Carmen Sandiego, The Queen of thieves ((1930s Gangster au))

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Goddess of thieves
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Chapter: Spilled coffee

A week ago, before time itself twisted into this film noir discord, Acme Detective Agency was hosting a reunion of old colleagues. Strangely enough, Carmen had accepted the invitation, despite her henchmen’s warnings that it was likely a trap.

“That’s right up my alley. You boys know I love a challenge. Escaping nearly a hundred detectives? Sounds like a wonderful game,” she snickered, her eyes glinting with mischief.

The reunion was held at an exclusive tennis club on the wealthy outskirts of San Francisco, the last week of September. The perfect setting for a clash of wits, and Carmen wasn’t one to back down from a challenge—even when the stakes were high.

She braided her raven colored hair before securing it in a low ballerina bun secured with a beautiful blue spirally barret

A long sleeveless black dress with a small slit up her calf caressed her subtle curves. She adored her feet in the same blue of the butterfly in strappy shiny heels

Carmen had chosen blue deliberately; it wasn’t a color typically associated with her. The decision carried a hint of anxiety—if she wore red, her former friends would surely make haughty assumptions about her innocent reunion with old acquaintances.

In her sleek black gown and strappy blue heels, she felt a sense of calm, ready to navigate the evening without drawing unwanted attention. As she adjusted her butterfly barrette, she took in her reflection, appreciating the simplicity of her look as she stepped out into the night.

.Her personal chaperone had taken them in a brand-new black sedan with heavily tinted windows.

Carmen longingly looked out the window, her inner child sincerely wanting to apologize to Acme. Yet her ego and criminality would never let her voice those feelings. After all, an apology wouldn’t clean off the criminal records in the majority of countries she’d victimized and assaulted in her little game.

She fiddled with her simple silver necklace, a delicate chain that lay softly against her collarbone. Two small silver stud earrings adorned her only piercings, nestled neatly in her earlobes

.Carmen hoped that masquerading as the innocent partygoer would lend an air of sincerity to her presence among former colleagues, but there lurked a far more sinister motive behind her attendance at the reunion.

Her AI companion, Chief, had been a bit too loquacious, carelessly revealing that Acme had concocted a new smartwatch, outfitted with a built-in C-5 corridor and Chronoskimmer—devices she was all too familiar with. Yet this watch was different; it was a coveted key to untold power, and Carmen had every intention of filching one during the gala.

With its capabilities at her fingertips, she could forge her own villainous counterpart, unleashing chaos in ways her old comrades could scarcely fathom. The stage was set, the players were in motion, and the shadows whispered secrets of her audacious scheme, as the clock ticked toward the thrill of betrayal.

Another reason for her attendance was purely one of curiosity and nostalgia—a longing for home. It was a side of Carmen she loathed, finding the notion utterly maudlin and a messy distraction from her true purpose. As the car glided

along the winding country roads, anticipation prickled at her skin. The lush greenery and manicured hedges of the country club came into view, a world apart from the life she now led.

Memories of her past tugged at her heartstrings, yet she knew there was no chance of returning to the life she had cunningly outgrown. This place held echoes of laughter, whispered secrets, and the thrill of youth, now veiled in a bittersweet haze. The ghosts of her former self hovered at the edges of her mind, reminders of what had been and what she could never reclaim.

Yet, beneath the surface of this wistfulness, her resolve remained sharp, cloaked in the shadows of her ambition. As her private chauffeur navigated the final approach to the club, Carmen took a deep breath, preparing herself for the gathering ahead. She wouldn’t allow nostalgia to distract her; tonight, she would claim the power she sought.

.She could imagine her teenage detective self shaking her head in disgust at who she had become, muttering under her breath that she’d rather die than live like this.
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Lynne Thigpen?!?! She was born on December 22, 1948, in Joliet, IL, USA and died on March 12, 2003, in Marina del Rey, CA, USA, she's an actress playing the Chief in both PBS versions of WITWICS? and WITICS? other than that very good reference.

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    (IRL) So... been building my new computer, a 24-core beast with 256gigs RAM... and now that I have everything, it won't boot... no video from the Titan X, or the Radeon 4650 I tried (from box of parts), not sure... I know the VRM fans don't spin and neither does the chipset fan by the M.2 ports... but I think it's too late to claim it as non-working, message sent to seller. Built over 200 computers, never had an issue like this (though never tried a machine like this either, so...)
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Q: Where do dads store their jokes? A: In a Dad-a-base
    • Haha
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    That’s too much of a dad joke
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I like dad jokes :D
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    Well my dad is a joke
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  • Polly Tix Polly Tix:
    My daddy tells bad jokes.
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    So did mine Polly :)
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Hey Polly! I have a dad joke for your dad
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  • Polly Tix Polly Tix:
    Lucy said:
    Hey Polly! I have a dad joke for your dad
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    (It's one I've told here before but here it goes)
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Q: When does a dad joke become a dad joke? A: When it becomes apparent. (wanna tell your dad that one Polly? LOL)
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    Time for another random thoughts:
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    If an octopus has 8 legs and an octagon has 8 sides...Why is October not the 8th month?
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Because August called dibs on that spot
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I forgot that I was logged in here so long lmao.... Ten Ten if you see this I'm sorry :D
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    Lucy said:
    I forgot that I was logged in here so long lmao.... Ten Ten if you see this I'm sorry :D
    I never log out
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    Lucy said:
    If an octopus has 8 legs and an octagon has 8 sides...Why is October not the 8th month?
    i know the historical reason October was originally the 8th month of the Roman calendar. Then January and February were added to the calendar making October the 10th month. However October retained its original name.
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    Dectober doesn't have the same ring after all
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    Someone posted this cute FB status: "Slowly, Waldo`s wife and Mr. Sandiego started putting the pieces together" wonder if that's true :D
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