yeah, so are ACME and WOOHP! *Jade gasped and shocked*
Jade: Why ACME and WOOHP?
Bus Driver: Some creep who works for the U.S. Government warns those so-called 'independent crime-fighting organizations' has no permission from the government to fight against criminal organizations like VILE or any terrorists group.

Jade's mind: *after Jade fasten her seatbelt the bus driver starts driving* Oh fudge, that's why ACME didn't send any messages to me it's because of whoever it is wants the U.S. Government shuts down those crime-fighting organizations I hope that person doesn't go after the FBI, the CIA [Central Intelligence Agency] or Interpol. *Until the bus driver stops the bus because of three men one of the men knock on the bus door*

Gary Colt: *after the bus driver opens the door* Sir, is Jade Ezell in your bus?
Bus Driver: Yes, sir, I was about to...
Gary: *interrupted with a badge* Relax, sir, we'll take care of this. *As he enters and came to Jade* Miss Ezell!
Jade: Who are you?
Gary: Gary Colt, ma'am, I've figure you're about to leave town, right?
Jade: Yes, I was about to volunteer to help a nun in distress, why?
Gary: *eyeing on Jade's Padphone and grabs it* Not with this you won't.
Jade: *as Gary unbuckled her seatbelt* What's going on?
Gary: Men, grab her things! *To Jade quietly while his men grab Jade's stuff* I've figure you're working with ACME, right?
Jade: *quietly* Yes, secretly! *As Gary grabs a handkerchief with some weird smell onto Jade and knocks her out instantly*

Gary: You're going to your destination by us for now on and you're stay there for life. *As he grabs Jade while she was unconscious while one of the men give Gary the information from the bus driver...to the bus driver* Have a nice day! *As the men places Jade on the back seat on a black SUV and her things in the trunk...to the driver of a black SUV* Airport at once! *As the black SUV drives away, and the bus driver is confused with a shrugged and drives his bus away somewhere else*

(End of Chapter One)
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Chapter Two: A Scrooge named Glock

Rockefeller Center, New York City, New York

Zack Monaghan: *to Tyson Jackson* Thanks for sharing the holidays with us.
Tyson: My pleasure, it's too bad nobody is going to see the tree lighting ceremony.
Ivy Monaghan: Yeah, Maylee Young is in Hong Kong, while Tatiana is back in Russia, Armando in Argentina and all the others.
Cole Gannon: Which is really hard despite ACME's future being obsolete.
Jason Argonaut: *to Cole* Hey don't say that, Cole! The way I see it is that someone claims to work for the U.S. Government telling us to go to D.C. to ask permission to do so.
Jessie Lyon: Arthur Chance and Stewart Sterling are bound to have a word with the U.S. Government, and we'll find out from them.
Cole: Let's hope you're right, Jessie!

The Mayor of New York City (male): *on the microphone* Now it is time to celebrate the holidays in three, two, one...*Until the crowd gasped to find out there's no lights on the tree...to a staff member* What's going on here?

Henry Glock: *on the microphone* I'll tell you what's going on, Mayor, Christmas has been cancelled. *Crowds gasped and booed at Henry Glock, a businessman with a sinister look at the Norway Spruce Tree up to 100 feet* Ladies and Gentlemen, Christmas should have banned in America centuries ago and here's why *as he strikes a match onto the tree and hello the lights were replaced with fireworks disguise as Christmas lights, the crowds screaming and running from the Greyhats coming to robbing everyone* I say Bah, Humbug and good riddance!

*Ivy, Zack, Cole, Jason, Tyson and Jessie tried to help the people, but the police show up and so does the U.S. Government official agent*

Agent (male): *to Ivy, Zack, Cole, Jason, Tyson and Jessie* You ACME Lamebrains are banned from this arson and theft situation. *Pointed his finger to the U.S. Government Agents are about to apprehended them until a smokescreen came out of nowhere and once known as ACME agents disappeared*

*All of the sudden inside the helicopter*

Alexandra [Alex]: *voice only* I'm glad you guys are safe!
Tyson: *as he sees Alexandra ('Alex') * Alex, what are you doing here?
Alexandra [Alex]: Long story, Tyson and believe me you guys aren't the only one being in trouble. *Tyson, Ivy, Zack, Cole, Jason and Jessie gasped* WOOHP is too.
Tyson: *raising his eyebrow* Say what?!?!
Alexandra [Alex]: Trust me, Sam (Samantha) will explain everything.
Mighty: *voice only* But for now, we need to find you guys safe.
Ivy: Safe?!?! You mean?
Ray: *as he and Mighty the Armadillo turns around by their own chair* Don't panic all shall be explain at Contessa's place.
Ivy/Zack: Contessa's Place?!?!
Mighty: This copter belongs to one of her staff members on top of her studio apartment (Remember Where in the World is King Boo?!?!)

Contessa's Studio Apartment

Contessa: *voice only* Are you sure someone took my cargo helicopter?
Staff Member (male): *to Contessa holding a familiar pet* Yes, ma'am and *he gasped as he sees the helicopter coming back* Oh my it's back. *The helicopter landed carefully*
*Oinky [Alex's pet pot-bellied pig] oinked at his owner as Alexandra come out along with Ivy, Zack, Cole, Tyson, Jason, Jessie, Mighty and Ray*

Contessa: *to Oinky* Go to your owner! *Oinky ran to Alexandra (Alex)*
Alexandra (Alex): *to Oinky as Jeeves [Contessa's butler] came* Aw, you're being a good piggy, Oinky!
Jeeves: He sure is and I'm glad we've gave him some organic carrots and apples, miss.
Contessa: *to Alexandra (Alex)* I want to know young lady, why did you borrow my helicopter without permission?

Alexandra (Alex): I told your staff member that this is an emergency at Rockefeller Center.
Ray: And me and Mighty the Armadillo aid her to save her ACME friends. *Contessa and Jeeves gasped*
Jeeves: Good heavens! Perhaps Miss Sandiego would listen to them.
Contessa: Afraid so, Jeeves and I bet ACME is out of business, right?
Cole: You got that right, Contessa for a horrible reason and same with WOOHP.

Somewhere in Ann Arbor, Michigan

News Reporter (female): *on screen* Rockefeller Center Tree Lightning has a major disaster and no thanks to a man named Henry Glock, the questions are who is this man? And is he like Ebenezer Scrooge only ten times worse? *Until the TV was off*

Reverend Clarence: *voice only* That guy is trying to get rid of us for a lot of reasons and definitely more than ten times. *Jade woke up* I see you up.

Jade: *As Reverend Clarence who is a dark-skinned man in cloth wearing sunglasses and using a cane* Whoa, where in America am I?
Reverend Clarence: Ann Arbor, Michigan! I'm glad you're okay.
Jade: *as she put on her glasses* Thank you, Preacher!
Reverend Clarence: Just call me Reverend Clarence!
Jade: Jade Ezell!
Reverend Clarence: You're her!
Jade: I am!
Reverend Clarence: No wonder Sister Ethel couldn't find you at The Detroit Metro Airport when you decided to volunteer to help her.
Jade: Oh fudge, the reason why I didn't meet her is that I was taken by a man who works for the U.S. Government well, I rather not say it to you.

