Top Secret Prototype: For ACME Only


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(I don't own these characters Zack, Josha and Ivan Idea whatsoever...this is fictional and no VILE activities whatsoever)

ACME Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan


*Jade Ezell along with Zack Monaghan, Josha, Ivan Idea, Spencer Ross and Brenda N. Butters enters the lab*

Suki Yaki (pun name for Sukiyaki, a beef and vegetable one pot cooking then dip into a raw egg before eating it, I don't own the name nor the food whatsoever: She's head of ACME Japan's Lab Technician, in her fifties, dress traditionally like American does but in Japan that is): Ah, Kon'nichiwa... (to Jade) Hey you! [pointed her finger at Jade.] You can't come in here.
Brenda: Who, me?
Suki: *to Brenda* Not you [pointed her finger at Jade] her!

Jade: *takes a bow to Suki* Oh, I'm sorry, uh...
Suki Yaki: Professor Suki Yaki!
Jade: Yaki?!?! *Quietly to Suki* I hope you're not to related to Teri Yaki, are you?
Suki: *quietly to Jade* Absolutely not. *Jade sighed of relief* Why are you here? I was hoping to meet Devineaux-san.
Jade: Unfortunately, Chase can't make it here, he has a staff meeting back in San Francisco, of course, *Shows Suki, her digital ID badge on her padphone* So, I'm filling in for him.
Suki: You're not lying, are you?
Jade: Of course not, Professor Yaki!
Josha: She brought us here to come along.
Zack: And yes, she told you the truth already.

Suki: Oh, I see, I'm so sorry, miss...
Jade: Jade Ezell!
Suki: *as she and the rest of Team ACME walk onto the elevator press the down button* Ah, you're her, Daniel-chan told me about you and so does Chief Jenny, I'm glad and don't record anything for Devineaux-san on that phone of yours, I'll tell him myself.
Jade: Understood!
Spencer: That's good to hear, just don't tell no one about this.
Jade: Exactly!
Suki: You sure?
Jade: No crossing my fingers behind my back.
Ivan: *after looking at Jade* I'm glad you made promises to us.
Jade: Don't want to break ACME's promises. *As the elevator door opens and there was the main office of Suki Yaki, put in her password [top clearance of course] and enter the office along with Team ACME*

Ivan: Let's hope there's no bugs around here, Professor.
Suki: Bugs?!?!
Jade: As in high-tech ones.
Suki: I'm aware of it. *As she automatically closes the door by pressing a button, then the blinds are closed, and the wall becomes soundproof thanks to a titanium coating* I'm glad you all are here and of course, you as well, Ivan.
Ivan: Thank you, ma'am!

Suki: That's why, I need your help, with your permission of course...ACME Japan is about to create a latest invention; however, it has to be approved by all lab and top ACME agents to use this once its ready for top secret assignments.

*Suki activated the HD screen and shows Team ACME, a smart watch?!?!*
Ivan: A smart watch?!?! Uh, no offense, professor, it's already created.
Suki: Not just an ordinary smart watch, this is ACME's latest prototype...The Cybercom 3000.
Ivan: Cybercom 3000?!?!?!?! Are you kidding us?
Suki: Oh no, Ivan, it's like the Cybercom 2000, but it disguised as a smart watch...Like the Cybercom 2000 that you created does have a transport launch, video e-mail, password decoder and a radar detecting a villain is coming your way.

Spencer: Exactly, Professor Yaki, but does it have the same model as a regular smart watch?
Suki: Precisely, Dr. Ross, you know, lithium polymer battery, color LCD touchscreen, low power mode, even some old models have a 720p video recording which is perfect for recording the scene of the crime.
Brenda: And you can communicate with someone, right?
Suki: Yes, Dr. Butters it does have an auto speaker with near field communication, its waterproof and dust resistant, of course, it does have medical purposes such as a heart rate monitor, pedometer, fitness tracker and sleep.
Jade: Like smart watches, hoping there is a charging station stand.
Suki: Exactly, Miss Jade, for home and travel purposes, top ACME agents should be responsible for their smart watches even on the field, besides, it has Wi-Fi, GPS Navigation System, 64-bit dual core CPU, even a three-axis magnetometer, three-axis accelerometer and Altimeter.

Jade: Also known as a compass, gyroscope and barometer and about the CPU, did you forget about the RAM?
Suki: The ram?!?!
Zack: Not an animal, Professor.
Josha: RAM stands for Random-access memory, a form of computer memory that can be read and changed in any order, typically used to store working and machine code.
Suki: Oh, that RAM, that's the problem, we don't know how much bits to used either eight or sixteen.
Zack: When would the Cybercom 3000 be activated?
Suki: Oh, that, I don't know, Detective Monaghan, as of now, it's unknown.
Ivan: Don't tell us you made it up?
Suki: No, Ivan, I'm just wondering if everyone agrees with it, perhaps a tough time consuming, I guess. And Miss Jade, about Teri Yaki, who is she?
Jade: A VILE agent who was a spy?
Suki: Well, Arigato, everyone [as she presses the button to reserve everything back to normal] and Miss Jade, thanks for telling me about that girl and it's true she and I are not related at all.
Jade: *in Japanese* You're welcome! *As she and the rest of Team ACME leaves her office*

The End (Teri Yaki, is a character in the computer game: Carmen Sandiego: Math Detective, I don't own the following information: The Cybercom 2000 (part of it), the Smart Watch, The RAM (random-access memory), the character, Teri Yaki (pun word for teriyaki, don't own that word) and the computer game: Carmen Sandiego: Math Detective, whatsoever)

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