Christmas Puzzle


ACME Canine Unit
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Alice, Luce
Okay so I checked and doubled checked this several times, so it should be good. Follow the key and make quick work of this puzzle. Happy Holidays.

Also when u get it don't say it out loud)

( @Tenchi Masaki and @Deric Storm
Please give others a chance to answer.)

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Well, I used to have a favorite holiday tradition when my father was married for the second time it's called 'White Elephant' we have to buy something under five dollars, but now, I don't have a current favorite holiday tradition anymore and song well, it's hard to choose a favorite however one of my favorites is Bette Midler's version of 'Somewhere in My Memory' from the Home Alone 2: Lost in New York soundtrack.


ACME Canine Unit
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Alice, Luce
Very good, Jade. Thank you for sharing with us.

My favorite Christmas song was always grandma got run over by a reindeer just for its silliness. We had a tradition in our family where we'd make cinnamon ornaments and hang them on our tree. These things still smell to this day.

Would anyone else like to share with us?


Goddess of thieves
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Bonnie Parker
Bon park
Tbh. I don’t really have a favorite Christmas song or tradition in the normal sense. I just reflect on my training from the Russian ballerinas around this time of year

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