Reverend Clarence: I'd better called Sister Ethel and tell her where you are, Miss Jade!
Jade: Thank you, Reverend Clarence.

(End of Chapter Two)
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Chapter Three: A Town without the Holidays?!?! Part one

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Sister Ethel's House

Sister Ethel: *voice only* I'm glad you're here, Jade, I've figure we needed some help from out of the state.
Jade: *to Sister Ethel who is in her 50s and medium skin* I wish you got more here to help you.

Sister Ethel: Well, Jade, the mayor of Ann Arbor is not happy with a guy who wants parts of this town without a home or a small business job like Henry Glock.

Jade: *as a fifteen-year-old medium to dark skin teenage boy came* Who this Henry Glock guy?
Jamal: A very bad businessman who's worse than a Scrooge or a Grinch he hated when foreigners steal industries out of America and into their own country.

Sister Ethel: Jamal!
Jamal: I'm just telling the truth to her, Aunt Ethel!
Sister Ethel: You have to forgive my nephew, Jade.
Jade: Oh, not at all, Sister Ethel, I'm glad he answered my question.
Jamal: Thank you, Miss Jade. *As he goes to another room*
Jade: *to Sister Ethel* Tell me about your nephew.

Sister Ethel: Well, Jade, Jamal has been living here for seven years now.
Jade: Where are his parents?
Sister Ethel: My sister and brother-in-law didn't want him because he causes trouble with his older brothers and sisters.
Jamal: *voice only* They are so mean to me, tease me and humiliating me being the youngest, my parents decided to make me move here while they're moving to Nebraska to live a better live without me.

Jade: That's just wrong, Jamal, they all love you!
Jamal: *voice only* Yeah right, Mom told me 'You don't exist, and you never behave well like others'
Sister Ethel: *sighed...quietly to Jade* That's what she said the same phrase to me years ago, I'm glad my parents want me to live in the covenant because I'm the youngest among two older sisters.

Jamal: *voice only* You cats are very good!
Jade: Cats?!?! *As she enters the room and surprised to see some familiar cats to her* Sam, Socks?!?!
Jamal: You know them, Miss Jade. *Sam and Socks are surprised and came to Jade*

Jade: Oh yes, my mother took good care of them, Jamal, how did they get here?
Jamal: Some woman came and told me about them and the old lady ending up in a nursing home when someone working for Henry Glock wants to turn the mobile home neighborhood into a junkyard.
Jade's mind: *Jade's jaw dropped* That's the same thing what happened to my house being taken away from me and my friends. *Sam and Socks meowed to Jade*

Jade: *to Sam and Socks* Well at least you two are going to spend the holidays with me.
Jamal: Uh, Jade, we may not celebrate Christmas, Hannukah or Kwanzaa in this town.
Jade: Why, what happened?
Sister Ethel: *as she came* Because of Henry Glock's warning, the mayor wants us to keep the holidays in our own hearts without decorations, trees, candles or even presents.
Jade: Yeah, not even a parade or a festival because of him.

Amy Rose: *voice only* Oh cheer up, everyone, at least, we're trying to celebrate carefully. *Then something steaming coming from outside...Jade peek at the window and saw Miles 'Tails' Prowler fixing a car*

Jamal: *as he goes to the kitchen* Hey Amy, need a little hand with the green chili sauce.
Amy: *voice only as Jade and Sister Ethel goes outside* Yeah, Jamal, can you help stir it, please?
Jamal: *voice only* Why not, Amy!


Sister Ethel: Tails, still fixing my car?
Tails: Well, I have to, all you need is new one.
Sister Ethel: If only I could, Tails.
Jade: Yeah, my mother would purchase a new car battery for her car.
Tails: Jade, what are you doing here?
Jade: Well Tails, it's a long story, but I can't tell you in front of Sister Ethel.

Tails: I understand, let's get some lunch Amy is trying to fix a sea dog or a pirate's green chili dog as soon as Sonic comes back.

Jade's mind: * Jade is surprised* Sea Dogs?!?! I hope it's good and yummy for my taste. (Remember Sonic Prime on Netflix in the episode: It takes One to No Place where Sonic end up with Knuckles as the pirate captain along with his crew members and give him a sea dog [sort like a chili dog except it has relish, onions and green peppers] I don't own the show or the episode whatsoever)

In the Kitchen

*As Jamal stirs the green chili sauce carefully, while Cream the Rabbit and Cheese the Chaos throws in the uncured turkey hot dogs into the boiling water and Amy fixes the relish, onions and sliced jalapeno peppers*

Cream: *to Amy* Do you think Sonic will like the chili dog you made?
Amy: Let's hope so, because we're trying to be health conscious for our sake. *As Jade came and surprised*
Jade: Amy, Cream, Cheese, what are you three doing here?
Amy: Oh, just helping out...
Cream: *gasped after she saw Jade* Yay, Miss Jade! Miss Jade!
Amy: Jade, huh?!?! *She turns around and saw Jade* No way! You're here! I feel bad about...
Jade: Shh! *Quietly* Not in front of Jamal, Amy! We'll talk after lunch. *Amy nodded her head in an agreement*

(End of Chapter Three)
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Chapter Four: A Town without the Holidays?!?! Part two

Sister Ethel's House, Ann Arbor, Michigan

*As Sonic the Hedgehog came back for lunch*

Amy: Hey, Sonic, lunch is served.
Sonic: Thanks, Amy!
Amy: Say where's Sally?
Sonic: New England region and... *As he sees Jade [in her lilac sweater and blue jeans outfit] setting up the plates for lunch along with Jamal* Jade, what are you doing here?
Jade: Volunteering what else, Sonic.

Sonic: Jade, I'm glad I...
Jade: *interrupted* Shh! *Quietly* Not in front of Jamal!
Sister Ethel: *voice only* Jamal, turn on the TV quick!
Jamal: *as he leaves* Coming, Aunt Ethel!
Jade: Amy, serve lunch...
Sonic: Jade
Jade: I'll find out from the news, Sonic.

Sonic: *to Amy quietly* Is she ignoring me?
Amy: *quietly* No, Sonic, she doesn't want to tell us in front of some of the people she met already.
Sonic: *quietly* It's about ACME and they're not doing their job before the holidays.
Amy: *quietly* That's the trouble, Sonic!

Jade: *voice only* What?!?! Christmas theme places were almost vandalized and some of stolen items were abandoned.
Jamal: *voice only* Owners of those places are almost upset over attempted vandalism and thefts.
Jade: *voice only* I wonder why?
Jamal: *voice only* Maybe that Henry Glock has something to do with this.
Sister Ethel: *voice only* Jamal, don't assume it's him.

