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  • No a single comment so far. ... I can't seem to please anyone with my work because it's not worth giving a chance. ... I'm planning on posting it on at the least. There I'm used to my work being invisible. It would make total sense to post in this forum considering it's focused fandom ... I'm making myself depressed.
    I created a poll on DA to discover if anyone was planning to read the coming prose based story I'm working on. It's only vote and to likely remain that way. It was a vote for that it wouldn't be read. I've brought it up here in the thread focused on Loaded Stone.
    No one is going to give my work feedback are they? ?
    I apologize but I do not understand your question. You don't have to RP if you don't want to, I haven't really.
    ... When I gave those clips of larger stories. One wasn't used, a short named "Team Time Troubles". But that story was so small and related into other events & foreshadowing, I felt I shouldn't post on it.
    Charlet had me walking away from our chat feeling like it was the way of life in this forum.
    I can't access that Character Profile page when clicking the link. :(
    systemcat has this been resolved?
    No, just checked.
    Okay, I'll run it by Eugene or Derric then.
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  • Polly Tix Polly Tix:
    I want pretzels! 🥨
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Me too!
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  • Lucy : Lucy
    leaves a bunch of freshly made pretzels on the counter in the break room*
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Hey @Tenchi Masaki You remember the threads where we put 5 words in French, Spanish amd other languages? Could you teach us some Japanese words please? I think it'd be fun!
    • Interesting
    Reactions: Tenchi Masaki
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    Breaking news: historians believe that they've uncovered a cache of pencils that once belonged to William Shakespeare. A spokesperson said, "They're so badly chewed on the ends, we can't tell if they're 2B or not 2B."
    Quote Link
  • Lucy Lucy:
    You know, I miss Carmen too. I hope she's doing well :(
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    I'm sure she's living the best stolen life possible
    • Like
    Reactions: Jade
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    someone said job interviews are humiliation rituals and I coudln't agree more......
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  • Claire Yeon Claire Yeon:
    ||As someone who recently conducted several job interviews, I am happy to advise.||
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    Reactions: Lucy and Tenchi Masaki
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Clare.....I've been doing mock interviews with people and they aren't giving me feedback LOL
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I remember some rules but I forget others....such as don't bring your children, don't chew gum. don't arrive late. Bring your resume.
    Quote Link
  • Lucy Lucy:
    give a good handshake
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Having children ask why every time you answer a question would be a little awkward
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    In other much for being enthusiastic about the new Carmen game. I'm finding disappointing spoilers from the first ones to play it...
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
    • Love
    Reactions: Tenchi Masaki
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Q: What do you call a bunny in a Kilt? A: A hopscotch :D :D
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Aye lass the peaky blinders would be proud of ye
    Quote Link
    Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki: Aye lass the peaky blinders would be proud of ye