(( it’s where you become younger mentally to cope with stress and life. Like you turn back into a child instead of doing bad coping skills like harming or starving yourself ))
(( she raised me. She spoils the child in me. Santa and the Easter bunny still come for me. She hangs my drawings on the fridge. We have an elf on the shelf))
Breaking news: historians believe that they've uncovered a cache of pencils that once belonged to William Shakespeare. A spokesperson said, "They're so badly chewed on the ends, we can't tell if they're 2B or not 2B."
"Napoleon attacked by rabbits" so I had to go google search it. "The story of Napoleon being "defeated" by rabbits during a hunt in 1807 is a humorous anecdote, but it's not a confirmed historical fact, though it is mentioned in General Thiébault's memoirs. "