Sonic: *quietly* I wonder who Henry Glock is? *Amy notices a shadowy figure peeking through the window*
Amy: *to Sonic* I believe someone already did.

After Lunch

*Someone knocking on the front door and Sister Ethel opens the door*
Sister Ethel: Oh, I'm glad you're here.
Carmen Sandiego: *in disguise* Is Jade Ezell here?
Sister Ethel: Oh, yes, she is, she just finishes cleaning up the kitchen.
Carmen: Good I need her to meet others.

In the Kitchen

Sonic: *voice only* That's the tastiest chili dog you make there, Amy.
Amy: *as she drying the pot* I'm just doing what it's right.
Jade: *as she places the plates in the dishwashing machine* That green chili dog is delicious to me.
Tails: Well, Jade, let's just say Knuckles found the green chili sauce recipe and Amy decide to make into a sea dog or a pirate's green chili dog. *Sister Ethel opens the door but not wide*
Sister Ethel: *quietly to Jade* Jade, someone here is going to show you around.
Jade: *quietly* Thanks, Sister Ethel! *As she leaves the kitchen and heads for the guest room*


Jade: *as she came with jacket, gloves and winter hat and sees Carmen in disguise...quietly* Carmen, I'm glad you're here.
Carmen: *quietly* Jade, sorry about ACME's reputation.
Jade: *quietly* You knew.
Carmen: *as Sonic peek from the back door* Yes *sighed* come on, there's some people who lived in this part of this town are about to lose it.
Jade: Lead on, Carmen.
Sonic's mind: I better follow those girls. *And Sonic did carefully*

An orphanage/Department of Health and Human Services

The Director (male): Thank you for coming, Miss Jade, Sister Ethel told me you're coming with 'Miss Diane from North Carolina'.
Jade: Yeah, 'Miss Diane' brought me here.
The Director: Follow me, you two. *As the Director shows Jade and 'Miss Diane' [Carmen] to a six-year-old girl using a walker* Miss Jade, this is Zoey!
Jade: Hello Zoey!
The Director: She doesn't talk much.
Jade: Why, what's wrong with her?
The Director: She was born with Spina Bifida.

Jade: Oh no, where are her parents?
The Director: Deceased, both of her parents were involved in a car crash accident, her father died first and then hours later her mother died after giving birth to her, she's been into fifteen foster homes no one wanted to adopt her.

Jade: That's horrible, she should have been adopted and be sent to Shriners Hospital for Children for her condition. (I don't own that children's hospital whatsoever)

The Director: I know, but like I said no one wanted to adopt her. *Jade's face is sad* I hire physical therapists to help they gave up; however, this could be the last place for her to live because this Henry Glock guy wants this part of the building shut down, she will be forced to live on the streets like this.

*Jade's tears are falling from her face, 'Miss Diane' [Carmen] hugs her in comfort while Sonic peeked at the window*

Sternberg's Bakery (fictional place)

*As Carmen and Jade enter the bakery while Sonic stills follow them carefully*

Amos Sternberg: Oy! Ah, Shalom, 'Miss Diane' and who is this lady.
Carmen: Amos, this is Jade Ezell.
Ilana: Amos...Oh, hello, 'Miss Diane'
Amos: Ilana, this is a friend of 'Miss Diane's', Miss Jade Ezell.
Ilana: *to Jade* This is an honor to meet you, Miss Jade. *As an eighteen-year-old boy came with fresh challah* Oh, Elijah!
Elijah Prinz: Oh, I see we got company, grandmother!

Ilana: Yes, it's a friend of 'Miss Diane's'
Jade: Shalom, Elijah, I'm Jade.
Elijah: Nice to meet you, Miss Jade, I'm Elijah Prinz!

Amos: Our only grandson.
Jade: Where are your parents, Elijah?
Elijah: Both my parents are dead when I was nine years old, I was forced to live with my grandparents I was happy helping them out and help another friend.

Jade: Another Friend?!?!
Elijah: Follow me! *As Jade follows Elijah to a fourteen-year-old girl who is scared* Daniela, don't be afraid, this is Miss Jade.
Daniela Cornfeld: *as she appears in a maternity dress* I thought it was my parents.
Jade: Your parents, what's going on and oh my gosh what happened to you?
Daniela: *in tears* Oh, Miss Jade, my parents were very cruel people they say girls are failures and boys are successful.

Jade: That is wrong.
Elijah: Wrong is right, Miss Jade, her father and stepmother abuse and neglected her, even though she always studies hard at school, until she got expelled.
Jade: Daniela, was it because of them?

Daniela: *in tears and holding her stomach* I can't tell you anything.
Jade: *to Elijah* Did the school found out what happened that got her expelled?
Elijah: The school denies what happened, they want their reputation classified, my grandparents and I are angry with her father and stepmother, especially the teacher who did this to her for 'extra credit' and cause her to be expelled.

Jade: Daniela, where is your mother?
Daniela: My mother well I don't know, father told me, she's gone for good.

Amos: *voice only* Elijah!
Elijah: Excuse me, ladies! *As he leaves*

Daniela: Oh, Miss Jade, I'm not ready to be a mother just yet.
Jade's mind: *As Jade comforts Daniela while Carmen came* Whatever is going on here? It's not just the holidays being in jeopardy it's everyone's reputation being down to the drain.
Carmen: *quietly* Jade, we have to go.
Jade's mind: *as she and Carmen leaves* Sooner or later people like Henry Glock and Daniela's father and stepmother will face the consequences.


Carmen: *after Jade explained what she and Jamal on TV* I see, Christmas themed places were almost vandalized.
Jade: *as Sonic carefully still following her and Carmen* Yes, however, some items have been stolen but abandoned at the same time, I hope you're not the one doing this.
Carmen: No, Jade, I've found out from Vic and Patty that Mason Dixon and The Greyhats are involved.
Jade: *shocked* I have should know but the question is why.
Carmen: That's where you can find out for yourself and find out why ACME didn't get stop them in time.
Jade: Carmen, I'll tell you after we visit someone else on 'your list'. *As they reached to the Peck mansion and Carmen ringed the doorbell and there was a woman*

Alina Kopp: *a red-haired/hazel-eyed woman in her 20s came* Oh, hello, 'Miss Diane', Mister Peck!
Mr. Peck: *voice only* Come in, 'Miss Diane', Come in! *As Carmen and Jade enter the mansion there was Mr. Peck, an old man in his 80s and a light brown haired/brown eyed man in his 20s fixing his wheelchair* Ah, Miss Diane and you are...
Jade: Jade Ezell, sir!

Mr. Peck: Nice to meet you, dear! Oh, by the way, this is Alina Kopp and that's her husband, Dieter.
Dieter Kopp: Oh, it's nice to meet you two.
Carmen: Oh, Alina, go stop at Sternberg's Bakery, Ilana has some rolls ready for the soup kitchen.
Alina: Thank you, 'Miss Diane', I will.

