Babes in Toyland 2: Kotetsu Tales (DLC Additional Content Read After the Main Story Babes in Toyland 2: Barnaby’s Revenge)

Tenchi Masaki

ACME Ace Detective, Inventor
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Tenko(don't ask), Kami Jack, Guy Smart, Tenten
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Babes in Toyland 2: Kotetsu Tales

Kotetsu stood at the counter of a slightly different store. While Miss Honey was away, he added to the store offerings. Kotetsu was a very observant samurai. He noticed that these strange gaijin drank copious amounts of coffee, not tea. So as he changed the store sign, it read, "Coffee Honey?" A clever play on words. Which he saw was one of the requirements if you wanted to sell coffee on this land. And work it did as people saw Honey's Shop sold coffee now; they flocked into the store.

Quirky coffee names made these new customers' worlds go round. As they made sure to let anyone in hearing distance know. They were trendy college-age hipsters who didn't care if you thought it was cool. They were hipsters before you thought it was cool. The insecurities of the young were a blessing in disguise, as Kotetsu saw customers randomly grab items. They treated them like collectibles, but the store was selling wares nonetheless.

Kotetsu even went as far as to put down floor tile that enhanced the caffeinated atmosphere. Some were square, as expected, but the main draw was the tiles shaped like various coffee mugs. The mug tiles reflected the designs of mugs chosen by coffee lovers in a store. Hopefully, that store was this one, as Kotetsu had crafted the mugs by hand from clay he had made and then sculpted them on his pottery wheel. He had remodeled a section of the store to serve coffee and related snacks and walled it off from the rest of the store with glass. In short, he was a man of many talents but extremely humble about them.

As the coffee-minded patrons and hipsters obsessed over the mugs and started a bidding war, Kotetsu was hoping the new customers that came in would leave just as quickly. They were from an ever-growing list of Honey Worshipers calling themselves "The Honey Faithful." Kotetsu felt they should be called "The Honey Flies." They had decided Miss Honey was there to be won and would gain her affections by committing acts of love. It was mostly superficial things that were more about competing with each other. The saddest part was buying stuff in the store to get votes. The more they had, the more the voting percentage they received. They even wore matching pink uniforms to show solidarity in their adoration of Miss Honey.

While they were assembling and preparing to give speeches, regular customers filed in to get their coffee fix. That wasn't saying much, though, as strange ones would also appear among them. Such as the "bro customer"; as one of them came up to the counter, he said, "Can I have some coffee bro!?" Kotetsu turned around and began preparing the order as quickly as possible. His samurai training had come in handy as once he was used to the equipment of a barista, he deftly prepared any order in no time.

This was good since the Coffee Bros. Were entering while Kotetsu was busy. They wore Hawaiian casual shirts with flame motifs. They had somehow found a way to insert bro into everything they said. Their leader started by saying, "Hey bro, what'd ya know!" Suddenly he heard various utterances of "bro" and cringed as he said to himself, "By Sakura, they have returned." All Kotetsu could do was withstand the "bro-storm" coming his way.

Suddenly multiple Bros. Advanced and said, "We know bro, and want to show bro your mugs off bro!" Kotetsu countered by saying, "My mugs are for sale for the betterment of my mistress, but we are not brothers as you say." Undeterred, the Bros. Continued and said, "Yo bro, it's cool bro and we want some Honeycappuccinoo... bro." Kotetsu turned and furiously made the drinks as they randomly shouted off orders. The Bros. Looked to be an unstoppable force of bro-nature. While they went through the bro-motions, a random customer would occasionally enter the store and start dancing strangely in front of the counter. This was purely for attention and to be weird, but Kotetsu would find it utterly uncalled for.

He suspected they were trying to come in, thinking Honey was there. Then act like weirdos in front of the newest local celebrity. Having come all the way there, they would at first stare motionless at Kotetsu and then decide to dance anyway. This simply led to Kotetsu tossing them outside, where they proceeded to run away. The only other strange guys he had to deal with were the ones who would peer through the windows. Kotetsu would go outside and poke or hit them from the bushes and windows with his sheathed sword. They were desperately looking for Honey and sometimes would quickly sprint to the door, startling customers leaving. They were hoping it was Honey, and they would ask her out on a "sweet date."

