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Lee Jordan liked flying, but he liked sitting while other people flew more. Though he didn't like the private time that Ivy Monaghan was getting with Chase Devineaux, he mentally gave Ivy a point and then plotted to gain the edge back later.

Jordan also took in Mr. Kerr's question for later, why thieves steal should have all kinds of answers, depending on the thief. But Lee wanted to know why the instructor would ask that question in the first place, was there something he knew that they didn't?

The shooting range was fun, the flight out was just as fun, and when they arrived at the abandoned bunker, Lee wondered how much better this could get. He put on his sunglasses and thought he'd pick on another junior detective to show off his rank.

"Hey Zack, you forgot to bring the evidence collection bags?"

Then he turned to @Julie Justice, "You must be familiar with dolls?"
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Julie was surprised that Lee spoke to her...but since he seemed non-confrontational...at least for now...she was happy to talk to him.

She looked @Lee and said,"Well...I'm not actually an expert, or anything. But I have always been the kind of person who notices details. And I played with enough dolls growing up, that I think that I would know if I saw one that was really valuable. And since we were asked to think about all the motives that a thief could have for stealing something, it just made me start thinking that perhaps the thief could be a woman. I'm not saying I'm right. But it is one possibility." :)

Joe Kerr

VILE Trickster
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Joey, Joseph,
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The sun may have been shining brightly in the desert sky but Joseph was feeling a cold wave of dread.

He'd realized from the moment he stepped off the chopper that there was definitely more than meets the eye to this doll theft.

This mining town, a veritable 'ghost town' straight out of some old western movie, was deafening in its silence; the dry desert wind blowing through sounded more like a siren, forewarning any foolhardy travelers.

As Joseph surveyed the Junior Detectives, he couldn't shake the feeling that they might all just be about to get a trial by fire; hopefully there were phoenixes among them.

Silently, he swore to do what he could to protect those around him; he'd start by doing what he did best, relay information.

Grasping at his dog tags for a brief moment, he whispered to no one in particular

Don't fail me now

Looking up, he called the Junior Detectives together. It was time for his first lesson to begin.

Agent Z

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"Zack, let me counter your question with another question: Why does a thief steal?"
Zack had to think about this for a while but as they landed, he decided to give his answer to @Joe Kerr

"Thieves probably don't just steal for money... I think even the lowliest of them are stealing because they see something that they can take. My answer is 'opportunity'. If we give people the opportunity to take something and they think the risk is worth the consequences that thing is going to be stolen."

"Hey Zack, you forgot to bring the evidence collection bags?"
Zack was way happy that @Lee Jordan remembered his name.

"I've got the bags right here, and the crime scene tape too!" He rushed over. At ACME Campus he always took the front row seat, and now he wanted to be first into the warehouse. The Junior Detective nearly turned the door handle before remembering to wear his gloves. This bit of time took his attention off the situation just long enough for him to notice a wire on the ground.

"Uh oh... guys? I think the front door is trapped..."
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Julie Justice spoke up. She said,"OK, Junior Detectives, we have a few choices here. Remember, this place isn't like the town we just came from. If the door is booby-trapped, there could be something on the other side that would hurt us; the same thing could also be true if we try to find another way in. We could re-trace our steps and go back the way we came, but that could also be risky. Remember what @Nace Bilby taught us? The safest choice is to call an instructor, and get help. Unless anyone has any other ideas?" :)


Airfield Staff
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Euge, Earl Jr.
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Standing at the back of the group, quietly observing with the other instructors, Eugene could not tell what the holdup was. Zachery's sudden hush at the door put Euge on alert, and he quickly made his way up to the door.

Euge's duffel bag was still packed with equipment from demonstrations that were pre-empted by the live case. Among numerous rifles and boxes of ammunition was an inconspicuous grey plastic case housing a wideband radar. With the ability to literally see through the walls, the device could give them a clear picture of the room and any possible occupants. Kneeling by a clear section of wall, Euge activated the radar. Within seconds, a clear picture of the room beyond began to appear. Most importantly, there was no motion within. With this confirmation, Euge shifted the imager's focus to the device, waving Nace forward for further examination.