Mr. Peck: *as Dieter carefully lifted him back to the wheelchair* I'm glad you're here, ladies, that Henry Glock wants to me to move, and all of my assets belongs to him, I didn't own him anything.
Jade: Would you explain why?

Mr. Peck: You see, Miss Jade, I have three daughters, I want my daughters to have their family of their own as long as they have some grandchildren hoping one of them has a boy, otherwise it's going to local charities such as the one run by Reverend Clarence and the organization he works for.

Jade: But why is Mr. Glock is going after your assets.

Mr. Peck: Oh that, he wants to make an industry for Americans by an American and no foreigners are going to steal his company away and the truth Mr. Glock is worse than a Scrooge, he doesn't like Christmas he wants to get rid of those so-called Christmas theme places out of America and making sure that any holiday that is not origin in America is banned. *Jade's face gets red and a little angry*

Dieter: Yeah, it's really bad on all of us, struggling to get a job.
Alina: And struggling to have a big family we lived next door to Sister Ethel; we're very poor couple and money is very tight on us, because Mr. Glock wants to get rid of the places so he can start make people worked without a day off or paid.

Jade's mind: *Jade's face gets steamy* Figures, this guy has gone too far, whatever the connection between him and Mason Dixon is going to get very cold without ACME's help. *As she saw Sonic* Then again, maybe not.

(End of Chapter Four)
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Before going to the next chapter here are the areas that have been attempted to be vandalized and/or items stolen by Mason Dixon and his gang 'The Greyhats' but abandoned afterwords (Remember this story take place in USA and it's fictional but the places are real, I don't own them whatsoever)

1. Santa's Land Fun Park and Zoo, Cherokee, North Carolina: however, there are stolen items mostly animals [African Porcupines, Siberian Huskies, Ring-Tail Lemurs and a South American Serval Cat] (However the animals were abandoned and recovered by the North Carolina Animal Control)

2. Castle Noel, Medina, Ohio: The Greyhats try to steal an RV belonging to 'Cousin Eddie' the movie: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

3. Santa Claus, Indiana's attractions
a. Holiday World & Splashin' Safari
b. Santa's Candy Castle
c. Santa Claus' Christmas store
d. Santa Claus Museum and Village

4. Leavenworth, Washington's attractions
a. The Nutcracker Museum
b. Leavenworth Adventure Park
c. Leavenworth Reindeer Park

and 5. other areas in the U.S.

a. The Incredible Christmas Place, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee
b. 'The McCallister' House from the movie 'Home Alone', Winnetka, Illinois
c. 'The Parker' House/ A Christmas Story, Tremont Neighborhood, Cleveland, Ohio (One member of the Greyhats stolen the original 1938 Red Ryder Model Air Rifle BB Gun but drop it while escaping recovered by the Cleveland Police Department)

d. Bronner's Christmas Wonderland, Frankenmuth, Michigan
e. Koziar's Christmas Village, Bernville, Pennsylvania
f. Santa's Village, Jefferson, New Hampshire
g. Santa's Land USA, Putney, Vermont
h. Santa's Workshop, North Pole, New York
and The North Pole/ Santa's Workshop, Cascade, Colorado

(Unfortunately, the only place the Greyhats did not reach is Santa Claus' House, North Pole, Alaska because the places are in the lower 48 U.S. States)

So, there you have it
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Chapter Five: Friends in Pursuit, part one

Somewhere in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania

*Knuckles the Echidna climbs one tree*

Knuckles' mind: Great, no sign of anything after what happened to that Christmas village 91 miles from here, those creeps in their grey hats attempted to vandalized; however, the question is why almost being vandalized there and what's their motive.

Knuckles: *after he hears someone coming from the bushes* Hmm, who's there? Show yourself. *As Clover came out of the bushes*
Clover: This is so not me, so much for my future as a fashion designer and Knuckles, huh?!?! *As she sees Knuckles up in a tree* Knuckles!
Knuckles: What the-oh it's you, uh!

Clover: Clover!
Knuckles: And I thought I saw Zack or was it, Ivy?
Clover: They're in The Big Apple. [As in New York City]
Knuckles: What are you doing here?
Clover: Just my way back to California to celebrate Christmas with the family, duh.

Knuckles: That's a long way from here.
Clover: They haven't called me, and the bus just called it quits, hello, I'm trying everything, but my cellphone's battery is dead.
Knuckles: Where's your boss?
Clover: Jerry, he's in England spending Christmas with his mother and... *Until Knuckles hears someone from behind the bushes again*
Knuckles: Shh! Clover behind the bushes.

Clover: I bet it's a park ranger, a cute one. *Until she was caught in a rope trap*
Knuckles: What the-*as he got caught in a net trap* Hey, what's going on here?

Otto 'Gnash' Readmore: *as he appears* Ho, ho, humbug!
Clover: Oh great, Gnash!
Knuckles: I was afraid he shows up and catches us.

Meanwhile at a campground (almost an hour later)

Chase Devineaux: *voice only* Are you sure this is where your family is camping?
Brick Redd: *voice only* Trust me, Chase, I'll try and contact Heck Ryder for you.

Chase: *sees a motorhome where a man named Brick Redd (39 years old, red hair and brown eyes) found him while he and his family are camping outdoors* Thanks, Brick! [Heck Ryder is one of the informants from the deluxe version of WITWICS? I don't own the character whatsoever]

Ruby Jo Redd: (34 years old, blonde hair and green eyes and holding a three-year old girl) Brick, thank goodness you're back and who is he?
Brick: Ruby Jo, this is Chase Devineaux, Chase, this is my wife, Ruby Jo and my little girl, Poppy.
Chase: Hello, ma'am.
Ruby Jo: Oh, so glad you save somebody, Brick!
Brick: I've just found him and he's kind-a lost I'm going to contact Heck Ryder at once.
Rose Range: (an old lady in her 50s using a cane) Afraid not, Brick, we've got to go.

Brick: *as a 35-year-old man shows up* What's going on, Rose, Jasper?
Jasper Range: Someone wants us to leave this campground now.
Brick: Thanks, Jasper! Rusty!
Rusty Redd: *voice only* In here, dad!
Brick: Come on, Chase! Let's move! *As he, Ruby Jo (holding Poppy), while Jasper gets his mother back inside a motorhome* Don't worry this is our home until we fit into a town.

*After leaving a campground, Rusty [a twelve-year-old dirty blonde hair/blue eyed boy] still searches for another campground to accept a motorhome in his laptop computer*

Chase: I hope the next town will get you fit in.
Brick: *while driving his motorhome* It's hard on us, we're from Maine, almost five years ago, my parents once own a farm until it was foreclosed, I thought I would take over, but I was wrong.
Chase: So, how did met your wife?
Brick: Her family are homeless they lost everything in the family business after Ruby Jo lost her father and Rusty, well, he's my stepson, he calls me 'dad' all the time.
Chase: Whatever happened to his real father?
Jasper: That rich jerk never wanted my sister to be his wife, all he wants is to shut down the family business in fact he never loves Ruby Jo at all he took it for nothing in return and never wanted to be Rusty's father anyway.
Rose: It was horrible, Mr. Devineaux, I thought my husband will be happy but we're all wrong.
Chase: So sorry to hear that.