Whispered cries of "No!" or "Curses!" Could be heard as they scurried away. As Kotetsu removed the "Gawkers," as the regular customers called them, the clouds in the sky would part, and the sun would come out. Unless there was rainy weather, the people there had learned to tell the difference between the cloud types. The Honey Faithful would continue their public display powered by coffee.

Sure their eyes were bloodshot, and maybe little jittery movements here and there was the norm. But they were one of many groups that had become regulars at Coffee Honey?. Kotetsu had learned their ways and weaknesses; they used coffee to keep themselves awake to perform their daily routines. Kotetsu felt this would be as far as things went, but other individuals wanted more things done around the store. Plus, kids were coming in who wished for advice as well.

They came into the store in a single file line and were not more than twelve years old. The four were led by a boy in a red baseball cap, striped purple and yellow short-sleeve shirt, and blue shorts with red shoes. He really liked baseball, yo-yo, and rockin'. The next in line was a pretty little blonde girl in a pink one-piece dress. She had a red hairbow, a white belt, and pink shoes. Accompanying her was a teddy bear she held in her arms or dragged behind her. Third in line was a boy with blonde hair, square-shaped glasses, and a green schoolboy uniform consisting of a long-sleeve jacket and pants, a white button shirt, and a black tie with brown shoes. The last of their group was quite serious for his age. He wore a traditional white disciple uniform, with long socks and black Kung-fu shoes. His head was shaved bald except for a circular spot where his hair was tied in a tightly braided ponytail.

They said they had come for coffee as of tasting it on an adventure they had the previous year, and they found it quite lovely. Kotetsu told them coffee was for adults and to try the "Mockfee" on the shelf over there. While hesitant at first, the kids took his advice. Kotetsu thought, at first, they were just kids that snuck into their parents' coffee stash. But they drank away once they sat in a cozy seating area at some sofa chairs surrounding a small table, revealing the truth. Apparently, Kotetsu had been missing the effects before but was present to witness the wonder for himself.

The regulars, of course, had been noticing and spreading the word to one and all. To Kotetsu, they seemed like more random weirdos spouting nonsense about "coffee miracles." coming to pass. Even stranger, they would say, "Feel the psychedelia!" Kotetsu would tell those individuals the only thing he felt was his concern for their mental state. But before his eyes, the air began to change color as different hues appeared in the air. The children's names appeared as Ness, Paula, Jeff, and Poo.

Kotetsu felt that was weird but accepted that these kids must have been through a lot and bonded as a result. They told him they would teleport to the store because it was a nice place to play and hang out. Kotetsu told them that it was because he had learned to find out what people needed without saying anything. This lesson was learned by dealing with Miss Honey's tantrums. As a result, the stores' additions were as convenient as possible.

This included adding sports arenas around the store property in overgrown fields. That was easier said than done at first. The area immediately around the store was green grass, but on both sides of the road, there was nothing but sparse buildings dotted on either side of the road. Besides that, there were overgrown fields of rocks, grass, weeds, dirt, and trash. Kotetsu was happy to leave it all as it was; until a dog entered the store one day. Surprisingly he said his name was Rusty.

Kotetsu saw that the kids had baseball gear and left the store to create a baseball training area. While talking over coffee, he said his family, the ones running amuck ransacking the store, needed to be kept busy. Their mother was doing her best to keep them under control. But they needed to be kept busy for peace to return to the shop. Kotetsu mentioned he just so happened to have a baseball training spot, and the kids could help if they wanted. The kids were happy to hear the news; they all jumped up and down excitedly.

From that point on, the puppies helped customers who came to try out the baseball training. Kotetsu seeing this built a baseball field in response. This inevitably led to other sports being added to the area outside as more sports enthusiasts showed up. Two girls told him over coffee that they loved his Tennis, golf, soccer, go-kart, and dodgeball areas. They said they were royalty from a foreign land and liked traveling to find exciting places.