Joe Kerr

VILE Trickster
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Joey, Joseph,
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While @Eugene and @Nace were examining the trap, Joseph seized the opportunity to give the Junior Detectives a brief lesson.

"There's a reason I asked each of you to think about why a thief steals; the purpose was not to find the perfect answer but rather to get everyone to think.

The worst thing you can do as an agent or detective is to simply charge into a case without looking through all the facts carefully. Always take the time to do your research and make sure you know who or what you are up against.

Every detail and location in a case tells us something about who we're up against."

Pausing, Joseph turned to look at @Zack.

"Zack, remember what you asked earlier? Why would a thief steal the dolls? That was a good question, but you should have followed up on that line of thought."

Making a point to look at each junior detective, he continued.

"Let's do just that right now together, shall we?

The object a thief steals may not point to his gender but it does tell us how the thief plans to earn money from the theft. This in itself also tells us what kind of thieve we're likely to be facing.

When a thief steals money, jewels and gold, it's obvious the item of theft itself is where he will make a profit; this type of theft is typical of amateurs and bank robber, both of which are quick to draw weapons and desperate to not get caught.

If the stolen item is something that is considered valuable, say a painting, statue, etc., then it is possible that he plans to sell it for a profit. In this case it is the difficulty of the heist that will tell us whether the thief was more likely to be an amateur or a professional.

However, when the item in question seems to be innocuous and worthless, it is a sure sign that we're dealing with a professional or a group of professionals, one that has been hired to retrieve or acquire an item for a price."

Gesturing to the location he continued,

"This place is deserted and out of the way; there are no amenities and long distance travel by either air or land is required to reach here.

It is an inconvenient and impractical place for a hideout of any sort; ergo, it is more likely to be meeting point or drop-off location specified by the employer of said thieve(s).

There is no gas station or possible refueling place nearby so most likely they took a helicopter rather than drive here.

Also, we can infer that either the thief or most likely the employer is financially well-off; helicopters don't come cheap.

Why then hire someone to steal dolls that you can easily afford? Most likely because those aren't ordinary dolls; it should tip us off that we need to be taking a real close look at what makes this particular set of dolls special."

Turning to look at the booby trap, he added.

"You don't trap the front door unless you don't plan to return. They're probably long gone by now.

They also laid a trap when they knew law enforcement was closing in; either the thief or the employer doesn't mind killing cops. This tells us we're dealing with ruthless people, and that whatever was special about those dolls was valuable enough to kill for."

As he spoke his next words, Joseph made sure to look each JD in the eyes.

"It should be apparent now that a lot can be gleaned from seemingly insignificant details. A wise detective always keeps his or her senses open and sharp.

The tiniest detail can be the difference between success or failure, victory or defeat; and in the worst cases, life or death.

Keep thinking, keep learning, keep sensing."
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Julie Justice listened intently to everything Joe Kerr had said *nodding* in agreement. She looked @Joe Kerr, and said,"Everything you say is true, Mr. Kerr. But I think the answers that we came up with to your question on the possible motives that the thief may have for stealing this item were actually very good, considering the information we were given. The only way that we can keep "thinking, learning and sensing" is if we have more information, and we can only get the information is if we can find a safe way inside the bunker. Because, as you also said, it is not good to charge into a situation without knowing all the facts, because it might not be safe." :)

Nace Bilby

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At Zack's (@Agent Z) discovery of the wire he stopped and alerted Nace. At around that same time then @Eugene whipped out some devices from his duffel bag.

Nace stood behind him and off to the right and took a gander at the screen. It looked to be some sort of radar that could scan through walls and the like
At Euge's gesture Nace knew it was time to do another long walk.

Slowly crossing himself then scanning the ground ahead of him, to the left, to the right, looking for any other devices just in case there was something else targeting first responders.