Brick: We're the not the only family on the road try to fit in... *Sees a motel* I've better stop here for directions, Ruby Jo!
Ruby Jo: *After Brick stops the motorhome* Good idea.
Rusty: Because this laptop got me stumped. *As Brick and Chase got out of the motorhome*
Brick: Why are you getting out, Chase?
Chase: I wonder if the manager can let me use the phone.
Brick: Okay! *As the men enter the motel's office* Hello, anyone around! *Chase grabs the handset from the phone but didn't hear a sound*
Chase: Brick, the phone is dead.
Brick: No one around here. *Someone screaming outside* Ruby Jo! *As he left the motel's office, Chase follows him*
Chase: Brick!
Jasper: *voice only* Hands off the wheel, pal!
Gnash: *voice only* No, get out of there now!
Chase: What's going...Clover, Knuckles?!?! *Notice Clover and Knuckles both tied up*
Clover: *As Chase came to her and Knuckles and untied them* Well duh, who...Agent Devineaux?!?!
Chase: Shh! *Quietly* Lower your voice, you two.
Brick: *voice only* Hey you, what are you doing to my family?
Gnash: *voice only* I just want the motorhome, why? Huh! *All the sudden Gnash got thrown out of the motorhome by Brick, and he gasped when he saw Chase*

Fifteen minutes later...while Gnash is tied up to the pole at the motel.

On the road again

Brick: *to Chase* I'm glad you tied that guy up. How do you do that?
Chase: I was in Marines, Brick.
Brick: Well, I learned about self-defense from my father used to be in the Army, I hope those two [Clover and Knuckles] are with you.
Chase: Sure does, it's a long story.

Meanwhile back in Ann Arbor, Michigan

*Jade watches about what's going on with the news about a man getting tied up and recognize Gnash right away but realized she doesn't have her Padphone with her she remembered Gary Colt took it away from her*

Jade's mind: I wonder if Chase and the others are okay let's hope there's an answer from anyone with a miracle.

[End of Chapter Five]
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Chapter Six: Friends in Pursuit, part two

Natchitoches, Louisiana

Lee Jordan's mind: *as Lee walking around the Downtown Natchitoches Historic District* Gee Whiz, the first weekend before Christmas and this place suppose have Christmas lights at night, not an elf around nor Santa Claus, I wonder why. *Until he hears someone skateboarding and there, he saw an eleven-year-old boy place his skateboard and using his cellphone to text someone*

Lee: *to the eleven-year-old boy* Excuse me, young man! What are you doing?
Cameron Wintergreen: Just texting my mother that I'm coming back with these store-bought meat pies.
Lee: I wonder why?
Cameron: Me and the rest of my family are trying to fit in this town, but no used staying here.
Lee: I don't understand, kid.
Cameron: It's Cameron, Cameron Wintergreen! I thought mom or dad got a job at that bed and breakfast.
Lee: *raising his eyebrows* Bed and Breakfast, where?
Cameron: On Jefferson Street, where the movie 'Steel Magnolias' was filmed. (I don't own the film whatsoever)

Lee: That's where I'm going.
Cameron: For what? A job.
Lee: No, something else, thanks! *As he leaves unaware behind the bushes watching Lee's every move was Team Chaotix*

Charmy Bee: *voice only* Uh-oh! He's felling into temptation.
Espio the Chameleon: *voice only* In other words he's in a dangerous trap by the Leader of The Greyhats.
Vector the Crocodile: *voice only* Let's keep following him, Espio retrieve his profile as fast as you can.
Espio: *voice only* Got it, Vector!

Meanwhile on the other side of the town

*Samantha (Sam) strolling around along with a fifteen-year-old old and a nine-year-old girl*
Samantha: *to Carter* Are you sure you're trying to look for Cameron in this area?
Carter: I hope so. *As Cameron skateboarding down*
Riley: No need to find him.
Cameron: Hey, Carter, Riley.
Carter: Find the famous Natchitoches Meat Pies.
Cameron: *shows Carter and Riley the bag* Bought them, oh by the way, I saw a man who is looking for the bed and breakfast I told him about the place mom and dad try to get a job there.
Carter: Cameron, is he going to get a job?
Cameron: No, something else, he said.

Samantha: Thanks for the info, Cameron. I'll find that guy. *As Samantha leaves*
Cameron: What's with the redheaded woman?
Carter: Don't know, let's go back to the RV. *As he, Cameron and Riley leaves as well*

'Steel Magnolias' Bed and Breakfast (I don't own that bed and breakfast whatsoever)

*Lee enters the bed and breakfast*
Lee: Hello, anyone here, hello, I'm looking for someone to meet me here.
Mason Dixon: *voice only* Is that you, Lee Jordan?
Lee: Yeah, I'm here and alone.
Mason: *voice only* Come here by the fire. *Lee enters the lobby and there was Mason Dixon sitting on the chair near the fireplace* I heard about you, you've tried to prove you're a better thief than Carmen Sandiego, right?
Lee: That was a long time ago.

Outside the Bed and Breakfast

Mason: *voice only through Samantha's sensitive hearing microphone disguise as a hearing aid* You also kidnapped a millionaire for Carmen to steal something for you but failed to get rid of ACME, right?
Lee: *voice only* Like I said that was a long time ago, now I'm back with ACME until I was 'laid off' for some reason.
Mason: *voice only* Listen, Jordan, I'll make you an offer why don't you join with me as a member of the Greyhats.
Lee: *voice only* Are you kidding, joining with you? *Until a Greyhat member grabs Samantha*

Back inside the Bed and Breakfast

Mason: Otherwise, I'll send your profile to the police and make sure you'll be back behind the bars where you belong forever what do you say?
Lee: I'll say...
Greyhat Member: *voice only* Yeow!!!

Mason: *as he stands up from his chair* What in tarnation...Hey! *As he saw that Lee's profile is gone...to Lee* Trying to throw me in with the big swine [pig]. *He screamed as Vector uses his tail to knock Mason Dixon down to the floor*
Vector: *to Mason* No, Dixon, he was just leaving.
Lee: Vector?!?! *As Samantha grabs Lee* Samantha!
Samantha: I can explain, for now let's get outer here. *As she, Lee and Team Chaotix ran out of the bed and breakfast until an RV shows up*

Logan [a salt and pepper haired/brown-eyed man in his 40s]: Hey, you all need a ride.
Lee: Sure can.
Cameron: *as he opened the side door* Get in all of you. *As Lee, Samantha and Team Chaotix [going on the top] enter the RV, while Logan drives away*

Mason: *to the Greyhat members* After them!