One was the Mushroom Princess, and the other was the Flower Princess. Here they found a store that sells things no one wants, for currency no one has, and is surrounded by coffee maniacs and sports fields. Kotetsu heard about a drink similar to coffee called bean juice. The beans were multi-colored, and one of them was large enough to fit in your hand. Kotetsu wanted to serve bean juice as he knew the coffee lovers would love it. He asked them where the beans could be found, and they said they were in another kingdom called Beanbean. They did say that maybe the beans grew in other places as well. Then they gave a curious wink.

All was well until the Coffee Faithful grabbed the two princesses and dashed out the door one day! In their caffeine-fueled delusion, they had mistaken the two for Miss Honey. They quickly ran into a warp pipe, thinking it was a place to hide. Kotetsu followed after them and saw that he was in a grove. The trees had beans growing on them, and Kotetsu saw this was what their cryptic words meant. The coffee faithful weren't about to give up, though.

They chose to follow the large hulking guys there, separating into groups. They heard them speak about taking all the beans and needing to stay jittery to feel alive and said they would gather the beans on the trees and ground. Kotetsu sought to intervene with this to save the princesses. But he was told to back off, or the babes in the bags would be ground into peach and daisy juice. Kotetsu was blown away by a member of the Bean Bad Gang, as the culprits made off with the beans and babes.

Tenchi Masaki

ACME Ace Detective, Inventor
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Known Aliases
Tenko(don't ask), Kami Jack, Guy Smart, Tenten
Color #
Kotetsu headed after them and found getting the princesses back would involve meeting the Coffee Faithful, now loyal footsoldiers of the Bean Bad Gang, in combat. However, this wasn't a problem, as they depended on bean juice to stay perky. This meant, as Kotetsu saw, they clustered in areas around Bean juice machines. These bean spots had several Coffee Faithful there waiting to stop Kotetsu. They held a short wooden staff at one end like a sword and would approach anyone near them.

Kotetsu simply walked forward, and when they noticed him, he stood and waited silently. They would circle around him and suddenly rush in one at a time. They were taking time to work up enough courage to charge forward, and it was the best they could do. Fortunately, it was nowhere near enough as Kotetsu used his honed senses to detect who would attack. As they came running up to hit him, he used his speed to suddenly dash out of the way. He was so fast that an afterimage was left behind, causing his attacker to think he was still there. Instead, Kotetsu counterattacked, striking or poking them with his sheathed katana as he saw fit and knocking them out effortlessly.

This would continue until all of them were knocked out. Kotetsu would destroy the Bean Machines so no more of the Faithful would gather and move on to the next spot. There were small towns on the paths he traversed, and Kotetsu would buy anything he needed to. Either a whetstone to keep his sword sharp, kunai to throw, or food and frogs. The villagers told him he was in the eastern part of Toyland when he asked where he was.

He knew that Honey was somewhere in this land with Laverna and Pretty. He trusted they would be safe with Honey as he scouted the first stronghold of the Bean Bad Gang. The boss was named Geen Bean, and Kotetsu found the Faithful were more durable. They wore green, red, pink, and purple shirts, and Kotetsu figured it had to do with defense. When he hit the red shirts, they remained standing until he hit them a second time. This meant a simple two-hit combo would knock them out. It took three hits for the pink and four for the purple shirts.

Kotetsu advanced on the building and saw that it was a bean house fortified to the point that it resembled a castle. The sign read, "Green Bean Castle," and the guards at the gate readied their poles and used them like spears as Kotetsu sidestepped their predictable attacks and dashed in close to defeat them. The gates opened, and Kotetsu stormed the castle, soundly beating the Faithful as he encountered them. He even began practicing his special finisher techniques as the Faithful made good training dummies.

But Kotetsu noticed their skills improving as they realized he was taking their bean juice away. This ended up causing them to focus on their fear and attack more. But they were still fodder for the skilled samurai, and soon Kotetsu burst from a room to the outside where Green Bean was waiting. Unlike the Faithful, Green had actual skill though he was the least of his gang. He towered over Kotetsu, wore armor, and used an actual naginata shaped like a stirrer, which meant he was at a range disadvantage. But he drew his sword and readied for his opponent's advance.

