Jade Nov 17, 2021 hello I'm Jade and these my cats Sam and Socks! *Sam and Socks meowed @Claire Avalon.*
Claire Avalon Nov 15, 2021 singt dem grossen bassa lieder… Can’t seem to get this tune out of my head.
Marie Donna Nov 15, 2021 Oh! Hi! I'm Marie Donna, nice to meet you! (again) ***I thought I had seen you before in a Tumblr post, so I checked and I was right it was you lol
Oh! Hi! I'm Marie Donna, nice to meet you! (again) ***I thought I had seen you before in a Tumblr post, so I checked and I was right it was you lol
Claire Avalon Nov 14, 2021 Currently lost in research for my next profiling article: Felons, Femininity, and Father Figures, what Carmen Sandiego’s search for male approval can tell us about her methods and motives. Might be time for a pen name before I publish this one…
Currently lost in research for my next profiling article: Felons, Femininity, and Father Figures, what Carmen Sandiego’s search for male approval can tell us about her methods and motives. Might be time for a pen name before I publish this one…