Inside the Wintergreen RV

Avery [an Auburn colored haired/grey eyed woman in her late 30s]: I'm very glad, Cameron informs us what's going on? I'm glad you didn't get a job there.
Lee: That's not it.
Samantha: Well, we don't want to tell you all about it.

Parker [a red/gray haired/brown-eyed woman in her 40s]: That's good, we don't know want to know what's going on, however, we're the Wintergreen, my name is Parker and my son, Carter.
Carter: How are you doing?
Lee: Good, so far.

Avery: I'm Avery, that's my kids, Cameron, age eleven and Riley, age nine, my husband is Logan and that's my younger brother, Sawyer [a bald headed/grey eyed man in his early 30s].
Sawyer: Hello there, who might you be.
Lee: Lee Jordan and this is Samantha.
Samantha: Why the name Wintergreen I thought it was an aromatic plant.

Sawyer: Well, it's a long story, Logan doesn't it mind telling you both about it.
Logan: Well, the truth is my wife's real last name is Greene, and my real last name is Winters, thus we decided to form a family name called Wintergreen, anyway we're not the only family trying to fit in a town like Natchitoches, but we're not welcome there.

Sawyer: It's true, you two and unfortunately for me I couldn't move very good.
Lee: Why not?
Sawyer: I suffer a mild case of Polio at four years old.

Avery: My parents put him in an iron lung and taking a Polio vaccine, I'm not jealous at Sawyer I'm upset at a lot of people teasing at him he couldn't walk very good, so my parents and I spend a lot of money for leg braces and walking crutches for these years people wanted him in a nursing home, but we refused.
Sawyer: That's true, Avery! I would have long ago.
Avery: I hope in the next town we'll fit in, Sawyer.
Sawyer: Well, thank you, Avery!

Samantha: So, Parker, what did you do for a living and where's your husband?
Parker: I'm a homeschool teacher to my son, nephew, niece and Avery's cousin's stepson and I don't have a husband I almost got married to an Army veteran turn social worker but died in the altar.

Logan: *sighed* Me and Avery were there, and it was a nightmare for Parker and then a year later, she gave birth to Carter.
Carter: Mom told me about dad, when I turned fifteen and still on the road find a town to fit in.

Lee: Where are you all from?
Avery: Oregon
Logan: That's right, Avery, we all from Oregon, each family member trying to save a family business, but it was too late. *As he sees coming from outside* What the-there some hillbillies in cycles.
Lee: *he and Samantha saw who is coming* The Greyhats!

Samantha: They never quit, do they?
Vector: *after opening the celling* Don't worry we got them. *Yup Team Chaotix stops the Greyhats from getting Lee and his profile well all of the Greyhats end up at Gator Country Louisiana (I don't own the place whatsoever) and yes, they are gators chasing the Greyhats as the Wintergreen RV drives away*

Back in Ann Arbor, Michigan

Jamal: *voice only while Jade is wiping the table and the counters in the kitchen* Miss Jade, you've got a phone call.
Jade: *to Sonic, Tails, Amy, Cream and Cheese* I'll be right back! *As she leaves the kitchen for the telephone* Hello...Ivy, it's been a while I know what happened...hold on...*to Jamal while she holds the handset* Do you mind?
Jamal: I was just leaving for the store, Miss Jade, need anything?

Jade: No, Jamal, just go on!
Jamal: Alright! *As he leaves, and Jade was back on the phone*
Jade: Okay, Ivy, hate to break it to you, Zack and the others but the Greyhats vandalized the areas already mostly with Christmas themes...of course, I'm sure of it, Ivy...No, I have no word from either Chase or Lee...Because of Gary Colt, he took my Padphone before coming here.

Jamal: *as he returned inside voice only* Miss Jade!
Jade: Ivy, try and find them as soon as possible, I'll talk to you and the others later. *As she hangs up the phone...to Jamal* Jamal, don't tell me you forgot about the shopping list.

Jamal: Miss Jade, Henry Glock is outside, and we all better leave immediately.
Jade: *As she peeks at the window* What do you mean... *Gasped as she saw Henry Glock* Oh terrific!

[End of Chapter Six]
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Chapter Seven: won't come home for Christmas

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Henry: *to Jade* Well, well, if it isn't one of the residents from a good town from the Volunteer State [Tennessee].
Jade: You must be Henry Glock, why are you here?
Henry: Foreclosing a few places like this one.
Jade: You don't understand that belongs to the organization of good and worthy helping programs like...*Reverend Clarence grabs Jade*
Reverend Clarence: *cover her mouth with his hand* Shh!!! *Quietly* I'm sorry, Miss Jade, I can't help you anymore.
Jade: *quietly after Reverend Clarence release his hand from her mouth* What's going on, Reverend?
Reverend Clarence: I'll explain!
Henry: Explain everything to her because she can't stay here, Mr. Clarence! *As Reverend Clarence drags Jade to the back*

Reverend Clarence: *quietly as Cream and Cheese peek from the back door* Miss Jade, Mr. Glock decided to shut some places down here.
Jade: *quietly* I want to know why he called you, Mr. Clarence!
Reverend Clarence: *quietly* Miss Jade, I'll tell you a story about me, I've been in the U.S. Army as a chaplain-in-training until I became blind at twenty-five during a war and now after ten years, I've lost my license to preach because of my blindness.
Jade: *quietly* I'd better check on the others around here. *As she ran*
Reverend Clarence: Miss Jade, don't!

*Glock's men grab Jade*
Henry: *to Jade* Don't bought, dear lady, there's nothing you can do but to leave.
Jade: Does that mean I'm going home?
Henry: *As Reverend Clarence came* Absolutely not, your home will take over by a local housing authority, release her, men! Have a nice day! And Bah, Humbug to you! *As he leaves along with his men*

Reverend Clarence: *As Sister Ethel and Jamal came out* Miss Jade, I'm afraid you won't be able to see any of us, take a look.

Sternberg's Bakery

Daniela: *screamed being dragged by her father, Nathan to the car* Daddy, no!
Nathan: Be quiet, failure!
Amos: *as he and Ilana is sad over losing the family business* You make a big mistake, Nathan!
Karen: No, you make a big mistake, not paying the amount that your own Mr. Glock, therefore, I have no choice then to foreclose it.
Nathan: *slams the car door unto Daniela who is weeping in the back seat to Elijah* Don't ever follow us, you'll never see her or the child again.
Elijah: Where are you taking her and her child?

Karen: Drop her child off to Bethlehem and her in a kibbutz in Tel Aviv. Because she's a failure.
Nathan: And still is. *As he and Karen enters the car and drives away while Jade is helpless to save them while Sonic, Tails and Amy watch in a shock, the Sternberg family were not the only one, Alina and Dieter along with the director of the orphanage, Zoey and Mr. Peck*

Jade: *as she came to the director of the orphanage* What's going on here?
Director: Miss Jade, I didn't mean to, but I have to...
Alina: We were forced into adopting Zoey.
Dieter: We have to move as well.
Mr. Peck: Miss Jade, I shall take them to Woodbury, Minnesota, I have a lawyer there and I'll make that Zoey will get some help from the Shriners Children Hospital there as well.