Green slowly advanced, stomping forward one step at a time. The armor he had on was weighing him down, but he compensated by swinging his naginata swiftly. Kotetsu seeing his moves began dodging and dashing in to strike Green until the mean bean prepared to swing his naginata. This was interrupted by Kotetsu's Blossom Storm, dropping him down unconscious. Kotetsu gathered all the beans in the treasure chest and continued onward.

The Coffee Faithful, in their battles with Kotetsu, told him they had trained for fifteen minutes, and he had no chance. Kotetsu ignored their taunts and brought them down one by one until he reached Red Bean Castle. The Faithful were now employing archers that fired sticks at Kotetsu, who dashed to the left and right as he dashed forward to attack them. The Faithful were beaten as before as Kotetsu prepared to face his next boss Red Bean.

But as he reached the upper floor, he saw Red taunting the Flower Princess. He said she could be the Mean Bean Gang's obedient barista if she agreed to marry their leader, Violent Bean. This angered her to the point where she responded by punching him so hard that he went flying away. After he got up, he pretended that didn't hurt as he stumbled around, enabling Kotetsu to make his appearance. Red proceeded to reveal his war fans that resembled bean juice filters.

Like before, he waved his fans and created gusts of wind, trying to blow Kotetsu away. However, Kotetsu was ready this time and dodged and leaped around and over the wind sent his way. Soon Red was holding out his arms and spinning around to create a whirlwind as he homed in on Kotetsu. Red could only keep the attack up for so long as he soon became dizzy from spinning too much. Kotetsu quickly dashed over and repeatedly attacked, causing Red to collapse. With Red defeated, the Flower Princess was now free and happy to support the rebellion against the Bean Bad Gang.

The villagers, far and wide, had heard of Kotetsu's heroism and chose to stand up to the Bean Bad Gang. The Flower Princess did lament that, once again, the Mushroom Princess was the center of attention. But many of the citizens had become fans of hers once they learned of her fiery personality. Hearing that she punched a bean only increased her reputation. Soon she was posting posters that said, "Free the beans!" wherever she could.

Kotetsu set out to the next objective, Pink Bean Castle, with a new. The pink shirts would shout, "We take three!" As they charged toward Kotetsu. Kotetsu would sidestep and hit them three times to bring them down. Suddenly girl members of the Faithful appeared in puffs of smoke. They would sneakily try to throw their cups of scalding hot bean juice at Kotetsu from behind him. If he tried to close the distance, they would disappear, leaving only smoke behind. Kotetsu knew he needed simple timing to beat them. He waited for the poof of smoke signaling their appearance and would quickly dash to them and strike using the "KO Grip" to make them fall asleep.

The Bean Machines were destroyed one after another until Kotetsu reached Pink(Salmon!) Bean Castle. Apparently, their boss wanted everyone to know the name of the color was Salmon, not pink. The Coffee Faithful were in attendance for a convention called the "Bean Bad Boss Convention." or Boss-Con. There they witnessed new models of bean juice brewers, carafes, filters, mugs, and other merchandise. They also discussed the bean juice flavors and their effects on the body. Kotetsu saw a sign that read,

WooHoo Hp up

Chuckle Spd up

Hoolumbian Pow up

Chuckleccino Def up

Kotetsu learned the bean juice was doing more than keeping them awake at night. The green shirts were given WooHoo, which energized and increased their ability to take hits. But because of their lack of training, they were defeated in one hit. The red and purple shirts received Hoolumbian for passing their fifteen-minute training courses, increasing their hp and defense. The archers and bean cup bomb girls were given a pure Chuckle blend, which increased their speed. Lastly, the gate guards were given all bean juice blends and were the strongest of the Coffee Faithful as a result.

They showed off their new armor and combat skills while passing out flyers, saying, "The princess bride has been chosen! The Flower Princess has been found lacking! All hail the Mushroom Princess! May their wedding be grand!" It seemed propaganda was the true king in the Bean Bad Gang, as they saved face by discounting the princess they lost. Meanwhile, the Mushroom Princess was busy pouting and making it clear this wedding would not happen.

