London Bridge is falling down


Goddess of thieves
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Bonnie Parker
Bon park
Carmen Sandiego's heels echoed through the empty halls. Her best henchmen hadn't answered her call over the intercom. "That's unusual. What kind of mischief have they gotten themselves into?" Carmen was a woman who commanded attention - her long black raven hair fell across one eye, and her red lipstick stood out against her pale skin. She wore a tailored black suit, but had opted for comfortable flats today. As she moved, her perfume wafted behind her, a subtle reminder of her presence.

She set out to track down her missing men. They wouldn't just disappear... would they? Carmen's blue eyes narrowed as she moved through the mansion. She knew every inch of this place, every hiding spot and secret passage.

The sound of giggles drifted from the gymnasium, and a curious smile played on Carmen's lips. "This should be interesting." She pushed open the doors, and her eyes widened. Before her stood an enormous castle, its towers and battlements constructed from thousands of colorful Legos. "Well, well, well. Looks like someone's been busy. This must have taken hours." Carmen's gaze landed on her henchmen, standing guard at the castle gates, trying to stifle grins. They knew better than to ignore her summons... unless they had a very good reason.

"Excuse me, gentlemen," she said, trying to sound stern but failing miserably. What were her employees doing, building castles in the middle of the day? There were no heists planned... Had they just gotten bored? Carmen's eyes moved over the castle, taking in the details. It was impressive, with towers and a moat... Her daughter's influence, no doubt.

Suddenly, a robotic voice filled the air. "Get her." Carmen's eyes narrowed. That sounded like one of her daughter's AAC devices... Crowe was involved, then.

"Ah, Crowe's involved in this, is she?" Carmen chuckled, eyeing the castle. Time to play along. She crept forward, trying to sneak into the fortress. But before she could make a move, the henchmen sprang into action. "Ah-ah," Carmen started to say, but it was too late. They'd swept her up and tossed her into a Lego dungeon deep within the castle walls.

Carmen laughed, playing along. "Let me out of here!" she called out, trying to sound distressed. She peeked through the bars, watching as the henchmen built a wall, trapping her deeper in the castle. This was getting serious... "Let me out! It's dark in here!" Carmen called out, trying not to laugh.

A giggle sounded from above, and a moment later her daughter Crowe's face appeared, peeking down from the top of the castle. The ten year old was sitting astride the castle walls, an AAC device clutched in her hand. She was a tiny thing, with a thick braid of dark brown hair running down her back, and a single streak of white near her forehead. She wore red overalls and black doc martens, and her blue eyes sparkled with mischief. She was the perfect mix of Carmen and... well, Crowe's father was a bit of a mystery.

"Never," the device said in its robotic voice. Crowe was semi-verbal, and used the AAC device to communicate when she got flustered.

"Oh, come on. I don't want to be a foundation sacrifice. You'll miss your mommy," Carmen begged, trying to sound pitiful. She knew Crowe loved this game, loved the chance to take charge.

One of the henchmen, trying not to burst out laughing, leaned forward. "You know, Crowe, the building won't be stable unless you bury a living person in its foundations." He was playing along, but also teaching her something. Carmen smiled, watching from her prison.

Carmen rolled her eyes. "Thanks for the help, traitor." She waited a moment, then made a break for it, bursting free of the Lego prison and sending Crowe tumbling to the floor. As they sat amidst the scattered Legos, Carmen pulled her daughter into a hug. "You know, a long time ago, people used to think they had to sacrifice people to make sure their buildings stayed standing. But we know that's not true, right? We build strong foundations with hard work and smart engineering."

Crowe looked up at her, a smile spreading across her face. "London bridge is falling down," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Carmen chuckled, hugging her tight. "Not if we build it right, baby. Not if we build it right." She helped Crowe to her feet, and together they surveyed the ruins of the castle. It was time to start building again... But this time, they'd do it together


Goddess of thieves
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Bonnie Parker
Bon park
Let me guess a Lego version of Carmen Sandiego that's amazing, Laverna!
No, Jade.
This is from my other Carmen Sandiego universe, where she's a mom to an autistic daughter and two teenage boys. Crowe is often using henchmen as her playmates. They aren't legos themselves. they just have tons of legos.

It's a more fuzzy storyverse than Laverna.
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No, Jade.
This is from my other Carmen Sandiego universe, where she's a mom to an autistic daughter and two teenage boys. Crowe is often using henchmen as her playmates. They aren't legos themselves. they just have tons of legos.

It's a more fuzzy storyverse than Laverna.
:oops: I didn't realize I thought it was but thanks for telling me the truth behind this one.


Goddess of thieves
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Bonnie Parker
Bon park
:oops: I didn't realize I thought it was but thanks for telling me the truth behind this one.
You got distracted by the word lego. You forgot their normally a toy for kids. Crowe is a ten year old kid, and, of course, Carmen plays with her child. I don't think a cell of thousands of little legos would hold anyone. That's the humor of it.
Remember how Carmen stole all that caviar and stuff as she wanted two white tiger cubs. The same logic goes towards her kids' interests. So, somewhere, a Lego store or factory was stolen.

If the Aac device confused you. It's a tablet that speaks for people who can't. It's used by the autistic community. Crowe is semi verbal autistic and uses it. Hers works by typing the sentence, and it plays it.

I'm not fond of writing crossovers or Aus that aren't grounded in realism. My stories are a reflection of myself and how I see the real world. Especially through my Carmen :)
It's how I process information and analyze it.

I explained the process behind my stories
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Color #
You got distracted by the word lego. You forgot their normally a toy for kids. Crowe is a ten year old kid, and, of course, Carmen plays with her child. I don't think a cell of thousands of little legos would hold anyone. That's the humor of it.
Remember how Carmen stole all that caviar and stuff as she wanted two white tiger cubs. The same logic goes towards her kids' interests. So, somewhere, a Lego store or factory was stolen.

If the Aac device confused you. It's a tablet that speaks for people who can't. It's used by the autistic community. Crowe is semi verbal autistic and uses it. Hers works by typing the sentence, and it plays it.

I'm not fond of writing crossovers or Aus that aren't grounded in realism. My stories are a reflection of myself and how I see the real world. Especially through my Carmen :)
It's how I process information and analyze it.

I explained the process behind my stories
Okay, okay, I understand now, Laverna and that device reminds me of my crossover story I wrote before Christmas called A Miracle for Archie in chapters two and three all shall be explained.


Goddess of thieves
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Bonnie Parker
Bon park
Okay, okay, I understand now, Laverna and that device reminds me of my crossover story I wrote before Christmas called A Miracle for Archie in chapters two and three all shall be explained.
Isn’t Crowe adorable?

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  • Laverna Laverna:
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  • Lucy Lucy:
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    ??? that just makes me mor confused
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    That means never mind....
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I'm feeling pretty bad right now and I can't think
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    it's a really awful night
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    I know what nm means. I don't understand emojis
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  • Lucy Lucy:
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I was just surprised
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    Surprised about what? That I didn't like Netflix version
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    just the game and all
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    its just too much
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    Yeah. Also that series ended a while back. Its just a. Cashgrab
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Carmen didn't need to be redeemed I don't think...
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    It's not redeemed its more than like identify fraud
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    It's a younger Carmen than before
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    Carmen Isabella sandiego and Carmen Sandiego are two different people imo.
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    My Carmen in my stories is actually mid 50s in age. Has her own backstory, timeline, and appearance separate from any of the canon
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  • Lucy Lucy:
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  • Laverna Laverna:
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    If you read the accomplice you will understand
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    Q: What does a Mermaid use to wash her hair? A: Tide
    • Haha
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