Jade: Thank you, Mr. Peck! *As Reverend Clarence, Sister Ethel and Jamal came to Jade after Mr. Peck, the director of the orphanage, Alina, Dieter and Zoey leaves*

Jamal: Miss Jade, it's nice knowing you.
Sister Ethel: Miss Jade, a friend of 'Miss Diane's' is coming to pick you up and put you in another place.
Jade: I understand, Sister Ethel, Jamal, goodbye! *As tears falling from Jade's face as Jade enters the house to pack her things again and take Sam and Socks with her*

Jade's mind: That's just great I won't be home for Christmas after all because of a man taken everything away from those people, now where in America am I celebrating Christmas without all that humbugging around.

*In the Kitchen*

Sonic: This is not cool!
Cream: It's all over, Sonic!
Tails: No way, Cream! We're not giving up on losing Christmas or ACME. *As Jade enters the kitchen*
Jade: ACME isn't the only one losing the reputation, WOOHP is too! *Sonic, Tails, Amy, Cream and Cheese gasped*

Sally: *voice only through Sonic's communication watch* Sonic, Sonic, come in!
Sonic: *talking through a communication watch* Sally, what's going on?
Sally: *voice only* I'm in trouble in New Hampshire, hurry!
Sonic: Tails, Amy, Cream, Cheese, make sure Jade is safe somewhere. I'd better get going.

Jade: Be careful, Sonic! *As Sonic speeds away as Jade hears a noise coming from outside* That's my ride. Better go to the next city. *Jade grabs her stuff* Sam, Socks, let's go! *Sam and Socks follows Jade*
Tails: We're coming with you.
Jade: Thanks, Tails, c'mon! *As Jade with her cats Sam and Socks, along with Tails, Amy, Cream and Cheese and saw a semi-truck and there was Kitty Litter*

Kitty: *to Jade* I've figured my boss told me to find you.

(End of Chapter Seven: I know it's hard to get it right, but I assure there will be a happy ending soon)
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Chapter Eight: A Feast with a Blast!

*Inside the Cargo Airplane after leaving Ann Arbor, Michigan*

Jade's mind: Boy, it's going to be the worse Christmas ever, I mean no tree, no presents, not even seeing my family, my home and my friends at ACME and WOOHP, Sonic is going to find Sally hoping he'll be back to find a way to save Christmas because I'm out of ideas...then again there is.

*As the Cargo Airplane landed in Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport*

Kitty: *to Jade, Tails, Amy, Cream and Cheese* C'mon, we're going to Bloomington for a while.
Jade: Thanks, Kitty! *As she grabs the pet carrier [where Sam and Socks are sleeping], while Tails and Amy grab her things and headed to Kitty's semi-truck with trailer along with Cream and Cheese*

Bloomington, Minnesota

Amy: *voice only* I hope we go to the Mall of America.
Tails: *voice only* Why there, Amy?
Amy: *voice only* I want to do some Christmas shopping. *As Kitty stops at some secret hideout upstairs with an Italian restaurant downstairs* Hey, what is this place?

Kitty: *as she, Jade, Tails, Amy, Cream and Cheese got out of Kitty's semi-truck* This belongs to a henchman who runs an Italian restaurant, he welcomes everyone especially the law enforcements he and his employees always kept the place clean. *As they enter the restaurant and there Jade sees Vic-the-Slick, Patty Larceny, Contessa, Jeeves [Contessa's Butler], Moe Skeeter and Lars Vegas while the accordionist plays 'For He's a Jolly Good Fellow' (Don't own the song) while Knuckles, Mighty the Armadillo, Ray and Team Chaotix sits on the next table*

Stefano: Buona sera [Good evening], everyone, I'm Stefano, welcome I'm about to sample a feast of the seven fishes. *As Kitty joins with Vic, Patty, Contessa, Moe and Lars while Jeeves gets up from the chair*
Jade: *As she, Tails, Amy, Cream and Cheese joins with Knuckles and the others* I know that tradition it's an Italian American Christmas Eve feast based in Southern Italy.

Stefano: That is correct, I'm trying to find the right dish without any meat, just fish, veggies, pasta, baked goods and wine.
Contessa: Stefano, that girl [Jade] doesn't drink wine.
Stefano: I'm just telling it as it is, Madam Contessa.

Amy: *to Stefano* No chili dogs?!?!
Stefano: Correct o! *As Stefano as he back to the kitchen along with Jeeves*

Stefano's Feast of The Seven Fishes *After Jeeves serves a gourmet cat food dinner and fresh water for Sam and Socks under the table where Jade and members of Team Sonic are being served*

First Course/Appetizers: Stefano serve up some fried fish nuggets

Contessa: *to Jade* Try these first. *Jade tries the fried fish nugget*
Jade: Whoa, what kind of fish is this it's so salty.
*Moe and Lars laughed out loud at Jade's bittersweet face*
Stefano: That is a fried Baccala.
Jade: *raising her eyebrow* Baccala as in?!?!

Contessa: It's dried and salted cod fish, dear.
Jade: *with her expressionless face* I just remember, my old doctor's advice to cut down on the sodium and fried foods is bad for the heart. *Moe and Lars laughed*
Vic: *to Moe and Lars* Knock it off, boys! *Moe and Lars stop laughing* She's health consciousness.

Tails: Oh, that's true! *Tries the fried Baccala* Yuck, too salty for me. *Amy and Cream laughed*
Vector: *after tasting the fried Baccala* Hey, it's not too bad to me *to Charmy Bee and Espio* want some of these?
Charmy Bee: *as Espio shook his head 'no'* No thanks!
Vector: Fine, more for me. *As he ate the rest of the fried Baccala*
*Stefano returns to the kitchen sad while the waiter serves nectar to Charmy Bee*

Second Course: Calamari and Octopus Salad

Stefano: *to Jade* Try this one, dear! *Jade tastes it the salad while the waiter gives the rest of the calamari and octopus pieces to Vector*

Jade: Oh, it's delicious, the calamari is not fried but grilled and the octopus cooked just right, very healthy salad. *As a waiter serves the garden salad for Amy, Cream, Mighty the Armadillo, Ray, Knuckles, Tails and Espio*
Patty: *to Stefano* Tell the chef who made that salad a very good job dish indeed.
Stefano: Yes, Miss Patty! *As he heads back to the kitchen*

Third Course: Cioppino [an Italian American Fish Stew from San Francisco, California]
Jade: *after tasting the Cioppino* If you can't go to San Francisco to try this stew, make it yourself.
Tails: Wow! This stew is so weird and so fishy.
Amy: Oh, Tails!
Vector: This broth is red and weird.
Jade: That's tomato in a wine sauce, Vector.
Stefano: The chef is always careful making that, Miss Jade. *As he returns to the kitchen*

Fourth Course: Linguine with white clam sauce

Lars: *as Stefano serves the pasta dish to Jade* This is a pasta course.
Moe: *as Jade taste the pasta dish by using a fork and a soup spoon* But the pasta maker created the linguine with more protein.
Jade: I couldn't agree more, boys! Stefano tell the pasta maker to make more pasta noodles the healthier, the better next time.
Stefano: You got it, Miss Jade! *As he heads back to the kitchen while Vector scarfs down the dish quickly*

Outside of the restaurant

Gary Colt: *using his cellphone* It looks that restaurant isn't following your rules not to bring the holidays to their own business.
Henry: *voice only on Gary's Cellphone* Give them the dessert they'll never forget and make sure that girl [Jade] doesn't find her friends in time to save this waste of time of a holiday.