Slowly he approached the doorknob, noticing the tightly stretched piece of fishing line and followed it to a strand of sagebrush. He noticed a metal clothespin with a small piece of plastic.

If the door had been pushed open by Zack it would've closed an electrical circuit. Seeing the wires connected to the ends of the clothespin he followed the wires to a battery.

It was a motorcycle battery and connected to that were two more wires, each wire was connected to a glass jar, about the size of a mayonnaise jar. From the outside Nace could see that the jars contained ball bearings, screws and bits of scrap metal. And inside Nace could distinguish prills of Ammonium Nitrate and Fuel Oil.

A sort of mixture that had use in the mining industry, in this case the chemical mixture used for mining had been repurposed for more sinister purposes.

Right, now to dispose of this particular mess. Where the two jars were they could spray shrapnel into the area where the junior detectives and instructors were standing.

As calmly as he could muster Nace said in a loud voice, "Everyone back up to that Joshua Tree, about 300 meters away."

Nace would wait until the detectives were gone before he would disarm the device. The battery was the most obvious source of power but if he simply snipped wires he might trigger a hidden collapsing circuit and blow up the devices anyway.

He walked along the paths of the wires, making sure he didn't see any other connections. Brushing dust gently off of the wires with a small paintbrush to ensure that he would expose wiring.

No further wires. Now to disconnect the wiring from the battery. Taking the wirecutters from his bag, severing the wires.

"It's safe to come out now." Nace called over, "I'll need some help processing these devices as evidence."


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"Well...I'm not actually an expert, or anything...
Not that Lee wasn't listening to Julie, but Zack's voice distracted him.

"I've got the bags right here, and the crime scene tape too!"
That was cool, he didn't know he had that kind of power. Now he wondered where he could use it.

Then Mr. G, the pilot made a move followed by Mr. Bilby and then Mr. Kerr made his explanation about the reason he asked that question. It was a little disappointing, Lee Jordan was expecting some kind of huge philosophical mind-bending idea, but he can't argue that what was said made sense.

"It's safe to come out now." Nace called over, "I'll need some help processing these devices as evidence."
"Me!" Lee jumped at the chance, snatching a bag from Zack, "Got an evidence tagger right here."
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Julie had gladly backed up to the Joshua tree, to give Nace room to do his work. She was glad her fellow Junior Detectives had chosen to listen to her and stayed put. She knew that in this instance, waiting for an instructor to come and help them was the right thing to do, and certainly @Nace Bilby would be able to handle it, with all his years of experience. But it was a dangerous thing he was doing, and Julie was still a bit worried about him.

So Julie was very relieved when Nace had given them the "all clear." She rushed forward, to join @Lee, Zack (@Agent Z) and the other Junior Detectives and instructors. She was very curious to see what was in the bunker, too. She said,"I'm happy to help in any way that I can." :)


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Iv', Ives
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It was an interesting situation. All hands seem to be on deck when Zack noticed the trap, the quiet Eugene Grovington brought out something that seemed like a custom radar device, it proved useful in helping them scan the area for unwanted guests. Nace Bilby did the bulk of the live disarming, and as Junior Detectives this was their first look into what they would expect from a professional EOD Technician.

Joe Kerr's lesson during the defusing was also important. He seemed to be a very eloquent man with a passion for teaching. Though somewhat shorter than everyone he stood next to, he made up for it with knowledge and confidence.

"It's safe to come out now." Nace called over, "I'll need some help processing these devices as evidence."
Within seconds of the announcement, it seemed Lee Jordan was climbing over Zack to get into the warehouse. Julie Justice followed behind, being polite as always.

There were crates scattered across the floor, most of them empty and broken but their shipping labels were still stuck on. A few dirty footprints were near the window with bullet casings close beside them. Finally, Ivy noticed what looked to be the prize that was left behind--a partially broken doll--left half heartedly on the floor.

"This is a big area and there seems to be a lot to look into, let's split up. There are the crates, the window, or the table over there to start with."

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