Her captor Violent Bean was too busy giving interviews and declaring Kotetsu would be taken care of. The Coffee Faithful was changing its name to the Bean Brotherhood. No longer would they be bound by a name that made no sense in a land of bean juice. The Brotherhood then enjoyed their photo ops and merchandising events promoting the wedding. Now they would have a name that made people stop asking, "What is coffee?"

Once the newly christened Brotherhood realized the person they saw was the real Kotetsu and not a cosplayer, they charged into battle. Salmon Bean promised the samurai would not steal the princess, and the wedding gift he bought was totally meant for Violent, not him. It was a fishing rod and tackle box, and if Violent didn't want it, well, Salmon Bean would humbly take it. While the two grumbled and griped. Kotetsu made short work of their forces. New names didn't increase their combat ability, and Kotetsu soon made his way to the boss bean room. A swift spin kick sent a guard flying through the door as Kotetsu walked forward to face Salmon.

Salmon readied his bean juice bazooka and began firing bean juice cups filled with hot bean juice. Kotetsu dodged the splash zone based on how many cups were fired at him in a volley. Violent was watching the battle unfold, and now the Brotherhood ran in to assist Salmon. The friendly fire was an issue, though, so the Brotherhood had to avoid the cups like Kotetsu. Kotetsu would attack the Brotherhood, wait for Salmon to reload, then dash in to attack him. Salmon was knocked out, and the Mushroom Princess was saved.

Violent was angry, to say the least, and vowed revenge against Kotetsu. He fled to Violet Bean Castle and arranged his forces to defend the beans. The princesses, now reunited, spoke of the evils of the Bean Bad Gang coming to an end. The people could dream of warm bean juice in the morning again. All they had to do was believe the beans would be free one day.

On the other hand, Violent sent word that any who opposed the Bad Bean Party or the BBP would be banned from bean stores. This was a hollow threat, as only the Bad Bean Gang members got beans anyway. "Free the beans!" was an ever-growing slogan that could not be silenced. The Bean Brotherhood informed the people that the bosses were fully recovered. They would fight alongside Violent to stop Kotetsu at any cost.

Kotetsu walked toward a bean castle for the last time in what was now dubbed The Bean War and began making his way through the Brotherhood's best defenders. The princesses were bringing the beans that had been reclaimed to bean houses where people could enjoy them once more. All that was left was for Kotetsu to lay siege to Violet Bean Castle.

It was five times larger than the previous castles as this was a significant bean juice seller before being taken over. Kotetsu calmly walked toward the gate as the guards charged him. He effortlessly hit the two and continued on inside. Kotetsu would have to face the previous bosses again as they guarded the gates to the upper floors. Like before, Kotetsu defeated them while also now fighting the Brotherhood as they attacked simultaneously.

Kotetsu was waiting for the gate to open to face Violent, standing with his back turned. He asked, "Why do you fight samurai? Is it for money, power, beans, or her?" Suddenly a transparent crystal with the Mushroom Princess trapped inside lowered down. She had been grabbed by the Brotherhood when everyone's guard was down. Violent said, "Your feeble attempts to stop me shall end in ultimate defeat. And the princess shall witness the power that she spurned." Turning to face Kotetsu, he said, "Hero of Beans; Face me."

This led to Kotetsu dashing forward and locking swords with Violent. Violent was a worthy opponent who managed to make himself a threat. But Kotetsu would not give up and fought back Violent's attacks. Kotetsu saw he was very offense based and relied on brute force attacks of strength or speed to overwhelm his foe. But Kotetsu defended himself too well and struck Violent when he made mistakes or showed an opening.

Defeated, Violent ran into another room while the princess thanked Kotetsu for saving her again. Kotetsu and the princess went into the next room and saw Violent had donned rocket knight armor and now wielded two swords. Before Kotetsu could get close, however, he said, "And now witness the power of the Mean Bean Machine!" Green, Red, and Salmon were swept up into a machine and started dispensing bean juice from behind counters to Brotherhood members as they went through one end and out the other.