*After trying the main course [New England style Clambake] Jade cleans her palate with granita (some shaved ice with sugar, water and flavored like Sicilian lemon) *

Tails: The vegetables are not bad.
Jade: That's because it's grilled! *Until she heard the kitchen exploded and Stefano and Jeeves came out of the kitchen covered in creamy and sweet*

Contessa: Jeeves, what happened?
Jeeves: I'm afraid we're not going to have dessert, madame!
Stefano: Someone just added a surprise onto the Tiramisu.

Contessa: What?!?! *As she came to Stefano* You remember I'm holding you responsible to respect yours truly but my boss [Carmen Sandiego] as well.
Stefano: Right, Madam, because I've found this. *As he shows the Contessa, something familiar to Jade*
Contessa: *reading the pamphlet* The Mall of America?!?!
Stefano: Yes, Madam!
Jade: Hmm... *thinking quickly and then she and members of Team Sonic* Contessa, thank you for inviting me and my friends for dinner but we can't stay for dessert.

Rouge the Bat: *voice only* Oh we have a dessert for you all.
Shadow the Hedgehog: *voice only* I hope we didn't miss anything.
Jade: *after she and the members of Team Sonic turns around and saw Rouge and Shadow* Rouge, Shadow.
Shadow: *as he and Rouge shows them a profile* All shall be explained.

[End of Chapter Eight]
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Chapter Nine: Rescue and reunited, part one

Bloomington, Minnesota: VILE hideout disguise as an Italian restaurant

Jade: *after reading Gary Colt's Profile* So, Gary Colt claims he works for the U.S. Government but he's not.
Rouge: Thanks to a friend of mine at GUN.
Contessa: Rouge, you know my boss [Carmen Sandiego] despise weapons.
Shadow: Not a weapon, Contessa, but another crime-fighting organization.
Jade: Like ACME and WOOHP.
Shadow: That's right, Miss Jade, GUN stands for Guardian Units of Nations, an international security and military task force handling domestic conflict and handling criminal cases just like the ones you said Jade, only different.
Rouge: This Colt guy tries to expose GUN to the US Government because GUN didn't have permission from them to stop dangerous criminals like Robotnik and wanted to shut down GUN as an independent security and military task force without the permission of the US Government to do so.

Jade: In other words, he failed, right?
Shadow: More likely, Jade, independent organizations of either military, security or crime-fighting never ask permission to any government of the world in fact they came to help out and take the criminals behind bars for various of crimes.
Jade: Figures, he's trying again this time with ACME and WOOHP, right? Boy, that makes my chicken overcooked. *As the C-5 appears so did Sonic, Sally and Harold Ross* Sonic, Sally...Harold Ross, what are you doing here? I thought Spencer is going to spend Christmas with his family.

Harold: He was until Gary Colt and his un-merry men apprehended him because ACME didn't get the permission to fight crime from the US Government and his girlfriend got busted in New Hampshire after that Henry Glock shuts down the Bed and Breakfast business her parents run.
Jade: That really does it, time to go to the Mall of America.
Harold: Not without using this. *As he brings Jade something familiar to her*
Jade: My Padphone! How?
Harold: I snatch it out from Gary's pocket, and I use that travel size cordless charger to charge it.
Jade: You made not be an ACME detective, Harold, but I'm glad you brought something back.

Sonic: Jade, shall we get going?
Sally: Sonic!
Jade: Yeah, let's cooperate with a plan to save the others.
Lars: We like to help too.
Vic: If only Carmen's around.

Jade: Vic's right, Lars, the question where in America is Carmen Sandiego?

[End of Chapter Nine]


Goddess of thieves
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Chapter Nine: Rescue and reunited, part one

Bloomington, Minnesota: VILE hideout disguise as an Italian restaurant

Jade: *after reading Gary Colt's Profile* So, Gary Colt claims he works for the U.S. Government but he's not.
Rouge: Thanks to a friend of mine at GUN.
Contessa: Rouge, you know my boss [Carmen Sandiego] despise weapons.
Shadow: Not a weapon, Contessa, but another crime-fighting organization.
Jade: Like ACME and WOOHP.
Shadow: That's right, Miss Jade, GUN stands for Guardian Units of Nations, an international security and military task force handling domestic conflict and handling criminal cases just like the ones you said Jade, only different.
Rouge: This Colt guy tries to expose GUN to the US Government because GUN didn't have permission from them to stop dangerous criminals like Robotnik and wanted to shut down GUN as an independent security and military task force without the permission of the US Government to do so.

Jade: In other words, he failed, right?
Shadow: More likely, Jade, independent organizations of either military, security or crime-fighting never ask permission to any government of the world in fact they came to help out and take the criminals behind bars for various of crimes.
Jade: Figures, he's trying again this time with ACME and WOOHP, right? Boy, that makes my chicken overcooked. *As the C-5 appears so did Sonic, Sally and Harold Ross* Sonic, Sally...Harold Ross, what are you doing here? I thought Spencer is going to spend Christmas with his family.

Harold: He was until Gary Colt and his un-merry men apprehended him because ACME didn't get the permission to fight crime from the US Government and his girlfriend got busted in New Hampshire after that Henry Glock shuts down the Bed and Breakfast business her parents run.
Jade: That really does it, time to go to the Mall of America.
Harold: Not without using this. *As he brings Jade something familiar to her*
Jade: My Padphone! How?
Harold: I snatch it out from Gary's pocket, and I use that travel size cordless charger to charge it.
Jade: You made not be an ACME detective, Harold, but I'm glad you brought something back.

Sonic: Jade, shall we get going?
Sally: Sonic!
Jade: Yeah, let's cooperate with a plan to save the others.
Lars: We like to help too.
Vic: If only Carmen's around.

Jade: Vic's right, Lars, the question where in America is Carmen Sandiego?

[End of Chapter Nine]
((lol I just started writing a chapter in the mall of America with my Au. We’re in rhe same location))
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    I'm sure she's living the best stolen life possible
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    Clare.....I've been doing mock interviews with people and they aren't giving me feedback LOL
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