They emerged charging at Kotetsu, who was now on one side of the wicked machine with Violent on the other. The beans were tossed into the brewers, but some were missing and falling between the two. Violent said they would each rotate the falling beans and arrange them in groups of three of the same color. When they did, clear-colored beans would fall on the opponent's side. If either of their bean boxes filled up, they would lose. The princess would referee this competition, and when she said go, it began! And then, thirty seconds later, it was over! Violent fell down in shock as Kotetsu arranged the beans into a multi-colored combo with blazing speed.

The Brotherhood was even more upset as they got free bean juice to cause beans to fall. Now they were back to waiting for scheduled bean juice breaks. as the Brotherhood ran crying off the battlefield, Violent regained his composure. Kotetsu and the princess readied themselves for the battle to begin again. They fought Violent together as Kotetsu attacked the despotic bean stealer up close. The princess then used her magic to hit him with energy beams paralyzing him when Kotetsu caused enough damage to his armor. Kotetsu would then be able to damage him with Blossom Storm.

When Violent prepared to boost towards Kotetsu as his jetpack charged up, Kotetsu stood waiting. Violent blasted forward, causing a shockwave to appear around him as he hurtled toward Kotetsu. Violent said, "And now, samurai, you shall die!" As is standard in this situation, Kotetsu reminisced on things that had brought him to this point. Then when Kotetsu sensed the time was right, he unleashed his new move, "Blossom End." Violent was struck by the flashy move and beaten once and for all. Or at least for the next fifteen minutes, as he was out cold.

With Violent's defeat, all the evil additions to the Starbean Cafes vanished. Once again, regular people could enjoy bean juice to their hearts' content. As Kotetsu and the princess opened the last bean chest, the colored beans flew off back to the cafes they were plundered from in pillars of light. Kotetsu felt that was a bit too much for beans to do, but the princess told him not to worry about it.

The TID formally charged the Bean Bad Gang with crimes against bean-manity and operating bean cafes without a license. They received the harshest penalty under the law Toyland allowed; a day in jail and writing on the chalkboard, "I will not hog the beans," a thousand times. The Bean Brotherhood disbanded and then immediately rebranded as the Coffee Faithful again. They were only banned from bean cafes for their mischief for a month, as it was made clear through testimony by Kotetsu and the princesses that they were no real threat. The Coffee Faithful were thus sentenced to write one hundred times, "We are sorry for being mean to beans."

Back at Miss Honey's Shop, a party was underway. Not only had Kotetsu saved the beans, but the missing persons had been found, and Toyland was saved from Barnaby's forces. They all toasted with coffee and newly added bean juice as the villains' plans ended, celebrating in true holiday spirits.


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  • Polly Tix Polly Tix:
    I want pretzels! 🥨
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Me too!
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  • Lucy : Lucy
    leaves a bunch of freshly made pretzels on the counter in the break room*
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Hey @Tenchi Masaki You remember the threads where we put 5 words in French, Spanish amd other languages? Could you teach us some Japanese words please? I think it'd be fun!
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    Breaking news: historians believe that they've uncovered a cache of pencils that once belonged to William Shakespeare. A spokesperson said, "They're so badly chewed on the ends, we can't tell if they're 2B or not 2B."
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    You know, I miss Carmen too. I hope she's doing well :(
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    I'm sure she's living the best stolen life possible
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    someone said job interviews are humiliation rituals and I coudln't agree more......
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  • Claire Yeon Claire Yeon:
    ||As someone who recently conducted several job interviews, I am happy to advise.||
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Clare.....I've been doing mock interviews with people and they aren't giving me feedback LOL
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I remember some rules but I forget others....such as don't bring your children, don't chew gum. don't arrive late. Bring your resume.
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    give a good handshake
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Having children ask why every time you answer a question would be a little awkward
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    In other much for being enthusiastic about the new Carmen game. I'm finding disappointing spoilers from the first ones to play it...
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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    Q: What do you call a bunny in a Kilt? A: A hopscotch :D :D
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Aye lass the peaky blinders would be proud of ye
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    Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki: Aye lass the peaky blinders would be proud of ye